474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Still don't see why youre starting a job...
It's hard to explain. I just want one. I used to think working from home whenever I like would be great, but it wasn't. It dragged, it was boring. And now with this lockdown and everything, I just want an excuse to get up, have somewhere to go. Trading my way to 100k was easy the first time and now I've used all the money. I'm still working my way back to 100k again but this time it's taking a lot longer bc of the economy. So while I'm working my way back up why not get a job? It'll be fun, something to do, somewhere to be. Get back into the world. Still trading, but trading only took up like an hour or two of my day. Now I have something to do in the rest of my free time :)!
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
What's the latest in your life Mister, anything new? =]
Not really just been spending time with loved ones :) x
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
In your nightmare you thought you was getting married to a brunette which is weird. You've only ever had blonde girlfriends so the nightmare is bogus 😋😂
Yeah true 😂 and I've not had that nightmare for ages it's gone now x
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Markets opening in 10 mins
Which means I should prepare
By going to sleep 🤷🏼‍♂️😂
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Watching Our Planet has got us crying out eyes out
Thousands of Seals with no food almost starved to death, all struggling to stay on the last bit of ice. There's not enough ice for all of them and as the ice gets smaller they're falling off the cliff to their deaths
All because of global warming
This has opened our eyes so much. We've set ourselves a personal goal by next year to have electric cars and solar panels because this is the saddest thing ever and I don't wanna contribute to it 💔
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
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Decent week 🤷🏼‍♂️
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Oooo and I bet that girl- the evil monster- in your dream she probably had genital warts too, if you have the dream again just hit her with an sti test 💕🧐
Yeah probably that's so funny 😂❤️ xx
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Shitty nightmare Akeeb but that's probably all it is, just some random nightmare. Nothing more. Do me a favor, if you have that nightmare again drag that bitch into that water with you because she sounds like an evil bitch who deserves it 🤣💕
I will Leonie 😂😂😂❤️x
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Describe the girl from your nightmare, appearance. It's definitely not someone you recognise correct?
No idea, total stranger. I can't remember how her face looked exactly now. Curly brown hair kinda long, I can't remember if it was curly or wavy but it wasn't straight, she wasn't fat but she wasn't slim either. Appearance wise she looked "sweet", that's until I was drowning
When I was drowning and looked at her I could see her for what she really was. She wasn't sweet at all. I realised her face was an evil face not a sweet one, pure evil. I swear it was the devil. The way she smiled and looked so proud to see me drowning, the hate I had for her in that dream was unreal, I remember that, I hated her more than anyone and anything on the planet,. I remember thinking she was the most evil person on the planet and wishing the worst of the worst stuff to happen to her
Glad it was just a dream
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
You and Leonie are the funniest PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get back together 😅😭❤️ xxx
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
You're going off topic 😅😅
I like to go off topic 😂
I love learning about space and stuff, I research it while I'm waiting for trades to go thru it's exciting
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Did ya know
The earth never used to rotate
It only started rotating when another planet crashed into it at an angle
Most of that planet combined with the earth and formed the earth we know today
The left over Rock came together and formed the moon
And also
It's not gravity that keeps air and oxygen stuck to the earth
It's a magnetic field caused by the hot iron core that rotates at the center of the earth
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
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Someone help me please 🤦‍♂️
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
I care about you a lot Mr Handsome 💕
I care about you a lot too you too little Leonie Leonie ❤️xx
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
Think it's been like two or three weeks now, nothing unusual has happened. So if my religious man managed to fix everything with a few spells and words,does that confirm it then? The supernatural does exist, and religion has been right all along. Black magic is real, and so is the paranormal. It has to be true
There is this one nightmare Ive had twice now, it's not a cause for concern it is just like a normal nightmare. Can't remember it too well. Apparently it's a well known fact that the only faces you ever see in dreams are from people you've seen in real life, even if you've only ever met them once. Your brain can't "create" faces for dreams, so it uses faces it's already seen before. That's what they say. But.
I don't agree with that, in this nightmare of mine I've never seen these faces before, my brain is just imagining brand new faces for these dreams, so the above theory is bullshit
So the nightmare.. there's this girl with curly brown hair stood on like a pier, I didn't recognize her but in the dream it was like I knew her. But she's wearing a wedding dress I think, a white dress anyway, I can't remember if it was a wedding dress for sure, Maybe I was getting married to her? But she was stood on a pier near a sea, she falls in. I go in after her, look everywhere but I can't see her. I start drowning, while I'm drowning I look up and I can see her, stood on the pier again smiling. She was never in the water, it was a trick to get me to drown. She was a monster. I see other faces on the pier too, strangers, lots of them. They was smiling too
That's one of my biggest fears, drowning
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474gs-eu263-blog · 4 years
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Testing a few new things tonight
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