444minty · 1 year
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444minty · 2 years
Don't affirm against what you see in the 3D just go straight to the end 🪄✨💗
Saw something in the 3D you don’t like? 🥶💗💗 Instead of affirming against it, just go straight to the end 🪄✨💗 Let’s say you’re affirming you have wide round curvy hips and then later in the mirror you see deep hip dips 🪞 You don’t have to affirm against the hip dips because for all your subconscious knows they don’t even exist anymore 👀 You can just go straight to the end and say “wow, my hips look so big, round and curvy today!” You can shift to that reality by going straight to the end instead of focusing on and affirming against current 3D circumstances that don’t even exist unless you say they do 💕💕💕 Your subconscious doesn’t have eyes, so just go straight to the end instead of battling everything you see in the 3D 🦋
Skip fixing everything you see in the 3D and just go straight to the end because you can shift to that reality NOW instead of fixing what you see in the 3D 💗🪄✨🦋
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444minty · 2 years
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444minty · 2 years
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discipline > motivation
you can't keep waiting for the "motivation to hit you", you cant keep saving and liking post after post without actually APPLYING. there's no better time than NOW because you only experience the NOW.
it doesn't matter who you were a year ago or who you were yesterday. it doesn't even matter who you were a couple of minutes ago. it doesn't matter if you've been having a horrible day and letting your emotions out and overthinking about doubt after doubt. all that matters is who you are now. who are you choosing to be right now? don't bottle anything up, cry and scream when you need to. but always remember to pick yourself up afterwards. remember that you are in control. detach from the outer world, go within and give yourself relief. your desires are promised. your fulfillment is promised. but nobody is ever gonna be able to do it for you but YOURSELF.
it's okay to not be in your desired state 24/7 and it's important to recognize and remember that fact. you will ALWAYS have your desires, no matter what. i promise your imagination isn't going anywhere lovelies
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444minty · 2 years
💕🌺 It's okay to take your time with manifesting. It's okay if it's not instant, and it's okay if you don't want it to be instant. It's okay if you take a few days/weeks/months to change your whole mindset. It's okay if you have setbacks. It's okay to restart. It's okay to change your desires. It's okay to take a break. It's okay.
This is a commitment. You have to make the decision, every day, to manifest your desires, and to continue on with your journey. It may take more effort for some, it may take more time for others, but everyone can do this and if you persist you will succeed 🌺💕
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444minty · 2 years
Don't Fight The 3D ♡❦ღ
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 3D wants nothing but the best for you.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ It always tries to follow whatever you say, so that it can make you happy.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 3D doesn't know the difference between positive and negative thoughts. Naturally, it always feels that you'll affirm the best (that is, positive thoughts) for yourself. However, even when you start thinking negative thoughts, 3D doesn't understand.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Thinking that every thought of yours is positive, it starts manifesting those thoughts unto your reality.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ However, what happens to all those negative thoughts? Poor, innocent 3D manifests them too, unknown of their nature.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Now, when you scream at and fight with the 3D for not manifesting your desired life, it's not 3D's fault at all!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ You were the one who thought those intrusive thoughts. You are the one who thought they were true. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MANFIESTED THEM.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ So why are you blaming the 3D for your mistakes?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ However it's not too late. Changing your reality is a matter of seconds. You still have ample of time left.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Change your thoughts, so that it becomes easier for the 3D to know which ones to manifest. Start believing in your power. Start persisting. No one can deny you your deserved life.
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444minty · 2 years
(will make this post short and simple)
The blanket method
Step 1: at night when you go to sleep take a blanket & switch off all the lights.
Step 2: cover your eyes with a blanket and make sure all you can see is black.
( pls- don't suffocate yourself)
Step3: Just stare at the void/blackness front of your eyes.
Step 4: doesn't matter if your eyes are open or you are moving your body but make sure to be focused on the void front of you!
Step5: BOOM!!! You're in VOID :)
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444minty · 2 years
I manifested alot:
My parents to rich asf.
I have a celebrity boyfriend now (he is quiet famous on tiktok he got 7 million followers)
I got my own business and it's blowing up.
I actually got a chiropractic bestie so she could.... yk crack my bones any time (ik weird)
Bunch of personal shit ahahhhahahahah
I love you so much 💗
Can I be your anon?? 🔮
omg?? Whatttt I'm so proud of you baby 😭 awhhh live your dream life have fun, a chiropractor?? And damn your boyfriend is famous asf 😳HAHAHAHHAHAHA have fun love you.
Sure you can be my first anon💕
#my anon🔮
I'm signing off today I feel sooo goood.
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444minty · 2 years
Why couldn't it be you?
Be honest, tell me, why do you think it couldn't be you?
Why wouldn't you be chosen?
Why wouldn't you be given the opportunity?
Why wouldn't you get what you want?
Remember your essence, you are God!!
Pure, divine, intelligent, kind, loving, smart, beautiful and more, are the only characteristics that can be used to describe you.
It is completely understandable that life before finding out about Loassumption, may have made you think/belief awful things about you.
I am here to remind you, none of that is true.
You are worthy to change your story, to change yourself, to change anything that you want, just because you want it so♡
I need you to start identifying with who you truly are, God💖
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444minty · 2 years
An old Latin proverb says, “Believe that you have it, and you have it.” Belief is the motivating force that enables you to achieve your goal.
Claude M. Bristol
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444minty · 2 years
Never give up in your dreams
I want you to start thinking why you started this journey, what is your dream?
You can do whatever you want, but is what you are doing right now, what you really want at all?
We all can manifest that perfect house, sp, that aesthetic, those followers but is that what you really want?
Have you been made believe that that's what you should want?
I hope I'm explaining myself, but it is my mission to help everyone who reads my posts, not only helping them into manifesting what they want and knowing their power but also allowing them the freedom that we all can want what we want, no questions asked.
Never give up in whatever dreams you have, it doesn't matter if they're really common or really really fantastical.
Whatever you are manifesting, be sure that it's what you really want, and your not chasing that instant gratification or following others ideals.
Ask yourself, know yourself and most importantly, love yourself, give yourself whatever you need and want♡
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444minty · 2 years
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i can write endless amounts of posts and answer endless amounts of asks regarding the law. no matter how much you read my advice, for you to actually get any use of this you have to actually put it into practice yourself. try it out. test it. get familiar with the law. try different techniques. make your imagination your space of comfort. everything comes down to assumptions. how you reach those assumptions, however, is your doing. you can script, you can affirm, you can do SATS, you can visualise - find out what you like. get to know yourself better. what’s suits you best? what is the most fun? which helps you reach wish-fulfilled the best? you have to try in order to figure this out.
everything works. you just need to figure out what works for you best. remember, this should be enjoyable. imagining is fun. make it fun for yourself. it shouldn’t be a chore. you should want to imagine, you should want to imagine the best for yourself. there’s nothing you have to do. you should want to do these things.
you can ask a million questions and i can answer all of them, but you’ll never know for sure until you’ve tested it out yourself. the answers you get from yourself are so much more powerful than the answers you get from me.
you are the resurrection and the life. you are everything. everything abides by you. you are the one who gives life.
You decide what you want to assume, and know the world will mold into that assumption. It must. Take back the power you gave up when you believed in external forces and external deities. - Edward Art
the world is yours and all that is in it. everything you see is your creation. it is all your “I AM”. stop making your desires greater than you. no state is greater than you. you created all those states. you need to learn to take your power back. visualise, affirm, meditate, script - you are the power that brings the assumption to life. not anything else. you are the power. if you assume, it must happen because you allow it to happen.
you don’t have to believe anything i say. but imagine how good your life would become if this all would be true? test it, try it. believe in this not because i say so or because Neville says so. believe because you’ve tried it out and have experienced it to be true.
You are not some little thing that God animates, gives life to, and owns. God gave himself to you in the ultimate sense of the word, so you shall have no inheritance, for I AM your inheritance. You shall have no possession in Israel, for I AM your possession. If you possess God, whatever He is, you must be! - Neville
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444minty · 2 years
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Art req for @thereddreadedbaroness
Carmen on a road trip 🚗
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444minty · 2 years
your worth it-very important post!!!
hey angels this is just a quick reminder your worth it. you deserve to live the life you have always dreamt of. You deserve to love yourself. you deserve to never struggle. you deserve the world heck, you deserve more than that. You are valued. You are wanted. You are loved. You are literally god. You deserve to love yourself.
YOU ARE WORTH IT-say it out loud. Say it again, and again. Say it until you believe it. You deserve your desires. you deserve to be happy. All the shit you have gone through or going through don't define you. they don't hold you back. They don't take away your power. you deserve your desires so give them to yourself. your the one In control. your worth it.
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444minty · 2 years
this is kitty. kitty is a curious white cat learning her way through law of assumption.
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kitty’s greatest dream is to, one day, see the snow. it never snows where she lives, it’s way too hot, but snow seems so magical: she wants to experience it. so why not manifest it? she has nothing to lose!
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so, kitty started affirming. “it’s snowing!” she would think. “it always snows here!”, she would affirm. but kitty wanted to see snow, and she wanted to see snow fast. so, she started saturating her mind with affirmations.
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but what does saturating one’s mind mean? well, saturating the mind means to repeat and repeat and repeat your affirmations to yourself, and again, and again, everytime you’re bored, or in the shower, or cooking, or waiting for the bus, walking in the street, watching tv; basically, everytime you have a free moment, you repeat your affirmations to yourself. not just once a day, but pretty much all day, or at least everytime you’re relaxing. this will make your manifestation come faster, because you’ll be creating an assumption faster; your subconscious will surrender to the new story faster.
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so, that’s what kitty did. she affirmed “it always snows here”, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat, and again, and again, and again. everytime she laid on the couch, she affirmed. everytime she was sunbathing, she affirmed. when she ate, she affirmed. when she was taking baths, she affirmed.
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she affirmed so much that it took just one day for the snow to fall from the sky. she was so excited, she immediately went out to play in the snow. kitty’s never been happier!
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444minty · 2 years
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when you are still desiring that means you are living in state of unfulfilled desire. you deny yourself. you tell yourself you don’t have it when you in fact do. recognise that and identify yourself as the person who has their wishes fulfilled. you are God. God doesn’t desire, He just gives it to Himself.
it’s exhausting to live in lack. imagine all the ease you would feel if you just gave yourself everything you’ve ever wanted. you want to feel fulfilled. if you desire something, are you going to let that desire stay a desire? why would you? just give it to yourself already.
as consciousness is the only reality, if you desire daily in consciousness then the outer world will reject you.
Live today simply knowing your desires are fulfilled. See them fulfilled if you'd like but know they are. You will notice your posture lengthening. You will breath with more ease. These are EFFECTS. - Edward Art
manifesting isn’t pretending you have it. you actually have it and you just have to accept it. having something physically is just the after effect of you allowing yourself to have it in your imagination. stop accepting the 3D as the thing that is “real”. the 3D is you, just as everything else is you. you are everything. now, knowing that, why would you want to dwell in lack? knowing that, wouldn’t you want to feel fulfilled? feel it. you own the world and that’s the only justification you need.
feel that feeling of success, accomplishment, relief. dwell in it.
If you become frightened by looking to the outside, come back within and know it is fulfilled. - Edward Art
it’s your job as God to use your imagination to achieve the feeling that your desire is fulfilled.
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444minty · 2 years
A good perspective that I thought of. That I already have my desires and that I never check the 3D for validation.
Does a pregnant woman keep checking if she has a baby inside her? Just because she can't see it. No, She knows she has it.
Let's flip this around to understand you have all desires. No matter What you think in the 4D, the 3D has to conform. Just because you can't see it in the 3D yet doesn't mean shit. You already have it because you decided to have it in the 4D.
If you feel you're going to wavier or spiral. (This isnt working, hes not texting me back, manifesting is so hard for me etc...)
Go back and Think of this pregnancy perspective. And keep affirming and persisting.
You do not need to look for your desires in 3D. You have it because you said so! It's done!
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