2birds1song · 21 hours
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The hanged man by Ariel Burgess
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2birds1song · 2 days
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❝ billy taupe and makin' mistakes? goes right hand in hand. ❞ she'll say that for certain, mistake was billy taupe's middle name. hm.. the songstress contemplated his answer as doe eyes eyed him over, wondering if it's a joke but she won't question it. tanned fingers curl back into her fist once her wrist is let go of and a victorious smile graces olive features before small body plops down on the side of the bed she's already standing on. ❝ and why not? is it too adorable of a name, that's so bad about it? ❞ she had to wonder, kind of amused that it potentially bothers him as she falls on her back and props her head against the one pillow she has behind her. ❝ i sure am. happy as a clam. ❞ twang in her accent laced in glee, taking the oversized rings off her lithe fingers to hold them up to her eyes so she can admire them properly in the dim light. course she was, she got a comfier bed to sleep in now and got her way with the jewelry, she was no less happier than a clam.
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Theodore  wasn't  a  person  to  listen  either,  and  he  also  was  a  person  that  liked  a  challenge-  maybe  he  understimated  Lucy  Gray  more  than  he  should.  The  doe  eyed  girl  was  smarter  than  most,  maybe  to  smart  now  that  he  thought  about  it-  and  she  carried  a  charm  which  was  dangerous  for  many  naive  men.  Nose  scrunched  as  Theodore  listened  to  her  talk  about  this  Billy  Taupe,  and  a  chuckle  passed  lips.  "  Maybe  that  was  his  first  mistake,  "  This  Billy  taupe  didn't  sound  like  a  clever  man  and  thought  with  everything  else  than  his  brain.  When  she  finally  asked  nicely,  Theodore's  blue  eyes  scanned  her  features,  a  small  smirk  on  plump  lips.  "  Go  ahead  and  keep  them,  but  never  call  me  teddy  bear  again,  "  The  other  nicknames  had  been  fine,  but  teddy  bear  ...  Theodore  let  go  of  her  wrist  and  laid  down  onto  his  bed,  hand  resting  behind  his  head.  This  wasn't  what  Theodore  expected  his  night  to  go  like,  he  had  just  hoped  for  a  good  night  of  sleep,  but  the  world  had  decided  something  else  for  him.  A  little  firecracker  of  a  girl  was  already  stirring  things  up  and  she  hadn't  even  been  here  for  long.  He  reminded  himself  that  this  was  the  last  time  he  would  be  hospital  towards  woman  that  he  didn't  know  the  backgrounds  of.  "  Are  you  happy  now?  Lucy  Gray?  "  Tone  teasing  and  lips  had  an  amused  smile  on  his  lips.
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2birds1song · 8 days
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anxious grey seam hues studying him – her favorite person to study as the words left her lips – decide to instinctively flicker away, finding the floor much interesting all at sudden when she feels his gaze settle on her. katniss has to wonder what he's staring at... like she often did, frequently questioned inside her head when she could feel peeta's kind gaze absorb her like she was even someone worthy of that. ❝ but i want to. i feel i owe you that. ❞ after so much shutting him out that pained her to do. then she felt a bigger hand wrap around her smaller one, causing a soft smile to curl her lips upwards before pale eyes flickered back up on him. ❝ i just wish i was as good at words as you are. ❞ girl with the braid admits, the gentle smile still across visage and thin fingers giving his hand a tiny squeeze. silently agreeing that it is nice.
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❝ i want to tell you something i just need a moment to figure out the right words. ❞ | from katniss 💚 @2birds1song
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silence fills the air for a moment , just letting himself get lost in her features. sometimes , in moments like this , peeta often thinks about how his eyes used to quickly move away from hers. making sure katniss never caught him staring ; but now with his feelings out in the open , it was nice to have her looking back at him too. " katniss .. " he begins , a soft sigh pushing from his lips and his hand slides into her gently. " you don't have to .. it's really okay. " his gaze falling to look at their hands together , watching his thumb softly stroking over the back of her hand before looking back at her. " it's nice , being here like this. calm almost. "
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2birds1song · 8 days
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it is you i love. (insp)
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2birds1song · 11 days
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THE HUNGER GAMES (2012) dir. gary ross
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2birds1song · 1 month
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a devious smile lifted olive features, bambi eyes falling over theodore's expressions as the cheeky little minx of a girl takes him in doing that funny action getting all animated about his feigned contemplation. lucy gray didn't know whether to be endlessly frustrated or wildly impressed he was too smart to fall for her games. she did like her next nickname, though. doe eyes. ❝ that'd be too easy, baby boy. i like a challenge. ❞ she finally replies, plus she was having too much fun playing with him even if he was too clever to fall for it like some fool. ❝ some might. ❞ small shoulders shrugged under confined corset, since she couldn't vouch for other girls. ❝ but not me, definitely not me. i got a mind of my own and don't go around listenin' to anybody. poor ole billy taupe, some guy i used to know, found that out the hard way i reckon. ❞ it was so like her to overshare with a stranger & leaving it ominous what happened to her ex boyfriend billy taupe– a sad soul who thought he had it in him to rule her around just because she was smaller and the opposite sex, like he did with all of his history of girlfriends. he just finally went and messed with the wrong one. ❝ well, ❞ lucy gray leans down to him once she's tugged closer, her free hand gently laying over his wrapped around her wrist, ❝ askin' nicely is what i do best, darlin'. long as i ain't mad. ❞ sweetly smiling, fingers patting his hand, that was billy taupe's problem. he went and made her mad. only then, that's when she doesn't play nice. ❝ and i don't see a reason to be mad, so i can do that. ❞ she gives a single nod at her compliance. ❝ so please teddy bear, ❞ starting with an amused smile, ❝ can i have these pretty little rings? i promise to take good care of 'em. ❞ they didn't even fit and still, she just wanted to keep them for the sake of liking jewelry.
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Bright  blues  darkened  as  she  tapped  under  his  chin,  the  corner  of  his  mouth  tugging  up  for  a  few  seconds  in  pure  amusement.  She  was  playing  with  his  mind,  and  Theodore  knew  that  it  was  just  pure  excuses  for  getting  caught  in  her  little  thievery  act:  once  again  she  did  impress  and  amuse  him,  a  rarity.  His  thumb  and  index  finger  went  up  to  his  chin  like  he  was  contemplating  her  possibilities,  a  smirk  on  his  lips  and  a  playful  glimmer  in  his  eyes:  "Try  these  mind  games  on  John,  and  he  might  believe  you,  doe  eyes,"  Theodore  had  a  sister  growing  up  and  she  had  the  same  innocent  smiles  and  big  eyes,  he  would  see  her  use  them  on  their  father  every  day  if  she  wanted  something.  "Shouldn't  the  girls  listen  to  the  man  of  the  house?"  Theodore  pointed  out  with  a  smirk  at  her  reasonings,  and  he  gave  her  a  gentle  nod:  it  was  that  easy,  sometimes  Theodore  thought  that  John's  brain  was  thick  as  dough  unless  explosives  were  involved.  Blues  watched  as  she  pulled  out  the  rings,  they  weren't  really  sentimental,  just  some  items  he  had  stolen  long  ago,  he  just  didn't  like  people  taking  his  things  when  he  was  kind:  Lucy  Gray  was  lucky  that  he  had  grown  a  small  sweet  spot  for  her:  mostly  due  to  the  big  doe  eyes  (maybe  he  was  more  like  his  father  than  he  liked  to  admit)  Theodore's  eyes  widened  by  her  sudden  change  of  heart,  a  small  chuckle  of  disbelief  passing  lips  as  he  shook  his  head:  he  should  have  guessed  this  would  be  the  outcome.  Eyes  darted  to  her  fingers  with  the  rings,  the  bands  too  big  for  her  slim  fingers  and  his  hand  reached  out  to  grab  her  wrist  as  he  moved  to  his  knees  on  the  bed.  Hand  pulling  her  closer  to  his  taller  frame,  "Maybe,  if  you  ask  nicely, are you going to ask nicely?" Theodore asked challengingly.  
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2birds1song · 1 month
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I'm an open book. Everybody always seems to know my secrets before I know them myself.
Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen in THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE (2013) dir. Francis Lawrence
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2birds1song · 2 months
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2birds1song · 2 months
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"Remember, I'm still betting on you, girl on fire."
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2birds1song · 2 months
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2birds1song · 3 months
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2birds1song · 3 months
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❝ maybe you just got it all wrong, teddy bear. ❞ lucy gray quipped back while hand reached up to tap under his chin , there was too much fun warring him in a battle of pet names and she was no quitter. ❝ maybe that was my plan all along and you went fallin' for it. could've been all just to test you. ❞ one shoulder shrugged as she gave out other possibilities, it didn't sound too far from the truth to her since she had been wary how safe it was to shut her eyes under one roof with all these others sharing it with her. ❝ or it easily could've just been me prankin' you. ❞ doe eyes did their best scheme at trying to play innocent, speaking nonchalantly while waving him off dismissively. ❝ that's another thing i do when i got bad dreams and can't sleep, i been known to play pranks. ❞ she reasoned, sweetly smiling. none of these things were technically lies, so scrambling them in with the real truth was a fun attempt to mess with him. ❝ that's why i didn't prank beardy john in there first, since you're the man of this house. ❞ the songstress stifles a laugh. ❝ it's that easy, huh? ❞ amusingly, brunette asked. she would next have to do some questioning on how safe that was as her relaxation on his bed comes to a halt, sitting up on her hands as eyes trailed over him. surveying the taller. not trustin' him as far as she can throw him. her eyes found his extended palm, wishing he wasn't so good at having a memory. after a second she sits up straight and has to begrudgingly dig into her top one more time, fishing out two rings. ❝ they are some shiny pretty rings. ❞ lucy gray commented once they were in her palm, ❝ but i guess i better pay up. so alright, darlin'... ❞ for a second she genuinely was reaching over to hand them back, no more games. until his hand held out like that gave her an idea for one more at last second. hand that's seemingly dropping off the rings ends up quickly grabbing his instead, pulling him forward then takes the two rings and slides them on her middle and ring fingers. lucy gray swiftly stands up on his bed, hopping over him and pressing her back to the headboard with amused grin adorning her face and adrenaline spiking her heart rate. ❝ i just think they're lonely and need a new owner. don't you think so too? ❞ they were a little big on her smaller fingers, but she was playing with him anyway; seeing what he'll do as she showcases the rings on her left hand.
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"  It  is  my  place  when  my  things  are  down  your  clothes,  "  Theodore  countered.  The  man  could  care  less  about  women's  innocence  when  they  stole  what  belonged  to  him.  "  If  the  thievery  hadn't  been  so  obvious,  I  wouldn't  have  plundered  your  corset,  baby  doll,  "  With  those  words  he  started  to  look  over  the  items  that  she  had  so  kindly  given  back,  is  this  what  he  got  for  being  charitable?  To  be  stolen  from?  In  honesty,  Theodore  hadn't  thought  much  about  her,  rather  thought  she  would  be  useless,  but  apparently,  she  was  more  useable  than  he  thought:  he  could  use  her  for  his  own  benefit.  "  Yes,  he  is  an  easy  target,  dumb  as  you  can  get  them.  Got  better  valuables  too,  if  your  fingers  tingle  that  much,  "  Placing  his  watch  on  his  dresser,  his  gaze  turned  to  look  at  Lucy  Gray  as  she  enjoyed  his  bed.  Theodore  knew  two  more  items  were  missing,  but  he  didn't  consider  them  important-  and  he  didn't  feel  like  fighting  to  get  all  of  his  items  back:  it  was  late  at  night  after  all.  She  was  one  of  a  kind,  that  was  for  sure,  her  personality  seemed  so  much  more  colourful  and  bright  compared  to  his.  "  All  you  have  to  do  is  ask,  sweetheart,  I  don't  mind  sharing  my  bed,  "  Walking  over  to  the  bed,  he  looked  down  at  her  as  she  lay  spread  out,  usually  girls  would  be  naked  if  they  laid  in  his  bed,  and  this  time  around  it  wasn't  the  case:  pity.  "  What  if  you  pay  me...  two  rings  and  I  will  let  you  stay  in  my  bed  for  the  night,  "  Theodore  offered  Lucy  Gray  his  hand,  palm  up  for  her  to  give  him  the  two  missing  items.  A  knowing  smile  on  his  lips:  finding  this  encounter  more  amusing  than  he  should.
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2birds1song · 3 months
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instincts told her to step back once his bed creaked with his weight shifting off it to come over to her, but then lucy gray decided that'd make her look guilty. she might've as well, though. considering her heart drops when she's caught faster than she can keep playing dumb. doe eyes drop on his fingers plucking his watch out, then flicker back up on the taller. a light blush spilling over her cheeks, embarrassed and then feeling a little guilty. cause he had been nice enough to let her stay, made her feel like a user. but she was desperate for a reason. ❝ well.. it ain't your place to stick your hands in my clothes neither, now is it. ❞ brunette sasses, ❝ if you weren't plundering around in my corset you wouldn't found it, moonpie. ❞ lucy gray retorts, shrugging small shoulders & a tiny devious smirk forming. ❝ which one? the one chokin' on his own beard, he's snorin' so hard? ❞ she questions, a brief smile of amusement curling lips upwards before falling into a frown. arms dropped from behind her back, begrudgingly dipping deeper into her top with one hand, pulling out one piece after another– dropping them with his watch. ❝ there. it's all rightfully returned, sweetheart. ❞ a lie. she stepped back, two more items still left. picking up the ends of her fuchsia colored skirt so she wouldn't sit on it as she took a seat on the foot of the mattress, waiting to see if he'll figure it out. ❝ hm. this bed's a lot more comfier, no wonder i didn't wanna stick to mine. how about i won't bug nothin' else, and this'll be the only thing i steal. ❞ lucy gray plops backwards, back thudding against it. she stretches her arms out then experimentally spreads them in and out, making an imaginary snow angel in his blankets.
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The  man  didn't  buy  her  excuses-  right  brow  gently  raising  at  the  female  figure  before  him.  Bright  blues  wandered  down  to  her  item-filled  corset,  a  half  smirk  forming  on  his  lips  at  the  dents  that  his  things  made:  how  original.  "  That's  why  you  have  my  things  in  that  corset  of  yours?  "  Theodore  was  an  outlaw  himself-  he  knew  the  tricks,  but  putting  items  in  a  corset?  That  was  new,  even  for  him:  call  him  impressed.  Tall  frame  moved  out  of  the  bed  before  walking  over  to  the  smaller  figure,  his  hand  reaching  out  to  take  out  his  watch  that  poked  out:  "  I  believe  this  one  is  mine,  "  it  had  belonged  to  his  father,  and  it  was  valuable  to  him.  "  A  very  cute  attempt,  sweet  cheeks.  If  it  wasn't  for  me  wakin'  up.  I  believe  you  would  have  gotten  away  with  it  too,  "  If  he  hadn't  woken  up  by  her  rumbling:  his  outlaw  life  made  Theodore  a  light  sleeper,  a  pin  drop  would  wake  him  up.  He  had  let  her  stay  with  his  group  of  outlaws,  out  of  the  kindness  of  his  heart,  and  this  is  how  she  repaid  him?    It  was  a  rarity  for  Theodore  to  even  take  in  new  people,  let  alone,  let  them  stay.  "  Here  I  go  out  of  my  way  to  let  you  have  a  bed  to  sleep  in,  and  here  you  are...  Taking  my  things.  You  got  some  boldness  in  yah,  "  Placing  his  watch  on  his  dresser,  he  signalled  her  to  take  the  rest  of  his  things  out  of  her  corset,  "  Try  John  next  time,  he  is  a  better  target,  "
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2birds1song · 3 months
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❝ definitely. ❞ brunette confirmed, shooting him a knowingly look. but of course, she couldn't stay mad at him. grey seam eyes dropped, finding what he was holding out. ❝ oh, ❞ a soft smile broke across katniss's stoic features, turning them softer for the boy with the bread. now she especially couldn't be angry, she felt guilt for even considering it. ❝ thank you, peeta. ❞ a kindness overtook her tone, hands reaching for the cheese buns while he held the tea she'd barely noticed he also had brought with him. her stomach growled at the delicious smell.
❝ these are my favorite. you didn't have to... ❞ she sat down, making a seat right on a bed of grass. bow sat to the side and arrows still held on her back. then, that guilt returned at the reminder of the game they had to play; the one she had made into a 'game' and had essentially led peeta on to save their lives. even if, that's not what she wanted to do, those weren't her intentions. katniss decided to brush it over by suggesting something lighthearted, ❝ we can make sharing these real. ❞ she gave a hopeful smile, holding the cheese buns up to him.
Peeta smiled in return. "Probably scaring off anything for miles, but, I just wanted to bring you these, while they're still warm." He said, having baked some cheese buns for her, and been given tea from Mrs. Everdeen. "I know I should probably not be out here, but.. with the Prep teams coming, and the tour ahead of us, it'll be the last chance we get for a while." To warm up to each other, pretend like nothing had changed, even if it had.
"I know it's not real, but for the next few weeks, we'll both have to pretend like it is." He said, determined to sell it to the audience who would no doubt, believe it was, no matter what.
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2birds1song · 3 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - wardrobe
"Well, the Covey love colour, me more so than most, but this dress was my mama's so it's extra special to me." ↳ "the hunger games: the ballad of songbirds and snakes" costume design by trish summerville
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2birds1song · 3 months
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this thief in the night freezes. dammit, he wasn't supposed to wake up. not til she successfully stole the things she needed. heartbeat raced with fear. sticky hands slowly dropping a few of his belongings worth something in the front of her brown colored corset, the only place she has to hide the items. then curly haired brunette alas turns, slow & offering innocent smile right away. though, it might look real odd, with the shape of her corset distorted, holding items in it that belonged to him. and still, she pretended that wasn't what was . . . [ happening. ] ❝ nothin', darlin'. couldn't sleep from some bad dreams, so i just– felt like bein' nosy. ❞ lips playfully twitched, bambi hues flickering up on him in the moonlight spilling over the room. ❝ curiosity distracts my mind. that so wrong? ❞ twang in her accent feigned sweetness, crossing arms behind her back and trying not to rock on her heels nervously.
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Theodore  had  woken  up  when  his  door  opened,  and  the  other  barged  into  his  room.  Sitting  up  in  his  bed,  he  looked  at  the  other  with  tired  confusion;  "What  are  you  doing  in  my  room?" 
open  to  females. tbh,  I  just  made  this  gif  and  I  wanted  to  use  it...
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2birds1song · 4 months
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Some victory tour posters I made! I know they didn’t have a victory tour for the 10th games lol, but I saw Mag’s posters and wanted to make these, hope you like them!!
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