2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
sometimes, i use big words i don’t always fully understand in an effort to make myself sound more photosynthesis
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
I’m forged carefully with blood and iron
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
One could only stand still for so long, and so long for Astrid Haraldsen was a little over a quarter of an hour. The need to get away became evident to the fair-haired princess as she stood amongst the crowd that had gathered, switching her weight from one foot to another, and it only took a short while before it became unbearable and she quietly left. The courtyard was not empty, but it made her feel significantly less claustrophobic, standing on the steps. There was the sound of someone rustling behind her, and she quickly assumed that it was one of her ladies-in-waiting, coming to bring her back inside. “Lucille, haven’t I told you countless times that I –” she cut herself off when her gaze landed on a face that didn’t belong to any of her ladies-in-waiting. “You are definitely not Lucille,” she said.
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for all his, albeit inconsiderable, years, the prince had been fortunate enough to have never had to attend a funeral. that sheltered quality of his life meant he was left floundering and unsure of how to behave in such an environment, in the constricting mass of misery and mourning of those he was startlingly unfamiliar with. it was only natural for him to make a dash for escape the minute it became courteous to do so. he’d made it to the stairs of the courtyard, lower back pressed to the railing as his gaze surveyed the significantly less numerable occupants, before his attention was caught by a voice and a face right in front of him, “i-i am not,” the tumbling cadences of apology slipped into his words, eyes a little wide after having been caught by surprise, “my name is hwang hae-il,” he bowed, lower than was probably necessary, but the awkwardness instilled by the situation brought sound cause for his somewhat anxious actions, “i can find her for you, if you wish?”
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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#an actual child
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
MinHyuk gave his brother a forced smile before he returned to eating his food with calm, enjoying the taste in his tongue. He didn’t like the feeling of forcing someone to do something, and he got that feeling more and more as he became a king. He looked up at the second prince before he spoke of his queen “She…she is a little anxious, she wants to go home”He answered truthfully “And how is the second prince? have you been enjoying your time here?”
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he nodded, slowly, when the other spoke of the queen. despite his enthusiasm in leaving hanseong, hae-il couldn’t help the creeping sense of homesickness that often settled, like dust, on his own skin. familiarity was a treasure he couldn’t appreciate it was gone. “hopefully, peace will be something swiftly achieved, so the queen’s disquietude can be eased and she can return home safely.” he doubted it, the war had raged long enough for there to be misgivings on both sides, but those concerns stuck to the roof of his mouth, syllables never to escape. his gaze rose, wide, a little surprised at the question, before swiftly dropping again, “ 죄송합니다,” he apologized, next words a little uncertain, would it be immature of him to be enjoying his time on a political excursion? “i’m... well. it is far different from home but not unpleasantly so.” he watched the other eat, a pause in discourse, “did the king not eat today?”
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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My heart breaks for him.
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
Fall to your bruised knees and grovel
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
She watched as the young prince jumped off in the distance. “I apologize for startling you.” She remarked when he had arrived at her blanket. “Oh! You enjoy looking up at the stars as well. I am absolutely fascinated with astronomy. Would you care to join me?” She asked excitedly as she sat up patting the spot beside her a wide smile present on her face. “My lady maid was about to leave.” She smiled up at her as the woman sat the wine jug down before making her way across the vast and dark grass plain.
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elegant features twisted into a forgiving smile, head moving to shake off her apology, “it’s no worry.” at her question, his eyes trailed over her before meeting the sky, a soft glint of appreciation in dark hues, “i do, very much so. i have resigned in the fact i will never be familiar with each individual, but i try my best to savor the views and insight they provide as a whole.” nimbly, his slender frame slid down to rest next to the other, watching the retreating form of the maid as the night swallowed her up, “if you don’t mind me asking, what interests you so deeply with astronomy?”
Stroll to the Stars| Hae-il & Car
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
i am going to DROP dead so i’m gonna nap for a while !! i swear if i didn’t reply to your dm it’s because i was at work n the internet... tragic. i’ll slide by everyone’s dms when i can drag myself out of my blankets.
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
This castle is my tomb.
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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#squad goals
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
“If you value your everyday life, go out and protect it.“
silence froze on slightly parted lips, the korean prince’s dark, cavernous gaze rigid on the speaker. her words met the ears of a coward, tempestuous timidness bound to the tines of his ribs like suffocating vines, parasitically eroding valor from his being, “i am no warrior,” there is unsteadiness laced in accented syllables, “my everyday life is in the hands of fate, no amount of thoughtless aggression will save me if i am not destined for it,”
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
“오, 너 였어.” MinHyuk bowed his head and gave him a polite smile before he returned to his food, “Why don’t you join me, brother?” He asked while nodding towards the chair next to him, he knew that they didn’t have the best relationship but he was still being polite, after all he was the king.
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he took it as an order, as he had been taught. any command from the tongue of a king, regardless of the platitudes, was meant to be obeyed. “  당신이 바라는 대로,전하. “   slender frame slid into the spot designated to him, still not meeting his half-brother in the eye, instead choosing to keep his gaze lowered, to the smooth, wooden edge of the table beneath minhyuk's feast, "how are his highness and 왕비 마마  fairing here?"  it's an awkward mix of languages with incompatible grammars, but he dare not mistitle the heads of his country.
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
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The letter from her brother, old and yellowed, were one of the few things Phillipa had saved from the fire. It was one of her most prized possessions, the loopy handwriting of her brother a comfort in times of great stress, which this certainly was. “Has there been any word of the possessions most ravished by fire?” She asked over her shoulder, assuming it was a guard behind her.
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a downward quirk of his lips. the question was not meant for him, an accidental intruder on the other’s privacy, but it would be impolite to disregard her now. he knew the context, having, by means of purely unintentional eavesdropping, heard the recounts of the fire, showing up in bern too late to inherit his own telling. slender fingers wove together in front of him, all warm skin and fresh silk, daily wandering having chipped away at the prince’s naturally pale complexion, before inclining his head in a ghost of a bow, “not to me, majesty, though i would assume the efforts of those who would be otherwise occupied with this task are consumed with tending to the casualties.”
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2ndprince-blog1 · 7 years
Guilty Crown {Sentence Starters}
“Sympathy only gets people hurt.”
“I was wrong, kindness is pointless.”
“Being a champion of justice doesn’t pay.“
“I’m afraid of myself, because… I’m a monster.”
“I have only one demand: don’t get in my way….“
“To fool your enemy, you must first fool your ally.“
“If you value your everyday life, go out and protect it.“
“I’m not going to apologize. This is an absurd, unfair world.“
“When you confess your feelings, you should do a proper job.“
“I’m fine with being a monster. I’m fine with having fake emotions.“
“When someone does something nice for you, shut up and accept it!”
“Do you think I can shoulder everyone’s lives and not feel any weight?“
“I wonder if it’s the selfish people who get ahead in this world, after all.“
“I have come to a conclusion: you want to die. You want to be destroyed.”
“You are no longer allowed to turn a blind eye to others’ lives like before.“
“You might be able to do it if you try. But if you don’t try, you definitely can’t.”
“People make a lot of mistakes, and strength is needed to straighten them out.“
“Even if everyone calls you a liar, even if you hate yourself, I’ll be on your side.“
“If that’s what it takes to protect my friends, I’ll take it. All the hatred, the disease. I’ll take it as my own and end it.“
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