3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
My Life Drawing Blog on Instagram
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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Specialist Pathway:
This is the work that I did for my Specialist Pathway. I was not chosen by one of the third years this year to work with them, so instead I remodeled my Diorama and  finished this character design. I wanted to get her face right so I did a few drawings using a reference image that I got from the new MetaHuman creator powered by Unreal. I was able to get a realistic reference and therefore a good base for my character’s face.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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These are the images that I rendered from Unreal after I set up and lit the scene. I used a light orange as the lighting colour because I wanted to give the diorama a sunset look instead of broad daylight. The vertex paint came out very well after I fixed a few settings in Unreal. I think this turned out well, but if I were to do this again, I would spend more time on texturing and making it look semi-realistic instead of just simple colours.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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The final model was smoothed in ZBrush and then vertex painted in Maya. I also sculpted some waves to accentuate the boat and bring attention to the middle of the Diorama, since that’s where I want people to look when rendering the final images in Unreal.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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When I was blocking out the diorama, I experimented with different styles, including a waterfall. I decided to cut that out because I didn’t think it would look natural enough. I eventually made a final design and then smoothed it out in ZBrush.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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Diorama - Version 2:
I decoded to redo my diorama, because I didn’t like the way it looked when I finished it. I used the same modelling techniques, but I wanted to create a diorama inspired by the Rialto riverside. I also gathered references from Balamory in real life and the Rialto map in Overwatch, both of which have very colourful buldings and environments, which I wanted to recreate in my diorama.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
Animation Techniques - Creature Animation:
This is my final render for my Creature Animation. For this render I used a completely black skybox and three area lights, red, green and blue, which were positioned quite far away from the model. This animation is good, but it isn’t as smooth or natural looking as I would like it to be, because when I as editing with the graph editor, it created too many keyframes. I deleted as many as I could, and this was the result.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
Animation Techniques - MoGraph Animation:
This is my MoGraph Animation. I used Cinema 4D for this animation, using basic skylights and textures. I think this animation turned out very smooth, but to improve animations like this in the future, I would make the movement of the balls more obvious.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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These Are the 10 poses I originally keyframed for my Rapid Posing Animation. I think the pose silhouettes are strong, but the positioning of the arms and hands could use a little work in future projects.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
This is the final render of the Rapid Posing animation, in which you can see the point of impact at the start, then the recovery and the changing of expressions from shock to pain, and then to anger.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
Animation Techniques - Rapid Posing:
This is the 28 frame test that I did for the animation render.  I have used minimal lighting and scene construction for both the test and the final animation.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 3 years
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Portfolio Project - Character Sheet:
This is the finished character sheet. I used different poses at different angles. I think it turned out very well, but to improve, I would study how to paint textures like fabric, skin and hair in a more refined way.
The five portfolios I chose were from ArtStation, apart from one.
I was particularly impressed by GopGap’s work, and I tried to base my character sheet on the style of her work.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 4 years
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Portfolio Project - Character Sheet:
These are the silhouettes that I have produced for the character sheet project, I have made them as readable as I can for this project, and I think they have turned out rather well.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 4 years
Miro Board Link
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 4 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUA86TPbJvk&feature=youtu.be (part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAhD0qCrizQ (part 2)
These are both parts of the video for our game prototype. I was unable to obtain the file to put it on Vimeo, so the youtube links are all I have.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 4 years
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Walking Simlulator:
The train station was modelled by my teammate Cristian and polypainted by me. I modelled and polypainted the train tracks.
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3dblog-eg540-yr2 · 4 years
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Apart from the Monster and the Mask, all of the models that I created for the Walking Sim project are ones that I polypainted in Maya. This gives the low-poly colours we needed for the project. I wanted to make the train and seats look almost rusty, so a lot of reddish brown was used. The Easter Egg is pitch black apart from the face.
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