3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
Photoshoot pictures
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here you can see some of my best photos from my photoshoot. in this shoot i experimented with different lighting, i used some of the red and yellow filters to put on top of the lighting to make it change slightly and have tones to match my dress. i really like the way i worked with the lighting and thought it complemented my dress very well.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
Garment description
My garment was created for a nasa space exhibition reprisenting the planet jupiter and all its mysterys. As you can previously see in my sketchbook, i have researched into each of the planets and there affect. I chose to create my garment on jupiter baised on all its beauty. My garment is made out of crushed velevet which i died to match the colour pallet more. My bodice was created from a basic dress block which i altered to created the beautiful corresponding “sweep” across the top and bottom of the dress. As well as the showstopping sweep i added a circular cut out across the right side of the dress to show some skin and add some more mystery. To help create both the sweep and the cutout of the dress i added a facing to give it a NICE CLEAN finish. Now, the eye catching peice on the garment is the huge textile fan i added on. I created this by experimenting with pleats, darts, and random stiching to create all the details i wanted. i then attached this to my final bodice and my vision is slowly coming to life. I finished off my seams by using all open seams and by adding in a consealed zip along the back off the dress. for some finishing touches i added some puffbinding around the cutout and some sequins to add some sparkle.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
method of construction
First step of construction is cutting out all my patterns on the straight of grain and adding 1cm seam allowance, I then took these to the sewing room and sewed in all of my darts. I then overlocked both sides and both shoulders in preparation for me to sew these together. My next step was the circle cut out, for this I created a facing to go along the whole circle to give it a clean finish. To attach this facing I lined it up with the garment using my notches and then attached it by sewing at 1cm with the right sides together. I then trimmed it down by half and sewed a retaining stitch in as close to the edge as possible. For me to then further hold the facings in place I added in some tac stitches along the seams so they was unable to be seen. Next I can now finish off the side seam and shoulder seam that I had previously overlocked, I only sewed one of my sides and my one shoulder (this enables my dress to still be flat). I created these as open seams due to the velvet being very thick. I then sewed in my facing for the only sleeve on the dress. I did this by again lining my facing up with dress and sewing it at 1cm, I trimmed it down by half and sewed another retaining stitch. Once again I added some tacs in to hold the facing in place more securely. My next step was to sew in the zip, I chose a concealed zip that is going down the back of the dress. To do this I changed the foot on my sewing machine and sewed in my zip, while i sew this im pulling my fabric away to enable there to be no access fabric on display next to my zip. Once this was done I can now sew in my other side seam (this side had no sleeve). I overlocked both edges and sewed a open seam once again. I was now onto my last facing, it originally was in 3 different parts as my dress was once in 3 different patterns. So I sewed my facings together using only open seams, I then lined up my one long facing with the entirety of the top off the dress, once I was happy with the placement I sewed this at 1cm. I trimmed down my stitch by half and sewed in a retaining stitch, I added a couple of tacs once again to hold down my facing. My final step for my bodice was too hem the bottom of my dress, to do this I overlocked the bottom then sewed at 1cm then press. Now that my bodice is finished I now had to begin my textile add on. To do this I took my fabric and firstly hemmed all the edges of my fabric by overlocking then sewing at 1cm. I then began sewing in my lines, by doing this I pinched the fabric and sewed down the pinch (like a small fold). I did these all the way down my fan, to add some more detail of this I pintched some fabric again and sewed it from big down to flat, (just like a dart). Once I was happy with how it looked I took it to the mannequin so I could pin it into place, I then sewed some tacs where my pins are so my textiles and bodice was now attached together. For my final touches I took a small paint brush and some puff binding and added some on around the cutout to add texture and definition, to add to this I hot glued some sequins with my puff binding. This now competes my garment, I am very happy with my final product and think all my work paid off.  ​
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
finalising my garment
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Here you can see my final garment, i added on my textile peice as well as some puff binding and some sequins. I added the puff binding around the cut out to add texture and give it some more life. I died the puff binding to match the colours off my dress and then added some sequins with some hot glue around the cutout also. I hemmed any loose ends on my dress and gave it all a clean finish.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
the beginning of my final garment
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Here you can see my first step of creating my final garment. It’s important my bodice underneath is very neat and has a clean finish because i will be marked on my technique and sewing ability. So far i have sewn my darts, sewn all my facings and finished everything with an open seam. We chose an open seam because it will even out my thickness of the fabric and not create a budlge through the bodice. My next step is to then add my textile peice (my fan) what will then cover my undergarment.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
preparing for my desgin boards
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
printing on fabric
Here you can see my samples of printing onto fabric, i have done this because i wanted to show my development from 2d to 3D work and show my development. I did 3 samples, one on velvet and 2 of them on a silky fabric. The velvet sample worked the best in my opinion as the design was really pigmented and also looked good on the velvet as its the most textured fabric.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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Dyeing my fabric
Here is a Timelapse of me doing some dyeing samples. i wasn’t sure what fabric would look the best once dyed so i took small squares of each one and then dyed them with the the inks above. I chose to do these colours because i thought having a verity of different colours would have the best affect as it would be very well blended and have a nice contrast. From doing these samples i decided that the dyed velvet looks the best as it holds vibrancy better and has a very good texture what matches my theme very well.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
Adding my faces to my designs
For my face designs i wasn’t very happy with what i have previously done, so i decided to mix them both together. I mixed the “pretty ugly” style and the “eirrie” style to create a good balance between them both. I think these look the most affective and look really well with my designs. I think this will look very affective on my final design boards and looks good overall.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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Developed aliens
From the previous blog posts you can see the classic alien look. However this look was created to be more eerie and scary made to be more realistic and less like a cartoon. This is more effective for movies and digital work as it takes a vision and brings it to life. I like this style more than the previous as it has more definition and is more free, you can really experiment with this however you like too.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
My version of classic aliens
Here is a Timelapse of me creating a acrylic painting of a classic cartoon alien. I found some pictures of what i wanted on Pinterest and I used my previous research to help me guide this. I used acrylic paint as it the most vibrant and will have the best affect in my sketchbook. To finalise this and really make it pop i used a black fine liners and a white pen to add to this will finishing details.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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Classic aliens
The classic alien face is something that everyone knows very well, we see it in films, books, websites etc. it was originally created by a Swiss surrealist and artist H.R.Giger. He created this for a movie and his vision was then brought to life when Italian special effects designer Carlo rambaldi created this as a model to be used. Everyone knows the classic face to be green with huge black eyes clearing at you, as movies have evolved we have seen this slowly develop into something more serious and eirrie…
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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finished toile
In the previous post i showed my toile bodice. To complete this i decided to add my textile add ons to see how it looks. To create this i cut some callico out just enough to cover my garment, i was going into this completely blind and was just experimenting. I think experimenting is very important because you get to see exactly what u have done and you can figure out what works best for you. I decided to press my sewing lines into my fabric so i have a guide to go off . I then cut some more fabric out to cover the hole i created, i used shearing elastic for this and created some basic gathers then attached it all together. I then added all this onto my bodice to see the final result.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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My toile
Here is my finished toile, to create this i used my pattern peices from my previous blog post. I added seam allowance and cut this out on calico, once cutting it out my first step was my darts.i added all my darts then i sewed both front and back pieces together. Despite this only being a toile i did sew Velcro down the side (opening of the dress) so i could really see the finished vision.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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Design meeting- creating a toile
Since creating all 20 designs my next step was to have a design meeting with my peers, i was put in a group of 5 with other people focusing on construction. We went through all our designs 1 by 1 and spoke about what would look the best once created and how it would be created. One i chose my design i started working right away to begin my toile, i started by taking the dress bock and mapping it out like usual. I then created the cut i wanted by bringing the kneck line slightly down and creating the “sweep” across the top and bottom of the dress. My next step was to create the cut out circle I wanted, i used a compass and a ruler to enable my circle was even on both sides. To ensure my Circe stayed the way I wanted it to look i had to remove the dart, meaning the circle can look a bit peculiar on the pattern peice however it will look fine once sewn.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
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Creating designs
For my fmp i have created 20 initial designs, i wanted all my designs to be different and not repetitive so to do this i had set designs for set things. I have created 2 for jupiter, 2 mars, 2 Saturn, 6 mon, 4 Milky Way, 2 space crafts and 2 solar system. All these designs can be found in my sketchbook, my next step to make progress will be adding media and creating a toile.
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3lliesfmp2 · 1 year
My customer
Before i start creating my designs or my garment it’s important i create my customer so i know who I will be designing for. Since my topic is space it would be hard to design this for a set person, so I’ve decided to create my garment and my collection as a exhibition peice. My exhibition will be designed and created here in Barnsley then transported via plane to be presented in nasa head quarters in Washington D.C. my work will Be showcased to create a movement in space fashion, this is all about embracing our universes natural beauty and seeing what it could become if we explored it through fashion. Here below you can see my moodboard where I show my vision of my exhibition and what i want to present/how i will present it.
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