3xfighter · 2 days
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3xfighter · 3 days
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3xfighter · 8 days
Please Help the Salah Family!
Yesterday afternoon, al-Mawasi Camp, which is considered a safe zone by the coastline, was assaulted with multiple airstrikes. The attack is described as one of the most gruesome attacks since the beginning of this genocide. The exact number of martyrs cannot be identified as some have evaporated upon direct impact with the bombs. Many have been wounded. The bombs have left a massive crater in the ground.
Click here to read more about it!
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By sheer luck, Bilal Salah’s (@bilal-salah0) family narrowly survived this  attack. I worry for the day that luck runs out, I pray that we never see it.
So let’s help Bilal raise €110,000 before September 15th so that he can get them the amount they need in full to evacuate.  The funds will help his family purchase necessities. It will also help them relocate to a relatively safer location. Displacement costs a lot, especially with the skyrocketing prices when it comes to food and tents. 
As of writing this, €104,708 has been raised. 
There is only €5,292 left to go! 
Remember: Israel will not stop assaulting the Ghazzah Strip. The IOF refuse to give the Palestinians any ounce of peace, much less safety. This includes Bilal’s family. The more they stay back in Ghazzah, the more they put themselves in danger!
Verification: #132 in the Spreadsheet.
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3xfighter · 8 days
khartoum aid kitchen has 17 locations helping fight the catastrophic famine in sudan, pls consider supporting them!
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3xfighter · 8 days
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3xfighter · 8 days
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3xfighter · 8 days
Y’all want Taylor Swift to be gay so bad but you won’t even write femslash about her
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3xfighter · 8 days
"I cant draw" then do it bad who gives a fuck.....
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3xfighter · 8 days
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3xfighter · 9 days
award-winning palestinian children's illustrator baraa awoor writes:
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"what use is it to be an illustrator of children's books when the world has sentenced the children of your country to the death penalty, to vanish, to genocide?"
some of baraa's illustrations:
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this is an illustration for youssef, whose mother is remembered running desperately into the hospital asking if anyone had seen a "small white boy with beautiful curly hair, his name is youssef," a description which was remembered by millions when she finally identified his body:
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this illustration is for young omar, who was hugging his little brother and teaching him how to repeat the shahada after him (a prayer spoken by muslims before their death) as he lay on his hospital bed:
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"we want a new year that doesn't kill us or our children, we want it a year without blood, without screaming, without pain, we want a new attempt to get our lives back, or something that resembled our life, even if life is a lie we still cling to it, return life to us—a new year's card unlike any other year:"
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3xfighter · 9 days
hey guys, what do you think of my dinner?
(choose your words carefully)
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3xfighter · 9 days
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she means so much to me your honor
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3xfighter · 9 days
Okay honestly it didn't hit me how funny the concept of Weird Al's Even Worse album is until I found out they'd have gone on sale side by side.
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"Hmmm, do I want Bad, or Even Worse?"
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3xfighter · 9 days
Walking around my neighborhood wearing my sick as fuck custom T-shirt that says "I STEAL EVERY FRIENDLY CAT I MEET WITH NO REMORSE I DO IT ALL THE TIME DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK I BEEN HERE FOR YEARS KEEP THAT BEAST ENCLOSED LEST YE FACE MY LIGHTNING CAT GRASP" and smiling politely while my neighbors' indoor-outdoor cats gently trot down the sidewalk towards me as the neighbors themselves read my shirt with a growing sense of panic.
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3xfighter · 10 days
i think its fun and good that people pick an internet name for themselves these days but i kinda miss when u had some fuckass username and ppl just extrapolated from that i used to be on a star wars forum where my handle was ProfessorMug and ppl just called me prof. u know like there was a guy w vader in his handle so he was just vader
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3xfighter · 12 days
why is my entire dash 9/11 jokes did smth happen or
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3xfighter · 13 days
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Palestinians have been desperately digging for their loved ones in the deep craters left by an Israeli air strike on a so-called humanitarian zone, where "entire families have disappeared in the sand", the civil defence said. Um Mahmoud, a displaced Palestinian in al-Mawasi, described seeing women and children "torn to shreds" after the strikes.
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"We have been here for nine months, we have not seen a single resistance member entering the area," Um Mahmoud told Middle East Eye.
Alaa al-Shaer, who has been staying in the displacement camp with his family, said he had a message to Israelis "conducting a genocide against us".
"I have my sister, my sons, my daughters. Would I logically put between them someone wanted by the Israelis? This does not make sense."
"The Israelis said, 'go to the safe areas' and that is what people did," he added.
As the sun rose, more people headed to the area to try to support rescue efforts. Others were looking through the remains of their tents, in apparent attempts to salvage anything from them.
Those trying to leave struggled to work their way through the giant craters left in the ground.
Tearfully standing outside Khan Younis' Nasser Hospital, a woman mourned her sister, who was killed in the attack.
"My sister was martyred, she was 35 years old," she told MEE. "Her husband disappeared when the Israelis took him six months ago."
The woman, who was just a street away from her sister's tent, says she is survived by six daughters and two sons.
"How can you see a girl get orphaned? No mother, no father, no grandparents, no one," she said.
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