552hon5 · 4 years
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552hon5 · 4 years
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Well I’ve just spent way too much time on this and oh god I just cannot get proportions, sizing, and angles right on some of these
Some ones I’m actually proud of though: the second 火, the second 川 (yeah I know that one isn’t hard but shh), the first 手, both of the 小, and the first 何. After that I started rushing because it’s 4:40am right now and I need to shower and go to bed lol help
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552hon5 · 4 years
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552hon5 · 4 years
japanese emojis — meaning
emoji – meaning – origin
🈁️ here – ココ 
🈂️ service – サービス 
🈷️ month/moon – 月 (げつ / がつ / つき)
🈚️ free of charge / there isn’t  – 無料 (むりょう) / 無し (なし)
🈶️ not free of charge / there is  – 有料 (ゆうりょう) / 有り (あり)
🈯️ reserved –  指定 (してい) 
🉐️ bargain – 得 (とく)
🈹️ discount – 割引 (わりびき)
🈲️ prohibited – 禁止 (きんし)
🉑️ acceptable – 可 (か)
🈸️ application – 申請 (しんせい)
🈴️ passing grade – 合格 (ごうかく)
🈳️ vacancy – 空室 (くうしつ) 
🈵️ no vacancy – 満室 (まんしつ) 
㊗️ congratulations – お祝い (おいわい)
㊙️ secret – 秘密 (ひみつ)
🈺️ open for business – 営業 (えいぎょう)
💮 well done/good job – 大変よくできました (たいへんよくできました)
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552hon5 · 4 years
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I finally sent back my first reply in Japanese on Slowly! It took me around 3-4 hours to write this because a. I’m a beginner and b. I’m inefficent to my core :)
I look forward to seeing what they reply with
Also I just realised I didn’t really give them a topic to jump off with so I hope they ask me more questions eehh
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552hon5 · 4 years
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I love myself some MUJI pens. Because they’re so thin they’re great for writing kanji especially since I’m such an incapable idiot with that. It’s also a Japanese brand so ties in with the theme y’know.
Aside from the normal pens I also have a brush pen, which would be great if I was capable of attempting some Japanese calligraphy, and a fancy ass fountain pen, which again would be great if I was capable of attempting some English calligraphy. But hey, the forethought is there
Oh, and there’s a ballpoint pen in there too with no ink however I have a strong emotional connection to this pen and I will NOT throw it away. I’ve tried to get replacement ink for it but so far have had no luck (╯︵╰,)
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552hon5 · 4 years
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This WIP is a list of the 1000 most common words in Japanese. I’m not even halfway there yet, which is terrible. It has been a toiling task so far and as you can see my hand forgot how to write numbers after mindlessly writing them for ages. I’ve got the numbers and key on each page done though, so that’s something I suppose
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552hon5 · 4 years
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Here’s the letter I’ve sent out to some people who speak Japanese on Slowly (a pen pal app that takes longer to send letters the further away the recipient is - it sounds annoying but it’s worth it! I’ll do a full post on it at some point) It reads:
I’m learning Japanese and am going to be studying it at university this September. I want to make a friend who will write to me in Japanese so I can practice. We can talk about anything, I don’t mind! First, I saw the ‘Record yourself for 30 days’ challenge on the app Hello Talk, so I could send you the transcript of what I say for each day. Please correct any mistakes, especially if I’m overly formal or informal, because I find that aspect difficult. It might take me a long time to reply, it’s hard to make my sentences grammatically correct, I’m sorry!
I look forward to speaking to you soon
So far two people have sent back a reply :) I hope they agree to help me!
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552hon5 · 4 years
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Some more pages of verb practice sentences :)
These are for the potential form and conditional form respectively
Also, I really need to look at some stroke order charts for kanji because I am just stumbling my way through and sometimes I look at what I’ve just created and weep at my ineptitude
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552hon5 · 4 years
Internet slang I might want to use if I ever make any Japanese friends online
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552hon5 · 4 years
Just a collection of kaomoji I borrow from fairly liberally. Beware: this is not a secure site!
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552hon5 · 4 years
I just finished sending lots of letters in Japanese to people on a pen pal app called Slowly! If this venture works out I’ll make a post about it :)
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552hon5 · 4 years
The light of my life: an extremely useful Japanese dictionary
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552hon5 · 4 years
Please don’t bother learning rōmaji and go straight to mastering ひらがな and カタカナ. It will be the best decision you’ve ever made when starting to learn Japanese
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552hon5 · 4 years
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I’ve finally started using the genkouyoushi notebook my friend got me ages ago. These are just some practice sentences using different conjugations of the verb 行く (to go)
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552hon5 · 4 years
I cannot for the life of me get my avatar image to ~perfectly~ centre and it’s killing me :))
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