4003cp · 7 years
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4003cp · 7 years
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poster/website to connect
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4003cp · 7 years
How would users know how to connect?        - Possibly design a website to show information on the project along with a connect link?         - Having a connect link while easy to access the audience control panel, link changes every time connecting on the wi-fi network.               - Fake it? While my project focuses on movement and the audio/visual that connects with it, should I allow for creation without movement?        - Spectator or creator mode Control panel needs multiple tabs because all switches can’t fit onto one page (technical issue)        - Having multiple tabs allow user to only be on one tab at a time, limiting parameters               - Fake one pager?
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4003cp · 7 years
Prototype 2
Here’s me doing YMCA with the project. As ridiculous as it may be, I picked it because there’s a dance with a song which makes it easy to compare how my project abstracts an existing piece of work. The dance is also pretty symmetrical which makes it better since an obvious restraint for my project is being able to collect data to whatever is directly attached to the phone.
Instead of just E D E D, there is a variety of notes created.
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4003cp · 7 years
Low Fidelity prototype
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4003cp · 7 years
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phone orientation
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4003cp · 7 years
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4003cp · 7 years
User Scenario
User should be able to mute sound 
As a user I want mute the audio Because the connection between movement and visuals is my focus and sound is distracting
Given that I’m interacting with the piece with the IP site opened on device, When I tap on the toggle button to mute audio Audio instantly mutes while visuals continue      And alter toggle button to indicate success 
Info Toggle button = box with cross Design – [url to connect to site]     Copy to indicate mute button
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4003cp · 7 years
Comparative Analysis
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Quarta App. Digital board game with a generative soundtrack. Soundscape changes dependent on the arrangement of tiles on the area by the players. Anyone with an iPhone or iPad is able to play. The duration of the game goes for a few minutes so one doesn’t need to be heavily involved to play. It could be played in two player mode and one player with an AI that refines it’s play. There is also a listen mode where players can just listen and watch, making it a generative art and music piece.
Mi.Mu gloves Wearable tech that allows anyone with a hand be able to control music and visuals with movement. No interface provided so the user must be code savvy. Can be used with only one glove, but having two allows for more parameters to manipulate. Marketing of the gloves focus on music so users of the product are primarily musicians thus far. The gloves allow for a more engaged performance, changing performer-audience dynamic. Having a control panel that’s also easily movable/portable let audience see how all the different sounds are created real time. 
Myo armband A demonstration of somebody using the Myo as a MIDI controller. Musicians, dancers, hackers.. anybody with an arm is able to use it (although it’s difficult to use if arm width is small). No interface provided so the user must be code savvy. Can be used with only one armband, but having two allows for more parameters to manipulate.Used to make music without a physical control, create some music with gestures (rotation, spread fingers, fist, etc). Making the music creation a performance.
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4003cp · 7 years
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Images extracted from the latter half of Choregraphie, a book first published in 1700 which details a dance notation system invented by Raoul-Auger Feuillet which revolutionised the dance world.
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4003cp · 7 years
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David Riesman’s three basic modes of relating to the world into peoples relationships to mobile phones
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4003cp · 7 years
Design Brief
—Problem Statement
Movement in sound is an independent aesthetic value of music while sound is often a by-product of movement.  How do we connect each art form to have a common language?
 —Problem Description
This project aims to explore the relationship between sound, aesthetics and movement. By reconnecting the arts, a new body instrument is created.
Comparing the three art forms, dance differs by having inherent and aesthetic value in the movement.
 —Constraints (e.g., time, physical)
- Deployed by collecting xyz information from phone (if it has gyroscope!) to computer which collects data and projects it into an audio visual. - Having a limitation to only capture data from the part the phone is directly attached to.       - Possibly connect to Kinect instead to get a better sense of movement from all parts of the body (next steps) - Although up to 10(?) people are able to connect to the network, there’s no way to differentiate them so the data from each person get mashed together
 —Needs of the Problem (e.g., why should this exist?)
To create a direct common language that is able to move as the body moves. It helps people be more aware of their body movements small or large, and see/hear the connections
 —Goals (e.g., make composting easier)
2 different sound timbre options Visual control Ability to focus on one component Stretch goal: 3d audio
 —What you plan to accomplish (e.g., high-fidelity prototype?)
The resulting project will be a real-time generative kinetic audio and visual piece.
—Research photos
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Rudolf Laban's Kinescape
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Billy Forsythe Space Trace Notation
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Nancy Brooks - Brody Merce Drawing
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Labanotation (dance notation)
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4003cp · 7 years
Possible direction
Mycorrhiza & Tree network
What interested me in going this route was going for a walk in the park and reading a panel on the symbiotic relationship mycorrhizal fungi and trees have. A huge underground network of roots that’s often overlooked.
Because the network of mycorrhizal fungi is often vast, trees may often form a network of interlocking root/fungi pathways that connect trees to each other. Professor Suzanne Simard of the University of British Columbia identified the "mother tree" concept, which suggests that the largest trees of the forest, or the mother trees, infect the new seedlings with mycorrhizae, providing a highway by which the mother tree can provide the seedling the nutrients it needs to survive. Trees under stress may receive carbon through underground pathways from nearby trees not experiencing stress. (link)
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fig.1 Comparing to the different types of computerised networks.
Slime mould 
Largest single cell organism
Self organizing system: Ability to solve complex network routes to simplest form Optimal solution to a problem Self-organization relies on three basic ingredients:
strong dynamical non-linearity, often though not necessarily involving positive and negative feedback
Balance of exploitation and exploration
Multiple interactions
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