49alpha · 10 years
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Tailgators: God loves you least
This is alpha, so free-form is permitted.
Taligators. They surf unbearably close to your bumper on any and every road. They loom in your rear-view. So close that you cannot read their front license plate, (which is the true sign of unbearable proximity).
What is going on tailgator? Are you okay?
We are all traveling at relatively the same speed: MPH+5. Get it? Can you do the math? If you travel at an additional 5MPH, you will arrive at destination a couple minutes faster if ONLY I WOULD DRIVE FASTER. Charming, really. I like to see your antsy Massachusetts face in my rear-view. What is the rush? Why don’t you go take a winery tour, or take up some asinine bourgeoise sport.
What I do when some Masshole is riding me, (and, yes, they are, 90% of the time from Massachusetts. This writer lives in southern NH and has ample time to reflect on Massholes. He travels around the country. A remarkable amount of the time, while traversing the country, he noted that the tailgating jack-asses hail from Massachusetts. This is a bad look preppy Massachusetts dude. Chill out. I am more than happy to have you jam your little coup underneath my truck, it sounds like a pain though).
So, right, What I Do: I jam on the brakes and offer some vulgar hand signals. Easy. Go screw. I drive a truck partially because everyone else out there on the roads are absolute maniacs. God really does love you the least tailgater. But really, it is you who does not love yourself. 
Let’s all agree to drive the speed limit. Easy. God’s graces, peace on earth.
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49alpha · 10 years
Oh, hey, the Machindrum-whatever live nonsense bootleg thing is mebbe better. Idiot.
Boards of Canada // Olson (Midland Edit)
* I have moderate authority. This is the best BoC rework out there. By all means, prove us wrong.
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49alpha · 10 years
what's a girl to do
This blogger, (oh, gross, you just admitted to being a blogger), is a 34-year old upper-middle class, caucasian, mildly privileged, clean-cut male human being. Yeah, like, the mebbe 5%, and I feel like shit about it.
What am I to do? Should I slit my wrists? Should I run for office? Make a PSA? Mebbe I should give everything away and beg for rice in Nepal. I have settled on mindfulness and gratitude. Or was it mindlessness and attitude.
I have been robbed, mugged, cursed out and glared upon. This white-guilt has left me taking my dues. In fact, I have readily given my money to an assailant w/o even letting him finish mugging me. I just don't give a fuck.
I'm fucking sick and tired of it. I'm fucking sick and tired of cops shooting black teens. Rather, I am sick and tired of the way the media is handling it: this recent wave of police brutality. Or mebbe I am glad it is being noticed. Im so confused.
I'm so confused. I was 14 years old during the LA Riots. I recall staying up all night watching the coverage on television. I was so confused, in a condominium in New Hampshire, hearing Rodney's pleas and then wanting to round out the night with Mortal Kombat.
20 years later. I am sick of being guilty. I am not going to change one thing. I am not going to make it better or worse. Let my ambivalence be a cloak. Let me aid when I can, like, there is something happening directly in front of me. For the most part, I am just sick to death with it. I am not the Police, I am not a Thief.
Sleep sweet African American teens, don't get shot. Sleep sweet officers of the law, chill the fuck out and we will too. Sleep sweet racists, bigots, pinheads, morons, mouth-breathers, and speed-freaks. Mebbe tomorrow you can all slit each other's throats. Because I am sick and tired of feeling like I did anything wrong, and it is you who should be shot for making a sudden move or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Things are changing, you will all be dead soon enough.
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49alpha · 10 years
REVIEW: Aphex Twin // SYRO (2015, Warp)
Aphex Twin // SYRO (2015, london, uk) RATED: B- SYRO is Richard James' sixth studio release under the Aphex Twin moniker. It is his first release of original material since Drukqs in 2001. We have all been waiting, patiently. Not much would have made the wait not worth it. This reviewer had hopes that were mebbe to high, or specific. **Here I took a couple days to really listen to this album. Still came away with a less-than-total experience. It felt like a dump of material; quality, edgy, one-note material with innovation. Not really a composed album** The best tracks are the first and the last, Minipops 67 and Aisatsana. It is no coincidence to this reviewer that they also have names that one can recall. Minipops was leaked a week before the release date and best exemplifies the tricks Aphex has learned on his hiatus, (those put forth on this release). It seems like a misstep to make this the track to leak. I compared each of the next 10 tracks to it. Aisatsana is the star here. It is last, it hints at more, a lot more. Headphones are a must. The production is perfect as listeners can hear peddles being depressed, keys tickled. Birds chirp away at just-the-right volume in the background. One can almost picture Richard in a forest clearing at dawn reflecting on the ease of his talent through effortless 8-note sets. I would name my first daughter Aisatsana in hopes her beauty and soul would match that of this track. Were I to hear any of these tracks in the club they would surely stop me. However, I would be unsure as to whether they were new or dug from deep within the Analord releases. This reviewer is already ready for the next. Even the album art, (a cold cost-analysis on the out, absolutely nothing inside), speaks to the impersonality of an introduction. This tepid review is also a reaction to the confusing hype by just about every other trustable music portal. Really guys, its just not that good, as a rounded album. You all look sorta dopey. Grateful for the return. More please.
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49alpha · 10 years
The Blow // Fists Up // Paper Television (2006, olympia, wa, us)
i have tried my hopes have blossomed and my hopes have fried, i tried to cut them all down but i found hopes were still living deep inside, like a team of renegade lovers working long hours sneaking around with a belief in the life of our love, like a light at the end at the end of a long tunnel; a struggle
fist up! for all their faith in one preceding a face, they really do believe that if they hang on long enough that you’ll come around and finally let it show and all their hopes will be rewarded for their impetus to grow, well utopian piece would fall across the land you’ll reach over for my hand, you’ll really want to hold my hand
And i don’t want to come to the point of this song, because the point of this song would happen to be so long.
It gets hard: the vigilantes can’t agree on who’s in charge, they gave their souls for the cause but the love that they were after is still at large see this faith in which they found allegiance ripping at the seams as hope is running it’s course the rebels just cant muster the force to walk the thin line between belief and delusion and
fists up! for all their faith in one preceding a face they really did believe that if they’ve hung on long enough that you’d come around and finally let it show and all their hopes would be rewarded for their impetus to grow utopian peace would fall across the land you’d reach over for my hand, you would’ve really wanted to hold my hand
and i don’t want to come to the point of this song because the point of this song would happen to be so long[long long long long long long long]
It was perfect you know with just one little problem the fact that it turns out you don’t really want it my love is a fortress, my love is a Louvre but it cant ever thrive if i’m forced to keep proving it.
[ahhh hahahh hahaahahahaa!]
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49alpha · 10 years
why 49
"Make It Fine with Forty Nine"
Uhh Yeah Dude is a comedy podcast produced by Seth Romatelli and Jonathan Laroquette. It is a weekly round-up of relevant topics in the news and media. It is a loving and sardonic dip into the American zeitgeist. Seth and Jon live and work in the metro-Los Angeles area, and their podcast saved my life.
This is not a post about UYD. The number "49" came to this author initially while listening to UYD in 2009. One of Seth and Jon's earliest campaigns involved a reverse-secession from Florida. Sever the gangrenous appendage that this state has come to represent. Mebbe even jamming Puerto Rico up in where we extricated Florida. The "Make It Fine with Forty Nine" push was best supported by a regular segment , "This Week in Florida", during which Seth would give the listeners the finest Florida's news week had to offer. It was crazy-town.
That is partial inspiration for the blog. This writer has music/art blog called Fine With Five. The thought there is to strip Connecticut of its New England status. It's a whole thing. Simply put, Connecticut does not maintain enough of the character or soul that this writer demands of his New England states.
At their core, most blogs devolve into the evaluation of things. List it, rate it, trash it, rave on it, share it, like it. There is a throbbing review-culture that has sprouted alongside the internet. We all have very important opinions, and as it happens, some of them are almost worth the energy expended in broadcasting them. This blog is most likely going to slip in there somewhere.
Like Seth and Jonathan, I am wildly in love with America: the land, the people, the culture, the arts, the food, the history. Surely each generation looks around and marvels as to where they are at, especially compared to their predecessors. Being an American now, here, with the blessings to indulge in as many facets as possible: un-fucking-believable. I want to write about that. I think I want to write a lot. Inconsolable gratitude.
So, perhaps 51 would make an equally apropos title. The digits are crummy though. 49. 49 is good. It leaves you wanting more, just one more.
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49alpha · 10 years
Boards of Canada // Olson (Midland Edit) * I have moderate authority. This is the best BoC rework out there. By all means, prove us wrong.
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49alpha · 10 years
xxyyxx // good enough // xxyyxx (2009) (orlando, FL, us)
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49alpha · 10 years
Love Like a Sunset // Phoenix // Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (2009) (france)
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49alpha · 10 years
#newt #omen8 #urlyrcsrweak #yourmusicsucks #goodluckgodbless #flackjackson #blacksanta #ih8myselfiwant2die #imisshim #grateful
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49alpha · 10 years
Tailgators: God loves you least
This is alpha, so free-form is permitted.
Taligators. They surf unbearably close to your bumper on any and every road. They loom in your rear-view. So close that you cannot read their front license plate, (which is the true sign of unbearable proximity).
What is going on tailgator? Are you okay?
We are all traveling at relatively the same speed: MPH+5. Get it? Can you do the math? If you travel at an additional 5MPH, you will arrive at destination a couple minutes faster if ONLY I WOULD DRIVE FASTER. Charming, really. I like to see your antsy Massachusetts face in my rear-view. What is the rush? Why don't you go take a winery tour, or take up some asinine bourgeoise sport.
What I do when some Masshole is riding me, (and, yes, they are, 90% of the time from Massachusetts. This writer lives in southern NH and has ample time to reflect on Massholes. He travels around the country. A remarkable amount of the time, while traversing the country, he noted that the tailgating jack-asses hail from Massachusetts. This is a bad look preppy Massachusetts dude. Chill out. I am more than happy to have you jam your little coup underneath my truck, it sounds like a pain though).
So, right, What I Do: I jam on the brakes and offer some vulgar hand signals. Easy. Go screw. I drive a truck partially because everyone else out there on the roads are absolute maniacs. God really does love you the least tailgater. But really, it is you who does not love yourself. 
Let’s all agree to drive the speed limit. Easy. God’s graces, peace on earth.
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49alpha · 10 years
Graffiti is a phenomena. It lingers in the zeitgeist as a sign of the times. While it has held a place in the heart of human-kind for as long as we can record, this shit…what we are seeing post 1960’s: this is something else. There are several posts to round this notion out. Posts that are crafted...
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49alpha · 10 years
May God bless the Street Artists
Graffiti is a phenomena. It lingers in the zeitgeist as a sign of the times. While it has held a place in the heart of human-kind for as long as we can record, this shit...what we are seeing post 1960's: this is something else. There are several posts to round this notion out. Posts that are crafted and edited with sources and examples.
This post is not that. This post is a prayer for safe passage: one for the heads out in the streets tonight. Sacrificing their: safety, freedom, future, for...you. It's a whole scene. There are in's and there are out's. Details and rules. One motivation: cover these awful surfaces in the most inspired art human being's have to offer. IT IS FREE. Free art. Think on that. No $.
When was the last time you made an effort to both express yourself and improve the life of others? When was the last time you did this with the threat of arrest lingering, in the middle of the night, alone, scared, confident and perfect?
God bless the Street Artists. Never perfect, always right. We could start to split hairs; tagging, throw-ups, murals, political, gang-related...for the sake of the blessing: Let us include them all.
Thank you.
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49alpha · 10 years
Hello, my name is Flack Jackson
This is the proving ground for a blog that will soon live on it's days at omen8.com. <--- That does not exist yet. It will.
The ideas will not wait though.
Thank you for your time.
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