2to3now4 · 2 years
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2to3now4 · 4 years
my mom brought me along to go clothes shopping with her at some fancy, expensive, high-end store in an unfamiliar mall. actually, if i ever dream about being in malls at all they always feel unfamiliar and vaguely anxiety inducing. 
anyway, we go in this store, and it’s HUGE and CLASSY and the ceiling is SO TALL and there are glass decorations everywhere and mirrors taking up entire walls. the store’s completely packed with uptight, snobby looking people in nice clothes and big, expensive, fluffy, fur coats and i immediately feel self conscious and out of place and anxious just by being in their presence. 
i look down at my boots and they’re scuffed up and worn out and i’m extremely self aware of how dowdy i look in comparison to everyone around me, and i don’t even know why we’re here in the first place because we’re obviously not wealthy and surely every piece of clothing here would be ridiculously overpriced. i just want to get out of here and my mom catches on and gets pissed at me because of it (which she probably wouldn’t be in real life. shes... more understanding than that) 
we bicker a bit back and forth and i end up wandering around the store by myself to cool off, and the environment around me gradually... deteriorates. the shiny tiled floor morphs into the kind of dirty concrete you’d see in a warehouse and the doors on the dressing rooms turn into cheap, thin, red curtains. the store seems to get smaller, darker, and filthier as i explore further in and i don’t know where my mom is anymore. 
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2to3now4 · 4 years
had a dream about nato and mauri last week
we were for some reason all hanging out irl in my childhood home
it was like i still lived there (i can literally only dream about my childhood home ive never once dreamed about my current residence) anyway we were all hangin out and i saw a car pull up outside and some people were looking for mauri like he was in trouble or something
two people came out of the car: an hourglass shaped woman with platinum blonde wendy williams ass hair, a pink legally blonde-esque business getup, and a seven foot tall hyper-realistic robot man with a very gentle voice. the robot guy had skin that looked like hard plastic, like he kind of literally looked like a massive ken doll but everything else about him was incredibly lifelike except for the fact that when he talked his mouth didnt move properly and his arm movements were really stiff but he had the most convincing human voice
anyway this woman comes up to my front door and knocks for a while and shes like peering inside the glass like yoohoo anybody home? ^__^ and mauris like off to the side back against the nearest wall trying to avoid being seen by this lady and he looks nervous as hell and im like gogogogo and i hid both him and nato in my dads office/music room just as this lady fucking picks the lock on my front door and waltzes right in and im like heeeeeeeeeeeey who the fuck are you haha! um what do you want! and we chit chat for a while while im sweating my ass off because i dont know why this business lady and her massive 7 foot tall robot man companion are searching for my friend who is hidden in the room directly behind me
i really distinctly remember just being totally taken aback by how gentle this robot man’s voice was but also weirded out by his jerky Mouth Movements
anyway they left because i convinced them mauri wasnt here and then i was like what the FUCK was THAT and then the dream changed completely and i never got an answer
natos hair also looked longer i think. he kind of literally just looked like one of his own drawings in a way. like he just looked slightly more cartoony than anyone else
anyway and then i had a dream i was viciously attacked by a very small and VERY fucking furious snow white labradoodle. it bit my legs and pounced up on me and it bit into my forearm and didnt let go. i think its teeth hit bone
IT WAS GENUINELY REALLY SCARY i think at one point the dog actually said, in english, that it hated my guts
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2to3now4 · 4 years
had three separate short dreams this morning. i don’t remember much about any of them except for a couple Little Tidbits 
in the first dream, i dreamt i was a detective, and my goal was to solve a murder with my partner in some grungy big city apartment complex. really tall building. i don’t remember much that happened but my partner and i were washing our hands in the bathroom and i kept crackin jokes and trying to be funny and he wasn’t having it and gave me the most unimpressed look and i felt like a big ol fool. i think his name was raymond. i accidentally called him ryan and my dream self got a huge kick out of that for some reason.
second dream was that they revealed a secret “lost episode” of gfalls that focused a bit more heavily on stans backstory and what he was up to for the entire decade he and ford were apart, up until The Fateful Portal Incident and it was good. also dreamed that i accidentally queued a post that just said something like “aw i miss stan :(” instead of drafting it and my friends saw it and it was Terrifying.
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2to3now4 · 4 years
all i really have are mild anxiety dreams anymore that involve me fucking up or humiliating myself in some way. i’m always making a fool of myself or someone’s always disappointed or irritated with me because that’s a real constant fear in the back of my mind in real life. 
when i dream, most of the time it’ll either be about my family or about my weird self worth issues or both of them combined. 
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2to3now4 · 6 years
this dream unsettled me all day after i had it so i wrote about it and drafted it right before i went to sleep, although now it’s not quite as scary as it seemed at the time
only thing i remember from my dream was that it started out with me playing ovw. i was in a deathmatch game and i absolutely wasnt playing to win at all, i was kind of just dicking around and saying hi to people and emoting and stuff. i ended up befriending a couple other people in the match and one of them was this one dude who ended up getting... like... really attached to me. 
he didnt want me to stop paying attention to him or even stop playing the game at all and got frustrated when i said i had to log off. got off my computer feeling content with how fun the past couple of games had been and i took in my surroundings and i was back in my childhood home. again. cant ever dream about living anywhere other than the house i grew up in. never once dreamed about my current apartment. anyway this wasnt like... any surprise for me, it always feels natural when i dream about my old house, like im always still supposed to be living there. 
so i go about the rest of my day and do the shit i need to do, couple hours pass and im talking to my mom, i look at my phone and im like. getting texts from the guy. from ovw. and im obviously very weirded out because i definitely didnt give him my number so im like “uhhhh haha what the fuck’s going on!” 
he confesses he’d been stalking me and my sister (who doesnt live with me or anything so she didnt physically pop up in my dream he just offhandedly mentioned her) and he’d been collecting as much information on us as he possibly could over like the past couple months or something. he was obsessed and.. like.. iirc he was a photographer and was desperate to do a photoshoot with us and “capture our beauty” or something which was like... the cherry on top of creepy. 
he texts me he’s “on his way” and at this point i think i’m like full blown panicking. i tell my mom and ask her if the doors are locked and she tells me she thinks they are. i look out the dining room window and see his car pull up on our gravel road and he gets out and makes his way to our little wood sidewalk and i’m definitely panicking now. i run over to the front door to double check if it’s locked and it fucking isnt. it’s wide open. i manage to lock it just as he’s stepping up on our porch and i think he like... put his face + hands up against the glass and told me that he was gonna do whatever he could to find a way inside. i remember him being kind of tall and gawky and scruffy looking and he had a big oversized work coat on and he just... radiated bad energy. 
you ever seen the thriller movie hush? this was some hush shit. trapped in my own house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by forest, no next door neighbors, and a dangerous, unfamiliar man circling around the place searching for a way inside. 
i rushed over to my mom and grabbed my phone to call 911 and it was like... deformed. its shape had been warped and it was completely unusable. asked my mom where her phone was and she wasnt really like... responding entirely? she was kind of just staring dead ahead and seemed really foggy. eventually i found her phone in her room on my own, which was her super old white blackberry instead of the phone she has currently in real life which, now that i think about it, is kind of weird because i think i also still had long hair in this dream too...? and this is a dream centered around my childhood home like Wow i CANNOT let go of the past this is so funny. anyway. 
i think im crying a little at this point so i ask her to call 911 instead because i didnt want to “““forget our address””” during the call or mess up in any way because of how shaken up i was, i dont know. and she’s like... almost entirely unresponsive. she’s mumbling something but her lips are barely moving and she’s gone totally dead-eyed with a thousand yard stare and i’m absolutely losing my mind with fear. the guy calls me through her phone which is still in my hand and he tells me that hes. like. underneath the floorboards. and that hes coming in. 
which now that i think about it is really silly and actually kind of funny because he couldve just broken a window or something but instead now hes going to crawl under our house and break through the foundation and up INTO our actual floor like alright man you do you. make things harder for yourself. but anyway yeah the dream ends there and i woke up in a cold sweat, and i was thankful that it was over because i really didnt want to see what happened next. sometimes i’ll have a really good dream and i’ll wake up halfway through it and then try to ease myself back into sleep so i can find out what happens next, and this was not one of those times 
i seem to have a lot of dreams about home invasions. i’ve noticed that’s a recurring theme.
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2to3now4 · 6 years
had a short little ryan + charlie dream
there wasn’t much to it since it was so brief but all really i remember from it was that charlie was showing ry some music she liked and it was like, some trashy garage punk garbage song (that didnt actually exist in real life) and he was surprised he even liked it at all himself but he did and it was cute little bonding moment they shared.
also part of my dream was that i was in the middle of drawing and checked mauri’s ryan playlist on spotify and saw he added two new (also nonexistent) songs and i remember thinking “oh! i can’t want to talk to him about these later!”
i was also listening to ribs and started to break down in tears and thought “god dammit i broke my streak. motherfucker. dammit. i was doing so well ive been able to listen to this song without crying for so long and i broke my STREAK”
these are the most true to character, accurately realistic, and vivid dreams i have ever had
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2to3now4 · 6 years
been forgetting to post here. here’s a dream i had a couple days ago 
i was babysitting some little girl i didnt know at her house. she was probably around like 7 or 8 years old. i’ve never met her in real life or anything, i don’t know who this kid was, i’m pretty sure my brain just Made Up A Kid but anyway. we were up in her room which was... pretty sizable and completely decked out in everything pink and flowery and “girly” you could possibly imagine. complete with bright pink walls and fluffy white sheets and everything. anyway we sat down on the floor and played house with her massive barbie collection, and she made up this story where every single “classic” blonde barbie was actually an alien from outer space and that they were planning to invade earth and wipe out all mankind. i was like “right on this rules lol you’re a storyteller for sure!”
anyway it turned out that every single event we played through in her story ended up happening in real life. she unintentionally (?) prophesied the apocalypse playing house with her barbies. 
eerie stick-thin humanoid-like aliens with big heads and glamorous blonde hair clad in all pink came from outer space to invade the earth and abduct humans to experiment on them and eventually like eradicate us entirely. i think i ended up being one of the people abducted? can’t remember. but i DO remember towards the end of the dream there was a lot of running for my life and blinding white light involved. at one point i was being chased in a forest and i was covered in dirt and sweat or something. i just remember being in a forest and being terrified. also their spaceships looked like the typical unimaginative flying saucers you’d see in movies or something. 
anyway thats it thats all i remember i just thought the concept of a little girl prophesying the apocalypse with her dolls was a cool concept
they really did look exactly like living barbie dolls but to like an unsettling degree. they looked like they could fall over at any moment from how disproportionate their bodies were but they were immensely strong and that made them all the more terrifying 
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