20thplainjane · 3 years
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@zhadeeva-nastasiya2c95at @xamethodo-blog @vadmirerg-blog @fspheroid-blog @it-is--what--it-is @biancha-j @thepartyafterlife @thekingstonstyle-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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20thplainjane · 5 years
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20thplainjane · 5 years
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it does
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20thplainjane · 5 years
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20thplainjane · 6 years
“6 months from now I will be in a different situation.”
Speak it into existence.
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20thplainjane · 6 years
There is a mental warfare in deciding whether to stay up later and suffer the consequences tomorrow, or to go to bed earlier and have tomorrow come sooner
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20thplainjane · 8 years
You're a bad Person... a fuckng dick. Innate your inconsiderate ass. How insensitive you are never trying to put yourself in other people shoes.
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20thplainjane · 8 years
How fucked up this world is... people just choose to abuse, discriminate, patronize , upright disrespect you...but in the long run the worst people are those who stand by and do nothing... why are we all cowards !!!! Why is this world so fucked!! I hate this life! I hate this world ! I hate how you fight and get nothing...and how people take everything from you with no remorse. !! How fucked up!
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20thplainjane · 8 years
I dont know. Whats up with me? I feel handicapped i cant do anything, how can one person be so bad at everything. Its like God forget me….
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20thplainjane · 8 years
We are Women and We Are Powerful..
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20thplainjane · 8 years
Currently we live in a world where ‘America’ the 'leaders’ of everythin f are still suffering from a racial war down in Fergysob but what we do not realize is that outside the Ameeica and the few other modernized countries people are suffering 100x more. There is no racial profiling because guess what our race ceases to matter. Here in China I have met different races. The Arabs still thinks of us a slaves. The Chinese view us as a dirty and like aliens to investigate. The European view as interesting but not equal. The Australian still winder about us. And they all think black people only hail from Africa. Not that I’m disowning the motherland. But When will the world improve. Never!! Because we are different we think fldiffernrnt for different reasons. What is really comes down to is we as black people accepting ourselves and accepting that different cultures will think differently of us. And of we truly are comfortable we will not think any more of it. I personally dont believe in fighting for equality but just to prove to them that we are equal. We are fighting a losing battle vwacuse the real aim is to forget about our color and focus on our ability as a people.
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20thplainjane · 8 years
What I have realized this week is how strong I am… Everything happens for a reason, why did I have to come all the way to China tons rust medicine .. Why did I have to mess up one exam that forever cJnhed my destiny … One fluke exam . No one would ever believe ..people might say it was a series of event but honestly it was just one exam and now I’m in China .. Where my best friend committed suiciide and my other best friend is kne the verge of a mental breakdown . It make me think that… I’m the magnet maybe I’m the catalyst … How far am I from where my friends seemed to be . Got 5 years I relished his coming to chine could change my life forever , … I posted about my best friend before she had just started dating and she was in love. I hated it … And I hated him but uncoiling figure out why. Now I realize that it was all for reason… He left her a message saying ’ he needed a break and have a good life ’ she is just a misquote because over the course of a weeks I’ve forgotten
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20thplainjane · 8 years
Be stronger . You and your bad ideas . … Get it together. You had two stints which some people would not deem as embarrassing. Suck it up. Ready . Deal with it !!! Your stomach rumble !! That’s life!!! And u Blanket is awful!!! Deal deal be stronger !!
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20thplainjane · 8 years
School struggles
Your institution is personally responsible for ruining the life of more that 500 students.. You have collected our money for six years without any slight regard on what you expect us to after we leave this school. I have come to realize that all this is just a way to make money for your school with no care about the education or well being of your students . My recommendation to your department is to cancel your English MBBS program.. Stop accepting new student and try to do right by the students that are already here. Use the money you have stolen to hire real teacher get a proper administration staff and an advisor to get this program on the level where students are not considering suicide as the only option after graduation. “ the students all come from poor homes and ruined family who gave an arm and leg to be here ... Took the last of the money that had to give their child a future but instead you have swindle our cash and given us a sub- par eduction where even the brightest minds came here to die . Your classes are ineffective, your exams are a joke . Your internship program is biased and a joke . We are the joke of the medical community . Did even one person in this university think about what's going to happen to us after the 5 years ... You say we are too stupid to work in China and we are too stupid to take a board exam in our home country . You're establishment is selfish and does not deserve a title . Think of the long term plan... What can we do? your establishment increased our time from 5years to 6years with no additional benefit . You took a year of our life with no remorse . Why is it longer than your Chinese student when we still are learning nothing and Chinese students surpass us. I came here at 19 now I'm 24 and you gave me nothing expect wasted time and 6 years of regret. All we needed was help and guidance .. You gave us contempt, a dark future, racism and an overwhelming loneliness . How ridiculous is this school??? We asked for a meeting to discuss our education and the plan the school had in store for us. We were denied . Go communism ! I hope this school burns to the ground , for what you have done to so many young lives it's what u deserve . Since money is the only thing you care about, finally you can put our money to some good use when you try to rebuild, then I hope an earthquake comes and sinks it to the bottom of the sea . And you become the wastebasket of your overpopulated dump of a country ....
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20thplainjane · 8 years
I know you will probably not listen to me or maybe you just don't care . But you are obviously still very a hurt and that's my fault . I rushed things and I made peace with everything and tried to forget it but I don't think you're ready yet. I love you very much more than anything .... And I'm trying to be patient and not let my insecurity and selfishness ruin this relationship . I've tried to explain so many times how I feel about things but you still don't get it.. And again it's my fault because it really doesn't matter. You purposely do mean and hurtful things and yes I'm too sensitive . N again it's my fault . But when I fell for you, you never treated me like this. And it will take time for me to get used to this. You've become especially hurtful and within these two days I've spent most of the time trying not get upset or depressed by the things you say to me . I know you're angry , and I know you're hurtful when you're angry . But don't take this love for granted . Just because I love you unconditionally doesn't mean I'm willing to take this forever and it doesn't affect me. You're the best person I know , you've I done things for me that no else has ever done. I want you in my life and want you involved in every aspect all the time . I know it's not like that for you . And I'm trying to understand that because we are different people. So all I'm saying is take as long as want. Take your time to think or understand . When you're ready ... Let me know. There is no relationship without compromise or at least some patience. I hope that with some time. You'll give me at least that . I know I'm not perfect and i don't deserve you... I know I'm selfish and all I do is think about myself . But I feel like im trying and all you're doing is spitting in my face . There's no way I can get over the last week and how awful it made me feel so I choose to forget and start again. I hope you can find some way to find that for yourself . I loved that you loved me . And I'm sorry that I'm the type of person that needs to be reminded everyday. But the least u can do is drop the ego and stop trying to brush over every problem without dealing with it. You're a Selfish bastard , and you blame me for everything . And you hate me for everything without taking any responsibility or at least giving me a chance to do better . You break my heart everytime . And you should do better Z you fucking dick. U don't care about this relationship at all if you can't just lower your ego and try . I'm too into you and it was Kays mistake now it's mine. Anything that consumes you so much can't be good for you . I'm officially taking a step back . how stupid and naive I've been thinking you were different and that our love was different and could make it through anything. U deserve the best or at least you deserved to be paid back for all you've done for me .
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20thplainjane · 8 years
1. I could have tried to explain my frustration without being cynical or angry. Eg. At the bank 2. I could have. Been more understanding eg with you spending more time with your family 3. I purposely do things to piss you off or know what I do will piss you off. Eg. Asking question about your double date 4. Sometimes I'm frustrated with my life and find thing to fight with you about. I'm not really angry with you but just angry at my life eg today
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20thplainjane · 8 years
Why does this bother me so much? It bothers me that they are together It bothers me that they want the room.., why? When they have their own room .., I hate that they're together I hate him And I hate how selfish she is now that she is with him ... All she thinks about is her dick of a boyfriend and what he wants , I hope he chokes on his horrible food... I can't wait till they breaks up before she gets any more selfish...,
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