343point2-blog · 9 years
I’m a bodyguard, not a babysitter.
I do not believe in luck.
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343point2-blog · 9 years
I do not believe in luck.
it’s sale day and genos still isn’t back so it’s just me and the robokids
wish me luck
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343point2-blog · 9 years
Well. This was even more unexpected than getting a call from the Toaster in the first place. The initial plea for help and subsequent curse cement the fact that this is not only serious, but genuine need. How odd it was, to be called for help. He was no hero. And he should try to get in touch with Saitama, this was his toaster after all...but. Also his friend? And Sonic stayed on the line long enough to hear the struggle on the other end. One did not need superior skills to make out this was bad.
And again the desperate ask for assistance. What did he even know about this? Should he bring bandages or a tool kit? Mental note to learn more about cyborg needs filed away he will finally answer. “Tell me where, five minutes. Give me five minutes.” He had to get dressed after all, and was going to work without coffee. 
No one could hurry like he could.
30 seconds, and he was dressed. 1 minute and he was outside of the apartment building. Still on the phone. Mostly mumbles given of what he was doing to keep Genos on the line. It wouldn’t be long now before he arrived...
//Continuation from here
“Hhh…. Help me. Please…” He wheezed and coughed, laying back against the pavement. His chest cavity filled with unwanted air that slowly started crushing his working lung. “Fuck.” Genos almost never swore. Only when it was appropriate or if he was under extreme duress. Sonic had probably never heard him do so before, though, since it was so uncommon.
He scrabbled for something, anything, that could pierce his chest wall and release the excess air that had him gasping. The closest thing he could find was a broken metal bar from his leg. He tore it away from the wreckage and opened the lower half of his upper body to reach the one actual armor weakness that he knew of. The bar popped open a small chamber and pierced through the lining of his chest cavity. There was a loud popping noise accompanied by a hiss of air and a relieved groan.
“Please hurry… God.”
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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Téo+NG Morka Black Rock Gaiters
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343point2-blog · 9 years
There should be both. Yes?
We could have both.
sometimes real cookies are nice too
but i like the dough better more often
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343point2-blog · 9 years
Sonic was at home. Or rather, Saitama’s apartment but the two were slowly becoming synonymous no matter what rational he used for hanging around. At the moment his phone buzzed it was set on the counter, the ninja busy setting up the coffee marker. A glance over at the lit up screen. 
‘#43879′   Hrm. His nose wrinkled. That was odd.
Why was the toaster calling him? Of course, he was oblivious to the other’s current state. The attacks in Z city were so frequent he found little reason to keep track of them unless they interfered with his work. Or he was going outside. And given his current state of just waking up, he’d not planned on doing either thing anytime soon. Yet. Still the phone buzzed at him. Sigh. This couldn’t possibly be important. But fine. Fine. He would answer the ‘friends’ call. Isn’t that what he was supposed to do? He cleared his throat, prepared for this very friendly interaction. Right.
(( ☁ are you still taking clouds because if you are, I have like the best cloud for you))
“What do you see in those yellow eyes?                  ‘Cause I’m falling to pieces“
She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) - David Guetta
Genos sank to his knees, (what little he had left) and collapsed in a broken heap. His legs were torn to shreds and he only had one arm left that barely moved. With his one remaining limb he dragged himself to the cell phone he had dropped a few minutes ago when he was slammed into a wall. The monster that did so now lay in a smoking heap across the street.
Once successfully dragged to the side of his phone, he collapsed again, trying to catch a breath with his one intact lung. Damn it… With a shaking hand he pressed the first button he could reach. The programmed speed dial connected him to one “Speed o’ Sound Sonic”. Not exactly who he had intended, but it was better than no one at all, right?
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343point2-blog · 9 years
This. This changes everything.
Why does anyone make cookies at all? When you can have this instead?
if you heat it first that makes cookies generally
but i like it raw better
here have one
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343point2-blog · 9 years
You are going to have to prove this claim.
Do you heat it first?
bc they’re delicious why else
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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343point2-blog · 9 years
Why would you eat raw cookies.
“do not eat raw cookie dough” 
just try and stop me
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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Late night movies.
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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Genos, you’re not helping.
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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poor Genos
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343point2-blog · 9 years
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Toaster Genos
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343point2-blog · 9 years
Sonic, the most dignified and terrifying ninja, makes a noise that is decidedly neither of those two qualities as he is lifted from the floor. His body a tight spring as the kiss is planted. The overload of fight fight fight coupled with the little whisper of maybe that was nice? He is fast. The fastest ninja alive and yet he’d not seen this coming. And just as soon as the ability to process anything beyond large warm hands on his cheeks and soft lips against his own the moment is gone. His hand comes to his mouth, to linger...
Saitama is simply...Saitama again. Walking off with the slight endearing slouch to casually mingle with the small ‘party’ in the apartment. It was near infuriating, and Sonic could hardly place why. There was no way, no way he could just leave now. Oh no, this called for some serious recon. And even further. Revenge. Oh yes, he would could be just as surprising as some silly hero! He was the shadow, the silence, the Ultimate Ninja. No small cramped apartment would stop him. His hand stayed, now to cover the wide grin that grew with every moment. To taste the challenge among the other flavors that slowly faded...
Who knew New Years could be so fun?
(( kiss meme!))
His plan is to go around and give out as many kisses as possible in a small attempt to make up for all the years of being alone for the holidays, and he’s decided to start with Sonic. There’s no warning when Saitama picks Sonic up by the cheeks and gives him a big ole smooch on the mouth, Bugs bunny style, before dropping him unceremoniously and going on his way just as casual as can be. There, that’ll rile the ninja up enough that he won’t try to sneak off to his heat-less apartment after the party with his ‘ninja don’t get cold’ excuse. Now there’s no way he’s leaving without a fight.
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343point2-blog · 9 years
Three then.
I found purple balloons.
like 3
idk about standard limit but that’s the limit for my apartment
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343point2-blog · 9 years
What is the Standard Balloon Limit then?
#I could just get one of each
this isn’t Up yanno
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