4nxietysworld · 7 months
The purge..?
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Hobie brown x Fem!Reader
Summary: The purge is a natural occurrence and now you have to survive with your “best friend”.
A/N: This is my first time writing so if you have any tips or anything id appreciate it! :)
Warning: this isn’t edited so..
It’s crazy how it all started with you sitting on your couch watching a movie and now your panicking trying to find a safe place to hide, as you step outside you noticed groups of people running, screaming, vandalizing stores, it was a horrifying sight.
Blood coated almost half of the streets you couldn’t believe how fast everything happened, You noticed your phone vibrating slightly “hobie..” you mumbled softly you could believe you forgot about him..
“Hello..?” You whispered trying not to attract much attention towards yourself “Y/n where are you..? I’ve been callin’ your phone for the longest, are you okay?” He asked it sounded like he was out of breath and the way your phone was going in and out wasn’t helping, If you were being honest you didnt even know where you were.
“I’m fine, im just hiding in an alley right now..” You reassured him, even though you didnt accept know what alley you were in. “Well I’ll track your phone so i can find you alright, luv?” You sighed in relief you knew you couldn’t go back to your apartment it was wayyy to dangerous, but at least you had gotten half of your stuff before leaving but you weren’t sure if you’d survive with such a small amount of stuff.
Before you knew it you saw a van that looked as if it was fully spray painted black a person with a mask came out and then started to walk near the ally you were in you clenched your pocket knife and hid behind a trash can trying to control your breathing “y/n..? Are you in ‘ere?” You peaked from you hiding spot to see hobie with his mask halfway on.
You quickly ran out of your hiding spot and hugged him tightly taking in his scent, “I missed you so much…” you mumbled softly you couldn’t even explain how scared you were and the sounds of screams and gun shots in the background weren’t helping “it’s gonna be alright I promise..” he says while guiding you back to the van.
You looked around to see some weapons and bandages in the back “wow.. where did you get all of this stuff..?” You asked it seemed as if hobie was aware of this whole thing before it even happened *wink wink* you sat down in the passenger seat and placed your backpack next to you “I found it along the way you’ll be surprised how many Weapons people drop around here” Well it was the purge so it made sense people would drop and leave stuff trying to escape but why weapons? That was suspicious.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat trying not to thing to deeply about it, as he started driving you noticed people with weird clown masks covered in blood it looked like they were staring into your soul as their eyes followed the van “uh hobie where are we going?” You asked trying to make the atmosphere less tense “where going to an abandoned mall I found on the way ‘ere” he says he sounded confident so confident he seemed to be ignoring what was happening on the streets.
As you both continued driving the streets seemed to be calm down it still was a mess but it seemed to be less people on the streets, it made you wonder why would the government wanna conduct something like this? Hurting innocents for what? A bit of money it puzzled you it wasn’t like this was anything new it just the fact that it let psychos, murders and rapists have a field day with these 24 hours it was crazy how so much damage could happen.
You looked over at hobie you didn’t noticed at first but there were little splotches of blood on his vest and he looked tired and his face had scares and bruises, he had never looked this bad before.
You couldn’t help but have so many thoughts running through your head at once like, were your parents okay? What about your cat? Your thoughts stop when hobie pulled into the empty parking lot of the mall “well we’re here, grab all your stuff in case someone tries to break in” hobie tossed you a mask and a gun the masked looked doll like as if it was straight out of spirt Halloween “I know it’s not much but I need you to be safe just in case something happens”
You were thankful from his kindness but you had to admit if it weren’t for him you’d probably be dead you were independent but this situation was way to serious, you quickly grabbed the mask and put the gun into the strap of your pants, you looked around the sky looked gloomy and the air was cold.
As you followed behind hobie you had noticed how much blood was really on him as it was drenched down his back and it looked like he had a stab wound on his left leg that was poorly wrapped with a shirt.
“Alright let’s go in be quiet alrigh’?” He says softly you were unsure why you needed to be quiet wasn’t the place abandon? you nodded softly and continued walking behind him.
The place definitely met your expectations it smelt like something rotten and the floors where covered in blood and god knows what other substances, you felt nauseous but at least it was warm.
He went to the found court in the mall it had a little fire and some sleeping bags set up “well ‘ere it is..” he said you weren’t surprised but more grateful to atleast have somewhere to sleep.
You sat down and started opening your bag, your phone was dead and you only brought a small amount of clothes. It wasn’t like you didn’t try to bring anything it was just that your bag wasn’t big enough to find a lot of items.
You pulled your self into one of the sleeping bags and yawned softly “I know it was a pretty strange night but I’m happy to be here with you hobie..”
He looked down at you and smiled “I am too, now get some sleep” he says teasingly, you smiled at him and closed your eyes softly.
But half way through you sleep you heard voices, you assumed it was in your head cause you were tired “I brought her so she’d be safe, it’s not like she’s dangerous..” one voice said “It doesn’t matter, you should have talked to us about this before just doing it” you heard another voice say but this voice sounded more feminine…?
I got pretty lazy towards the end so let me if I should continue this! <3
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4nxietysworld · 7 months
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Hello!! ✧
You can call me Cassie my pronouns are she/her or they/them and im 13 ୨୧
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Im kinda nervous to post but I’ll try my best to be active.
Fandom's I'm currently in:
Demon slayer
Spider man: Across the spider verse
Wendell wild
South Park
Fandom's I wanna be in
The Mandela catalog
Steven Universe
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Where you can find me - Spotify :p
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