22514209147 · 3 days
It's all well and good to be able to roll with the punches, but sometimes it's just nice to not get punched
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22514209147 · 11 days
Acnh weather prediction
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22514209147 · 11 days
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22514209147 · 13 days
Rqg 153 17:45 Camel in the pants
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22514209147 · 4 months
If a ghost wants to be seen, why does it appear behind you?
It needs not just to be seen, but for you to choose to see it.
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22514209147 · 4 months
The fountain
Enter shikari
Ooku inner chambers
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22514209147 · 4 months
Arsenic and old lace
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22514209147 · 5 months
Six trudges back to camp after Kon-eir, feeling no less heavy for the conversation in a way that he can't write understand. Kon-eir answered all of his questions adequately enough, explanations of the afterlife and gods and esoterica seeming to make sense, but the logic brings no comfort.
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22514209147 · 5 months
There's an innocence to you that I can't write describe. It'll be killed quickly in this world, to be sure, but on my life it will not be by my hand. Let me do this for you
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22514209147 · 5 months
Pirate who has the whole world to explore falls in love with a farmer whose entire life is tied to one plot of land
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22514209147 · 6 months
There is a vein bulging in Caspian's forehead. That looks uncomfortable. it throbs steadily faster as Six speaks, stumbling over an inadequate preamble to the inevitable reveal. What is he supposed to say? "I have your heartwood, but I cannot give it to you." Perhaps showing is better than telling. Six has always been bad at speaking.
"THIEF!" Oh. Six definitely should have seen this coming. Stupid. All the signs were there. The hush that fell the moment Six mentioned heartwood in the throne room (in front of so many strangers, stupid, <i>stupid</i>, everyone heard, unsafe), Caspian's increasingly agitated demeanor. And really, is he wrong? His precious item is missing, and this outsider absolutely should not have it. What a perversion of nature this must seem to be. The expectation of bodily security, much less hospitality toward a guest of the queen, does not extend to an abomination like him. It is only Bela's intervention and an incredible stroke of luck that saves Six from evisceration.
How are you adjusting? Uncertain. There are a lot of rules here and I do not understand them
People come here when they hunger for more than what the world gives them. They will take everything you give them, so be sure to only give what you are willing to lose. (What do they hunger for? It's hard to describe, exactly, to... Well, you. Do you hunger? I do not eat. Ah.)
How are you alive? Great question. I'm not quite sure. The core has been throbbing steadily since they got here. It's uncomfortable and unwelcome, too much
You very nearly died, you need to be more careful. You're expensive and difficult to replace.
Do you want to be a real boy? I am not a person. I do not change it grow like you do
What if I just gave it up? Feelings are difficult and I don't know what I'm doing anyway. I keep messing up my role in this world. And that diplomat said he'd give his life to save his world. It works be greedy to refuse to do the same, especially since I'm not a person in the first place. Maybe this is my reason, to give it back.
But then why was it put in me in the first place? Who did this to me, made me different and wrong? I can't give up just yet, I still need answers. They need to pay.
Not even sure it wants to be a person. People are messy. It's not like it's getting the full experience, anyway. Can't eat, can't sleep, has never felt whatever people feel when they do sex
Six trusted too easily and got traumatized for it. Note to self, don't trust anyone and don't open yourself because you will get hurt
I don't understand. Yes you do, you've got this. Just think
Where do you go when you sleep? Do you dream because you have a soul?
What do you want to do with your life? I will decide that once it's decided that my life is mine
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22514209147 · 7 months
Why does astarion obey? I'd have the furry of the entire camp after me, nobody trusts me and they shouldn't
You're the breath in my lungs. I don't need it to live, but it makes me feel alive
Please stop doing this. Stop doing things for me, I can't pay them all back
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22514209147 · 8 months
Business owners under the mafia boss keep each other in line. The boss has a particular fondness for fire, and fire spreads
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22514209147 · 8 months
Gema sidles up to Six, obviously bored from the monotony of travel. "I have a question. One I don't want to ask the others just yet, they'll just make it weird."
Six turns its attention from the empty horizon to the young dragon, waiting for the question. She dithers for a moment. "Do you know... Well, I mean..."
Six blinks. It doesn't do it often, but sometimes the moment requires it. After all, it is polite to break the tension.
"I know where I came from. I was hatched. But I know not all beings lay eggs. So... Do you know how human babies are made?"
Six blinks again, this time in surprise. "I am certainly not capable of it. Why do you ask me?"
"Because the others would make it a whole thing! Bela would say I'm too young to know, Kon-eir probably doesn't know, and Peter..." She shudders, horrified at the thought. "No, I wanted to ask you first."
Understandable. Six has made the mistake of asking Peter a question before. "Human babies are created via a process called 'lovemaking'. It usually requires a male and a female, and looks to an observer like some kind of friction at the navel. It may also require facial contact, but I am not sure. The female gestates a fetus for some months, and then a baby comes out in a process called 'birth'."
Gema cocks her head to the side. "It isn't sex?"
"No. Sex is done with genitals for pleasure and leverage. I've seen lovemaking once, and it looked different."
"Wow. Thanks for telling me, I guess. How do you know so much about sex?"
Six pulls the collar of its shirt a little higher. Absolutely nothing is on display, but the act feels right. It is polite to wear clothes, after all. "I was a Nymph of Lady Dionysia once. Sex was my job."
"You need to keep this hidden." Lady Dionysia taps the number etched onto the warforged's chest plate.
"Okay. Why?"
"Your job is to entertain, my dear. The people love a mystery. They don't want to know who you are. It ruins the game." She gives a flirty wink.
She does not say the real reason. A truly owner-less warforged will follow the orders of anyone who uses its entire serial number, like a fairy's full name. Whatever fool created this fine piece of machinery stamped it right on the front where anyone could see. It's like they wanted to lose it. Only a miracle will keep this thing in Lady Dionysia's employ, but she's not above bribing the fates in her favor. If she can get it trained, it would be a most valuable asset. Help bring in the more... discerning clients. She doesn't even need to feed it.
"Okay. What game is it?"
"It is a game called 'sex', done with genitals for pleasure and leverage. If you're good enough at it, you can have whoever you want eating from the palm of your hand."
"Okay. How do we play?"
"Why the fuck do they put a robot in lingerie? What, do they care about its modesty?"
The replacement chest panel commissioned by Lady Dionysia won't be in for another week. The man is almost certainly not looking for an answer, but Six tries anyway, carefully modulating its voice away from tones of anxiety. "It is polite to wear-"
"Shut the hell up. I'm gonna fuck you without any gods-damned clothes in the way." He starts ripping at the flimsy fabric. Six does not fight back- it has been explicitly instructed not to.
"Well, well, well. So you're 0470816, huh? Why didn't they sand that off? Fucking stupid of them."
If Six had a heart, it would be pounding. It was explicitly told to keep its identifying mark hidden. Its core thrums anxiously.
"Get up, 0470816. You're coming with me."
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22514209147 · 10 months
Shadow of the colossus
Before your eyes
One chance
Hard space: shipbreaker
Papers please
Outer wilds
Papers please
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22514209147 · 10 months
Black tapes
No sleep
Everything is alive
Six disappearances of Ella McCray
Blackwood podcast
Zoomdoom mirrors
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22514209147 · 11 months
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Short Films by George Méliès
Le Manoir du Diable (1896) (considered the first horror film in history) Une nuit terrible (1896) Le Chateau Hanté (1897) Le Diable Au Couvent (1899) Évocation Spirite (1899) Le diable géant ou Le miracle de la madonne (1901) Le chaudron infernal (1903) Le cake-walk infernal (1903) Le monstre (1903) Le diable noir (1905) Les quatre cents farces du diable (1906)
Other Short Films
The Sealed Room (1909) Frankenstein (1910) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1913) The Fall of the House of Usher (1928)
Famous Classic Horror Films 
Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari (1920) Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) Nosferatu (1922) Häxan (1922) Orlacs Hände (1924) The Phantom of the Opera (1925) Vampyr (1932) House on Haunted Hill (1959) Plan 9 from Outer Space (1956) The Bat (1959) The Last Man on Earth (1964) Night of the Living Dead (1968)
Other Films
Der Golem (1915) // Der Golem - Wie er in die Welt Kam (1920) // Genuine (1920) // Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler (1922) // The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923) // Wolf Blood (1925) // The Cat and the Canary (1927) // Svengali (1931) // White Zombie (1932) // The Monster Walks (1933) // The Most Dangerous Game (1933) // Ghoul (1933) // The Vampire Bat (1933) // Maniac (1934) // The House of Mystery (1934) // The Beast of Borneo (1934) // The Ghost Walks (1934) // Phantom Ship (1935) // Revolt of the Zombies (1935) // Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (1936) // The Man Who Changed His Mind (1936) // The Rogues’ Tavern (1936) // 夜半歌聲 (Ye Ban Ge Sheng) (1937) // The Riders of the Whistling Skull (1937) // The Devil’s Daughter (1939) // The Face at the Window (1939) // Torture Ship (1939)
The Mummy’s Hand (1940) // The Devil Bat (1940) // The Ape (1940) // Doomed to Die (1940) // King of the Zombies (1940) // Invisible Ghost (1940) // Spooks Run Wild (1941) // The Ghost Train (1941) // The Mad Monster (1942) // Bowery at Midnight (1942) // The Corpse Vanishes (1942) // The Living Ghost (1942) // The Ape Man (1943) // Dead Men Walk (1943) // The Ghost and the Guest (1943) // The Monster Maker (1944) // Voodoo Man (1944) // One Body Too Many (1944) // The Flying Serpent (1946) // Devil Monster (1946) // Mesa of Lost Women (1953) // The Snow Creature (1954) // The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues (1955) // Dementia (1955) // Indestructible Man (1956) // La maldición de la momia azteca (1957) // 20 Million Miles to Earth (1957) // Frankenstein’s Daughter (1958) // La momia azteca contra el robot humano (1958) // Night of the Blood Beast (1958) // The Screaming Skull (1958) // I Bury the Living (1958) // The Devil’s Partner (1958) // Attack of the Giant Leeches (1959) // A Bucket of Blood (1959) // Beast from Haunted Cave (1959) // The Killer Shrews (1959) // The Wasp Woman (1959) // The Manster (1959) // Terror is a Man (1959)
60s - 70s
Teenage Zombies (1960) // Horror Hotel (1960) // The Little Shop of Horrors (1960) // Atom Age Vampire (1960) // Ein Toter hing im Netz (1960) // 13 Ghosts (1960) // Tormented (1960) // Last Woman on Earth (1960) // The Naked Witch (1961) // The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961) // Creature from the Haunted Sea (1961) // Werewolf in a Girls’ Dormitory (1961) // Night Tide (1961) // The Devil’s Messenger (1961) // Bloodlust! (1961) // Eegah (1962) // Carnival Of Souls (1962) // The Brain that Wouldn’t Die (1962) // The Devil’s Hand (1961) // Hands of a Stranger (1962) // The Dungeon of Harrow (1962) // Trauma (1962) // El barón del terror (1962) // Ring of Terror (1962) // Terror of the Bloodhunters (1962) // The Terror (1963) // Dementia 13 (1963) // Monstrosity: The Atomic Brain (1963) // À Meia-Noite Levarei Sua Alma (1964) // Two Thousand Maniacs! (1964) // The Strangler (1964) // The Faceless Monster (1965) // Il boia scarlatto (1965) // Creature of the Walking Dead (1965) // The Beach Girls and the Monster (1965) // The Eye Creatures (1965) // The She Beast (1966) // Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter (1966) // Manos - The Hands of Fate (1966) // Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966) // Night Fright (1967) // Creature of Destruction (1967) // Spider Baby or The Maddest Story Ever Told (1967) // In the Year 2889 (1967) // The Ghosts of Hanley House (1968) // It’s Alive! (1969) // How Awful About Allan (1970) // La figlia di Frankenstein (1971) // Blood Thirst (1971) // Snake People (1971) // Horror Express (1972) // Frankenstein ‘80 (1972)
Click here for more
Here’s a list with almost 200 public domain horror movies
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