3dabochao · 8 years
Second animation I’m gonna talk about is The Butterfly Effect by Unity Technologies.
Figure 1. “The Butterfly Effect” Unity Technologies.(2016)
This Animated short film shows the meaning of butterfly effect, in the animation a little harmless butterfly but it cause a giant a accidents in the end.
From the animation I can see that the creator is trying to show that every little things we do in our life it means something, and it will some how effect the future events, just like the butterfly in the short film.
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3dabochao · 8 years
First animation I will be talking about is  Reflexion by Planktoon.
Figure 1. “Reflexion” Planktoon.(2016)
This Animated short film is a description of Women concerns about the way they look. Most women wanted to be pretty, and when they see celebrity or models they would want to be like them. Everyone will follow celebrities dressing style make up style, some woman might even go more farther getting plastic surgery.
From the animation I can see that the creator is trying to show that everyone should be their own self not trying to be a reflection of someone else.
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Piano Animation
Here is a animation I created of myself playing piano by using a smart phone app, to show what I have in mind for my second ideas.
Figure 1. “Piano playing animation” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Final Animation and Evaluation
Here is my final animation
Figure 1. “Penguin Dancing” Chen.B. (2016)
My time management wasn’t great I wish I spend more time on making the animation instead of spend too much times on decided ideas and changing the ideas. My original plan was to make 7 characters and animated a dance cover, but it was too ambitious and too little time, so I changed to an character playing piano, but I changed my ideas again because of making the piano model was out of my skill level. So at least I finally decided to making penguins dancing instead.
I have many problems while modelling the penguin such as connecting joints, each time I add new joints to the model the joints rotate it self so I have to reset the numbers back to zero each time I add on the joints. Paint skin weights, after binding the skin I found the body of the penguin move along the wing and leg, at first I thought I messed up on the joints part then later I learned that I have to apply skin weight to the model. Adding controls to the model, I have to place each controls to the right place and delete the type history and freeze transformation of the control and final parent the control and the joint together.
In overall I really enjoy this assessment, I learn how to use 3DS MAX and Maya to created 3D objects and scenes and making an animation with the models I created myself, and I would love to create more animation in the future.
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Modelling Penguins
When I was making the penguins I found a online tutorial on Youtube on how to modelling penguins on maya, I follow the tutorial but I don’t want to make my penguins look same as the tutorial so I changed the size while making it.
Figure 1. “ Simple 3D Character Creation - Model a Penguin in Maya! ” MR H. (2016)
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Figure 2. “Maya image reference.” Chen.B. (2016)
First I insert the reference images into Maya and created a polygon cube and sent the subdivisions of width height and depth to 2.
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Figure 3. “X-ray image” Chen.B. (2016)
Then I switch on the X-ray shading on the polygon so I can the reference image on the background.
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Figure 4. “Vertex tool” Chen.B. (2016)
Using the vertex tool to adjusting the polygon to match the belly of the penguin.
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Figure 5. “Extrude tool” Chen.B. (2016)
Using the extrude tool to extrude the polygon to create the head of the penguin.
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Figure 6. “Extrude leg” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 7. “Extrude feet” Chen.B. (2016)
Using extrude tool again to created the leg and the feet of the penguin.
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Figure 8. “Extrude wing” Chen.B. (2016)
Keep using extrude tool to make the a right wing for the penguin.
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Figure 9. “Smooth tool” Chen.B. (2016)
Press 3 on the keyboard to smooth down the texture of the penguin.
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Figure 10. “Delete the left side” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 11. “Duplicate options” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 12. “Merge the penguin” Chen.B. (2016)
I deleted left side of the penguin and duplicate the remind part and combine it with the Merge tool.
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Figure 13. “Beak” Chen.B. (2016)
Using extrude tool again to created the beak of the penguin.
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Figure 14. “Creating eyes” Chen.B. (2016)
Using sphere polygon to created the eyes for penguin.
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Figure 15. “Modelling done” Chen.B. (2016)
Here is the what the penguin look like after I put the eyes in the right place and assign the colour material on to the model.
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Figure 16. “Adding joint and binding the skin” Chen.B. (2016)
Carefully adding the joints into the model and bind skin to the model.
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Figure 17. “Adding control” Chen.B. (2016)
Adding controls of the joints and freeze transformation it and finally parent the controls to the joints.
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Figure 18. “Problem” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 19. “Paint skin weight” Chen.B. (2016)
Painting the skin weight and make movement of the penguin more better so the body won’t move when the wing moves.
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Figure 20. “Finish the penguin” Chen.B. (2016)
Here is the final finished model of the penguin.
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Figure 21. “More penguins” Chen.B. (2016)
I created 3 more penguins to help making the animation more interesting.
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Ideas and Research
For final animation I decided to make a dancing animation of penguins. I found few animations on YouTube I can uses as references to create my animation.
First video is Penguins from Madagascar, this was my main inspiration to making my own penguins and do crazy things as a team.
Figure 1. “I Make My Own Options.” Dream work. (2014)
Second video is Happy Feet, this was my ideas to see how does penguins dance in animations.
Figure 2. “Happy feet!” George Miller. (2006)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Dancing Animation
Here is a dancing animation of 2 characters I created.
Figure 1. “Dance animation” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 2 - Playing with already made models
Here is 2 quick animation I created by using already made models I found online
Figure 1. “Park scene” Chen.B. (2016)
Figure 2. “cafe scene” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Section 1 - Uses of 3D
When come to 3D most people will automatic think of Games Animations and Movies. There are many more of 3D uses in the modern world, and gonna talk about few of the examples.
First one comes to my mind are Architecture. Companies uses 3D Architecture to show how the buildings or city will look like after and you can also view it from different angle or even inside the buildings.
Figure 1. “3D video presentation of architecture.” Ardedre. (2013)
 Another great example are Medical, 3D are used in medical to help doctors learn different parts of human body and organs, and can also simulate different problems could happen to human body, which can help doctors perform surgery.
Figure 2. “Project Esper: Mixed Reality Anatomy Learning.” 3D4Medical. (2016)
The last example I’m gonna talk about is Gaming, 3D are included in pretty much every games now days, it used in characters designing, map making and animations and many more.
Figure 3. “ Fire Emblem: Awakening - The Making of *DLC*.” TiLMENDOMiNATiON. (2012)
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3dabochao · 8 years
3DS MAX Model
Here is some models I created in 3DS MAX.
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Figure 1. “Dog” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 2. “Hand” Chen.B. (2016)
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Figure 3. “Feet” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
3D Text
Here is a screen shoot of 3D text I created using my name.
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Figure 1. “My name” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Basic of 3DS MAX
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Figure 1. “Interface of 3DS MAX” Chen.B. (2016)
Above is a screenshot showing the basic interface of 3DS MAX.
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Figure 2. “3DS MAX tools” Chen.B. (2016)
On the right side of the interface there's all the basic tools we will be using. You can use it to created a basic shape or change colours of the objects.
 You can also use those shortcuts commands to save more times
 G: Toggles the grid off and on                                                                             Alt W: bring view port in and out Alt Middle click: rotate round the 3d environment Middle click: move to the left or right Z: centre view/ back to original view Scroll mouse wheel: zooming in and out of selected 3d element Selecting auto-grid: enables drawing other shapes on another one. F3: switch between wireframe and solid mode F4: Turn on wire mesh overlay Left click to select an object M- Material Editor Alt X- See through Alt Q- Shows current model design P: Perspective View C: Camera view
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Figure 3. “Pokeball” Chen.B. (2016)
Here is Pokeball model I created after learning the basic control of 3DS MAX.
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3dabochao · 8 years
Here is a Solar system I created to show how parenting animation works.
Figure 1. “Solar system” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Character walking cycle
Here is a walking cycle animation of character I created.
Figure 1. “Walking cycle animation” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Here is a animation of camera work in Maya.
Figure 1. “Camera movement” Chen.B. (2016)
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3dabochao · 8 years
Basic of Maya
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Figure 1. “Interface of Maya” Chen.B. (2016)
Above is a screenshot showing the basic interface of Maya.
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Figure 2. “Maya tools” Chen.B. (2016)
Above are the basic tools and controls we will be using. you can use it to create shape and adding controls to the model ect.
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Figure 3. “Maya channels” Chen.B. (2016)
On the right side channel you can input numbers and change the size rotation and placement of the polygon.
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Figure 4. “Maya key frames” Chen.B. (2016)
Here is the frames you can sent number of the frames you need fro your animation.
Here is falling ball animation I created after learning the basic control of Maya. I slow the animation down so you see when the stretch and squash effect when ball falling down and bouncing up again.
Figure 5. “Ball falling animation” Chen.B. (2016)
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