Production Assistant Responsibilities:
Continuous milestones check-ins with the director and producer: I have scheduled regular check-in meetings with Yael every two weeks during my internship. Additionally, I prioritise maintaining streamlined and open communication with LJ throughout the internship.
Gathering all information for the show programme: To gather information on a document for the designer to format, ready for print on 19th June.
Assisting in creating the Education Pack: As part of my responsibilities, I will assist Yael with the publicity and organisation of the education pack for Prima Facie, which is distributed to secondary school seniors. This includes liaising with the schools' coordinator and creating conversation starters to engage students about the show's themes, assisting with video interviews of the production crew, and Setting up a dedicated Google Drive folder for the students to access.
Assisting in creating Safe to Talk resources: Creating a ‘chill-out zone’ in the foyer that is available during the show season for patrons who need a break during/after the show.
Having www.safetotalk.org.nz accessible in the theatre’s foyer (QR code)
Setting up the chill-out zone with signs and furniture in the venue.
Finding toys or small things to do like puzzles for the zone.
Prima Facie Trailer Take creative leadership for the PF trailer that will be released around the first week of the show season.
Create a pitch of what the trailer should be like
Organise how the video will be formatted with lines and images from the show
Helping the videographer shoot the trailer on 27th June.
General housekeeping in the rehearsal room.
Aiding the stage manager with any house keeping of the rehearsal/stage space.
Making sure I can provide and complete small miscellaneous tasks for the creative team. Getting coffees/teas etc.
Preparing the rehearsal room before rehearsals and packing down after rehearsals.
Assisting the actor - Assisting Mel with lines and prompting. Making myself available to her with her hair/makeup during the show season. Getting her anything she needs during rehearsals/shows.
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Broad Learning Objectives:
As detailed in my Negotiated Learning Plan, I planned to achieve a few personal objectives which were:
From the Victoria University of Wellington Graduate Profile: I aimed to demonstrate intellectual autonomy through independence of thought, openness to ideas and information and a capacity to manage my own learning. At Prima Facie, I assisted the director, producer, stage manager, and creative team whenever necessary. I aimed to maintain accessibility to everyone on the team while exercising initiative to independently accomplish goals and uphold autonomy within the production team. Doing so allows me to optimise my time and contribute effectively to the production.
From the MFA (CP) Graduate Profile Attributes: I aimed to have the skills necessary to successfully transition into the workforce as a self-employed artist. My goal was to leverage this experience as valuable work experience within the theatre industry to explore potential career opportunities later in life. As a production assistant, I had the unique opportunity to gain insights into various departments within the company while also closely observing the directing and acting roles, which align with my discipline and interests. Through establishing connections during this internship and immersing myself in the company's processes, I aspired to gather valuable information and experiences that I could readily apply to my future artistic endeavours.
Personalised Learning Goals:
Early on in the production, I identified my personal goals that I aimed to achieve that were production specific.
This internship offers me a remarkable opportunity to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of working in a highly professional production. It aligns perfectly with the field I am training for, allowing me to immerse myself in the work environment I aspire to be a part of. As someone who regularly attends theatre and has experience working on/attending Circa Theatre shows, I am well-prepared to understand the complexities of running a production of this scale. I am eager to extract valuable lessons from this experience that will greatly enhance my professional journey.
I seek to gain insights into the working methods of accomplished artists in the disciplines I aspire to pursue. By observing in an internship role, I have the opportunity to be present without the high level of responsibility associated with director or actor positions. Observing how everyone operates within an educational setting allows me to absorb valuable information.
As a production assistant, my goal is to showcase exceptional initiative and readiness in my role. I endeavor to adopt a proactive approach, staying organized and on track with all tasks. Additionally, I prioritize my physical and mental well-being, practicing patience and self-care. It is crucial for me to ensure my safety and maintain a healthy balance, considering the sensitive nature of the production's topics of sexual violence. I manage this while also juggling my university responsibilities and part-time work, aiming to avoid feeling overwhelmed or drained.
I aim to document my process and engage in ongoing self-reflection to archive my journey and foster personal growth. Through my research on other practitioners, I have recognized the significance of preparation, archiving, and reflection throughout a production process. To achieve this goal, I will consistently update my administrative documents (such as Google Drive), thoroughly familiarize myself with the script, take consistent notes and proactively manage my schedule.
To wholeheartedly embrace the opportunity to fully immerse myself in this experience, extracting maximum value and enjoyment from it. The team I am working with is incredibly generous and inspiring, and I feel grateful for being included in their work and given the chance to learn from them. My goal is to absorb as much knowledge as possible while also ensuring a fruitful and rewarding experience for myself.
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Within this blog portfolio I will dicuss:
The production of PRIMA FACIE
My Research Area
Learning Objectives
Production Assistant Responsibilities
Examples of Work
Discoveries During the Process
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Research Area
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In my pursuit of an MFA, my research delves into exploring the intricate dynamics between a director and an actor who have each ventured into both roles. Lyndee Jane, a seasoned director, and Mel, a proficient actor, boast substantial experience in the New Zealand theatre industry, encompassing both directing and acting. My anticipation was that I would glean valuable insights from their collaboration, even by merely observing. However, my involvement went far beyond passive observation, as my role within the project entailed significant responsibilities.
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Suzie Millar's "PRIMA FACIE" took the stage as a solo performance, produced by Kavanah Productions and BRAVE Theatre. This compelling one-woman play captivated audiences during a four-week run at Wellington's Circa Theatre, running from June 24th to July 22nd, with a special preview on June 23rd.
The idea for my internship was first proposed by Kerryn Palmer, my MFA course coordinator, who played a crucial role in its organisation. After an extensive selection process with the director and producer, I was assigned a Production Assistant within the company.
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