2ndhex · 26 days
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2ndhex · 26 days
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52 notes · View notes
2ndhex · 26 days
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150 notes · View notes
2ndhex · 26 days
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2ndhex · 6 months
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2ndhex · 7 months
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detail of Hans Baldung Grien’s Death and the Woman c.1517
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2ndhex · 7 months
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Death and the Maiden (1517, tempera on limewood) | Hans Baldung
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2ndhex · 8 months
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‘The Ash and the Wolf’ by Theodor Kittelsen (1857 - 1914)
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2ndhex · 1 year
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36 notes · View notes
2ndhex · 1 year
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461 notes · View notes
2ndhex · 1 year
doing past life regressions just to watch my husband die from tuberculosis on our tobacco farm
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2ndhex · 1 year
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2ndhex · 1 year
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A book of studies in plant form with some suggestions for their application to design - A. E. V. Lilley and W. Midgeley - 1896 - via Internet Archive
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2ndhex · 1 year
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William Blake, Doubting Thomas, cover for Edward Young's Night Thoughts, c. 1794
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2ndhex · 2 years
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Great, I'm happy to act as your life coach and help you gain a deeper understanding of your personal and professional life. Let's start by getting to know you better. Can you tell me a bit about yourself and what you do?
What are your personal and professional goals? Are you currently satisfied with your life, both personally and professionally? If not, can you tell me what you feel is missing or what you'd like to improve upon?
Can you describe your current routine? How do you spend your days? What brings you joy and fulfillment in your life, and what feels like a burden or source of stress?
How do you balance your work and personal life? Do you have a support system that you can rely on, whether it be friends or family?
What are some challenges that you've faced in the past, and how have you overcome them? Have you ever felt stuck or unsure of what to do next, either in your personal or professional life?
What motivates you and drives you forward in life? What are some things that you're passionate about, whether it be hobbies, interests, or causes that you care about deeply?
Once I have a better understanding of your personal and professional life, I can provide tailored advice on how to improve your life and outlook.
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2ndhex · 2 years
Tv was on in the kitchen and someone made a comment something like "I like this person, they're loyal" and my right eye almost started to tear up cause I immediately thought "there, that's def one of my main values in life, loyalty, I should sit down and list all of the other values that are ruling my life" and there you go it's been hours nothing else popped up and even loyalty is starting to fade away now as I'm actively rejecting it cause at some point it started to make me feel like I'm a dog or something and people can own or command me
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2ndhex · 2 years
Been feeling like shit all week (lol longer than that actually) but couldn't really let it show till I got to my parents' and then I just simply collapsed. I hate the type of person I am in their presence. Therapy is letting a lot of the stuff I had buried in that pretty shallow grave I call my guts re-emerge and I quite literally don't know how to deal with it. Like fr my emotional maturity is that of a 5yo, specifically me at 5 and probably by then I had stopped developing a couple of years back already. My mom seems convinced I was fine till I was 15 months old and had some kind of stroke, apparently they put me on Valium forever (never heard that story before in my entire life) and when I got home from the hospital I had become "evil and crazy". She won't take responsibilities of any sort.
Anyway what I actually meant to say is that my face is trying to explode out of my face if you know what I mean: teeth hurt nose's sore and my general complexion is pretty dry. Doesn't look too healthy, and definitely doesn't feel so either.
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