4jon · 7 years
it's been awhile.
japan trip planning is going pretty good. SO GLAD we decided to hired irene to help, omigerd. it's already stressful trying to find lodging, can't imagine having to add other task to that.
it should be super uber fun!
i have unrealistic expectations huh. wants good things but don't want to pay for it, that's the definition of cheap, not frugal. :P you're so cute getting excited about bulbogi. but we gotta stop making it or it won't be special anymore. maybe we can do hotpot next gathering? ;)
missing you at work!
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4jon · 7 years
hey jon, it’s been awhile.
we are in our tenth year of marriage now. super stoke for our japan trip after seeing our friends’ traveling photos!!! we gotta plan the shit out of the trip and make amazing memories! plus posting great photos to make everyone else jealous, muahahahaha!
we’ve been watching shows about building and buying houses, are you hinting at something? i think we could have a chance if we move out of US, then we don’t have to pay back those loans and escape the collectors, LOL.
tiny house sounds cool! looking at our current lifestyle, we don’t do much anyways. i think we only need a living room, movable dining area, workable kitchen, space for your PC, bedroom and garden. shall we start making sketches or collecting pinterest photos for our future home? <3
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4jon · 10 years
Tasty food
I still remember that night when you brought home your fancy Olive Garden lunch from work to share with me. I was so touched. Sigh, the sweet times when we were still newly weds. As I ate my fancy lunch today provided by the company, I thought of you. I think you'll enjoy the food too. Just like how you brought me to Rice Paper Scissors after you experienced their tasty food. I enjoyed those moments a lot. Being jobless is bad for our relationship, but it also test our endurance and compassion for each other. I hope we stay lovey dovey till the end of our journeys.
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4jon · 10 years
why are you kinda grumpy tonight? because you can't group up and play your game? :/ It's just a game, right? doesn't worth your energy to get upset over a game la& those people sucks, so you should join other group and go on raids without them. don't let them determine your happiness! and don't bring your grumpiness into bed with me :'(
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4jon · 10 years
potential packing list for my trip
nail polish lol, manicure and pedicure for my sis and mom swimsuit! light weight tops and shorts whatever shoe extra luggage space for light shopping souvenir? Uniqlo stuff? chocolate?
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4jon · 10 years
hi jon, this past week has been kinda nice. relaxed, ran some errands, and hung out with friends. the footstools looks so good! thank you for making those! you must be lonely and bored at home... being jobless doesn't help anyone to feel better about themselves. I enjoyed hanging out by myself in the pod at workplace, haha. anti social and solitude suits me. it kinda helps me to listen to my inner voice and learn to slow down. I look forward to shabu shabu this week with your coworkers! if not, we can just go hang out by ourselves and be romantic. :) love you!
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4jon · 10 years
thanks for noticing
thank you honey, for noticing my sadness and disappointment when I'm not being vocal about it. hopefully I can do the same for you too if we have to go through that again. let's find jobs somewhere else and move there. sf doesn't appreciate us, and it don't deserve our love. do you want to go on a date this week? to that Thursday night campfire thing? we can be there early and get a spot for just the two of us
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4jon · 11 years
It's your birthday soon, and you are worry about the planning. I was worry about low attendance, but seeing most of the people you invited said they will be there makes me happy. Now that we've booked a place to stay overnight, so at least we'll have that place for party if Jillian falls through. Don't worry too much la~ I'll help plan some fun games that we can play! :) It will be a fun night! Time to google party games. XD
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4jon · 11 years
Beach yay
hey babe, beach trip the other day was really fun! even though we only stayed till noon, it was just enough sun exposure without getting a sunburn. I managed to get some tan from minimum exposure to the sun! can you tell that I was in a better mood after spending time with just you and me? that's all I wanted, be somewhere with you, doing silly things or just laying in the sun. proud of you for volunteering to build your club's forum! your trait of leadership and passion shone through that. it's something I can't do, I prefer to be back staged and helping out without people noticing. ;P let's hope for a really good semester! with plenty of dates, but still working hard on homework.
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4jon · 11 years
Inexpensive date ideas for college students
let's go on a date! some ideas: Act - go visit as many places as possible that have security cameras and perform silent plays in front of them. Leave notes in books - go to a bookstore or a library and leave funny notes in books. No sleep - stay up all night and make sure your date does too. If the other starts to drift off, start tickling them. If the clock hits 7am, go out and have breakfast. Plan a picnic. All you need for a romantic picnic in the park are sandwich fixings and a sunny day. Coffee date. When all else fails, the coffee date is both inexpensive and cozy. You can talk, study, or gaze into each other's eyes all afternoon for the price of a mocha.
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4jon · 11 years
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4jon · 11 years
dream log
1. there were aliens that you called "spider ants", 8 arms but look like ants. and their spaceship are so big that they touch the clouds. I was home while you were in the city when they came. 2. in your Carolina's house kitchen. your parents told you to not touch the moth powder in the closet. but of course you went to take a look, some of the powder fell onto water puddles on the counter and he floor. it sank a part of the kitchen onto the basement of your Michigan home. surprisingly your dad wasn't mad, he said he could use some of the insurance money to renovate the house. heh
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4jon · 12 years
i want to spend some quality time with you. just kissing, hugging, and stroking or touching anywhere except for the sexual parts.
i think it will be kinda nice and sensual. and maybe we will or will not have sex in the end.
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4jon · 12 years
dear jon, i miss you. now that the finals are approaching, we spend less time together everyday. this will continue till dec 21, till all classes ends.
forcing myself to do homework are torturing. and faking myself to be excited about it by listening to hyper music while doing it is pathetic. is this how you feel when you have to camp out in the computer lab too? i wish this ends soon, i wish we can starts earning money real soon.
doug has to start paying loans back this month. it's like a reality call for me too. if i don't work really hard now, what will we do when both of us don't earn enough money to pay loans after graduation? good enough just doesn't cut it, right? we have to be real good or real hardworking...
ok, time to do some homework before the semester ends!
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4jon · 12 years
Thank you for all the relax and fun times this week! It was a needed break from school. I enjoyed the aquarium trip very much. Seeing beautiful jelly fishes are so relaxing. My love for you increased this week~ :D
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4jon · 13 years
It's not in my nature to say random things to you, and not in your nature to not pay attention to me.
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4jon · 13 years
almost get to eat dim sum today! ^O^ thank you honey, for planning to go with me
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