3wnews · 7 months
Democracy in the UK?
A Tale of 201 Rejected Petitions towards Cannabis Legalisation
6 min read
22 hours ago
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Till now Monday 20th November 2023 the UK government rejected 201 petitions that made the same request.
While the government has the right to make decisions in the best interest of its citizens, it’s crucial that these decisions are informed by the voices of the people.
After all, democracy is not just about the right to vote, but also about the right to be heard.
The rejection of these petitions raises a crucial question about the state of democracy in the UK. Are the people’s voices being heard, or are their pleas being ignored? It is disheartening to see petitions submitted by concerned citizens being rejected without adequate consideration. This raises concerns about the transparency & fairness of the decision-making process.
The role of petitions is to give citizens a platform to voice their opinions or concerns. The fact that so many petitions were rejected highlights a worrying trend in the country. It is essential for the government to listen to the people thus, take their concerns seriously. As a nation, we must ensure that democracy is alive and well, and that the voices of the people are heard.
While it is understandable that the government cannot fulfill every request made through petitions, it is essential to ensure that the process is transparent & fair. Every citizen has the right to express their views, opinions, & their voices should be heard. It is crucial for the government to take steps to restore public trust in the democratic process & ensure that the people’s voices are heard.
UK Petitions on Cannabis
View all petitions — Petitions (parliament.uk)
The Cost of Cannabis Prohibition
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IEA:  https://iea.org.uk/media/uks-illicit-cannabis-market-worth-2-5bn-a-year-finds-new-report/ The Guardian:  https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/apr/05/mayor-of-london-sadiq-khan-cannabis-legalisation-drugs-commission BBC:  - From harm to hope: a 10‑year drugs plan to cut crime and …GOV.UK https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk › file
The Potential Revenue from Legalisation
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There has been a lot of debate around the legalisation of cannabis in the UK, with some arguing that it would lead to increased drug use and negative health consequences. Yet, there are also probable economic benefits that should be considered.
Currently, the black market for cannabis in the UK is estimated to be worth £2.6 billion annually. This means that significant amounts of money are being spent on illegal drugs, thus, that revenue is going untaxed. By legalising cannabis, the UK could potentially earn between £1 billion and £3.5 billion a year in tax revenues, according to a report by the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA).
This revenue could be used to fund public services, such as healthcare or education, whilst, reduce the burden on taxpayers. It could also create new jobs in the legal cannabis industry, from growing to manufacturing to distribution or retail.
Furthermore, legalisation could lead to improved public health outcomes. With regulated & tested products, consumers would have access to safer & more consistent products, reducing the risks associated with purchasing from an unregulated market. Studies have also shown that legalisation can lead to reduced rates of opioid use or overdose deaths.
Of course, there are also potential challenges associated with legalisation, including ensuring that the regulatory framework is effective at preventing youth access and preventing use while driving. However, with an increasing number of countries and states legalising cannabis, it is worth considering the potential benefits to the UK economy.
Institute for Economic Affairs report:  - https://iea.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/High-Time-IEA-Report-.pdf - Public Health England report: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cannabis-use-and-safety-in-england-and-wales-public-health-perspectives The Guardian: - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jun/02/legalise-cannabis-treasury-3bn-drugs
Protests and Actions
There have been numerous protests and actions against the prohibition of cannabis in the UK. According to a recent survey, 42% of adults in the UK support the legalization of cannabis, while 31% oppose it and 27% remain undecided1. Every year on April 20th, over 15,000 people gather in Hyde Park and light up together at 4:20pm, in a peaceful act of rebellion that unites all varieties of cannabis users. This event is known as the “420 Hyde Park Smoke Out” and has been taking place since 2002.
In addition to the annual 420 Hyde Park Smoke Out, there are many other cannabis-related events that take place throughout the year in the UK. For example, the UK Cannabis Social Clubs (UKCSC) hosts regular meet-ups and events for cannabis enthusiasts across the country.
There are also many cannabis activist groups and individuals who campaign for broadly the same goal: to make access to cannabis easier for those who want or need it. One such group is CLEAR UK, which aims to promote the use of cannabis as a medicine and to end the prohibition of cannabis in the UK4.
These groups and events are part of a wider movement to change the laws around cannabis in the UK. With increasing public support for legalization and a growing number of medical cannabis patients, it seems likely that the country’s cannabis laws will continue to evolve in the coming years.
Sources & References:
1. https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2018/06/29/majority-britons-back-legal-cannabis-new-yougov-web 2. https://www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/420-hyde-park-smoke-out 3. UKCSC believe the right to grow cannabis at home, in a shared space or with a small-scale licence is vital to eradicate the problems of prohibition and criminal element of the industry. — https://ukcsc.co.uk/ 4. https://clear-uk.org/ OR —  — https://www.facebook.com/groups/cleardrugspolicyreform 5. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/06/they-put-handcuffs-on-me-uk-users-of-medical-cannabis-tell-of-raids-and-arrests 6. 420, 4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is cannabis culture slang for marijuana and hashish consumption, especially smoking around the time 4:20 pm (16:20).  — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/420_(cannabis_culture) 7. LEAP UK is part of the global Law Enforcement Action Partnership: law enforcement personnel for drug law & social justice reform. -https://ukleap.org/police-force-gives-cannabis-users-green-light-to-grow-drugs/
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The rejection of 201 petitions for legalizing cannabis and the continued prohibition of its use in the UK is a concerning issue. Despite its potential economic benefits, the government has decided to uphold the ban on cannabis. This has raised several questions about the state of democracy in the UK. Although the government has the right to make decisions that ensure the well-being of its citizens, it is imperative that these decisions are also informed by the voices of the people. Democracy is not just about the right to vote but also the right to be heard.
The continued prohibition of cannabis and the rejection of petitions, which were submitted by the people, show that the government is not taking into account the opinions and perspectives of its citizens. Therefore, it is vital that the government considers the arguments presented by the public before making a decision on the legalization of cannabis. This will ensure that the government is acting in the best interest of its people and that democracy is upheld in the UK.
To support our case & believe the 202 may be a lucky number we created a Petition on Change.org & you can sign off from the link below.
United Kingdom
Cannabis Medical
Cannabis Industry
Uk Government
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