2l82escape · 6 months
I was curious about how they cleaned the ice. I kept waiting for them to show that step but it never happened...
How ice cream was made in the 1800s
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2l82escape · 8 months
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2l82escape · 10 months
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THe Tube Train, Cyril E. Power
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2l82escape · 10 months
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How Antarctica would look if all the ice melted
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2l82escape · 2 years
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2l82escape · 3 years
Could you please post a list of your favorite 80s horror movies that take place during Halloween? I feel like I've seen most of them, but you know so much great stuff I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything
Well you're always going to be missing something, because Halloween is varying levels of prominent in whatever movie it's in. You'll have it front and center with something like Hack O Lantern
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and then you might have something else where it barely has anything to do with the movie, but might be prominently featured for a second, like the party scene in Communion
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So I know I’m going to be missing a ton that I maybe even giffed but I like The Midnight Hour a lot
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Trick Or Treat is great
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I don’t remember if Night of the Scarecrow takes place specifically during Halloween and it’s from 1995, but I highly recommend it anyway. Definitely takes place around fall/harvest time
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Neon Maniacs is a lot of fun
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Flesheater is a pretty solid zombie movie that takes place on Halloween
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Creeptales is a lesser-known horror anthology that has a lot of Halloweenish stuff
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Gotta include Slugs
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The Halloween party is one of the best parts of a Halloween themed movie because you get to see so many costumes. Primal Rage is great for this
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And not even sure it’s a Halloween movie or not (and not an 80s movie), but Popcorn might as well be considering it has to do with a costumed horror triple feature at a movie theater
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this is already really long so I’ll do a second post
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2l82escape · 4 years
The Sultans of Swing?
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The Hippie Disc Jockeys of Radio WAMO-FM
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2l82escape · 4 years
I still think that my favorite urban legend/folklore fact is that there are certain areas in New Orleans where you cannot get a taxi late at night not because it isn’t safe, but because taxi companies have had recurring problems of picking up ghosts in those areas who are not aware that they are dead and disappearing from the cab before reaching the destination and therefore stiffing the driver on the fare causing a loss for the company.
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2l82escape · 4 years
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Viy (1967)
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2l82escape · 4 years
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The owl is, frankly, stunned.
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2l82escape · 4 years
you wanna see some badass shit from the early 20th century?? The Lumière brothers created the first full color photograph… in fucking 1903! So these dudes dyed potatoes (in red, blue, and green), mashed them down into just pure fuckin’ starch, and used these dyed potato starches as filters to block out/let in certain wavelengths of light. They coated one side of a glass plate with the starches and sensitized the other side with a mixture of gelatin and light sensitive materials (silver nitrate) and loaded these plates in their cameras.. This is a really simple explanation of the process and I may have missed some things A few of my favorite autochrome photos:
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2l82escape · 4 years
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This is a Transformation from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.  Don’t fear it.
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2l82escape · 5 years
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Coronavirus Country Trajectories.
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2l82escape · 5 years
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The Gospels of Abba Garima, an illuminated gospel book in two volumes written on vellum in the Ge'ez language and preserved in the Abba Garima Monastery east of Adwa, in the Mehakelegnaw Zone of the Tigray Region of northern Ethiopia, were, according to legend, written and partly illuminated by the Ethiopian missionary Abbu Garima, who is thought to have arrived in Ethiopia in 494 CE. Most outside scholars and scientists previously agreed that the gospels, based on Garima’s teachings, were written centuries after his death, probably by priests in the tenth century. However recent radiocarbon dating carried out at Oxford University suggested a date between 330 and 650 CE for their creation, opening the possibility that the gospels were actually created by Abba Garima. If the Abba Garima Gospels date from the time of Abba Garima (circa 500), they are possibly the earliest surviving illuminated Christian manuscripts.
“The survival of the Garima Gospels is astonishing, since all other early Ethiopian manuscripts seem to have been destroyed during turbulent times. Very little is known about the history of the Abba Garima Monastery, but it may have been overrun in the 1530s by Muslim invaders. More recently, in 1896, the area was at the centre of resistance to Italian forces. The monastery’s main church was destroyed by fire in around 1930.
“The survival of the Garima Gospels may have been due to the fact that they were hidden, perhaps for centuries or even for more than a millennium. The hiding spot may have been forgotten, and it could have been rediscovered by chance in relatively modern times.
“In 1520, Portugues chaplain Francisco Álvarez visited the monastery and recorded that there was a cave (now lost or destroyed), where Abba Garima was reputed to have lived. Álvarez reported that the monks would descend into it by ladder to do penance. Although speculation, it is possible that the Gospels may have been hidden in this cave” (http://ethiopianheritagefund.org/artsNewspaper.html, accessed 07-10-2010).
In 2007 the English binder and restorer Lester Capon did a partial restoration of bindings of the Abba Garima Gospels and wrote about it with great photos in the Skin Deep blog of leather manufacturers J. Hewit & Sons under the title of Extreme Bookbinding.
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2l82escape · 5 years
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Mike Bloomberg is a racist, paternalistic, Islamophobic, oligarch. And that’s without mentioning that Bloomberg has even more sexual harassment allegations against him than Trump does.
Don’t anybody dare @ me or tell me to “vote blue no matter who,” not when this billionaire racist isn’t even a Democrat. As a BLACK man, I shouldn’t have to pick between the racist Republican who wants to use the police to racially profile me, or the other racist Republican who also wants to use the police to racially profile me. That’s not even a false choice - it’s no choice at all.
My Bloomberg story isn’t nearly as horrific as those in the tweets above. My relatives living under Bloomberg’s racist regime simply instructed me to stay out of NYC if I didn’t want to risk being arrested and harassed and possibly inserted into the criminal justice system. And I listened to them. Because Bloomberg had successfully turned NYC into a giant sundown town. And I didn’t want to risk a criminal record for the crime of walking while black.
Mike Bloomberg is an authoritarian who wants use big government to crack down on poor people and black people, but wants less taxes on the wealthy, and deregulation for billionaires. It is not hyperbole to say that Bloomberg is an existential threat to democracy.
Please don’t let him buy the White House.
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2l82escape · 5 years
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So how do they make that?
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2l82escape · 5 years
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Pre-Pottery Neolithic carvings from Göbekli Tepe, southeast Turkey, 9000-7000 BC [4907x3412]
Source: https://reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/b96xl3/prepottery_neolithic_carvings_from_göbekli_tepe/
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