321gravityfalls · 9 years
Clay Day is now available at The Mystery Shack! Please check it out.
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DAY 8, Entry #1 "Little Gift Shop Of Horrors: Hands Off" ✂ - strampunch
"Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called HANDS OFF! No seriously, hands off that's not for sale." --- "That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk. I don't need hands. I've got self-respect!"
DAY 8, Entry #2 "Abaconings" ✂ - kikyz
"It all makes sense now. What good is helping the world if I can't help my favorite person in the world? It's a good thing I built in a dumb-dumb switch." "Waddles, Waddles, don't! Wait!" "I'm sorry, Dipper. I want you to know in my last eight seconds of consciousness that science is a horizon to search for, not a prize to hold in your hand. Also, I miss getting my tummy tickled."
DAY 8, Entry #3 "Clay Day" ✂ - sellerdoor
"What? You really think someone moves these figures one frame at a time? I'm not a masochist! I use black magic to make them animate themselves. It was great at first, but one day... "
“23-12-12 23-10-15-11-23-4-15-9-10 15-5 22-12-23-21-13 11-23-17-15-21”
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 20, Entry #1 "Not What He Seems" ✂ - busket
"Ah. This is what Saturdays are for. Doing dumb things forever."
DAY 20, Entry #2 ✂ - cherryviolets
"What...? Who is that?" "The author of the journals... my brother."
"4-16-15-6-4-25 25-19-23-6-5 23-10-20 10-9-1 16-19'5 22-23-21-13. 4-16-19 11-25-54-19-6-25 15-10 4-16-19 11-25-5-4-19-6-25 5-16-23-21-13."
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 19, Entry "TV Shorts 2" ✂ - Gooey-Goobert
"Well, the evidence didn't just fly off, not that you know anything about flying, would you, Steve?"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 18, Entry "TV Shorts 1" ✂ - spookyluv
"Mystery Shack! Your one-stop shop for mysteriously cheap oddities! Gaze in amazement at wonders so bizarre, they defy the very laws of nature! And in some cases, the very laws of police!"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 17, Entry "Mabel's Scrapbook" ✂ - incorporatedmii
"Wow! There were a lot of good memories this summer! Whether it was battling gnomes! Solving mysteries! Or winning that dog sled race against that space lizard! But I'll never forget that trip to the petting zoo. "
"10-21-18-26-12-17-10 24-19 12-22 18-19-23-12-18-17-4-15"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 16, Entry "Old Man McGucket's Conspiracy Corner" ✂ - kinseis
"Yesterday, I was looking around, see, and I noticed a window in the Mystery Shack shaped like a big ol' triangle with an eyeball in it. Now I can't stop thinking about triangles. Portals, demons, nacho earrings, infinity pizza. I have a theory that roadside cones are trying to take over the world. Lousy shapes!"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 15, Entry #1 "Northwest Mansion Mystery" ✂ - twofoxes
"I need your help." "You're the worst. See?" "Look. You think it's easy for me to come here? I don't want to be seen in this hovel. But there's something haunting Northwest Manor. If you don't help me, the party could be ruined!" "And why should I trust you? All you've ever done is try to humiliate me and Mabel."
DAY 15, Entry #2 ✂ - khozen
"I smell... A NORTHWEST! Come out, come out, wherever you are!" "Hurry! Read through your dumb book already!" "I'm looking! And it's not dumb, okay? This book is gonna save our lives! Alright, here we go. Advice:" [PRAY FOR MERCY!] "Aww, seriously?!"
"5-4-23-10-15-5-10-9-4-1-16-23-4-16-19-5-19-19-11-5 5-4-23-10-15-5-10-9-4-1-16-23-4-16-19-5-19-19-11-5 5-4-23-10-15-5-10-9-4-1-16-23-4-16-19-5-19-19-11-5"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 14, Entry "Fixin' it with Soos!" ✂ - zhuzhka
"Mr. Pines, are you ready for the grand unveiling of your brand new Cuckoo Clock?" "You've joined forces with Mabel, this is an unsettling development." "Voilà!"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 13, Entry #1 "The Love God" ✂ - imaginashon
"You might think you know what's best for people but this stuff can have major social consequences. That's why it can only be used by a serious expert."
DAY 13, Entry #2 ✂ - Alex
"You know what? Being loved by the youth is overrated. Being feared, now that's priceless."
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 12, Entry #1 "Blendin's Game" ✂ - bill3cipher
"Okay. We just gotta to go forward 10 years. We can be back before Soos even realizes we were gone." "Oh no! The timey thing, it's busted! Can you fix it?" "Maybe. I need some tools. And I think I know where to get some."
DAY 12, Entry #2 ✂ - deceivecode
"Well, birthdays are supposed to be spent with the people who care about you. But you know what, that dude didn’t care about me enough to visit me once, let alone fight monsters through time and space like you dudes. I mean, you had a gladiator fight, just to make me happy. I've been being ridiculous this whole time. Whoever my dad was, he can take a hike. I know who my family is now, and it’s you dudes. Thanks for giving me the best birthday ever."
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 11, Entry #1 "Society of the Blind Eye" ✂ - taccoman
"Uh, genius? I'm no genius. I've never done nothin' worthwhile in my life. Everyone knows I'm no good to nobody. I can't remember what I used to be, but I must've been a big failure to end up like this."
DAY 11, Entry #2 ✂ - REDACTED
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 10, Entry #1 "Mabel's Guide to Colors" ✂ - feyofnumbers
"Alright, we're about to unleash the power of the "Roy-G-Biv-A-Tron" into Stan's office!" "Nothing brightens the dark room like a light from a window! It's time to open the window... OH NO!! Why!!! Why is this happening!!?"
Entry #2 "Mabel's Guide to Art"
"I give you... the Cat-icature! Just compare this amazing likeness to Dipper!" "That doesn't look anything like me-" "You're right it does look exactly like you!"
"19-20-1-14 23-1-19 1 2-1-2-25 13-15-4-5-12 "
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 8, Entry #1 "Little Gift Shop Of Horrors: Hands Off" ✂ - strampunch
"Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called HANDS OFF! No seriously, hands off that's not for sale." --- "That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk. I don't need hands. I've got self-respect!"
DAY 8, Entry #2 "Abaconings" ✂ - kikyz
"It all makes sense now. What good is helping the world if I can't help my favorite person in the world? It's a good thing I built in a dumb-dumb switch." "Waddles, Waddles, don't! Wait!" "I'm sorry, Dipper. I want you to know in my last eight seconds of consciousness that science is a horizon to search for, not a prize to hold in your hand. Also, I miss getting my tummy tickled."
DAY 8, Entry #3 "Clay Day" ✂ - sellerdoor
"What? You really think someone moves these figures one frame at a time? I'm not a masochist! I use black magic to make them animate themselves. It was great at first, but one day... "
“23-12-12 23-10-15-11-23-4-15-9-10 15-5 22-12-23-21-13 11-23-17-15-21”
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 9, Entry #1 "Mabel's Guide to Dating" ✂ - mmabelpines
"Grunkle Stan, on a scale from one to five, you scored a three. This will limit your dating pool to widows, lady plumbers and convicts. Dipper. Your score is... Yeesh! You know, scores don't really matter. You just need to focus on being you. Soos, on a scale from one to five you scored.. a twelve?"
Entry #2 "Mabel's Guide to Stickers"
"Throughout history, stickers have been the backbone of many great civilizations. The ancient Greeks used leeches for stickers! The more stickers you had, the cooler you were! "
Entry #3 "Mabel's Guide to Fashion"
"Now you just have to walk backwards everywhere you go and bingo! You're fabulous."
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 8, Entry #1 "Little Gift Shop Of Horrors: Hands Off" ✂ - strampunch
"Alright, I can tell what you're looking for is this disembodied hand! Why is it so expensive? Well, that's quite a tale. And it's called HANDS OFF! No seriously, hands off that's not for sale." --- "That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk. I don't need hands. I've got self-respect!"
DAY 8, Entry #2 "Abaconings" ✂ - kikyz
"It all makes sense now. What good is helping the world if I can't help my favorite person in the world? It's a good thing I built in a dumb-dumb switch." "Waddles, Waddles, don't! Wait!" "I'm sorry, Dipper. I want you to know in my last eight seconds of consciousness that science is a horizon to search for, not a prize to hold in your hand. Also, I miss getting my tummy tickled."
DAY 8, Entry #3 "Clay Day" ✂ - sellerdoor
"What? You really think someone moves these figures one frame at a time? I'm not a masochist! I use black magic to make them animate themselves. It was great at first, but one day... "
"23-12-12 23-10-15-11-23-4-15-9-10 15-5 22-12-23-21-13 11-23-17-15-21"
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 7, Entry #1 "SOOS AND THE REAL GIRL" ✂ - Gracie
"I'm not sure you want to buy that game, sir. This is the third time someone's brought it back, and there's a note on it that says "destroy at all costs."
DAY 7, Entry #2 ✂ - classykatelyn
"Hello, friends. Hoo Ha the owl is dead. This next song goes out to my forever boyfriend, Soos."
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321gravityfalls · 9 years
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DAY 6, Entry #1 "SOCK OPERA" ✂ - halfys
"Dipper! This sock crisis just bumped up to code argyle! The laptop can wait!" "Mabel, do you seriously think that your random crush of the week is more important than uncovering the mysteries of this town? You're obsessed!" "I'm obsessed? Look at you! You look like a vampire! And not the hot kind!" "But you said you were going to help me today!"
DAY 6, Entry #2 ✂ - sailorleo
"How about you hand that book over?" "No way! This is Dipper's! I'd never give it away!" "Hmm, you didn't seem to have a problem taking it for your own play, ditching him when he needed you. So come to your senses. Gimme the book or your play is ruined. ...There it is. I mean, who would sacrifice everything they've worked for just for their dumb sibling?"
"19-10-14-9-25 4-16-19 21-23-12-11 22-19-18-9-6-19 4-16-19 5-4-9-6-11"
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