One thing everyone forgets about kittens is that, actual cats, consider their owners a huge, dysfunctional disasters of cats and are actively trying to teach them how to cat, feed them and protect them, which I find very cute
actually, I read an article that said while cat do think we a huge and dysfunctional, they don’t view us as cats. to they are just trying to help out these weird big idots and I think that’s amazing
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Delhi Queer Pride 2017 🏳️‍🌈
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Shout out to Akbar Cook for being there and caring for our kids in your school. Thank you so much.
If cat and otter videos can get 200k, this should be able to too.
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No homo? Why not?
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i feel like people have forgotten what “NSFW” actually stands for after all these years
it stands for “not safe for work,” as in “material that could get you fired if your boss sees you looking at it at your place of employment” 
tagging things as “nsfw” is not something to be politicized, it is a courtesy to your fellow humans so that they do not get fired or socially ostracized for someone’s whole dick being out on their computer 
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Homosexuality is decriminalized in India!! 🌈🌸
India’s Supreme Court has struck down a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual gay sex, overturning more than 150 years of anti-LGBT legislation.
The court announced the landmark verdict in Delhi on Thursday, as jubilant crowds cheered and rights activists hugged one another, overcome with emotion.
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working on my version of marvin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ASCENDANT signs indicate SOCIAL compatibility  (the impression you give others/ the “face” you put on when confronting the world)
SUN signs indicate TEMPERAMENT compatibility (how your natural personality interacts with others under stimuli/changing environments).
MOON signs indicate EMOTIONAL compatibility (how you relate/ connect/ empathize. This is internal and may not be necessarily obvious).
MERCURY signs indicate INTELLECTUAL compatibility (how you communicate and share thoughts).
VENUS signs indicate ROMANTIC compatibility (how you love/ receive love. What you idealize and fantasize for in relationships).
MARS signs indicate PHYSICAL compatibility (the personality of your aggression. how you interact physically or sexually).
JUPITER signs indicate IDEOLOGICAL compatibility (how you react to each other’s beliefs, values and opinions).
SATURN signs indicate LONG-TERM compatibility (how your relationship may develop and be sustained over time).
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Black lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and transgender women represent a vibrant and visible portion of the LGBTQ community. In addition to the legends of the Harlem Renaissance and the decades of groundbreaking activism spearheaded by women like Audre Lorde, Barbara Smith and Angela Davis, many of the most prominent coming out stories of the past two years have been black women like Brittney Griner, Raven-Symonè, Diana King and Robin Roberts. Meanwhile, Laverne Cox and Janet Mockhave become the most visible transgender women in media.
So, in honor of Black History Month, below you’ll find over 100 lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer and transgender women you should know about. If she was still alive, the oldest person in this list would be 189 years old. The youngest person on this list is a mere 21 years of age. Like all our lists of this sort, this post aims to contain a wide variety of humans of all ages and backgrounds, from reality TV show stars (despite its numerous failings, Reality TV has been a major mainstream source of LGBTQ visibility dating back to the early ’90s) to State Representatives to actresses to game-changing activists.
Keep in mind, there are so many more prominent black LGBT women than are represented below. This list isn’t representative or comprehensive, but I did aim to include the “big names” and beyond that, present a broad and diverse range of visible women. The hardest part of making this list was that it was originally twice as long! So please feel free to share some of your heroes in the comments and we’ll have more lists like this in the future!
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LGBTQ+ Postcard and Notepads from riotcakes
x / x / x
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You, yes, you reading this?
You’re amazing
And I might not know who you are yet
Or anything about you
But you’re amazing
You’re an incredible fellow fander
And I love you
Okay, you can carry on.
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Them: “ Hey, what are you up too?”
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