3daysinsane · 10 years
As had the Medic.
Skidding a few inches from the unexpected tug, the Medic flung out his arms to keep his balance, grabbing the Soldier's arm in the same motion in an attempt to help his companion. A moment of standing rather awkwardly, and he gave a soft laugh.
"Zhat vone got avay from mich..."
"Intelligence, mainly. Und squid have zhese veird specialized tentacles wizh paddles on zhe ends."
Gerhard frowned slightly.
"Schtill don’t know vhat zhose are for…"
He was quiet a moment, thinking, before he shook his head and looked over to his friend with a somewhat rueful smile.
"But ja, squid are not octopi und octopi are not squid, zhough zhey share genetics in zhe cephalopod family. Cuttlefish und nautoloi are included as vell."
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3daysinsane · 10 years
"Intelligence, mainly. Und squid have zhese veird specialized tentacles wizh paddles on zhe ends."
Gerhard frowned slightly.
"Schtill don't know vhat zhose are for..."
He was quiet a moment, thinking, before he shook his head and looked over to his friend with a somewhat rueful smile.
"But ja, squid are not octopi und octopi are not squid, zhough zhey share genetics in zhe cephalopod family. Cuttlefish und nautoloi are included as vell."
Gerhard blinked, then smiled softly, shaking his head before reaching over and giving Sykes a playful punch to the arm.
"Schtop zhat. I’m happy wizh zhings zhe vay zhey are, even wizh zhe cold."
His smile widened a little.
"I’m helpingk people I care about, I get to enjoy zhe company of vone of my favorite people I haff ever met, und no vone hast made ein calamari joke in monzhs. Honestly, you zhink zhey’d understand zhe difference between squid und octopus-!"
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3daysinsane · 10 years
Gerhard blinked, then smiled softly, shaking his head before reaching over and giving Sykes a playful punch to the arm.
"Schtop zhat. I'm happy wizh zhings zhe vay zhey are, even wizh zhe cold."
His smile widened a little.
"I'm helpingk people I care about, I get to enjoy zhe company of vone of my favorite people I haff ever met, und no vone hast made ein calamari joke in monzhs. Honestly, you zhink zhey'd understand zhe difference between squid und octopus-!"
"Oh, ha ha, very fun-NY!"
His voice squeaked slightly as he was crushed in those strong furry arms, but he was quick to return it once he wriggled his arms free, returning the embrace with equal force and fervor. A tentacle wriggled free as well, curling around the man-wolf’s ankle and giving a somewhat sluggish squeeze. It remained there when they broke apart, and Gerhard gave a soft laugh.
"Ach, I vas vonderingk who kept bullyingk him about zhat. He did, zhough, managed to put togezzer zhose two smaller tanks wizh some trial und error. It’s… Nice. Zhe extra space ist razzer refreshing."
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3daysinsane · 10 years
"Oh, ha ha, very fun-NY!"
His voice squeaked slightly as he was crushed in those strong furry arms, but he was quick to return it once he wriggled his arms free, returning the embrace with equal force and fervor. A tentacle wriggled free as well, curling around the man-wolf's ankle and giving a somewhat sluggish squeeze. It remained there when they broke apart, and Gerhard gave a soft laugh.
"Ach, I vas vonderingk who kept bullyingk him about zhat. He did, zhough, managed to put togezzer zhose two smaller tanks wizh some trial und error. It's... Nice. Zhe extra space ist razzer refreshing."
The doctor straightened from his place on the railing as the soldier approached, his small smile widening at the courtesy being showed. And there were so many that considered the Solider class gruff and rude-!
"Besser zhan I vas, zhat ist to be certain. Zhe cold might not agree vizh mich all zhat vell, but it ist besser zhan beingk alone in zhat svamp."
Gerhard gave a soft laugh, arms crossing over his chest for warmth.
"It ist gute to see you again, mein freund."
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3daysinsane · 10 years
The doctor straightened from his place on the railing as the soldier approached, his small smile widening at the courtesy being showed. And there were so many that considered the Solider class gruff and rude-!
"Besser zhan I vas, zhat ist to be certain. Zhe cold might not agree vizh mich all zhat vell, but it ist besser zhan beingk alone in zhat svamp."
Gerhard gave a soft laugh, arms crossing over his chest for warmth.
"It ist gute to see you again, mein freund."
A pause, and the doctor happily saluted back before giving a wave.
"Guten morgen, herr Sykes! Havingk fun?"
He hated having to raise his voice, but he dare not move into the snow. He was bundled up enough that his lower limbs were protected from the cold, but it wasn’t like he could put on a pair of boots, so scampering about in the cold was very much out.
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3daysinsane · 10 years
A pause, and the doctor happily saluted back before giving a wave.
"Guten morgen, herr Sykes! Havingk fun?"
He hated having to raise his voice, but he dare not move into the snow. He was bundled up enough that his lower limbs were protected from the cold, but it wasn't like he could put on a pair of boots, so scampering about in the cold was very much out.
Gerhard chuckled softly to himself, smiling as he leaned back on the porch railing. It was good seeing Sykes happy, doing what he loved and loving what he did.
"…was fur ein Dussel…" What a goof
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3daysinsane · 10 years
Gerhard chuckled softly to himself, smiling as he leaned back on the porch railing. It was good seeing Sykes happy, doing what he loved and loving what he did.
"...was fur ein Dussel..." What a goof
"DISGRACEFUL! SLOPPY! YOU CALL THAT RUNNING?" he shouted at the few BLUs who actually bothered to show up to train in the shallow snow bed. They must have been bored to even try and attempt pleasing the Soldier. "I WANT TO SEE THOSE KNEES HIGH IN THE AIR. IF YOU FAIL AT THE ARMY YOU CAN ALWAYS SIGN UP FOR DANCE LESSONS, NOW MOVE!"
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3daysinsane · 10 years
Watching from afar, wrapped up warmly in a long coat and scarf, a certain Medic just barely kept his chuckling to himself as he watched the lupine Soldier in his element. Privately to himself, he wondered if the man had noticed him yet, or even remembered him.
It had been quite a long time since they'd last seen one another after all...
"DISGRACEFUL! SLOPPY! YOU CALL THAT RUNNING?" he shouted at the few BLUs who actually bothered to show up to train in the shallow snow bed. They must have been bored to even try and attempt pleasing the Soldier. "I WANT TO SEE THOSE KNEES HIGH IN THE AIR. IF YOU FAIL AT THE ARMY YOU CAN ALWAYS SIGN UP FOR DANCE LESSONS, NOW MOVE!"
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3daysinsane · 11 years
*Gerhard gave a soft chuckle, shaking his head with a shrug* I've not been idle, if zhat ist vhat you are zinking. I do schtill svim every morning.
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Vell of course-! *the Medic broke off with a small startled noise as he was hugged, but then he relaxed into it with a laugh and a smile, returning the embrace whole heartedly* Of course, mein Freund, of course.
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Of course not, Doctor-Patient Confidentiality ist paramount. *Gerhard made to be stern, but ruined it with a soft laugh.* Under you are mein bests Freund, I vould night forgive myself if I harmed dein trust.
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
I vill alvays feel concern for mein Freund, Sykes, it ist mein job after all. *Gerhard gave a somewhat rueful smile, inclining his head* I simply vish to help, even if all I can do ist listen.
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Perhaps, but zhat does not make it any less valid. *the Medic sat up slightly, concern in his pale features* Do have any zhoughts as to vhy?
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Oh? *Gerhard quirked a brow* How so, mein Freund?
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Ah, constant battle vill do zhat, I haff noticed... *Gerhard gave his friend's shoulder a pat* But at least zhere ist a little time to recharge, ja?
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
*the Medic couldn't help himself, the abrupt shift in demeanor was just to funny not to laugh at, though he kept it short so as not to insult* I do not doubt, mein Freund! Your enthusiasm hast von many a battle, I am certain.
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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3daysinsane · 11 years
Ja, I do see, und I am happy for it. *Gerhard was all smiles, simply glad his friend was alive and well.* I hope you haff been busy, keeping dein teammates out of trouble?
-nibbles on-
*swats gently* Allo.
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