365day2015 · 4 years
Day 1
I woke up at like 1 and didn’t do much until 3-4 o clock. I planned on getting a haircut but I didn’t take a shower until 3 so I decided that I should probably go the next day. When I got out of the shower, I changed my mind and left to go get a haircut. I went to the Great Clips near the mall and it turns out it was closed. I was pretty surprised because I wouldn’t think it would be closed on New Years. Y’know “New Year, New Me”. But oh well, it gave me more time to do my next plan and I can just always get the haircut after my dentist appt. tomorrow.
Next thing on my list was that I was going to move back to my old room. I felt like moving because my current room felt a little cramped up and it would be nice to have more space. The only reason I moved out of my old room was that I wasn’t getting wifi. So my brother came over and helped me move some stuff and it went well. There was so much shit in my old room since that was basically our storage room so it was kind of a pain to move everything. I finished everything around 9-10 so it’s all good. I literally have enough room to have two tvs in here (one huge CRT dedicated to Smash LOL and my other new 32’ for Netflix and everything else). But yeah, I’m really satisfied with this move. The wifi is working well and I just feel really comfortable (see picture above).
Well that’s pretty much it. Oh, well I guess something interesting that happened near the end of the day was that I found out Bridgett is getting married to Jared. I’m still a little surprised by it since I don’t think they’ve even been going out for 6 months. Well, Stephanie did have a point that they’ve known each other for 3 years but still. It’s weird but I totally approve of it hahaha. Well Happy New Year to them and I wish them well! I better be invited to their wedding LOL. Anyways, this journal thing seems pretty fun. I think I can dig this.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 2
Today was pretty alright. Set my alarm to 11 but didn’t get out of bed to shower until like 1230. Went to my dentist appointment at 2 which went pretty well. The hygienist tried to scam me $28 by saying I could try this electric toothbrush and let them know how it is by my next appointment, but it turns out I had to pay for it now haha. So I was like ‘eh, I don’t really have money right now’ luls. Afterwards, I left the dentist and finally decided to check my tire because my tire light has been on for the past 3 days and I literally just put air in them like a week ago. I found a nail in my front right tire so that sucked. I dropped my car back home and drove our big car to get a haircut. It was about a 15 minute wait and I got a girl that I had before who remembered me. She somewhat remembered how I liked my hair and we talked about the usual stuff you talk about while you’re getting your hair cut (like college, work, etc). Anyways, it turned out nice but the gift card my mom gave me to pay for the cut was out of money so I had to transfer money from my account to pay for it. So she owes me $14 haha but yeah. After that I just went home and chilled for awhile. Then my mom made me help her build a shelf which was a pain in the ass. But I guess it was worth it since my mom made Red Lobster biscuits. Then I started watching the 12th season of family guy since it’s on netflix and that’s pretty much my day. I have to go help move a table from my kitchen to my garage, take down some christmas lights and then i’m just gonna spend the rest of my night finishing family guy.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 3
Woke up around 9ish to take a shower. Today was a Smash tournament (named Zero to Hero) at this place called That Game Store in Fairfield Shopping Center. I participated in both Super Smash Bros. Melee (the one on the Gamecube) and the new Super Smash Bros game. Melee started around 11 so I got there around 1020ish to do some friendly matches. I ended up getting 2nd place in melee, only losing to one of the, if not the best player down here in the SoVA region that goes by the tag, Tope. I beat a Pikachu main (tag = Wiley), a Samus/Young Link Main (Rahn), and a Fox main (Frostnix, or Billy Lin). I’m pretty proud of my performance, as I was expecting to get 3rd at this tournament cause there were so many threats that could of taken me out. I made $22 from getting 2nd so that’s okay. I placed 5th in the new Super Smash so I didn’t make money from that. I also played 2v2’s (teamed with one of my friends that goes by Spot) in each game and got 3rd place in both. In the end, I ended up losing $3 since I had to pay $25 for all the events I participated in (there was a $5 venue fee. It’s okay though, I got a lot of experience from it. That’s really all that happened today. I didn’t get home until like 910 so I was at that tournament for 10-11 hours. Now i’m just watching the Ravens and Steelers playoff game while eating some Hershey’s I got for Christmas.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 4
I woke up at 1215 and didn’t get to church until like 1255 so I missed the gospel/homily. Oh well, I mean better late than never. Talked with a couple people after mass and then left. Then I had to drop my car off at the tire replacement place to get the nail out. Me, my mom and grandma then went to Jade Villa and had some Dimsum. That was alright, we ordered a pretty good amount but I still wasn’t full cause I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch at the time. Had 2 pieces of shumai, 1 shrimp ball, 1 turnip cake, 1 chicken feet, 1 pot sticker and 1 egg custard. Then we went to Laguna Bakery (that Filipino bakery next to Red Ribbon) and my mom got some Pandesal, Ensamada, and pepperoni bread. After that, my car was ready so my mom dropped me off. $24 to get a nail out of my tire and patch it up I guess isn’t that bad. I was expecting $15 but whatever. Afterwards, I went home and watched the Cowboys vs. Lions game. Holy shit that game was anxiety from start to finish but thank god we clutched it out in the end. Even though there was that controversial Pass Interference flag pick up towards the end, one call doesn’t decide the whole game so I guess we were just the better team when it mattered. If anything, there were a good amount of flags that should of been thrown against them that weren’t called so it’s fair in my eyes. Ah well, that’s all I did today. Probably gonna knock out soon depending on if I find anything on Netflix.
Update: It’s 2:45am and i’m still up because I started watching My Name is Earl.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 5
Don’t remember what time I woke up today. Might of been around 12ish. My brother came over for some reason and I took a shower and we went to the mall. He wanted to go to Yankee candle because there was a sale there. He ended up buying two candles and afterwards we went to Sam’s club cause he had to go grocery shopping. But before we went there, my brother treated me to Duck Donuts cause I never tried it. I got 4 donuts, but only ate regular glaze and strawberry. I still have a cinnamon sugar and peanut butter + strawberry but i’m gonna save that for later. It was actually pretty good, I thought Duck Donuts worked like Sugar Shack up in Richmond but they actually make the donuts fresh and you order what you want on it instead of it already being made so I thought that was cool. So far, it’s better than Sugar Shack. Anyways, we went to Sam’s club and then went home and watched some Youtube videos until dinner time. My dad cooked up some sausage fried rice and porkchops which was delicious. Then, I talked about how I kinda wanted a Galaxy s5 since my brother recently got one and it literally had everything my iPhone had and more. My brother got it for $250 on Craigslist luckily so I decided to look for one. I found a guy who was offering 350 for one that’s unlocked and came with the charger and a case. It had a few scratches on the bottom but I thought that wouldn’t be too bad. I emailed the guy saying I wanted it for $250 but they said $270 and it’s a deal. That sounded good to me so me and brother met up with them at a shopping center on Laskin. The scratches were worse than I thought but I feel like I could deal with it so I accepted it. On the way home, me and my brother got some slurpees and headed back home. The rest of the night my brother was teaching me how to Android again and i’ve been messing with it ever since. It’s a weird switch from Apple to Android, but I feel like there are more positives than negatives from switching to Android. I mean shoot this s5 is waterproof so that already sold me. Idk, i’m thinking of selling it for $350 because the scratches may bother me later and this phone is about that price on Craigslist. If I can sell it for that much and buy another one that’s in better condition for the same price I bought it for, that would be perfect. For the rest of the night I think i’m just going to be messing with this phone cause it’s really nice haha.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 6
Today I woke up around 11. Took a shower around 12 and went to my brother’s house around 1ish so we could go get my SIM card switched. iPhone’s and Galaxy’s have different sized SIM cards and we had a spare one that worked for the Galaxy so I just switched numbers. After that, we went to best buy to find an SD card for my phone so I could have more memory. I ended up buying a 32gb one for $24 so that wasn’t too bad. My brother then thought about maybe having a spare one and that made me think I could have a spare one in my old Android phones so I went back home and checked. Didn’t have one. So we went back to my brother’s house and he checked his old phone and had a 16gb one that he didn’t need. So I got a 16gb memory card for free (thank god). After finding that, I transferred my contacts from my iPhone to my Android which was actually easier than I thought. Then I put my music in my phone which I might end up removing later cause I still have an iPod nano. Well during that, I played a little bit of Smash 4 with my bro and his friend Ira. I left after my phone was done with the music transferring. Afterwards, I went back to Best Buy to return the 32gb card that I bought and ended up seeing Josh and RJ there. We didn’t say much haha so I kinda just left and went back home. I chilled for awhile, and ended up breaking my flappy bird record of 412 with 538. Anyways, around 1am I went to iHop with Alyssa and Zinjin. I just got home so now i’m probably just gonna knock out.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 7
Today I literally did nothing but sit in bed all day. Just watched Youtube videos, ate and showered at like 4:30pm. Lunch I had leftover sausages from last night and dinner I had palabok.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 8
Woke up around 11. My big texted me and asked if I wanted to eat somewhere. He said he would pay for me so I was like why not? Got to his house around 1ish and we played a few games of smash. We didn’t know where to eat so we just started listing stuff. We ended up going to sushi king and luckily we made it before lunch was over. It’s funny, before we got there my big was like “I always see someone I know here” and I ended up seeing the twins there. It feels like I haven’t seen them in a long time so it was cool talking to them. After, me and Jomar (my big) went back to his house played more games of smash until 6. I left for home and that’s pretty much all I did.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 9
Felt a sore throat coming on when I woke up today so I kinda just stayed home the whole day. My mom bought me some orange juice with pulp which I believe helps get rid of sore throats and I feel like it’s helping so far. But yeah, basically I’ve been watching this live stream called Awesome Games Done Quick which is a week long marathon of people beating video games as fast as possible while accepting donations to help out the Prevent Cancer Foundation. I pretty much just watched this stream the whole day, and so far i’ve watched speedruns of The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, A Link to the Past, Majora’s Mask, Super Mario RPG, and now i’m watching Super Mario Sunshine. It’s almost 2am and this game should be going on for another 2 and a half hours so idk if i’m just gonna pass out or stay up and watch it. Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2 is up next but it’ll be almost 4 in the morning by the time that happens. I should probably rest so I can fix my sleeping schedule and to get rid of this sore throat.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 10
Today was pretty much the same as yesterday. Stayed at home all day and watched a couple speedruns from Awesome Games Done Quick. The game I only really watched throughout the day was Halo 2. Afterwards I was just relaxing the whole time and I watched the second half of the Patriots vs. Ravens playoff game and the first half of the Panthers vs. Seahawks game. Now i’m watching a speedrun of Ocarina of Time at 3:30 in the morning so yeah probs gonna sleep soon.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 11
Last day of winter break today. I’m actually excited to go back to school so i’ll have stuff to do. And I’m really hyped to finally learn psychology material that i’m gonna need to know. Well anyways, today I didn’t do much again. Just went to church and then watched the Cowboys-Packers game in which we lost. It’s all good, there was another controversial call by the officials but overall it was a good game and they deserved to win. After that, I just got ready for school by ordering my books and reading the syllabus for all my classes. I actually kinda got stressed out preparing for this semester that I got a headache from it, but I should be fine after I sleep. Idk, I feel like these classes that i’m taking are gonna be hard but I really should be okay since i’m working with my friends in two of my classes. Well, syllabus week starts tomorrow so i’ll get a hang of it. I’m gonna try to knock out early tonight (it’s 12:18 am right now) even though my sleep schedule is messed up
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 12
Today was a pretty good first day. Woke up at 9 and didn’t get out of bed until like 10:15 (I can get used to this on MWFs). I left for school around 1130 and got to campus around 12. I used that hour to catch up with my Smash Club and played a few games. Went to my first and only 1 o clock class and of course it was just going over the syllabus. Apparently this class (Quantitative Methods) is strictly a statistics course and not learning any psychology so I might be stressed out about it. There’s a lot of work that he mentioned that we had to do so I gotta make sure i’m on point, especially since it’s a math class. My professor seems really chill even though he really follows what his syllabus says. He will never give any special treatment, but he drops the lowest 2 labs, homeworks, and quizzes and has extra credit opportunities (only 3% of grade, but hey i’ll take it) so i’m cool with that. Anyways, afterwards I chilled with my club a little more and caught up with Jonita at the library for a little. Left for campus around 330 and got home around 415 and took a nap. Woke up at 7 and me and the family went out to Jade Villa. We were worried that everything was gonna be messed up because the last time we ordered it was pretty bad, but today seemed perfect. Me and my brother were talking about going to this tournament called Apex (biggest smash tournament of the year) but we decided not to since I don’t have money haha. After dinner, I did some more preparing for all my courses and did this orientation thing for my online Human Services class. I just finished it like 20 minutes ago so i’m gonna knock out pretty soon.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 13
Got to school around 10 and had an hour to kill. Played a few games of smash and then went to my first class, Abnormal Psychology. My professor went over the syllabus for like 20 minutes, and then we did this activity where we got into groups of 5 and each group looked at a different scenario in which we decide if the person in the scenario is mentally ill or not. For my group, it was something like “This person is asked on a date, and before he/she answers, they consult their daily horoscope to help with their decision”. The questions we had to answer were like “Is this person uncomfortable, is their behavior maladaptive and unusual, etc.” and we decided that the person wasn’t mentally ill because it is somewhat unusual, but people do actually do it. Just cause someone would check there horoscope to see if it’s a good day to go on a date doesn’t mean they’re mentally ill. We did this exercise because our professor wanted to let us know that these are the questions we have to keep in mind when diagnosing a mental disorder. But yeah, that lasted for a good while and we finished off the class with a lecture. This class is definitely the one that has peaked my interest the most and I’m really excited for it. We’re going to go over a lot of disorders in this class and how we should diagnose them and that directly links to what I wanna do in the future, so i’m really hyped for it. Anyways, after my class ended I played a few more games of smash and caught up with Jeremy for a bit. My big invited us to go eat with him and his friend and he said he’ll pay for me so why not. His friend ended up swiping all of us in to cafe (+1 extra dude that I don’t know but seen before) after not knowing where to eat. I left early to go to my 130 class. This was my quantitative methods lab and it was just basic syllabus stuff again. We also kind of learned how to use this SPSS program cause we’re gonna need it to do homework and labs. This class is definitely gonna be my stress class cause everything just seems difficult. Anyway, we got out of class around 220 (was supposed to get out at 320) and I chilled at the library for a bit with Jonita and her friend. After that, I went back to play some more smash until 6ish since I got really tired. As I was leaving, I found my big again and he wanted to go eat somewhere. Originally it was going to be Tortilla West (since 69 cent tacos) but there was nobody else to go with. So we hit up Richard since he didn’t come to campus today and we went to Bdubs at Landstown Commons. That was fun, even though Richard didn’t even come until after we were done eating. Left around 10 and now i’m here. Probably just gonna knock out soon 
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 14
Woke up around 10ish and got to campus around 1215. I had to get my Abnormal Psychology book but apparently it was more expensive ($160) than when I checked on Monday ($121 when I asked) cause on Monday it was a used copy they checked the price for and they only had brand new ones when I went today, so I changed my mind. I really do want the book so I can keep it and read it anytime I want, but tbh I am not about to spend 50 more dollars on it when I can just get it online for $110. I’m just sad cause you don’t keep the e-text forever. Oh well, i’ll just save all of my professors powerpoints (or just copy them word for word on a word document). Anyways, I went to the webb and played a few games of smash and walked to class with Nicole cause I saw her randomly. Today’s lecture was literally bs because it was all the beginner shit like independent and dependent variables, bias, parameter, statistic, etc. I honestly have no idea why I even wrote notes because my professor literally reads off the powerpoint and I know all this stuff already. Ah well, kept me busy I guess. After my class was over, I went back to the Webb and played more smash (and my friend John swiped me in yaaaas) until 430ish. I went to the library and chilled with Jonita until her 545 class. Jessica also came by randomly and she stayed with us to hang out. Jonita left for her class at 530 and me and Jess just chilled at the library for a little while. Oh yeah, I also got this random phone call from my brother asking me to help his friend’s friend jump his car, but I felt really uncomfortable about that and I really did not want to go out in the drizzly cold and walk to my car. I felt bad but my bro found someone to jump his friend so that’s good. Me and Jess left the library at 6 cause she was gonna go eat with her suitemate so I went back to the Webb and played more smash until 730. Jonita swung by after her class (cause I told her to) with Stephanie so we could leave together. They stayed with me about halfway to my car cause Stephanie parked somewhere else so that was pretty cool. Got home around early 8ish and ate some ramen and then worked on my human services homework. After I finished that, I made my college a little more organized and now i’m most likely gonna sleep soon.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 15
Got out of bed around 830, ate breakfast, and took a shower. While getting ready, I got a text from Julieanne asking if I was at ODU because she was there waiting for her friend to get out of class. Got to campus around 1020 and talked with her and her friend until my 11 o clock class. That was probably the last time we were going to see each other since she’s leaving for college soon and she’s moving to Pennsylvania so it was good catching up with her for a little. Me and Jess will definitely come up sometime to visit. So if you see this Julieanne have fun and say hi to your mom for me! :)
Anyways, for some odd reason I was really hyped for my abnormal psych lecture and it was pretty interesting. Just took some notes for half the class and the other half we watched this movie about mentally ill patients being put into state prisons because they have nowhere else to go (due to funding). The teacher gave us a 1 point extra credit for writing a 250 word reaction paper to it and I finished it during the video. It was really sad to see sick people living in such harsh conditions and I just felt really bad.
Afterwards, I went to the library to work on an extra credit quiz with the twins in our online perception class. Jeremy, Stephanie (who left like 15 minutes after I got there), and Jonita were there too just hanging out. Even though the extra credit quiz was just on the syllabus, I remember being really scared because all the quizzes are only 5 questions but you only have 7 minutes but thankfully I ended up getting a perfect on it. The quiz ended up being the same questions but a different order and Faith almost messed up because she didn’t want to seem sketch and submit hers when me and Gennie just did but her computer died while she was waiting for time to pass by. Luckily she got to plug her computer in and turn it in. But yeah, I also found out that Fall Out Boy is going on another tour (YAAAAAAAS) and is coming to VB with Wiz Khalifa and Hoodie Allen called Boys of Zummer (weird name) so i’m fucking hype for that. Anyways, the twins also wanted to do the chapter 1 quiz but none of us read the powerpoint yet so we did for like an hour. When it came time to take it, we still didn’t really understand what we were reading so I was even more scared than the extra credit quiz (I took my heart rate and it was 113 bpm LOL) but I volunteered to go first. Holy shit was that quiz easy it really didn’t take me long cause all the answers were in the powerpoint but the last question wasn’t so it took me to the 30 second mark to finally turn it in and get a perfect. Faith then did hers and got a perfect because it was just like the ec quiz (same questions, different order) so I’m hoping the rest of the quizzes will be like this. After that, the twins and FM were talking about these twins that they’ve seen in their past classes and now see them again so they legit stalked one of their Facebooks just to find out more info.
After that library sesh, I went back to my club and literally played smash until 10 at night. Jess swiped me in to cafe as well so thank god for having friends that live on campus. Our president, Brian (number 2 in our smash power rankings) ranked matched me (cause i’m 1 (not bragging LOL)) and I beat him 3-0 in a best of 5 set. This week has been really fun for this club cause everybody has been showing up but it’ll probably change because this is the first week. Anyway yeah I just got home like an hour ago and now I’m gonna buy my abnormal psych book online then go to sleep.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 16
Got out of bed around 940 and to campus around 12. Played a few games of smash (as usual now) and went to my 1 o clock class. Went over frequency distributions and some other beginner stat 130 stuff so it was pretty boring. After I got out of class, I played smash with my club until like 530. There were actually a lot of power rank matches today, like one of our members, Ke had 5 power matches today. I think total there were about 10 today so it was pretty eventful. But yeah I went to Kappa Naro Ramen for the first time with my big and Brian afterwards. Got some miso soup, two pieces of barbeque and a spring roll for $22 and it was actually really good. The price is kinda eh, but I think it’s worth it. After that, me and my big decided to go back to the Webb to play more smash for an hour since the Webb closed at 8.
After the Webb closed, I headed back home and then to Stephanie’s house for a homework sesh with Jonita. That didn’t really happen as I was just eating all of Stephanie’s food and we were talking about random stuff. I didn’t start doing my homework until 11, but at least I finished what I wanted to do at her house. Then, for some reason we ended up planning out an Italian-themed dinner for the Krew tomorrow. Well Stephanie was gonna cook pasta anyway, so we were like might as well invite everyone. And literally the whole rest of the night, we planned out what food and ingredients we needed to get, the music playlist for the night, and they even set up the dinner table already. We were also messing with the lighting for the room so they were really trying to make this legit. It’s a semi-formal event for no apparent reason but hey, I can dig it. What’s funny is that we invited the rest of the group through GroupMe but none of them replied so we’re not even sure if they’re gonna come yet LOL. Hopefully they do because we worked until about 230am trying to figure out and set up this dinner day. But yeah it’s 3:27am and I just got home like 20 minutes ago and i’m so tired so i’m just gonna knock out.
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365day2015 · 4 years
Day 17
Woke up around 11ish today and didn’t really do much. I had to help my mom get my dog ready for his appointment at 4. At first I was supposed to go with her because she needed to hold my dog while I was supposed to drive, but we got him inside his cage so I didn’t have to drive anymore. Afterwards, I got ready for the semi-formal dinner. I made garlic bread and some shrimp thingy just for fun. I also brought some wine that we had at home. I watched a bit of a melee tournament (Paragon) just to kill some time even though it was only pools. Once 6 o clock came, I was supposed to be at Stephanie’s house because they were rushing since the dinner was supposed to be at 830 and they still needed to shop for the ingredients and cook (Stephanie at least was busy until then). I just met up with them at Walmart and they did their shopping and I had to do more errands and met up with them again at Steph’s house at around 8ish.
I ended up becoming the “waiter” and prevented all the guests from entering the dining room and kitchen. The first people to come were Jeremy and Lijayne, then the twins, and then FM. Once everyone got here, we started eating. It was pretty good, they didn’t eat the shrimp thing cause I didn’t offer it, but along with my garlic bread we had spaghetti, salad, and zuppa toscana (a soup that’s at Olive Graden). Lijayne also brought cookies for desert so that was good. During dinner, we played this game where we each wrote a secret, a wish or goal, and the favorite dish of the night and we put it in a big and guessed who was who. I feel like I was the most personal one for the secret cause everyone else’s was funny and stuff, but oh well. Everybody guessed who they got on the first try so that was pretty cool.
After that game, we played this game called Body Body where we each choose a card and whoever gets the king is called the murderer. The house becomes pitch dark and everybody walks around and the murderer “kills” someone by squeezing their shoulder, so the person who “died” lays on the ground and can’t move. When one of the people that’s not the murderer walks into the dead person, they yell “body body” and all the lights come on, everyone comes together and the person who yelled it guesses who the murderer was. If he/she gets it wrong the person who died and the person who got guessed is out for the round and we play again until we find who the real murderer was. It was a pretty rough start as we didn’t really understand the rules, but the last round was a pretty good one. The first part of that round, Gennie got killed and Faith was the one who yelled body body and she really thought it was me, but she guessed FM and it was wrong. The second part, everybody ended up dieing and we found out Stephanie was really the murderer. It was funny though, cause I kept bumping into her in the dark and she didn’t “kill” me until a lot later.
After that game, everybody but me and Jonita left and we cleaned up. Then we left and now i’m here at home. I’m thinking about watching Let’s Be Cops which I was supposed to watch with the group, but everyone had to leave before we had a chance. I rented it from Redbox so I don’t want to waste my $1.59 but it’s 3:30 in the morning and I’m tired so I just might watch it tomorrow.
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