“Is it better to out-monster the monster or to be quietly devoured?”
— Friedrich Nietzsche (via quotemadness)
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“I think a healer is someone who seeks to understand and not to judge and says, “there, there, I know how dark it all feels for you right now, but you are doing fine… you are doing great… you will be okay, eventually.””
— juansen dizon
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Please. Send. Help.
This is a shot in the dark, but if anyone has any advice for grief. For beating loneliness or losing the most valuable piece of your life, or what to do when you lose the one thing that made you hold on. If anyone has some words, advice or time please, send help
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fuck it. names are too complicated. I’ll respond to anything. If you yell “hey shithead” in my general direction I’ll turn around 8 times out of 10
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We are multiple generations now with no experience with strikes, and I see a lot of confused, well meaning people who want to help but don’t know strike etiquette.
1. Never cross a picket line of striking workers.
2. Never purchase or take free goods from a company who’s workers are striking
3. Honk to support strikers if you drive by a picket line.
4. Join strikers on the picket line even if it’s not your strike, but follow their directions and defer to them while there.
5. Say “that’s great, the strike is working, the company should negotiate with their workers” whenever someone complains about profits lost, inconveniences or other worker-phobic rhetoric. Always turn it back on the company, who has all the power and money.
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 I’m afraid of Americans
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On our first date she told me about every bad quality she had, as if somehow that would scare me away before anything could even begin. But in reality all it did was make me want to see her again. A heart like hers understand a heart like mine.
On our second date she took me to ikea. It was a last second decision that quickly turned into the best date of my life. By the time it was over we had our entire life planned out. It was like she saw a future in me that no one had before.
Her laugh is exactly like mine. I’ve always hated my laugh, it was too loud, too obnoxious. But sitting next to her in that theatre both of us laughing in a way that drowned out everyone else’s and that was it. I wanted to keep her.
She’s the first person to ever write poetry about me. Something I’ve always craved but never received. I still cry over every word.
This girl believed in me more than anyone ever had. She grasped my hands and made me chase the life long dream I never thought I was good enough for.
The first time she met my mother she shocked her by saying she was going to bring me dinner while I was at work. I don’t think my mom had ever seen someone try to take care of me.
And she did try. Truly she tried her hardest for me. Tried to be good. Tried to be okay. Tried to be in a relationship. Tried to love me.
She was my first ever New Years kiss. We were both shitfaced drunk, I had a bruised butt from trying and failing to kartwheel a hour before. But in that moment everything was perfect. Her and I were a force to be reckoned with and damn anyone who tried to break us.
We had lived very similar lives. Ones full of heartbreak and trauma. Boys used us as objects to keep them busy. We were a punching bag, a bed warmer, a mistake. Neither of us could have told you what truly being happy looked like. Because of this she always got me. And got what had happened. Never did I have to justify anything to her.
The last night we spent together was the best one. Never had I ever felt as beautiful as I did when she looked at me. She was good for me. And like all good things, they never last.
She never wanted to hurt me.
Even though I’ve forgiven her, she still hasn’t forgiven herself.
Being friends with an ex is an unusual experience. But she still treats me as if nothings really changed. But it has. Things are so different now.
To this day the colour yellow still reminds her of me. She tells me about her day sometimes and yellow somehow gets mentioned and she never fails to tell me, “So then I started thinking of you.”
If this poem wasnt enough proof. I still love her. And I can pretend that’s good enough.
15 reasons why you should love my ex girlfriend// 4am
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“You’re told that you’re in your head too much, a phrase that’s often deployed against the quiet and cerebral. Or maybe there’s another word for such people: thinkers.”
— Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (via books-n-quotes)
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i genuinely believe that 2012 was the optimal tumblr experience. like if you didnt live through 2012, you havent fully understood how much of a hell site this is. to jog some ppl’s memories:
“I like your shoelaces” “I stole them from the president” and people actually fucking doing this in public
we still called porn fics “smut” and “lemons”
“you must be fun at parties”
cole sprouse’s tumblr social experiment, and some people taking it so seriously that they threatened mass suicide
mitt romney
hetastuck (hetalia and homestuck fandoms were moirails i guess)
hussieruya (people unironically shipping the creators of hetalia and homestuck)
andrew hussie actually asking about hussieruya in his twitter
the obsession with andrew hussie’s lips
superwholock fandom (this was their prime)
supernatural has a gif for everything
“Fuck you watson” somehow being praised as the best comeback possible?? ok lol
hipster side of tumblr vs fandom side of tumblr, and all those pictures of the two coexisting to bring some sort of peace? as if we were at war with each other?? wtf was up with that
the dumbest fake stories holy shit, and everyone believed them
benedict cumberbatch everywhere
that sherlock gif of benedict cumberbatch looking into a door’s peep hole and people saying how if you cover one side of his face he looks confident but if you cover the other side he looks sad, so they said he’s the best actor in the world or whatever
gangnam style everywhere
people being shamed from using memes or even saying the word meme
“Oh, you facebook people think tumblr is boring? Well, we’ll find you…Supernatural fandom, grab your demons! Sherlock fandom, grab your Watsons! Doctor Who fandom, grab your Tardises! Harry Potter fandom, grab your wands! Homestuck fandom, grab your strife cards! Hetalia fandom, grab your pasta!” proceed for 1628519 more fandoms
“im pretty sure thats taylor swift” “no thats becky”
the dancing chandler gif from friends
“Reblog if you dont have a problem with gay marriage!” followed by ten mile long additions of rainbow gifs and pictures and 9gag memes
potato jesus (i’ll admit, this was actually funny)
the reblog button being at the top of posts
cuil theory, aka “i give you a hamburger”
27 comments on a post just saying “INSTANT REBLOG” or “PRESS PLAY”
song mixups from people “accidentally opening a bunch of tabs playing music” but it was actually from a pop mix album
“ah, the scalene triangle”
XD vs :D discourse
the most reblogged picture on tumblr
men of tumblr
the cursed long ass “fedoras arent that bad!” post
touch my butt and buy me pizza
spread this like wildfire
tumblr university (complete with uniforms)
tumblr island
tumblr nation
these all would lead to the creation and failure of dashcon
tumblr prom
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“I’m not in a good place, I haven’t been in awhile, I surround myself with people because for a small moment I’m okay. However, as soon as they are gone, the voices come back to play. I use to drive home from town wishing I don’t make it. Now everyone seems to tell me to drive safe, to get home, to text them when I get home. Now I have to, I have to get home, I have to be able to text them, I can’t let them down, I can’t disappoint them, I can’t be selfish. So I get home, I sit in my room, letting the demons tell me I'm worthless. I know you want me home, I know you want me safe, I know you want me here the next day, but these voices are making it harder to keep my promises. They are making it harder to stay alive.”
— p.s.w // excerpt from a book i’ll never write #275
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things i want to be
really hot
not poor
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“It would have been so easy to go back to. So easy to relapse into it. So simple. It would almost feel like going home. To let it consume you. To let it take over. To give into it. It was only a small part of you that stood up and said ‘no’. That said, ‘you’re better than this.’ That said, ‘choose happiness. Even if it’s hard. Even if it’s the hardest choice you’ve ever had to make.’”
— Sue Zhao // Relapse
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