2econdlaw · 1 month
DOWNPOUR. Aren't summer downpours special, in a way? Don't they make you want to dance barefoot in the middle of the road? Isn't it so satisfying when the raindrops kiss your face? That's how I feel about you, I think. When people meet you, it's always a bit unexpected but still pleasant. You're unpredictable and that's what's so attractive about you; no one truly gets bored around you. If I could, I'd put you inside my pocket and go on so many adventures with you.
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2econdlaw · 3 months
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2econdlaw · 3 months
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2econdlaw · 3 months
A CAGE WITH IRON LOCKS. You are an enigma. You take care to remain that way. You aim to keep people guessing; your motives are uncertain even to yourself. What is it you truly want? You’ll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. You deserve to be known, truly and fully. Stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self-reflection. Stop thinking that no one will love you the moment they understand you. You are more than the façade you put on.
LOVE AS A CHOICE. Love is beautiful because it's built deliberately. When Casey McQuinston wrote " That's the choice. I love him, with all that, because of all that, on purpose. I love him on purpose, " and when Jenny Slate tweeted " I just want someone to grab my little face and scream on purpose, on purpose I am going to care about you, " and when Jodi Picoult wrote " After fifteen years, love isn't just a feeling. It's a choice, " and when The Good Place said " If soulmates do exist, they're not found they're made. "
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2econdlaw · 3 months
char's favourite flowers include most wildflowers; she enjoys how they vary by region, add colour to otherwise plain and greyscale cityscapes, and are less orderly in how they grow as opposed to cultivated gardens. among them, her very favourites are daisies, forget-me-nots, blue chicories, pink wild cosmos, bachelor buttons, and plains coreopsis.
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2econdlaw · 5 months
you know that part in Minari (2020) when the grandma and the grandson come across a venomous snake and the grandson tries to scare it away, but the grandma tells him not to do so because when it comes to scary, dangerous things like that, it's better to keep it in view so that you know where it is and what it's doing? yeah, char's the snake.
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2econdlaw · 9 months
By both nature and necessity, Charlotte is a wholly and persistently unpredictable character. She always has been in almost all aspects of her characterization; from the fact that she does not have any conscious control over the distortions to reality, memories, and perceptions that occur in her presence to the fact that she rarely has any political, moral, or personal stakes in any given conflict, Char's unpredictability is, ironically, perhaps, one of the few constant things about her.
However, because it isn't easy to predict how she will behave or react to certain people, situations, etc., I get that this might make it hard to plot with her as well as create a coherent picture of her. ( Of course, some of that ambiguity is deliberate and it's not the goal of this post to do away with that ambiguity, but only to clarify a little bit about how said ambiguity works. ) I've spoken about this in various contexts during plotting, but figured it'd be helpful to have in one post for everybody's reference since we should be on the same page about why Char is a headache.
As stated above, Charlotte will rarely have any political, moral, or personal stakes in any given situation that might arise and/or involves your muse. This means that if you want to gauge where she might stand in a conflict, how far you can trust her, where her loyalties ( if any ) would lie, etc., you may have to rely on what you know about the conflict itself, the players involved, and who ( if anyone ) Char is answering to. Obviously, this isn't a foolproof method and it is very possible that Char could be planning to betray people, working for an unknown party, or looking to make some trouble on her own terms. Therefore, in this case, you cannot predict with a reliable degree of certainty whether Char is "on your side" or not.
Charlotte does have standards. It may be hard to believe and even harder to predict, but she will draw the line at certain actions and behaviours. I don't want to attach any morality-talk to these standards, however, because Charlotte herself doesn't see her standards as markers of her "goodness" or "evilness;" they're simply the limits of what she is and is not willing to do as a person, and are, unfortunately, also subject to adjustment if she feels the need to cross certain lines for whatever reason. It's important to remember that Char is extremely goal-orientated and will not let go of a "victory" easily. Therefore, these "lines" she draws can be unpredictable themselves.
That being said, you can trust that Char will never personally perpetuate acts of animal cruelty, infanticide, the willful abuse/avoidable traumatizing of children, extremely cruel and unusual punishments or torture methods, egregious or needless violations of another person's bodily autonomy, or emotionally-driven acts of sadism, maiming, or homicide.
In short, while Charlotte is willing to go to great lengths to achieve her objective and will engage in a wide assortment of extreme and criminal methods of manipulation to do so, she is not an inherently cruel or sadistic person. She is capable of cruelty and sadism, but she also knows when enough is enough and finds little personal gratification in going beyond what she considers "fair" or "fun" in a given situation. This means that she won't likely go out of her way to torture, maim, or kill someone if it no longer serves her goal; it means that she is much less likely to inflict egregious pain or confusion on someone she believes cannot, in any sense, "fight back." Her actions and choices, like everything else about her, aim to push events, people, and reality itself towards her nearer criminal objectives as well as her greater, more general objective of catalyzing chaos. Once she has done enough to "feed" these plans and processes, Char backs off considerably in terms of her hostility. What sustains her unpredictability in this case, however, is how you can never know when Charlotte will decide if enough is enough or if there is more chaos to be squeezed out of a certain person and/or situation. . .
Therefore, the best way to parse Charlotte's unpredictability is to consider the immovable neutrality of chaos and, by extension, Char herself as a vessel of the primordial void and old Khaos itself. It is crucial to remember that, more often than not, to the point of near certainty, none of what Char does is ever personal. It is all for chaos. It is paramount, where Char is concerned, to never mistaken her friendly and even caring actions for any actual care on her part for your muse. ( There are, of course a handful of exceptions to this, but that's an entirely different story ). I cannot emphasize this enough: Char may take actions to care for your muse, such as feeding them, checking in on them, buying them gifts, housing them, etc., but she does not actually care about your muse in any of these cases. At all. Not beyond what they can do for her in terms of her objectives. As such, you cannot expect any sentimentality or loyalty from Char in almost any situation ever.
The flip-side of this objective and cold neutrality is that you also do not have to worry about Char ever developing feelings of personal resentment, hatred, or vindictiveness against your muse. No matter what has gone down between Char and another person or organization, she will more likely than not continue to view the other with indifference... maybe mingled with some wariness, curiosity, or even mild fondness. This is to say, you can expect her to leave your home, loved ones, overall safety, and livelihood alone as long as you do not become a person of interest for her again. It is only important to remember that this "peace" is conditional, and you cannot predict when she will, in fact, turn around and decide maybe she does want to use you, mess with you, or need something from you again.
So, it seems like there is very little you can count on when it comes to Charlotte, and this is as expected. However, amidst all this unpredictability, there are a few other points on which you can trust will transpire when it comes to Charlotte. The first and most widely applicable is her resolve, determination, and objectivity when it comes to getting a job done. Before all else, Char is a chaos agent with a singular purpose; this kind of mindset has translated seamlessly to her career as a master criminal. She does not like to lose and believes half the fun is the dedication with which she throws herself into a job. The fact that she is not in control of the effects she has on reality and is herself subject to these distortions and the unpredictability she fosters, and yet has trained herself to use these distortions in such a way that not only makes it seem like she's in control but to great yet improbable success, should, alone, testify to the power of her resolve.
Second, you can usually count on the fact that Char does not operate from a place of emotion, and is rather cerebral and logical. This means that, if your muse is up to the challenge and has the capability to do so, you can expect Charlotte to respond to reasonable arguments and negotiations. In short, Char can be reasoned with; it's just not an easy thing to do as she usually has her own logic already in place behind a plan, but she won't ever shut you down outright for voicing your own reasoning. You can expect her to respond best to logical arguments, analytical or scientific evidence, and when you can show why you're championing a particular line of thinking.
Lastly, and this is not even close to being widely applicable, but in the case where your muse has earned Char's genuine friendship, love, and/or loyalty, you can expect her to show up for you consistently and unconditionally. Though extremely hard-earned, Char's loyalty is the real thing. She will be there the moment you call. She will side with you and do almost anything you ask of her, even if she disagrees, because it was you who asked. She will never leave you to face a challenge alone and will persistently look out for you. Perhaps a little unexpectedly, this is the only case ( hence its immense rarity ) where Char will set aside her own objectives ( to considerable consequences ) and turn her dedication to someone else's goals and success. That being said, this should not be translated as Char becoming "good." She may be good to you, but her choices and actions will still reflect her morally chaotic mindset. This means that the ways in which she will support, defend, and show up for you will still run towards unpredictability because you will never be able to know 100% what she has planned and how far she is willing to go for you.
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2econdlaw · 9 months
SPUN GOSSAMER. The easiest thing to do is stay quiet when something’s up. You’re not bothered and you know what? You shouldn’t be! It’s none of your business even when it’s entirely your business. It’s difficult ( read: impossible ) to tell if your CHEERY DEMEANOUR is a cover-up for something sadder, or if it’s simply your natural state of mind. You see a lot of things: people coming through town, people leaving the house and never coming back, lies and deceit of the highest degree. What happened to you? Will you ever be that kid again? Your presence smells like cotton candy and your fingertips sparkle like stars. Whatever white rabbit you’re chasing isn’t going to lead you to Wonderland, if you don’t start reaching out when you’re not feeling okay.
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2econdlaw · 11 months
swearing | fingernail chewing | slouching | slurring | drinking | smoking | drugs | impulse decisions | obsessive phone checking | bad time management | slang | poor grammar | overworking | slacking off | over sleeping | under sleeping | skin picking | poor eye contact | lying | rambling | skipping breakfast | junk food | self criticism | procrastinating | day dreaming | forgetful | envious | jealous | gossiper | drama queen | secret teller | skipping classwork | spitting | lip licking | lip chewing | drinking from the carton | yelling | too much internet | poor hygiene | impatient | hot headed | biased | complaining | scab picking | buzzfeed | cheek biting | teeth gnashing | shoplifting | scamming | speeding | hair pulling | large ego | eavesdropping | exaggerating | fidgeting | free loading | littering | one-upping | whining | borrowing without returning | unnecessary aggression | talking during movies | plagiarism | copying | glaring | spacing out | ignoring | over critical | messy | hateful | overly prideful
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2econdlaw · 11 months
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2econdlaw · 11 months
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2econdlaw · 11 months
character aesthetics FIGHTING STYLE
bold what always applies. italicize what sometimes applies. repost, don’t reblog.
fights honourably   /   fights dirty prefers close - quarters   /   prefers range chats during   /   goes silent low pain tolerance   /   high pain tolerance attacks in bursts   /   attacks steadily goes for the kill   /   aims to disarm   /   fights defensively   /   strikes first is provoked easily   /   provokes their opponent   /   teases gets visibly frustrated   /   shouts while attacking uses strategy   /   focuses on the battle   /   experiences conflicting thoughts during battle      rushes in recklessly   /   tries to read their opponent before engaging fights wildly   /   fights calmly   /   fights apathetically   /   fights with anger   /   fights with excitement ( !! ) fights because they have to   /   fights because they want to fights without regard to wounds   /   runs away when wounded   /   hides wounds   /   takes a blow to protect another prefers a blade   /   prefers a gun   /   prefers hand to hand combat   /   prefers a bow   /   prefers a shield   /   prefers a personalized weapon   /   prefers magic, alchemy or spells their greatest weakness is physical   /   their greatest weakness is mental   /   their greatest weakness is emotional transforms for battle   /   fights as they appear relies on strength   /   doubts their strength   /   relies on speed uses everything they have   /   proceeds with caution   /   hides their full potential    exhausts quickly   /   has high stamina behaves arrogantly   /   brags after landing a hit  /  belittles their abilities uses psychological tactics   /   uses brute strength avoids civilians   /   strikes down civilians damages surroundings   /   avoids damaging surroundings signature fighting style   /   makes it up as they go mastered skill - set   /   learning their skill - set fancy footwork   /   sloppy footwork messy fighter   /   elegant fighter accepts defeat   /   refuses defeat  /   begs for mercy compliments their opponent   /   insults their opponent uses unnecessary movements   /   moves efficiently   /   barely moves prefers to dodge   /   prefers to block defends their blindside   /   has no blindside   /   leaves blindsides vulnerable uses all available advantages   /   strictly uses one main method plays around   /   holds back   /   fights ruthlessly   /   shows mercy waits for an opponent to be ready   /   strikes when opponent isn’t ready fears death   /   fears pain   /   fears killing has PTSD   /   avoids fighting has lost a fight   /   has won a fight has killed   /   refuses to kill wants to die standing   /   would succumb slowly
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2econdlaw · 11 months
*     ᶜᴴᴬᴿᴸᴼᵀᵀᴱ ᴼᴸᴱˢᴱᴺ ᴬᴾᴾᴱᴬᴿᴱᴰ ᴼᴺ ᵂᴱᴰᴺᴱˢᴰᴬʸ ᴶᵁᴺᴱ ¹⁸ᵀᴴ,  ²⁰⁰⁸ ᴬᵀ ¹⁵:³⁹ ᴬᵀ ᴬ ᴰᴵᴺᴱᴿ ᴺᴱᴬᴿ ⱽᴬᴸᴱ,  ᴺᴼᴿᵀᴴ ᶜᴬᴿᴼᴸᴵᴺᴬ,  ᵁᴺᴵᵀᴱᴰ ˢᵀᴬᵀᴱˢ.          her astrology report is as follows:
SUN     ☼    GEMINI:
there is a strong urge for self-expression.        CURIOUS TO A FAULT,  these natives are often just as interested in collecting information as they are in sharing it.       they are flexible and changeable people.       their ability to adapt quickly to new situations generally gains them plenty of friends and social contacts.       usually quite clever and witty,  geminis enjoy intellectual conversations and they are easily bored if they are not getting enough mental stimulation.       often quite adept at fitting in with others, geminis easily adopt the moods of those around them.       they are friends to people from all walks of life and are not easily intimidated.       their ability to detach themselves can make geminis very objective and observant,  but a little difficult to get close to.       it can be difficult to know what gemini really feels at any given moment.       there is usually a nervous air to geminis that can make more personal characters a little UNEASY.       it is not always intuitive to trust geminis to be loyal or to keep secrets.      geminis often flit about,  moving quickly and keeping busy every step of the way.       restlessness is especially common with this position of the sun.     usually quite affable,  geminis enjoy the “light” side of life.       this tendency to take things lightly makes them quite pleasing to be around;   but it can be maddening to people seeking support on the deeper issues in life.       at the very least,  GEMINIS WILL SELDOM BORE YOU.         she is an opportunist.       she can express herself easily and tends to learn quickly.
more than anything,  lunar sagittarians have a need for personal freedom and space.  they are extraordinarily happy and easygoing folk,  as long as they don’t feel caged in or cooped up.  meeting new people,  going out in the world,  and travel are all important to their sense of well-being.       they love open spaces and,  in their homes, a roomy and bright environment.      they easily forget appointments and the like and some are even considered irresponsible.   however, it is hard to stay angry at a lunar sagittarian!       they are so cheerful and upbeat and their optimism is catchy.    many people with this position are outdoorsy types.       at the very least,  THEY HAVE A GREAT LOVE FOR FRIENDLY COMPETITION.       they don’t like to be caught up in routine for too long,  and they simply need to escape.       there’s a blind faith in lunar sagittarians that is admirable.       not much for making detailed plans, people with moon in sagittarius prefer to wing it.       they’re very adaptable and generally on the go.       she likes to throw herself INTO THE UNKNOWN and into adventure;   she is agile,  tough,  and enthusiastic.       however,  she may take great risks in throwing herself into the unknown and into adventure,  being too audacious,  bold,  and rebellious.       she is unable to stay in one place,  always ready to risk everything to achieve her goal.
RISING     ↑     LIBRA:
everybody seems to like libra ascendant natives.      they just come across as nice, pleasant, and fair.       look a little closer at their lives,  and these nice people may have had quite a few problems in their relationships.       some of them have had a string of relationships,  and it’s not hard to imagine why!       these natives attract others to them effortlessly.       besides,  they simply don’t know what to do with themselves without a significant other.       libra rising generally appear to be smoothing everything over.       they have charming smiles,  a gentle approach with others,  and an easygoing image.       even if they were not endowed with good looks, they are attractive.       most pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance     –  the colours they wear,  their hair,  the way they walk.       libra rising people can be enormously persuasive,  although they will almost always use a “soft sell” approach when they want to win others over,  which is all of the time!       libra rising natives are usually attracted to competent, active partners.       their relationships are often characterized by bickering or competitiveness until they learn to drop their sweet image once in a while and to stop blaming their partners for everything that goes wrong.
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