2237114 · 4 months
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2237114 · 4 months
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2237114 · 4 months
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2237114 · 4 months
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2237114 · 4 months
A tour at Wolverhampton art gallery’s Artforum session.
As part of an effort to engage residents and visitors in the beautiful sceneries of Wolverhampton, The Wolverhampton art gallery, located in the heart of the city, occasionally organises some amazing exhibition to its art loving viewers. This is in a bid to boost the art industry in the city, and to give artists a chance to showcase their works to the public. The exhibition dubbed the ‘ArtForum’ was slated for the 1st and the 15th of May, from 5-7pm. The event was free for all and open to 14–25-year-olds. This further emphasises the need to have more young people within this sector.
The event was hosted by Rosalind Manasseh, she is a freelance ‘ArtForum’ co-ordinator on behalf of Wolverhampton gallery, and was graced by a variety of people, from locals, to students, international students, the young, the old, men, and predominantly, women. Some artifacts that were on display included, upcycled jars into vases, flower paintings, images of animals curated with papers, dolls carved using basswood, cutleries, and drawings of recognisable objects. The highlight of the event was the inclusion of women in creating these wonderful arts. The motive behind this was to promote diversity, and project the intelligence of women, and what they have to offer in this area. Given that it is known to be a male dominated field. Events like this one propel their confidence, serves as a breeding ground to boost their sales, and bring to light their small businesses.
My main aim for attending the event was to capture amazing photos of the arts, interact with other colleagues and facilitators of the events, and gain a few transferable skills, which I managed to do. The event was filled with lots of ideas, fun moments, meaningful interactions with other art lovers. It commenced on an intriguing note and ended on an even more indulging note. The challenging bit about my visit to the exhibition was mustering the courage to take a descent photo of people without complaints. My position as a student journalist was not enough reason to get pictures of people or an interview with more than two people. This was because, attendees valued their privacy, it did not matter to them whether the purpose of me taking pictures was for academic purposes. This limited my scope to taking only pictures of the paintings and creations only. Also, I was cautioned on the use of flash images, this was because, it could alter the original image of the photographs. Using the camera for the very first time meant having to deal with some technical difficulties, and then finally being able to operate it well, after minutes of trying.
With each passing minute, the two-hour event did not feel underwhelming, even for a second. It was fun from start to finish. The nearer it was to the end of the show, the more people trickled in, and this made it beyond entertaining. The organisers were open to answering questions regarding the event, and future ones to come. The artists also spoke to us about their works, the inspirations behind them, how their love for art started, the highs and lows of their works, the number of career opportunities that are available within the arts and craft industry, and what they have instore for future exhibition events.
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2237114 · 4 months
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