212thappreciation · 3 months
Thank you so much to everyone who participated this year!
Here's the collection where you can check out all the great entries we received this year
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Communication lines
Also on AO3 [1,000 words] @212thappreciation - day 7: Umbara fix-it
People always seem to assume that Boil and Waxer are batchmates. They’re not, but the confusion is understandable. Ever since they first met at ARF training, they’ve just clicked.
When they fight together, they move like two bodies with one mind. They can coordinate plans with just eye contact and a few gestures. They can find each other even in the densest scrub most chaotic battlefield. And they always seem to know when the other is feeling down and what they need – whether a hug or a distraction or just quiet company.
Everything is just easier when they are together, and they are eternally grateful that the ARF trainers had seen sense and formally paired them.
Boil wishes Waxer were here now. He can feel that something is off – like watching an under-strength droid patrol while out scouting and wondering if the missing droid is coming up behind him – but he can’t put the pieces together. He wants to talk it through with Waxer, seek his keen insight, but for two problems.
The first, is the ankle he has propped awkwardly under his chair. Twisted when he found a pothole in the damnable Umbaran gloom. It will be fine with a bit of rest, but it’s enough to keep him in camp on light duty while Waxer is back out with their platoon on the latest scouting mission.
The second problem, and the more worrying one, is the comms blackout blocking any signals further than line-of-sight. It’s not uncommon for the Seppies – or in this case the Umbarans – to try to mess with their electronics, but it’s always a tense time being out of contact as they get things up and running again while also preparing for whatever attack that their enemy is trying to hide.
“This doesn’t make sense.”
Boil looks over at the kid seated at the terminal next to him, one of the scout shineys – Flick – similarly relegated to comms duty due to injury.
“The Umbarans stealing our armour? You’re telling me. Although if we hadn’t mostly been facing clankers, I’m sure someone would have had the bright idea already.”
“What? No. I mean, yeah that’s pretty karked too, but… look.”
Boil moves so he can read the screen, and runs his eyes over what appears to be a communications log. Including, he notes, several messages with 501st codes that the 212th shiney really shouldn’t have had access to. The timestamps on the messages abruptly cut off about an hour previously when the Umbarans managed to impose a comms blackout that they’re still trying to find a way around.
“What am I looking at?”
Flick highlights two messages towards the bottom of the list.
“I was going back through the logs, tracing the blackout, and saw these two. They’re almost exactly the same. Same timestamp, same file size, same encryption and authorisation codes. The only differences are the recipient and the sender; this first one, was sent from the 501st to the 212th, but then there’s this second one, to the 501st from the 212th. And that’s weird enough, except that neither of them are showing up in the respective outbound logs.”
Boil hums, reading through the scant details again. Looking at the timestamp of the message sent to the 212th, it seems likely that it was General Krell’s warning that the Umbarans had stolen trooper armour. But if that’s the case, then why is there a matching message in reverse? Could it just be coincidence?
Something about that thought niggles at his mind. Something about enemies hiding behind familiar disguises as the trap closes.
Suddenly he remembers another detail from the briefing he attended beside Waxer. The message didn’t just contain the warning, it also contained coordinates. The likely attack vector of the Umbarans. The same coordinates that Waxer and the rest of their platoon are currently investigating, expecting to find the enemy disguised in stolen armour.
What if the 501st did get the same message, apparently from the 212th? They would have responded in the same way, sent troopers to the coordinates to ambush figures creeping around in armour.
And the comms blackout. It's a trap. It has to be. Why would the Umbarans bother with taking and learning how to fight in stolen armour if they can just hack their comms and trick the 212th and 501st into slaughtering each other.
“Are…” He clears his throat and tries again. “Are the comms still down?”
“Short-range is stable, but it looks like anything further is still out. You’d have to check with the actual comms techs whether they can jury-rig something.”
He… has to tell the General. It’s a trap. Has to… He… Waxer. It’satrap. Waxer.
He wishes he knew how to pray.
Deep in the Umbaran jungle, Waxer shivers. He’s about ready to be off this planet already. It was bad enough with the eternal gloom and hostile flora and fauna, but now with the Umbarans stealing their armour…
Everything about this is so wrong. For all that they flaunt their individuality where they can, Waxer finds comfort in knowing that he is always surrounded by brothers; familiar history to go with familiar faces. To know that there are strangers lurking beneath the familiar armour; enemies where there should only ever be brothers…
He hesitates, an idea lodging itself in his mind. An urgent, irrational fear. His hands drift almost without thought towards the seals where his helmet meets his armour, unlatching it.
His training screams that it is reckless to remove his helmet when heading into a firefight, foolish to lose the advantages of his built-in sensors and comms. But another voice – Boil’s voice – is whispering that it is necessary, that he is about to be surrounded by combatants all wearing helmets of the same make, and they need to see his face.
Waxer removes his helmet and clips it to his belt. He has always trusted Boil before; he’s not going to stop now.
It’s a risk, yes, but he’d never forgive himself for any friendly-fire accidents.
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Here's the 2024 212th Appreciation Week collection. It'll be open for a few days yet for late submissions so don't worry if you are running a bit behind!
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), 212th Attack Battalion Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars), Jedi Council Members (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Sentinel/Guide, Sentinel CC-2224 | Cody, Guide Obi-Wan Kenobi, media, Holonet gossip, The 212th enjoys their general and commander being in the news and gossip columns, Said Commander does not, Humor, Fluff Series: Part 5 of Here Comes the Sun, Part 6 of 212th Appreciation Week 2024 Summary: Cody and Obi-Wan’s relationship is a major topic of discussion on the holonet.
For @212thappreciation Week Day 7 Prompt: Media, Politics, Gossip
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212thappreciation · 3 months
In our hears a hopeful song
Also on AO3 @212thappreciation - day 1: clone culture
There are many things that Obi-wan was not expecting when he was given a battalion of clone troopers to lead, but by far the most interesting is the singing.
Obi-wan’s men, as a whole, love singing. The choir of variably-tuneful almost-matched voices quickly becomes the background soundtrack to their lives. New songs are picked up at every turn, plenty f troopers even trying their hand at writing their own.
But their favourite continue to be the marching songs. And they use them for everything. The steady rhythm flows up and down the column during marches, or through any group working in sync. Sung as a gentle lullaby, it guides their brothers towards rest – for the night or for forever. Improvised verses, each raunchier than the last, are tossed across the room during downtime or hands-busy work. They are sung as a mournful dirge after bad battles, or as relieved affirmation after better ones.
Yet, for all the times that Obi-wan has heard them sing, it has never sounded like this. Even when their voices rang with joy, there was always an undertone of defiance and desperation; that they celebrate today because they might not get tomorrow. But now, packed tightly together where they had been listening intently to the reports rolling in – Grievous felled, Dooku defeated, Palpatine unmasked and destroyed, field after field of droids going still in surrender – their voices rise without that bitter note.
Today, they celebrate for all the tomorrows now to come. They sing of hope.
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Snippet: Marking
The 7th and final fic for @212thappreciation!
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Commander Cody/212th Battalion, Waxer/Commander Cody, Boil/Commander Cody
Rating: M
Tags: marking, hickies, sexual tension, semi-public sex, polyamory, open relationships, implied sexual content, possessive behaviour
Full fic now avaliable here
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Multiple sets of eyes were fixed on the throat for the majority of the meeting – at times talking to Cody’s neck rather than the man himself. On his right, Waxer was the most obvious about it but even Fix wasn’t exactly subtle, either. His CMO’s gaze had been fixed (heh) on his Adam’s apple for the past ten minutes, eyes dark and almost unblinking. Each time Cody’s eyes landed on Barlex, the sergeant would look down at his neck and then back up to his face with a smirk, saying so much without a word.
Cody tried to ignore them as best he could as he continued. 
“…And so with the use of the mines, we were able to eliminate the outpost with minimal casualties and only a single squad in the air. The sector is now secure and we’re setting up our own outposts to keep it that way.”
“I see.” Obi-Wan nodded sagely. “It sounds like the mission proved invaluable for the war effort – you must pass on my thanks to Commander Wolffe, too… It’s good to have you back, Cody. I’ll leave you to get… reacquainted with everyone else and see you for the shift hand over later.”
When Obi-Wan’s lips quirked upwards, Cody’s thoughts ground to a halt. He kicked himself for not considering Obi-Wan’s use of the force in all of this. The tension in the air had been so thick that he’d probably been able to sense it without it. Cody didn’t so much as want to consider what else the Jedi might have been able to feel emanating from the clones. 
He tried not to wilt in embarrassment as knowing smiles were shared and more than a few officers shifted to readjust their codpieces. Obi-Wan made his excuses to make a swift exit after, leaving Cody alone with his brothers to address the elephant in the room. 
The charged silence that followed felt oppressive. And, as the most senior officer in the room, Cody’s first instinct was to think of a way to fill it, to ease the tension of his men. He needn't have bothered. 
The moment the door whooshed shut behind Obi-Wan, Cody was practically attacked. 
Having been the closest, it was Waxer who got his hands on him first, shoving him hard until his back collided with the wall. One hand fixed itself to his chest, pinning him there, while Waxer’s other came to his hip, sitting dangerously low. Cody tensed up as Waxer all but forced himself into his space, his body preparing for an unexpected fight.
Only none came.
Full fic now avaliable here
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, 212th Attack Battalion & CC-2224 | Cody, 212th Attack Battalion Members (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) & Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Trapper (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Crys (Star Wars), Bones (OC Clone Trooper Character) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, desert husbands, Domestic Fluff, Sparring, Important Conversations, Healing, Comfort, Survivors from the 212th visit Codywan on Tatooine Series: Part 10 of Gold Leader, Part 17 of 212th Bingo 2023, Part 5 of 212th Appreciation Week 2024 Summary: Cody and Obi-Wan get help expanding their hut on Tatooine. It provides an opportunity for some much needed conversations and healing.
For the @212thappreciation​ Week Day 6 Prompt: Post Order 66/Imperial Era and for @clonefandomevents​ 212th Bingo prompt: Sparring
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody & Clone Trooper Wooley Characters: Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, Thistle (OC Clone Trooper Character) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Order 66 Didn’t Happen (Star Wars), Emperor CC-2224 | Cody, Executive Assistant to the Emperor Wooley, Poorly put together formwork, Wooley Deserves A Raise, Amused CC-2224 | Cody, Minor CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Minor Bail/Breha/Fox, Podfic Available Series: Part 11 of Emperor Cody, Part 4 of 212th Appreciation Week 2024 Summary: No two days are the same for Wooley as the emperor’s Executive Assistant. Some days he is incredibly grateful for that fact because the galaxy is Testing His Patience.
For @212thappreciation  Week Day 6 Prompt: The Clones Free Themselves
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Wooley and Cody get to sleep in.
@212thappreciation Prompt 6 (for June 20): New Experiences/Clones taken in as part of the Jedi Order
Helix discovers something is wrong with the chips in their heads.
212th Appreciation Week Prompt 7 (June 21): The Clones free themselves
The Death Star rescue goes a little differently.
212th Appreciation Week Prompt 8 (June 21): Post-Order 66/Imperial Era
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Snippet: Omegaverse
Day 6 prompt for @212thappreciation!
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Longshot/Wooley
Rating: E
Tags: age differences, alpha/alpha, alpha/beta/omega dynamics, alpha’s first rut, kinda, non-traditional alpha/beta/omega dynamics, anal sex, knotting, dom/sub dynamics, service top, top!Wooley, alpha!Wooley, sub!Wooley, bottom!Longshot, dom!Longshot, power bottom, abandonment issues, aftercare, light angst, possessive behaviour, protectiveness
Full fic now avaliable here
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The younger clone might have been in rut, but he was still as sweet as ever, submitting for Longshot with only a little more pushing and prodding than normal. 
He arched up into Longshot’s hold when his hands tightened on his wrists, but didn’t try to wriggle his way free. They were tugged higher, above Wooley’s head where Longshot was able to gather both wrists up with a single hand. Then, finally having the other free to do with as he pleased, he trailed his fingers lightly down Wooley’s chest, gliding over smooth planes of muscle and peaked nipples that he couldn’t help but linger on. 
When he slammed his hips down harder, Wooley moaned, low and broken. He gazed up at Longshot as if he’d hung the stars in the sky, almost worshipful - as if Longshot was his entire galaxy and more. 
“L’shot…” He managed to choke out, voice wrecked and out of control. Longshot certainly echoed the sentiment. 
It sent something inside him thrumming with arousal and satisfaction. He didn’t expect Wooley to last long, not with his first knot - he was young and inexperienced, after all. 
Though at that moment, Wooley writhing on his back beside himself, Longshot was struck by just how young he really was. 
All clones were required to have reached physical maturity before they left Kamino - including having undergone their first rut. Longshot remembered the days when troopers would spend their first three there before being shipped out, but he guessed the Republic had to keep up with demand somehow. It wasn’t as if those first three ruts were spent particularly happily, either. 
The rut rooms at Kamino were more akin to shoeboxes than places fit for a fully-grown clone to live for a week. They were essentially dark little cupboards in Longshot’s view, good for nothing more than locking up vod and keeping them out of sight until the ‘imperfect’ need passed. In doing so, vod were forced against the most primal instinct of their rut - being around their packs. And as a result, Longshot knew more than a few vod who were still terrified of being left alone during these times. Based on the needy sounds coming from Wooley, the way his whole body shook and arched into Longshot’s careful touches, he would have bet all his non-existent credits that he fell into that category, too. 
At any other time, he would have been angry. But Longshot knew this wasn’t the place - ruminating over the many, many injustices they’d suffered could wait. For now, he simply resolved to take care of Wooley to the best of his ability, to give the man below him the care he deserved even if it killed him. 
With just how far-gone he was, though, Longshot couldn’t help but wonder just how bad his first rut had been - this only being the near-shiny’s second. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to get a satisfactory answer, but no matter. 
Wooley choked and whimpered as his knot caught on Longshot’s rim again, visibly fighting back the urge to fuck up into him, itching to be good instead and let Longshot take care of things. His eyes were wide and dark, brimming with overwhelmed tears that had the older clone wanting to wrap him up in a blanket and keep him from the world forever. 
By the way his noises kept getting caught in his throat, Longshot guessed he was getting close.
Full fic now avaliable here
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212thappreciation · 3 months
The Lingerie Approval Board
A new chapter of my silly lingerie chat fic for @212thappreciation week! This chapter is a combo of the NSFW prompts for Day 4 - Group Sex/More Than One Partner and Day 5 - Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Fic Summary: Obi-Wan is buying some new lingerie and the 212th gets to choose. Cue much bickering.
Chapter Summary: The Lingerie Approval Board is formed, Cody wants to put Obi-Wan on a leash, and Splint learns that it’s ok.
Rating: Explicit (No Archive Warnings Apply)
Relationships: Obi-Wan/212th, Obi-Wan/Ghost Company, Codywan, Background Waxer/Boil, Oddball/Gregor, and Longshot/Gearshift, the 212th/Ghost Company is basically just one big giant polycule
NSFW tags and link to the fic below
Tags: Lingerie, Chatting & Messaging, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Submissive Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Dominant CC-2224 | Cody, Top CC-2224 | Cody, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Bondage, Dom/sub, Not Beta Read, SubObi Week 2023, chat fic, Aftercare, Crack?, It's certainly ridiculous, Spanking, Minor Injuries, not graphic, Cloneshipping | Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars), The 212th Attack Battalion Loves Obi-Wan Kenobi, Latex, Background Poly, Background Relationships, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Butt Plugs, Restraints, Blow Jobs, Leashes, Leather Kink, Leather Trousers, Leather Culture, Free Use, Premature Ejaculation 
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Snippet: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Day 5 prompt for @212thappreciation! I've always wanted to read a fic where Cody makes Obi-Wan squirt, so figured I'd just write it myself lol
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi/Captain Gregor
Rating: E
Tags: smut, Stewjoni!Obi-Wan Kenobi, vaginal sex, fingering, cunnalingus, oral sex, squirting, forced orgasm, multiple orgasms, squirting, consensual non-consent.
Full fic now avaliable here
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Gregor was plastered to his back, the two of them pressed together from naked shoulders to waists where they were kneeling on the bed - quite the handsome picture. Both of Gregor’s hands were around him, one on his hip to steady him, keeping them both upright, whilst the other hooked around his chest so that he had free-reign to pinch and abuse Obi-Wan’s nipples relentlessly. They were peaked and dark from the treatment, aching even in the small spaces where Gregor relented. 
With the hand on his hip, Gregor pulled him backwards to grind Obi-Wan’s ass against his cock which was nestled nicely between his cheeks, sliding slickly through the mess there. Obi-Wan was struck with just how thoroughly caught he was - Gregor’s grip on him steadfast and combined with Cody’s who had both arms hooked around the tops of Obi-Wan’s thighs. 
He tugged him down until he was over his face like it was the best seat in the senate. Initially, Obi-Wan had been hesitant about the position - anxious about accidentally hurting Cody. It had taken a little pushing for him to try it. Both Gregor and Cody offered words of encouragement and Cody was so obviously set on having Obi-Wan sit on his face and making him squirm that it had taken no time at all for the Jedi to come around to the idea. 
Having Gregor there behind him, though, had been the obvious choice, taking away some of that anxiety for Obi-Wan about accidentally losing his balance and hurting the man beneath. The fact that Cody occasionally moved down to tongue at Gregor’s balls as he ground himself forwards, rutting against Obi-Wan’s ass, was just an added bonus. 
Obi-Wan’s hips stuttered and he cried out when Cody moved back up to focus and suck at his clit from where he’d been tonguing at his hole. Where Cody had learned this, the Jedi didn’t have the faintest idea, but he didn’t have the heart to be jealous over it when he was the one who was reaping the benefits - brain dripping out of his core along with slick.
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Snippet: Group Sex
Day 4 prompt for @212thappreciation, featuring Fever once again :)
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: 212th Battalion/Fever, Fever/Gregor, Fever/Wooley, Fever/Barlex, Waxer/Boil
Rating: E
Tags: dom/sub dynamics, gangbang, group sex, orgy, polyamoury, open relationships, oral sex, blow jobs, subspace, spanking, corporal punishment, safe sane and consensual, bratting
Full fic now avaliable here
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“Wanna teach him a lesson, Sarge?” 
What! No! That hadn’t been what Fever had been after. He wanted Gregor’s attention, not Barlex’s! Barlex smiled at the question and Fever’s stomach swooped. 
“With pleasure.” Barlex was renowned battalion-wide for going hard and had reduced many-a-vod to tears with little more than his hand in the past. Fever grit his teeth at the possibility that he’d be counted amongst that number and held Barlex’s gaze definitely as he stepped forwards. 
“You gonna behave for me?” He asked. 
“Fuck you.” Barlex only laughed at that. 
“Green.” Not that Fever sounded particularly happy about it. As Barlex’s smile turned sharp and feral, Fever did nothing to temper down on the urge to bare his teeth.
Quicker than Fever had been ready for, one of Barlex’s hands shot out to grip tightly on the back of his neck, handling him like a tooka who was hissing and threatening to bite. Fever growled at the contact and squirmed. But in a display of strength that had the other’s cock twitching, Barlex was able to manhandle him down onto the sofa (which had been conveniently left empty as if the fuckers had been planning this) and over his lap. 
Fever wiggled and writhed to try and get out of the hold, but the air was knocked out of his chest when it landed heavily on Barlex’s thighs. His face ended up pressed into the plush cushions and Barlex secured a forearm down where his hand had been to pin him in place, the other a steadying touch on his naked hip. 
He recovered from the knock quickly and huffed and puffed as he squirmed. Of course, he was sure he couldn't have gotten free even if he’d wanted to, the sergeant being so much stronger than a simple medic. The thought had another thrill shooting to his toes.
There was another shift in the cushions as Gregor perched himself on the arm of the sofa closest to Fever’s head. With a firm finger beneath his chin, he tilted his face upwards so their eyes could meet. The angle was uncomfortable, Fever reluctant go give up the fight just yet, but he went where he was asked, anyway. 
Their eyes met and whatever Gregor saw in his expression, he must have liked it as he was released shortly after. 
“Are you gonna apologise for teasing poor Wooley over there?”
“Eat my ass.” 
There were a few chuckles from around the room and a large palm smoothed over his asscheek, a threat and a comfort all at once. Fever was keenly aware of just how precarious his position was just then and his cock throbbed treacherously at that. 
“That’s no way to talk to your superior officers, is it?”
Like a crack of thunder, Barlex’s hand came smacking down on the swell of his ass. It might not have been at full-strength, but he certainly didn’t pull his punches. Something akin to a squawk left Fever, high and breathy at the shock of the impact more than the pain. They were clones, after all - genetically engineered to be able to deal with more suffering than most. 
Another smack soon followed, only this time, Fever moaned. He squirmed a little more, grinding his cock down against the sofa and his ass up, searching for more of the stinging contact. In response, the forearm over the nape of his neck pressed down a little harder, trapping him but in the best way.
Full fic now avaliable here
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Ghost Company comes back from the Jedi Temple with another member.
@212thappreciation Prompt 5 (June 19): Accidental Child/Pet Acquisition
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Clone Trooper Boil & Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Boil & CC-2224 | Cody, Clone Trooper Boil & Clone Trooper Trapper Characters: Clone Trooper Boil (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Clone Trooper Trapper (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Order 66 Happened Differently (Star Wars), Discussions of Umbara Arc, Supportive Clone Trooper Wooley (Star Wars), Supportive CC-2224 | Cody, Protective CC-2224 | Cody, Boil Needs a Hug (Star Wars), Boil struggled after Umbara, Unconfirmed fears of suidical intentions Series: Part 7 of The Road to Risk and Rebellion, Part 3 of 212th Appreciation Week 2024 Summary: Boil hadn’t been the same since Umbara. Now he wants to return to Ryloth. His friends worry.
For @212thappreciation Week Day 4 Prompt: No Order 66/Order 66 Happened Differently
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Snippet: Comfort Sex
Day 3 prompt for @212thappreciation, featuring Fever, one of my OC clone medics! Sequal to Healing Hands but not an essential first read.
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Captain Gregor/Fever
Rating: E
Tags: vulnerability, power imbalance, cuddling and snuggling, emotional hurt/comfort, handjobs, Fever needs a hug, fluff, possible consent issues?, but they are both very self aware
Full fic now avaliable here
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He advanced through the locker room and into the adjoining fresher complex, two neat rows of stalls and shining, wet tiled floor. Most of the troopers had come through already, Gregor knew, but a few still remained. 
Two troopers from A-squad shared one of the stalls to his left, talking to each other quietly as one washed the other’s hair. Gregor advanced further and saw one of his sergeants showering alone. Though he was jittery with the need to care for someone, he doubted ‘04 would be receptive, known for preferring his own company immediately after battles. Best leave him to it, Gregor thought. It wasn’t his job to pry. 
Gregor walked on. 
But just as he made to turn, to go back the way he’d come and consign himself to his quarters for a night alone in the dark, or maybe look for an update on the one-footed shiny (CC-8295, he thought he was called), he stopped. In the furthest cubicle, the one up against the wall in the corner, stood a solitary vod, their back to Gregor as they hung their head under the meagre water spray. He might not have known who they were, if they were a friend or a stranger, but he was relieved to see they were unharmed save the bruise blooming over one shoulder. 
Gregor took in his slight build and lack of scars. He was a shiny, for sure. And a medic, maybe? Having to heft people to safety all day certainly explained the bruise. 
The captain watched them for a long moment. He made no move to get clean, instead simply lingering under the luke-warm spray, head hanging and shoulders hunched as if he were trying to make himself smaller. Gregor watched as his back and shoulders hitched with silent sobs. The shiny looked pretty pitiful all round, even from behind. 
His heart swelled with the urge to mend their hurts, to bring the vod to his chest and soothe them, to tuck them in for a good night’s sleep amongst brothers. 
A fucking terrible first assignment for a medic, Gregor thought. There would have been so many vod he couldn’t have helped. 
Gregor watched their hitching shoulders for a moment longer before coming to a decision. Without a word, he stripped off the top half of his blacks, leaving his lowers on, and shuffled to the stall’s entrance without a word. 
The kid either hadn’t sensed, or ignored Gregor’s presence entirely. He was fixated with his hands, scrubbing at his fingers roughly with one of the shitty, regulation wash clothes they all had. From this angle, Gregor couldn’t see much, but their hands looked clean to his eyes - though quite pink from all the scrubbing. He suspected that without intervention, the shiny would scrub all the way down to the bone. 
“Hey.” Gregor murmured softly, barely audible over the water. Still, the vod jolted hard. Gregor belatedly realised he’d snuck up on the vod but then again, he looked so jumpy that it probably couldn’t have been avoided either way. They froze when they caught sight of him and blinked owlishly. “I’m Gregor, what’s your name, kid?”
For a long moment, there was no answer. But just as Gregor was debating calling Fix, the CMO far better at dealing with battle shock despite Gregor’s best efforts, the shiny drew breath. 
“I’m CT-05-2323, Captain.”
Gregor didn’t recognise the number, but if the kid was indeed a medic, that made sense. Fix was the one to get the shiny medics up to speed, like with all specialists - even if they were attached to his own Company. That being said, the trooper at least knew who Gregor was, which was a good start. He smiled at them, trying to radiate ease and patience. 
“You picked out a name yet?” The shiny hesitated to answer and his gaze sunk back down to his hands. 
“Fever…” A little unusual for a medic, thought Gregor. Usually they picked something to do with healing rather than the illness themselves, but he’d certainly heard worse from the demolitions squad. Gregor nodded and smiled at him again. 
“That was your first battle, I take it?” 
Fever nodded and swallowed thickly, turning away from Gregor with a vacant expression and starting to scrub at his nails again. There was a long beat of silence before he spoke again, voice wobbling precariously. 
“The training dye comes off a lot easier than this…” Fever’s hands were clean of blood. They had been for some time. 
Gregor’s chest clenched in sympathy. He knew he needed to take control of the situation before Fever spiralled any further. He couldn’t, in good conscience, let Fever continue as he was. 
“Hell of a first day…” Gregor murmured. There was a hitching hiccup of bitter laughter from Fever. “Mind if I join you? You look like you could use the company.”
“Ok…” Fever turned back to him hesitantly, looking far too vulnerable for Gregor’s tastes. “I don’t think I’m good company right now, though…”
“Neither am I.” Gregor stepped into the cubicle with a gentle smile.
Full fic now avaliable here
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212thappreciation · 3 months
Obi-Wan gets to see Cody’s shifted form for the first time as friends.
@212thappreciation Prompt 3 (for June 17): Non-human Clones/Jango Wasn’t Human
Wildflower squad discusses gender.
212th Appreciation Prompt 4 (June 18): Gender/“My Gender is Clone”
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