212soufflegirl · 2 years
To be neutral in the Black and Green conflict :
When I see people say that Rhaenyra was intentionally written by the author to be unfit to rule and a bad ruler in general, I want to tear my eyes out. Let's voluntarily forget that she was mentally impacted by everything she got in the face in a short time. Usurpation, the death of his father, his daughter, his son, the war, the coffers emptied by the Greens, and I'm sure what comes next. Not to mention the likely (no actually it's even sure) anti-Rhaenyra propaganda led by the Maesters, trying to paint her as worse than she really was.
Also, this bullshit that by reigning and dying like she did, Rhaenyra CREATED precedent and prejudice against female rulers/queen reigning, which made it much harder for women to become full monarchs. As ? Wtf? What is this bullshit? There has literally ALWAYS been precedent and prejudice against women in Westeros in general, even more so in the idea that a woman can even rule. Shit, the fucking premise of this story is that Rhaenyra was usurped on the basis of her gender. They literally tried to steal the throne from her when she had done NOTHING wrong. Rhaenyra didn't create anything against her sex as a monarch at all, it was already there. And if we had left her alone instead of ruining her life, Rhaenyra would surely have made a decent queen. Not the best, but definitely not the worst either. What happened was literally a woman was declared heiress, the misogynists said no, spent most of her life rotting her, and when she later turns out to be unable to make a great/good sovereign in the midst of war against part of her own family, under pressure, bereaved and mentally impacted by the whole affair, it cries: "You see! We were right! She was destined to hold the role of sovereign badly!" When it's literally those people who rotted it until it was broken and messed up.
Let's not even talk about adding to the debate that the leader's gender mattered enough at the time that there were obviously protests against a woman. So you're actually trying to justify the misogyny of the time?
Then, while holding aside the discourse of neutrality, while sorry, Rhaenyra should have done what exactly? Let his brother steal what was rightfully his?
Spare me too your stupid speeches of course: All this (this war) was useless, under the pretext that there is no "real winner" in the end, only survivors. That betting on a particular team is ridiculous because they all do horrible things. That war is bad. That the real enemy in this story is war. That the point is that the nobility is eaten alive, the throne cuts you to pieces, etc.
But lol, do you think that at the end of his saga George's world will become a democracy? Wake up, you're literally in a feudal world you moron. Not to mention this stupid option that the author's stories are anti-war… Lol, I'm not even going to argue about that, it's so stupid. Reassure me, you know that just wars exist? It's stupid to say "war is bad" in any kind of context, because it's not.
Yes, the dance has impacted everyone. The Kingdom, the Greens, the Blacks, etc. But why ? Eh ? WHO started this whole mess? And why ? Well the answer is simple: THE GREENS! QUITE SIMPLY !
I love this talk of neutrality, because it basically serves to hide which team you really support.
The Greens have sworn loyalty to the rightful heir, namely Rhaenyra. Then, on the basis of her gender, they engineered a power grab and theft of the throne, committing treason and unleashing a war that set the kingdom on fire. There's no "both sides doing bad things that hold up" in there.
Also no need to use the argument, "but Rhaenyra had illegitimate children". Already because if it would have been a guy, no one would have cared. But in addition, in the first version of the dance, the children of Rhaenyra had to be legitimate, and guess what? The war would still have happened! Not to mention that the plot to depose Rhaenyra began long before she had any children, rendering that argument null.
Never mind that Rhaenyra didn't turn out to be a good queen! She was the rightful heiress and was usurped solely on the basis of her gender at the time, and the conspiracy began as soon as Aegon II was born. Rhaenyra had done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve having her birthright stolen.
And even when she doesn't turn out to be a good queen later on, it's forgotten how much she got in the face and how it impacted her mentally. Rhaenyra is literally a human being who has been kicked around for years because of being a female heiress.
The case is simple. The Greens have attacked the FIRST! Without valid reasons! And the Targaryens simply fought back, fighting for their right and their heritage. Did they commit war crimes? Yes. Guess what, always less worse than the Greens, waging war much more humanely than them. (Also, it's literally almost impossible not to commit a crime in times of war, it's even almost inevitable)
Yes, the war has diminished Targaryen prestige and power with the loss of the Dragons. But why ? Once again, it was not them who started the war. IT'S THE GREENS! THEN STOP WITH YOUR FALSE NEUTRALITY! THERE IS NO NEUTRALITY IN THIS MATTER! IF YOU DO THIS, YOU ARE LITERALLY SUPPORTING/ACCEPTING MYSOGINIA AS A VALID POINT TO STARTING A WAR!
The story of the dance is not about the ravages of war, or how wrong and useless it is. It's wrong. Yes, the war will have been horrible, but the only main point of this story is misogyny. It's the fact that a woman has been usurped simply because of her sex. That's even the fucking reason there was a war! Because a woman has been named heiress! Claiming the contract is completely stupid and hypocritical.
Not to mention the fact is that admittedly both sides lose quotes in the end. Except that the Targaryen line continues all the same BY RHAENYRA and that the Greens, them, end up at one time when another by all dying out. Even though Aegon III and Viserys II are broken, they continued their legacy, while the Greens, who once again started all this shit, eventually all die. This is what is called, in fiction, a karmic punishment. What ? Do you think it's a coincidence that the author killed all the Greens at the end? Doesn't that mean anything?
Really, I'm tired of seeing there's so much bullshit about being "neutral" (knowing that usually it's an excuse to side with the Greens and sure spit Rhaenyra as I l 've demonstrated) in this case because war = bad?
It's completely stupid.
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
Crazy head canon time!
Alicent Hightower’s mother isn’t actually dead. No, the truth of it is that she left Otto Hightower’s evil ass and ran away with her true love, Saera Targaryen. Yes, people in my head. It was Alicent’s mother who helped Princess Saera escape the abuse of the Silent Sisters. 
This is the real reason Otto hates the Targareyns so much and wants to see the true blood of the dragon line diminished. 
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
The way Daemon is looking at Rhaenyra in this scene is so sweet. Fuck whoever decided that it was a smart idea to use a day-for-night filter that completely robbed us of Matt Smith’s incredible acting in these tender moments. 
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«House of the Dragon» | 1.07
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
My first digital art here
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We have always been meant to burn together
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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“𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕴 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊. 𝖂𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖑𝖜𝖆𝖞𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖒𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓 𝖙𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗.”
DAEMON & RHAENYRA in House of the Dragon (2022-)
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
this saved my life.
no u providing me with such high quality mattemma content im kissing u on the mouth I'm telling u I'm in love with u I'm asking for ur hand in marriage.
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
I can’t explain how obsessed I am with her hand movements during this kiss. The way she gently strokes his face is proof of how much she is in love with him. Definitely one of the most beautiful details in a kiss scene that I ever witnessed ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
The only good wedding in GoT/HOTD history
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Princess Rhaenyra had remarried, taking to husband her uncle, Daemon Targaryen. The marriage had been performed on Dragonstone, suddenly and secretly.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 1.07 | ‘Driftmark’
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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House of The Dragon S01E07 “Driftmark”
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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EMMA D’ARCY as RHAENYRA TARGARYEN in House of the Dragon.
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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mom and dad (real)
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Lore Guide: The Seven Kingdoms (Part 1)
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Hi everyone!
To begin with asoiaf universe bases I think the most important part is to portray a Westeros map and to know where the Seven Kingdoms are. If you watched Game of Thrones then you’re more familiar with the seven kingdoms and their great houses. But if you just entered the fandom through House of the Dragon then you’re probably a little bit lost. So let me explain it to you :)
Note: all the information in this post is based on the lore of the books
First of all... where the hell is Westeros?
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To the left we have Westeros, where the Seven Kingdoms are. To the right we have Essos the second main continent in this universe (as GoT watchers will remember, Daenerys is most part of the series in Essos). Between both continents we have The Narrow Sea.
Take in mind that Westeros and Esoss are not the only two continents in this world, as far as we know there are four: Westeros, Essos, Sothoryos and Ulthos. But in this post we’re gonna focus only in Westeros.
Before Aegon’s conquest Westeros was divided in 7 kingdoms (long before there were even more kingdoms but thats another story). Each one had their own king untill Aegon the Conqueror brought them all together and became the only king (the former kings became Lords Protector of each kingdom). 
Now let me introduce you to the Seven Kingdoms with their Great Houses one by one:
The North
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Th North is considered the first and oldest of the Seven Kingdoms and covers little more than a third of the continent.
Important place in the North: The Wall (made by ice; it separates the seven kingdoms from the wildlands beyond that are inhabited by wildlings, giants, white walkers and children of the forest; lots of criminals from all the kingdoms are sent to the Wall as punishment where they serve the rest of their lives as members of the Night's Watch)
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The North is ruled by:
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House: Stark
Seat: Winterfell
Coat of Arms:  A running grey direwolf, on an ice-white field
Words: Winter is coming
Important members (Game of Thrones): Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Brann Stark, Jon Snow
The Riverlands
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The river Trident and its three branches (Red Fork, Blue Fork and Green Fork) give the Riverlands their name.
Important place in the Riverlands: Harrenhall (former seat of House Hoare; Harrenhall was built by the king Harren Hoare [known as "Harren the Black"] before Aegon's conquest. House Hoare ruled as kings of both Riverlands and Iron Islands untill House Tully joined Aegon the Conqueror and helped to defeat king Harren Hoare. As a reward Aegon let House Tully rule the Riverlands as Lords. Harrenhall is the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms and through the years it has passed from house to house. Some people believe is cursed because all houses that have settled there ended up extinct)
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Note: both Riverlands and Iron Islands are considered a single kingdom even tho each is ruled by different Great Houses
The Riverlands are ruled by:
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House: Tully
Seat: Riverrun
Coat of Arms: A leaping silver trout on a field of blue and mud red
Words:  Family, Duty, Honor
Important members (Game of Thrones): Edmure Tully, Catelyn Tully, Lysa Tully, Brynden Tully
The Iron Islands
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In this world mapmakers said there are 31 Iron Islands in the Ironman's Bay, but the major and important islands are 7: Old Wyk, Great Wyk, Pyke, Harlaw, Saltcliffe, Blacktyde, and Orkmont.
Some people say the Iron Islands are named for the iron that is in abundance in the islands but the ironborns themselves insist that the name derives from their nature (hard and unbending people). They prefer to learn how to sail in their longships before learn how to ride a horse or even how to read.
In the past, the ironborns used to raid, rob, and rape villages and towns in the green lands (as they call the other kingdoms in Westeros). All the resources the islands lacked were found in the green lands, when they returned to the islands with the loot they said that they had “paid the iron price”. (I mentioned they did this in the past but the truth is that they do it again at the first opportunity lol).
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After Aegon's conquest and after defeating Harren Hoare (king of the Riverlands and the Iron Islands) the ironborns didn't want to be ruled by House Tully so Aegon let them choose their leader. They chose House Greyjoy which has ruled as Lords of the Iron Islands since then.
Note: as I mentioned before, both Riverlands and Iron Islands are considered a single kingdom even tho each is ruled by different Great Houses
The Iron Islands are ruled by:
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House: Greyjoy
Seat: Pyke
Coat of Arms: A golden kraken on black
Words: We Do Not Sow
Important members (Game of Thrones): Balon Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy (Asha Greyjoy in the books), Euron Greyjoy.
The Vale
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The Vale of Arryn is a beautiful long, wide, fertile valley surrounded by the Mountains of the Moon.
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If you watched House of the Dragon you'll remember Rhea Royce (Daemon's first wife) House Royce is from the Vale, their seat is called Runestone (the castle Daemon wanted to inherit after Rhea's dead). House Royce is one of House Arryn's vassals.
The Eyrie is the seat of House Arryn and is one of the most beautiful castles in the Seven Kingdoms. It is located in the Mountains of the Moon and it has never fallen by force. To assault it, you first must take the Gates of the Moon (another castle at the mountain’s base) and even if you manage to take the castle you have to climb the mountain and the ascent is guarded by 3 waycastles (named Stone, Snow and Sky).
The only way to take the Eyrie is with dragons, as Visenya Targaryen did. You see, during Aegon's conquest the king of the Vale was just a boy named Ronnel Arryn. Visenya flew on Vhagar's back to the Eyrie and gave an excited Ronnel Arryn a ride on her dragon's back. When his mother, the queen Sharra Arryn saw this, she had no choice to surrender to Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters-wives. (Lol)
The Vale is ruled by:
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House: Arryn
Seat: The Eyrie
Coat of Arms: A sky-blue falcon soaring against a white moon, on a sky-blue field
Words: As High as Honor
Important members (Game of Thrones): Jon Arryn, Lysa Arryn, Robin Arryn.
Important members (House of the Dragon): Aemma Arryn, Jeyne Arryn.
The Westerlands
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The Westerlands are described as a place of rugged hills and rolling plains, of misty dales and craggy shorelines, a place of blue lakes and sparkling rivers and fertile fields. There is also known that the Westerlands are rich in gold mines.
Some Lords even built their castles inside those mines. That is the case of Casterly Rock the seat of House Lannister. Casterly Rock is crowned with towers and turrets and watchtowers but their halls and chambers were carved inside The Rock so hundreds of mineshafts penetrate its lower parts, where many veins of red and yellow gold gleam untouched in the stone even after millennia of mining.
Thats's the reason House Lannister is the richest house in Westeros during the events of "Game of Thrones" of course (during "House of the Dragon" the richest house was House Velaryon)
As the Stark, the Lannister bended the knee to Aegon the Conqueror so they could keep the Westerlands to rule as Lords.
The Westerlands are ruled by:
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House: Lannister
Seat: Casterly Rock
Coat of Arms: A gold lion, on a crimson field
Words: Hear Me Roar!
Important members (Game of Thrones): Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister.
Important members (House of the Dragon): Jason Lannister, Tyland Lannister.
Well that was part 1 of this post, I will include the 3 remaining kingdoms in my next post and also I'll include a little bit about the Crownlands. If you have a doubt or you're curious about anything mentioned in this post or about any other thing about the lore, don't be shy and ask me. Talking about this universe is one of my favourite things in the world. Also my blog was created for that purpose, to be an Asoiaf lore guide, mainly for fanfic writters but every curious mind is welcome here.
Goodbye everyone and Valar Morghulis :)
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
It is a chronic illness 🥺
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
What we saw during the beheading scene:
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What they thought:
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212soufflegirl · 2 years
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A little snippet of my upcoming fic
The Death of Duty
She stretched both her arms out in front of her, with her palms facing forward as she instinctively closed the safe distance between herself and the majestic, winged creature. Her scales were a shimmering, metallic gray that reminded her of freshly polished silver, and her eyes were like molten lava. Peering down at her with all the wisdom of a hundred years. Calling out to her like a siren's song to a sailor. 
 She was the most magnificent thing she had ever laid eyes on. 
 “Iksā gevie.” She spoke out in the native tongue of her ancestors. A language she knew the dragon would understand.
 You are beautiful.
 Regal and poised, the dragon allowed her to slowly inch her way closer. Until there was only a breath of space between them. By this time, the rain had seeped through the fabric of her thick nightgown. Making it feel heavy on her slight frame as the rain continued to pelt down on her skin. 
 The dragon closed the space between them. Pressing her large, reptilian snout to her cold, open palms. 
 “Aōhon iksan se ñuhon iksā.” She signed, as she pressed her wet cheeks to the dragon’s warm scales. 
 I am yours, and you are mine.
 Silverwing lowered herself to the ground, pressing her underbelly to the wet sand beneath her feet. She then turned to the young girl of ten and gave her a sort of puckish grin. A look that in Alayne’s mind's eye could only translate to one thing.
  Now we fly!
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