247bambam-blog · 9 years
A colorful wheel spins in front of Bambam’s eyes.
It spins, spins, spins, spinny spins. He stares fixatedly at it. The edges of his visual field start to fade to black. He keeps staring. It’s been minutes.
Finally, a bloop echoes in his ears, and a familiar tune starts playing. He’s in.
“Fucking finally,” he mumbles to himself, blinking at last after an era of agony. His phone can’t handle LINE Play very well; it always takes ages to load. “Now, the hearts…”
It’s a secret to no one – even because no one ever asked – that Bambam is addicted to this kind of game. “Life simulation” and “dress up game” would be his middle names if he had had the pleasure to baptize himself upon birth. He doesn’t skip one single day of watering plants and high-fiving people, and aces every stage in the minigames. All for maximum profit, and, therefore, maximum fashion impact of his avatar.
But that’s not all that is to this kind of game, of course. Once he’s done completing the hearts mission (500 gems into the sac, cha-ching), he decides to be a sociable virtual presence for the day and talk to his LP bestie.
He taps mina_min’s avatar, and then the chat option. mina_min is still wearing the same outfit as the day before. Bambam is worried. Did she forget to log in?
능구렁이: good evening! ^o^ 능구렁이 sent an action sticker: ❤️‍ 능구렁이: i hadnt seen ur new diary entry yet. rly cool pic~ 능구렁이: wanna meet at the line cafe later? id is 4649 as usual 능구렁이 sent an action sticker: 👋
As much as playing candid is not really Bambam’s thing, mina_min is really nice, has a well-dressed avatar, and must be fabulously rich, judging from the amount of extra hearts she has and the price of the presents she gives Bambam. He sometimes pushes the fuck-it button and retributes the favor with nice presents too, but they’re never as expensive as hers. Because of that, he feels an obligation to be as sweet as possible to her. So he is. It’s a strange feeling, but he’s growing used to it.
Though, if he’s to be sincere… it’s kind of refreshing, to be able to act cute to someone. Most people who know Bambam in real life know he’s a hard bitch, so few people would treat him with much consideration if he started acting cute. Not even his closest friends. No, out of all people, most definitely not his closest friends. Maybe that’s why he legitimately likes mina_min. She’s sort of a new type of presence on his life.
All of sudden, as if striken by lightning, he has an idea.
It’s… not his best idea, he must admit, but it’s not entirely terrible. They’re close enough for that, right? And Bambam knows some krav maga, some basic self-defense… he has a pair of brass knuckles here somewhere. What could go wrong?
He chooses not to answer his own question, and smashes the fuck-it button with all his might.
능구렁이: or mayb…….. wanna meet irl someday? 능구렁이: like at a real cafe or smth. sorry if its weird lol 능구렁이 sent an action sticker: 😁
Well, there. He sent it; it is sent. Now, all he can do is to clean some rooms and wait for the answer.
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
(+ tm)
                                                                            AUGUST 2015.
Fun fact of the day: Bambam hates public transportation. He abhors the notion of paying – paying money – not an insignificant amount either! – to sit among strangers for several minutes in an old, uncomfortable sort of car. Perhaps because he has been on his own for such a long time, and even back in Thailand he was never surrounded by people like his siblings were, the idea of sitting still among so many people in complete silence is ghastly to him. It reminds him of school. Shiver.
The point is, unless he’s broken a heel in the streets, or has to get across town for some reason, Bambam walks everywhere. Which means that, if he’s going to somewhere for the first time, he’s almost always irreversibly late.
Today, unfortunately, is not an exception; he’s a whole hour late for an audition. Not any audition: a an audition for his dream job. The most important audition he’ll ever have in his life.
And he’s late. Thanks, Google Maps. Thanks, plataform shoes.
He reaches his destiny sweaty, tired, his legs cramping and his breath short from pretty much running around for the last fifteen minutes. Momentarily blinded by relief, he leans over the nearest surface to take a breather, but said nearest surface happens to be the club’s large, moderately light swinging doors. They’re unlocked. There he goes, tumbling ungracefully into the club, face meeting the ground before his knees.
He’s not on one of his best days.
Well, nevermind that. Since he’s already in... uh, since half of his body is already in, he might as well get up, get fully inside, and make a mad dash to wherever the audition is taking place. Maybe he can still make it! With that thought in mind, he sprints to his feet with unseen strength, and sets his path into the club.
At the next door in the way, right in the end of the hallway Bambam is currently walking down, stands a bouncer. Upon seeing the volumous man, Bambam hesitates – but soon straightens his spine, clears his throat, and holds his chin up.
“Excuse me,” he calls out once the bouncer is within earshot. “I’m here for the dancer audition.”
The Bouncer turns his head to stare right into Bambam’s eyes. Yikes. Bambam can feel the judgement.
“The audition started long ago.”
“I know,” Bambam grins his most brilliant grin. “I’m a little late.”
The bouncer just stares.
“Look.” It’s time to amp things up. Bambam removes his sunglasses, revealing his sharp winged eyeliner and flawless contouring. That’ll do the trick! “I have an afternoon job, and my boss just wouldn’t let me off earlier. I’m sure there’s a lot of people auditioning, I can just slip inside and no one will notice. What do you think?”
“The audition is almost over...” the bouncer is visibly suspicious, but also at a loss.
“And that’s why we need to be quick here,” Bambam chuckles a bit viciously. “Now, would you tell me where I should go?”
There’s an imaginary clock ticking inside Bambam’s head as the bouncer stares at him a bit dumbfoundedly. If only this meatloaf would step aside...
“I... I’ll talk to the manager,” the bouncer guarantees him, and Bambam is becoming convinced his eyes are always just that empty. Turning his back to Bambam, the man pushes the door open, and walks into the club, leaving Bambam to stare as the heavy wooden leaf swings back and forth, back and forth.
He doesn’t have the time.
Quiet as a mouse, Bambam waits for the swing, and slips inside as well.
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
✉➟[daddy]: whatchu saying bae u ALWAYS get my mouth right 👅🍌💦 ✓✓
✉➟[daddy]: gimme 40ms, i gotta shower + get dressd + beat my face + finish my quests on LP ✓✓
✉➟[daddy]: n decide on my lingerie xxxo ✓✓
⌦ YES BITCH I JUST SAID SUSHI R U GOING BLIND BBY, i know i don’t always get ur mouth right but that mustn’t be the case ✓✓
⌦ I know I can always count on thai sauce afterwards 👅🍈yum👅🍈yum ✓✓
⌦ As much as I’d love saying whatever rn, please dress accordingly darling cuz we’re going in public (as in put ur tightest pants to make up for the lack of skin showing)🔎🔎 ✓✓
⌦ How long will you take to be ready bitch I ain’t got no time to wait, I’m almost ready (looking fine af) ✓✓
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
✉➟[daddy]: i was watering sum plants @ line play tbh but im always free 4 u ;**  ✓✓
✉➟[daddy]: hehe later u can tell my ass exactly how much u missed it 👅💦💦 ✓✓
✉➟[daddy]: also dress code?? answer ‘whatever’ n its booty shorts + fishnet ✓✓
[ @247bambam ]
⌦ Bitch, you better be there ✓✓
⌦ I know you are because you never really leave your phone aside, so watch out ✓✓
⌦ Let’s go out to sightsee some asses, and while we’re at it also eat some stuff? I also know you’re pretty much free rn, so don’t you fail on me, lil cow ✓✓
⌦ We can go eat sushi or something, maybe go to an Italian restaurant? Just really reply fast cuz I’m dying of boredom here. ✓✓
⌦ ps missing ur thai pretty ass xo ✓✓
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
{ my apologies to everyone i owe starters/replies/etc to but i probs wont be doing much on the rp today bc smap disbanding ruined my mood lmao. see you tomorrow! }
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
: splash out (+ th)
It is 6 AM and the streets are cold. Bambam, who is coming home from yet another night of work at Trocadero, can think about nothing else but that. It truly is damn cold, the icy breeze seeping through his fleece coat to tickle his tummy with its unwelcome touch, and he just can’t wait till he gets home, closes all the windows, tears the makeup off his face, and falls to bed.
To play some Mass Fishing, of course. He still got some hours to catch that prized piranha.
He turns around the street corner, and sights his apartment joint from the distance. Home! His steps quicken, but his pace does falter when he hears the constant thump-thump-thump of dance music he’s been hearing from a couple of minutes get louder as he approaches the building.
Bambam squints at the horizon. Some sunrays are already peaking into the night sky, bidding hello.
But well, it’s not Bambam’s place to condemn someone for having fun into the sunrise. In fact, he’s a little jealous. He has now arrived at the front gate, and his cold hands are in the process of selecting the right key from the bunch when he first notices that the music blasting from somewhere inside sounds… very familiar.
Clink, go the keys, and clack, goes the gate as Bambam dexterously unlocks it, frowning in thought as he tries to remember. It’s good, and he’s definitely heard it before. What is it called? The first stumble into the hallway is a reminder for him to take off his shades – who the fuck turns the internal lights off every single day at 5 AM? – and, as if on cue, the song that’s bugging him plays its last notes, quick being followed by another.
And Bambam almost screams, because he definitely knows that one.
He covers the stairs to the second floor in three strides. A new personal record, but that doesn’t matter, because the music still comes from above; so he climbs to the third, and then fourth floor, and he’s there.
Music can truly take you places! 
He even knows exactly which apartment it’s coming from, and doesn’t hesitate in jabbing his finger into the doorbell. Predictably, the ring gets partially swallowed by the music, so he does it again. And again. And yet again. There’s no giving up until this neighbor of his come give him some damn answers.
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
@247jh x
(...) “yah! that’s no way to treat your elder!” he says, defensively hiding his face with a hand. 
“Oh, sorry, I meant to hit the other stupid barista that’s standing right behind you.” Bambam just barely feigns remorse. Hoseok is currently alone at the counter. He lazily struts towards the café corner, steps careless in a calculated manner. “But hey! Since I got your attention…” he grins. “You see that striking gentleman over there? Holding that huge three-hundred-bucks-worth photography book?”
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
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160109 Phuket Airport AllaboutB | please do not edit!
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
{ HI EVERYONE kinda late but hello, i’m krait, bambam’s mun!! nice to meet yall ☆
i’m still working on my plots page (and in my pages in general #mess) but if any of you wanna plot!! we can brainstorm! or i can look at your plots page! or we can just chat! i’m up for all of that!! :Db }
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
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247bambam-blog · 9 years
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© ❤️ B IS THE B ❤️ | Do not edit.
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