553everly · 6 months
Hii 💗
you mentioned that you manifested getting less nervous when presenting and said that a lot of subliminals worked for you. Is there any specific subliminals that you would recommend? Because i’m always so anxious before exams and presentations and it’s becoming a big problem for me 😭 Also do you have any specific affirmations that were good for that as well?
Thank you <3
hii cutie ♡ I didn’t/ don’t really use affirmations for this but whenever I was preparing for a presentation I would play the subliminals. This not only helped me memorize my subjects and made me more confident <3.
I’ve gotten great results from these subliminals, every time I present people are always complimenting me and whenever I think I stuttered people always reassure me that it was barely noticeable! All the presentations I’ve done this year I’ve gotten a 95+
Here are some subs that really helped me :)
—★ "photographic memory ??" remember everything you read subliminal by Wesylin : LINK
—★ speech subliminal ♡ ࿐ྂ by love!chuu : LINK
I hope this helps <3
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553everly · 6 months
||☆•2 week affirmation challenge for beginners•☆||~(request)
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<Hey guy it's been quite while,I shifted for a whole month(which will be 2 days here in my CR) in Koizora DR,for a break from my CR,anyways from the result from today's votes,>
Firstly something we all struggle as beginner to manifest is,obsession,desperation,doubts, procrastation and methods. But guys don't worry it's just a normal phase everyone go through after knowing that we can HAVE ANYTHING we want,logical or illogical. But here me out you don't have to force yourself to get completely rid of those negative,because they are always gonna come up,what YOU have to do is be in control of those thoughts,which mean don't let those thoughts guide you to get in a state of lack. You are more power then that so,flip that shit and focus on the new thought or new story.
I get as someone new to law you will be confuse on what to do,or what to manifest,but the most common is thinking HOW. How do I start,"how do I manifest it into my life?","how is it even possible,will it work for me?". It definitely will you've been manifesting your whole life,but since you are new that's why you're finding it hard to manifest. But let me tell you it's simple,if you are not able to embody state,use SATS,being etc.
So here is the routine you have to follow for the next 2 weeks.
🥗. Create a Pinterest vision board look at it,everytime you feel like you need external validation,or motivation.
🥗. Start your day with affirmations,and use this subliminal and loop it as you affirm. Use the sub atleast 1 hour or more while doing your morning routine and robotically affirming.
🥗. Now robotically affirm as you go on with your day. You can talk with others don't have to shut the world out as Sammy said. Or you can do 30 minutes affirmation 1 hour rest session.
🥗. On free time use this morphic field and continue affirming for atleat 30 minutes headphones are not needed foe morphic field so no need to use one since Sapien recommended himself. Also do atleast a proper 1-2 hour saturation session,you can also do other activities.
🥗. OK you have come so far don't give up take some breaks in between.
🥗. At night use these two subs by SLADE,and fall asleep as you affirm. You can loop is overnight too but it's upto you how long you want to use it.
🍋‍🟩That's it so let's see in brief.
★. Affirm as you wake up with the subliminal above.
★. Affirm for 30 minutes and take 1 hour rest or do robotic affirming the whole day.
★. On your free time use morphic field and do a proper saturation session of 1-2 hour.
★. As you fall asleep use two subs and loop it as you affirm to sleep.
Also you don't have to worry about all the emotions you feel,you wanna cry then cry,feeling guilty it's fine,feeling desperate it's fine. Let the emotions pass,people have affirmed while crying,to the point they throw up(me💀) with desperatation,you can obsess over your desires it'snot a big crime. But the biggest crime is not persisting and checking 3D also procrastinating. Also don't get discourage if 3d shows you something you don't like affirm against it because you are more powerfull then those thoughts.
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553everly · 6 months
I'm on a huge time rush, so I'm extremely sorry for this messy post and I might not be able to reply to DMS or asks for a couple of days, extremely sorry for this, but an exam just popped up in the next day and I have to drill myself for it, but of course before I leave, here is the challenge I was talking about, I'll make it into a prettier post once I had the time 💗
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Also, keep the DMS and asks coming! I'd love to reply them later when I finished the exam 💗
(p.s// in case you're wondering, this is an extremely effective yet so easy method of reprogramming the subconscious into believing you can manifest anything)
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553everly · 1 year
how i manifest.
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This is what works for me and make manifestations fun for me. This is how i manifested waking up with all of my desires every morning.
Some things i manifested :
Dream life :
Dream house
Dream family
Dream apparence (body + face)
Dream wardrobe
Dream friends group
Dream voice
Dream talents
And more
I'm gonna do this section step by step so y'all understand . How easy and FUN it is to manifest your dream life. The life you deserve and should have. Reminder: this is what works for ME.
1. get off of tumblr :
theres so many different opinions and ways to manifest here. Please, get YOUR own opinion and don't stick to what feels good and works for others. But stick for what works for you and make you feel good not others
2. Back to basics :
I had to go back to the basics and clear my mind from all overconsumption. Here are the basics of manifesting; 1. Choose desire. 2. Affirm or know you have it. 3.persist
3. Find what works , is fun and easy for you
For me its : I want something → I affirm/decide I have it → think like I have it = change states = know that I have it → I have it.
4. Persist no matter what. You already have it.
stop counting how many days you've been persisting. Its already yours. Stop searching for info and overconsuming. Its already yours. Stop waiting. Its already yours. Stop wavering and conforming to your 3d.its already yours. Stop it all and start persisting FRL.
Hope this helps, I really think y'all needed to hear this. You already know the basics. Stop overcomplicating everything and living with assumptions that aren't yours. Stop relating with what you don't wanna be.
Xoxo leen.
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553everly · 1 year
The Core of My Teachings +How I Manifest Absolutely Everything(The Goddess/Libra Rising Method(aka my entire beliefs in one post aka The Goddess Guide)
Note: if you’d like to support me and my blog, I have cashapp: $RoseyEyedAstro. This isn’t necessary and I don’t want to pressure anyone to paying for my teachings/donating to me. But if you like my work and want to support me, my cash app is available.
Hello everyone! This is going to be my ultimate manifesting post! It’s going to have all my methods all my beliefs tips for the LOA etc. This is the updated version of ALL of my posts and the manual I’ve been talking about. I’m writing this post to share my personal beliefs and to have something to look back into. I’m calling this the It Girl/Goddess/Libra Rising method because I enjoy those aesthetics and I’m a libra rising. Libra risings are gentle kind beautiful and charming. This is going to be my more gentle, simple, and feminine way of manifesting that has all my personal beliefs and teaching, some of which deviate from the mainstream/traditional teachings. With that being said let’s go! Everything under the cut
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The Basics
Manifesting is the act of using your thoughts to create your reality. You manifest by using your thoughts/methods to get your desires. Your desires are the things you want. When manifesting, you must know that you are god, that you create everything in your reality and that everything is possible, even the you/things you want. We are all connected to everything in the universe and when we manifest, we tap into our higher power, take control of our lives and get whatever we want. Manifesting is not magic, it’s simply a law of the universe. What you focus on, you attract. What you think, you are. You manifest by knowing You’re God, You can have anything and that everything in the world moves for you. Manifesting is incredibly simple and effortless. We manifest everything in our lives and manifesting is like breathing: it’s natural. The best way to manifest is to persist. That means to find something and to stick to it. It’s important to know that the law is a law of the universe. This means that no matter what happens, it’ll always work. A lot of people say it doesn’t work for me, it didn’t do this. That’s because subconsciously or consciously they affirmed that it didn’t. Tip: watch the thoughts in the back of your head! They manifest. Observe your thoughts and make sure that they align with your mind, big or small. The law will always work: you just have to make sure it will work in your favor. That means, aligning your thoughts with what you want. Your thoughts dictate your desires) and if you think positively of them, you will get them. What you focus on manifests. That’s the law! The more you think good of your desires, the more it’s already yours. Adding onto this, if you want to make your desires even more of yours: we know that the law is flexible and that you can do whatever you want it to get your desires, affirm that no matter what you do or think, you’ll always get your desire. You only need a few things to manifest: a good mental diet, good self concept, conviction, and persistence. That’s it!
A mental diet
What is a mental diet? It’s where you observe your thoughts and flip any negative thoughts into positive ones. You diet out negative or opposite thoughts to your desire and your life/self. Negative thoughts = negative life. By mental dieting, you begin to focus on your power and your awareness and from there, begin to make healthier thinking choices. Mental diets are crucial as they train your brain to react only to the positive and to ignore the negative. At all times, be aware of your mental diet and what you’re thinking. Your awareness is your power. If you find that to be too hard, focus on your feelings. Feelings can reveal what you’re thinking. If you’re feeling sad, hopeless, etc , watch your thoughts(including the ones in the back of your brain) and see how you can change. This doesn’t mean ignore feelings. Absolutely not. Embrace your feelings and feel them. But once you’re done, don’t let the linger and focus your mind on the positive. Do not force yourself to toxic positivity. Tip: go for a week’s negative fast. Do not imagine or think about the worst and just focus on your awareness of your thoughts. Then, the next week work on flipping them. After that, begin to incorporate your affirmations while still watching and flipping your thoughts. A mental diet is for life by the way. Once you get your desires, keep flipping negative thoughts and improving them!
Self Concept
“What’s a self concept?” Self concept is how you view yourself in relation to the world and your desires. Do you believe you're worthy beautiful loved etc? If not, that's your self concept and you should work on it. The best self concept: I am god, I am worthy, I am beautiful, I am loved, I manifest easily and quickly, I am powerful, I am safe, I am limitless and I am a master manifesting. Self concept is the most powerful way to manifest. There is nothing greater than knowing and creating yourself. Once you know who you are and what you want, you begin to get it it. Self concept helps with this lesson. A great quote about self concept is “There is no one to change but self; that self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in which it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to consciousness that we must turn to the only reality.” This is the key to manifesting! Changing your self concept aka the way you see yourself is the key to getting everything you want. Your self concept is you in relation to the outer world. Change it and your entire world changes!
What can self concept do for you? It can get you to manifestations quicker, make you beautiful, have people pay attention to you and pretty much automatically manifest anything for you. Once you switch your self concept to wealth, you’ll automatically manifest money. Once you see yourself as beautiful, you’ll be seen and become beautiful. It can also make people fall in love with you! Ever met anyone who was just effortlessly cool, sweet and loveable? That can be you! But how can I achieve this? Self concept affirmations! Repeat these every time you think of yourself, every free second you have or any time you might have negative thoughts about yourself. Be sure to engage in positive self talk and have a clean mental diet as well!
Self concept affirmations do not have to be boring in any way, shape or form. They can be incredibly specific or as general as you want. There is no limit to what you can do with self concept. I adore 90s supermodels, kpop idols, VS angels, and Megan Fox. Therefore I affirm I’m just as beautiful if not more beautiful, perfect and sexy than them. This boosts my confidence because I know exactly what I want to achieve and where I can improve it. I have a few posts and even a document about self concept: linked here. With self concept, you can talk about beauty, wealth, happiness, strength, your manifesting skills and anything you want! I have well over 100+ self concept affirmations. I truly believe self concept and self love is the root of manifesting. You don’t even have to affirm your desires if you have a good self concept. SC is enough! I think, if possible, you should be affirming self concept more than you do your desires. A 3:1 ratio works well for me. This can boost your confidence and allow you to “detach” from your goals, making them come to you easier. This goes into my “gentle” version of manifesting. You’re coming from a place of love, confidence, happiness and gratitude for yourself and your manifestations. The happier and confident you are, the more faith you have and the quicker things come.
EIYPO EIYPO stands for everyone is you pushed out. That means that everything and everyone is just a reflection of your thoughts. What you see within yourself is what others will reflect onto you. If you believe life is unfair, people treat you like crap, etc then those thoughts will manifest and people will treat you as such. Change your thoughts and change your life. Like self concept can change your perception of yourself, EIYPO can help change your perception of others, the world and yourself, making it easier for you to manifest. You can use it in so many ways. You can use it to change a person and their behavior, change how the world views you, change the environment and beliefs around you, and so much more. A lot of people take this concept as everyone is your personal slave and that you can do no wrong/no one has free will. This is where my gentler version of manifesting comes in. I do believe that everyone has free will and that you shouldn’t try to control them and dehumanize them. Yes, you can change how they view you and how the world treats you. That does not mean you have mentally or verbally attack someone, degrade them within your thoughts and see people as robotic puppets for your pleasure. Golden rule: do onto others as you would want yourself. All you have to do is affirm or visualize what you want to change(whether that’s a person, place, or yourself), and watch it rapidly conform for you. Be gentle, be kind and treat people(even if it’s in your head) with respect. Do not slander or dehumanize people. Simply affirm or visualize that everything goes your way and persist in your desire. That’s it!
Why is manifesting not working for you? This is a question you might ask yourself all the time. The reason it doesn’t work for you is your faith, your persistence and your naturalness towards your desire! Because your thoughts manifest your reality, your inner world is the only world there ever is. Everything ends and begins with you. Once you persist in an assumption, it comes true. Manifesting is incredibly natural! Your desires are incredibly natural and creation is always always finished! Your desires want you more than you want them and getting them is effortlessly! You hold all the power! However we grow up in a society that says work more and get more so getting things effortlessly seems like a struggle! You do not have to work for your desires at all. All you have to do is think.
The key to living your dream life isn’t hidden behind hours of work, thousands of dollars spent on courses or millions of “life changing books” that will help “fix” your habits and make you a productive member of capitalism. The key to living your best life is your thoughts. Every thing that’s happened or haven’t happened (aside from trauma) is because of your thoughts. If you didn’t get the job you wanted it’s because you had the wrong mindset. If you don’t have the looks you want it’s because of a lack of self love and your mindset. Your mindset is the key to success, happiness, and beauty.“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”— Neville Goddard. The best way to change your mindset is through self concept and a mental diet. Begin to affirm that you’re in control of your life and that you can have whatever you want! Focus on how deserving you are of it, how the world revolves around you and it’s your oyster! Then cut out any negative thoughts relating to your desire. Only think of how you’re living your dream life and how amazing it is! Once this happens, the ball will begin to roll and everything will work in your favor. You have the power! Use it.
In order to get things effortlessly you have to persist in the assumption that manifesting is effortless and have faith that your desires will come quickly and perfectly! You just repeat your methods affirmations visualizations etc over and over again until you fully, unwaveringly believe it and feel it natural! You cannot change the 3d until you change your inner world. The inner world is the key to manifesting. The inner world consists of your self concept, your mental diet and your affirmation! Repeat these routines and diets until they feel natural, relax into your desire knowing it’s done and watch it manifest rapidly! There is nothing to change but yourself(aka your inner world thoughts and beliefs)! Manifest from the self concept of knowing you’re god and can have anything you want effortlessly, persist and have faith in your new assumptions and repeat over and over again until they manifest! That’s how it works!
Note; it’s also important to manifest from your desires. Think as if they’re already happening. You’re not manifesting anything, they’re already yours, they’ve already manifested. Instead of Im manifesting good looks make it I have good looks, i manifested my good looks so quickly! Act as if it’s already happened and it’ll instantly happen!
The Methods: There are many methods to manifesting. Today, I’m going to explain and give my opinion on each of them. You don't have to agree with me. i've just been asked a lot about manifesting.
Affirming: One of the best, easiest, and most accessible ways to manifest. It’s incredibly easy to affirm and you can do anything by just affirming. You can affirm as much or as little as you want. I personally affirm throughout the day consistently. I also affirm with authority/faith, feel the feelings of having it as a I do so, and in the back of my mind, affirm that all my affirmations work like magic and that I’m desiring will manifest.
Visualization: I adore this method. It speeds everything up so quickly and there are many ways to do it. You can do the eavesdropping method which is just visualizing hearing people talk about you having your desire, the telephone method which is calling someone and telling them about how you have your desires or plain old 1st person visualization in which you use your senses and visualize having what you want. Not everyone can visualize but for those who can: do so!
Scripting: it’s just an amazing, comprehensive technique. With scripting you can truly get into detail of what you want and really be able to “feel” the emotions. I highly suggest scripting daily or at least once a week. It’s amazing technique. You can even script on tumblr and use the images/gifs to make seem like a diary entry and even more real. I always script everything!
369/5x55: These methods are really redundant in my opinion. You can do the same thing with less by pain by affirming in your mind or scripting once. It’s great for people who want to try something new but overall I don’t recommend it.
Shifting into the state: I’ve already written a chapter of shifting into the state and I adore it. It’s the easiest way to manifest in my opinion and makes you feel the emotions much easier.
Command your subconscious: Effective but I don’t do it. Many people do this and it works perfectly for them. I have done it a few times and I quite enjoy it. In my personal opinion, I would much rather affirm or script. This doesn’t mean it’s better than commanding: IT’S JUST MY PERSONAL ROUTINE.
How do I manifest on a time crunch?
Working with deadlines is actually incredibly easy and simple! A deadline is when you tell your desire to come by a certain date. It’s entirely possible to bypass divine timing* and get your desires right now but the key is to believe! You can do this in many ways!
*Remember: Divine timing is when you realize that you’re divine and can have anything you want. The minute you realize your desires are ours are when you get it.
The first way is to visualize a scene in which the deadline has passed and you have gotten everything you wanted. Perhaps it can be telling your friends and family that on xyz you got this and it was so wonderful! Another way can be affirmations!
Affirming I have xyz by/before (date) is incredibly effective! You can also make the deadline as short or as far away as possible. A good way to do this is by writing down everything you want to happen in a month and affirm it’ll all happen before the end of the month.
The key to manifesting with deadlines is persistence! You have to persist in assumption and truly believe it’ll come by that date. Self concept affirmations help a ton with this(I have multiple threads about this so check those out)
A lot of people have been asking me about revision and my experiences! Revision is actually quite simple: it’s changing the past. A lot of people think revision is changing the memories of something but that’s not true. Revision is changing the past as well as how everyone views it. If you want to grow up rich you can revise and still have the effects of it in your present life! Revision is a huge game changer as you can use revision for anything
Wealth love beauty etc can all be revised! Revision was first introduced by neville Goddard and I can proudly say it works for me! I revised growing up rich and my mother mention just a day later that we had expensive show horses in our a family, an extensive pedigree and plenty of rich friends growing. It was something I didn’t even know was possible for us and now it’s fact. Currently I’m revising that I was born a billionaire and did a bunch of sports. I’ll keep you updated on this!
You might be wondering: how do i revise? Revision can come in many ways but the easiest and most common is simply affirming and visualizing. Pick an affirmation that represents what you’ want to revise and repeat it! The affirmation “I have a perfect past” is amazing and covers everything possible!
You can also revise by visualization. Sit down, close your eyes and focus on a scene you want to manifest or revise. Use all five of your sense and visualize the past going exactly as you want it to go. Repeat it over and over again until you feel convinced!
These are the two simplest and easiest methods to revise. Reminder: revision is super easy and it’s like manifesting in any other way! Do not put your revision on a pedestal or even try to make it harder than it seems. It’s as easy as breathing I promise you that! It’s important to keep a good self concept and mental diet when revising. Do not persist in the old story. Keep focused on the new story!
I hope this makes sense and stay strong babes! You’ve got this!
The Personal Beliefs(my personal beliefs and teachings)
My personal manifesting rules:
-Note: I use this as personal rules and affirmations for the law and my journey. Take them as examples and inspiration to make the law work for you. My rules for myself: Only positive thoughts manifest, i i just need to want something to get it, everything works out in my favor, everything manifests no more than 24 hours to a week, i’m the best manifestor, i am god, i have to believe/have small faith to manifest, manifesting/having faith is easy, simple and natural, i’m entitled to my desires, i am limitless and can have anything, my methods are the most effective and i have the best self concept naturally. I’ll likely update this as time goes on.
Other Notes on Manifesting:
Anything is Possible But Not Everything Should Be Done
Anything is possible in the universe. Science says that the universe is expanding and there’s evidence that everything is happening at once + there’s multiple realities. You can have anything and everything you want. Does that mean you should? No! You should not manifest harm onto others, try to change races(yes people have done that), appropriate cultures, manipulate others and overall be an asshole. You’re god but you’re human. You should be a decent one. Treat yourself and others with respect, kindness, and grace. Have *moral* limits within yourself and know when to step away! When I say moral limits, i really hope you guys don’t take it and twist it into saying we’re limited. I’m truly saying don’t be a bigot, racist, sexist, mean, manipulative, evil etc.That’s all I’m saying. That is the best way to apply the law.
Gratitude Makes It Easier
With manifesting, people get so caught up in the wrong things. Should I do this? Do I have to detach? Am I doing it right? Can I feel negative but think positive? Here’s my response to that.. Unlike the LOAttraction where you have to be happy all the time, law of assumption will tell you to feel whatever and get what you want. Neville places the importance on feeling it real as in having faith and persisting until you truly believe you have it. Feeling = faith, not emotions like happiness or sadness. Many teachers like Sammy will tell you to affirm aggressively and to make people your bitch. She’ll tell you to take control, affirm while you’re angry and so on. While nuance is obviously needed for those statements, it can be a hard topic to navigate. It might seems very tempting to be angry and aggressive when manifesting. After all if you’ve come from the law of attraction it might seem easier but that’s not always helpful. Sometimes being angry or aggressive towards your goals will actually make it harder for you to manifest them. Coupled with the frustration of it not manifesting and aggressively affirming for it this can actually make you even more angry and negative towards your desires.
I notice that when I aggressively affirmed and tried to be a “strong bad bitch” it never worked for me. I prefer gentless and ease within my desires, not forcing them into being and making myself angry for them. I wouldn’t be angry if I had an SP, my dream body or all the money in the world right? So why am I unhappy now? Instead, I add happiness to my affirmations and make sure to write/script gratitude lists often. I consume media that makes me and I enjoy the manifesting process rather than trying to constantly fix it and myself(hint: there’s nothing to fix, you’re always doing it right). Examples: I’m so excited that I’m this or this is so amazing I feel so wonderful that x has happened!
I’ve been including positive emotions and outlooks into my desires and it has helped so much with manifesting. I’m much happier, peaceful and calm. I don’t need my desires and it helps with obsession. Now you don’t have to be happy or raise your vibrations. I don’t even believe in vibrations. But I do believe in being happy and feeling good while manifesting! This is just a short post but to sum up: you don’t have to be angry all the time. The world is negative enough.* Let go of the anger and make yourself happy with your desires. Get excited! When you are excited, happy and pushing past the doubts and fear that is when your desires will come flooding in!
*you don’t have to subscribe to the belief that the world is negative this is just me using this “assumption” as a writing device to highlight the importance of being positive
How YOU do it is the best way
The law of assumption(or loa from now on) is limitless. It has no rules except ask, believe, and receive meaning you ask for what you want, believe you will get it and then receive it. It’s quite simple but you can make it better for you. You can make your own methods and create your own beliefs about the law. It’s completely flexible and the easiest way to write your own beliefs is to ask yourself: how do I learn? Take the key moments from your life where you learn, apply and grow the best and then use them with the loa. Such beliefs you can have about the loa is that it works instantly for you or a certain method you love doing works the best. Hell, you could even write that you are the best about the law and know everything about it. Whatever it is: make the law work for you. Don’t look towards other for validation. You are god. You’ve got this!
Manifesting is Simple and Easy
Manifesting is incredibly simple and easy. Do not over complicate it. Ask, believe, receive. Thoughts create reality. Align your thoughts with your highest vision. That’s it. That’s all you need to know. Keep it simple, push past the doubt and remain focused on your vision.
Nothing Is Too Big and Limits Don’t Exist
Limiting beliefs, resistance and inner healing are one of the most frustrating things about the law. It also completely confuses me. Why would I have to heal to get a birkin bag or money? I understand affirming against past reprogramming but simply put: watching an old y2k show to heal my inner child is not the golden ticket to manifesting;it’s just bullshit. I want to note that I seperate my spiritual beliefs vs my manifesting beliefs. I believe manifesting is natural and more for material/external desires but spiritual work is for the internal growth and desires. I will smoke cleanse, protect, raise my vibration etc for my own SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL GROWTH but not to gain my desires. Resistance is something we’re often told to work on. Guess what: it doesn’t exist. It’s simply an obstacle you crafted and it’s self sabotage. Why can anything or anyone stop you, the creator, the god, etc? You are god! Nothing can stop you and everything is created by your mind. Get rid of the idea that resistance, limiting beliefs, blockages, or anything that can stop you from getting your goals exist. It only does if you allow it! I think a lot of people get caught up in limiting beliefs or the resistance part of the desire. They worry they have too many limiting beliefs, doubt themselves and get into an endless cycles of trying to break or realize limiting beliefs. It’s simple to get rid of them: realize they don’t exist. Like most things in life, they only exist because we believe they do. You can simply choose to not give power to them and move on. Get rid of the notion that anything can stop or deny your desires. Once you do that, everything will flood in like magic. To sum up: The law will always give you what you give it, you must think the thoughts of your desire to get it, you are in control of your desire, and limiting beliefs only have power if you give them so.
Take the meat, spit out the bones
I’ve always been told by teachers, friends, and colleagues: take the meat, spit out the bones. That means, take what’s relevant to you and spit out what doesn’t apply. Also known as if it doesn’t apply, let it fly. Stop listening and researching everything about the law. Thoughts create reality. That’s all you need to know. Like I said before, the law is simple and easy. Once you learn the basics, test the methods and beliefs you want and then log off. Stop following the LOA pages and ignore us teachers as we discuss the law. Take a break and put your money where your mouth is. Apply! Stop over consuming blogs, coaches, success stories and work on yourself. It will never manifest anything for you and it’s not necessary. Someone on here said do you want to read success stories or have one of your own. That stuck with me. So my best tip is:apply, persist and have discipline.
Coaches can only take you so far. You are supposed to grow out of coaches by the way. You are supposed to learn how to manifest and apply the law. A lot of you guys wait for the law to magically work for you (which it can if you did the work) and wait for us coaches to manifest everything for you and constantly give you validation for your own goals. Do not ask if anything is possible. You can manifest anything and you have to validate that fact on your own. You have to work on your self concept and get out of the victim mindset.No more it didn’t work for me when you only did it for two days. No more I can’t manifest when you don’t work on self concept. No more I tried and it didn’t work! Stop acting like a victim to your 3d circumstances. You’re god! You control your reality! Why would god worry about his reality when he controls it all? Stop whining about your life and do something about it. You literally have the law on your side and the power to do anything you want. You could be a millionaire if you manifested! All you need is you! If the law isn’t working for you, read this and check off why it isn’t. Self concept, mental diet, overconsumption and persistence are the only reasons why it won’t be working. Good luck!
Detachment and Strength is Key
Detachment is the key to manifesting. Detachment means to get on a mental diet and detach from the negativity, worry, and doubt. Detachment is not forgetting or not thinking about your desire. You have to think about it positively. Belief and faith is key to manifesting. You have to believe and have faith in order to get your manifestations. It’s very simple and easy to have belief. All you have to do is persist and do the methods until you feel it is real and you believe it. That’s the key.
Take Breaks But Don’t Give up
Manifesting can be overwhelming. If you need to, take breaks and walk away from manifesting. Once you have a clear mind, come back and manifest. Do not make yourself sick for your desires, your sp, the money etc. Instead, breathe and come back when you’re ready. Don’t EVER give up but persist when you can.
The Methods
This is exactly how I manifest and the exact methods I use. I don’t use all methods for every desire.
1. I decide what I want. I don’t put limits on what I want and I script out what I want to happen with emotions and in present tense usually with great detail. I make it exactly as I want it! I’m currently doing this new method which works for language learning and manifesting. I have a secret account on tumblr where I take pictures from my vision board and write a scene as if they’re my images and what I wanted has already happened, like a journal entry. I do this every day and read until it feels real and I have faith. Sometimes I translate into my target language to help with grammar and vocabulary!
2.I affirm a 3:1 ratio self concept to desires. I always use present tense such I am, I have and my. I affirm with gratitude, happiness, authority, faith and constantly over and over again until it feels natural. I affirm every second/free time I have as it’s fun for me and raises my mood so much. I don’t have to, as I’ve manifested with just one repetition before but it’s much fun to affirm. I use starts such It’s a fact, I am so happy and grateful that x, I’m excited that x, I know/I believe/I have faith that x which rlly adds a kick!
3. I have a vision board on Pinterest filled with different images of my ideal life. I have my ideal body, hair, skin, career, hobbies, relationships, seasons, food etc all in there and I look at it daily while affirming. I have a placebo that every image I add and the more time I spend on Pinterest, the closer I get to my desires.
4. I have a new method taught to me by @thisdreamplace which I call shifting the feeling/state. Bythis, simply close my eyes, pick a feeling and I begin to conjure it, usually saying affirmations to get me into the mindset. This is mostly to let me know I can shift into any state I want and control my desires and emotions. Just sit down and begin to feel a feeling. That’s all! I hold until it feels real and I go about my day.
5. I visualize using the eavesdropping/gossip method. Close your eyes and overhear people talking about you having your desires. It’s usually something such as “omg do you see her? Yeah she has it all? Omg she has xyz? I want to be her!”. As of now, I have one scenario and I loop it as much as I need to, keeping the focus on living in the end and feeling the feeling of having what I want.
I have 0 limits to my scenarios to my affirmation type length etc or to picking a feeling. I do this every single day on top of looking at my manifesting rules and having a strict mental diet. I always affirm and I always use my vision board but scripting, shifting and visualizing isn’t a daily thing depending on the desire.
The Reminders
-Eliminate the how, the when, where etc. focus on the what and the why. Live from the end and forget the middle.
-Time is not linear and logic has no place in manifesting. Anything is possible
-Have no shame for your desires. Get what you want w/o judgement and feel proud of yourself
-You are god. You are limitless. There’s no excuses to not have what you want. You can do it.
-Consciousness is reality. Everything in the 3d is your old thoughts. Create new ones for new changes.
-Stop whining and get it done.
-Be A Spoiled Brat(but only when you manifest)
Take your desire, demand it now and have the highest self concept you can!! Affirm you’re the best you get the best and you want the best. Demand your desire comes right now!
-Keep it simple! You know how to manifest. Stop reading the books, the posts etc! Get on a mental diet, visualize and affirm consistently. Try new methods when you’ve mastered the basics!
-Everything is in your favor and every method-should you deeply believe in it-works. Do manifesting your way! It’ll always work out if you persist.
-Everything is instant. You can manifest your desires instantly! You can reprogram your brain in a an hour or less
-Don’t condition your desires. You do not need to do anything besides want it and believe you have it to get it. Logic, physical/3d limitations and circumstances don’t matter. There is 0 contracts, rules, conditions etc to getting your desire. period!
-everything is a manifestation, even if it’s the opposite of what you want. Everything stems from you so make sure it works in your favor! (see early comment about everything is already IS in your favor and it’s refusal to believe so that stops this law)
-Nothing holds power over you. Your subconscious, your 3d etc everything is willing to help you. It has no power over you. You rule it all!
-Ignore the 3d! It doesn’t matter and can change in a second(you’re a thought away from your dream life) Stop giving it power and know that you can do whatever you want.
-Creation is finished and there’s always movement. No matter what, you’re getting desire!
-You are perfect. There’s no reason for you to change to have your desire. The minute you want them, the minute you have and are worthy of them
-Take back your power, persist in the power of your mind and your desires, and choose what you want in life. Ask yourself: are my thoughts aligning with what I want? If not, change! Declare your desires as yours.
-the process is the same every time. For weight loss, money, sp etc you just do the same process (ask, believe, receive) every single time. Nothing changes. The law is exact and will give you exactly what you want!
-There’s no wrong way to manifest. Just don’t dilute the law and get in cycles of stopping and starting methods. Persist!
-Don’t worry about others, don’t hate on others and focus on yourself. No one is like you. Enjoy yourself and raise yourself up. Period!
-Circumstances don’t matter < circumstances don’t exist and you’re simply viewing past thoughts
-manifesting instantly or on a time crunch is NBD and is as easy as any other version of manifesting
-Be gentle with yourself, be gentle with others and be gentle with your desires. Do not degrade people, do not get angry at your desires and do not harm/think negatively of yourself. You're already perfect and the world will conform. Practice gratitude, self care, and kindness is all forms!
-In the end: mental diet, self concept, persist. Manifesting is 3 terms. That’s it. That’s all.
Xoxo, with love, carmensapientia <3
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553everly · 1 year
How To Make The World Your Oyster
If you follow me long enough you know that I’m a master at manifesting and love to share how to manifest. Today I’ll be sharing how to make your own rules in the law of assumption + how to make the world your oyster
The law of assumption(or loa from now on) is limitless. It has no rules except ask believe and receive meaning you ask for what you want believe you will get it and then receive it. It’s quite simple but you can make it better for you.
If you like using placebo affects or taking action you can write down or affirm that every action you take gets your desire 10x faster. If you only want to use subliminals you can make it one of your rules that you get the best sub results. Even affirming it in your mind will make it true and one of your rules. Here’s an example of my rules. I read these over 3x a day and affirm them when I need guidance.
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To make the world your oyster you simply have to write down what it means to you and affirm the the world is your oyster. Having a high self concept matters so much in manifesting so use multiple self concept affirmations such as the world revolves around I always get what I want I am the most beautiful person in the world I am amazing etc! I’ll be making a post on the best self concept affirmations soon. Now that you have your rules and self concept begin to work towards your desires 💕 you’ve got this!
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553everly · 1 year
You Only Need Your Thoughts: the key to manifesting your dream life
The key to living your dream life isn’t hidden behind hours of work, thousands of solely spent on courses or millions of “life changing books” that will help “fix” your habits and make you a productive member of capitalism. The key to living your best life is your thoughts.
Every thing that’s happened or haven’t happened (aside from trauma) is because of your thoughts. If you didn’t get the job you wanted it’s because you had the wrong mindset. If you don’t have the looks you want it’s because of a lack of self love and your mindset. Your mindset is the key to success happiness and beauty.
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind-that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”— Neville Goddard
The best way to change your mindset is through self concept and a mental diet. Begin to affirm that you’re in control of your life and that you can have whatever you want! Focus on how deserving you are of it, how the world revolves around you and it’s your oyster! Then cut out any negative thoughts relating to your desire. Only think of how you’re living your dream life and how amazing it is!
Once this happens, the ball will begin to roll and everything will work in your favor. You have the power! Use it.
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553everly · 1 year
the BEST 30 day manifestation challenge: a thread and challenge for you lovelies
If you want to manifest your dream life in 30 days or less, follow this plan
First things first get clear on what manifesting is (read my threads) and decide what you want! You can start this challenge any day you want! Don’t wait for tomorrow Monday or the next month! Start now!
The rules to the challenge is very simple: hone in on your persistence and focus! No more reading or taking in information, no more reading success stories to motivate you and no more learning and not applying. The key of this challenge is to apply!
I recommend unfollowing or blocking manifesting blogs or avoiding them to not get stuck in the loop of constantly learning and not applying. You should really be working on discipline and persistence for this tbh!
The rules of the challenge are simple.
Rule one: Pick your desire, pick at most 20 affirmations or 2 methods and consistently use those throughout 30 days, no distractions and no repeating the old story. NO LOOKING FOR NEW AFFIRMATIONS NEW METHODS OR THE SPECIAL KEY TO MANIFEST
There is nothing more to learn aside from pick your desire work on your self concept persist by living in the end and ignoring the 3d! That’s it! Everything else is a tool a placebo or a distraction!
Pick your poison: constantly being in the loop of learning but never getting what you want or walking away from what doesn’t serve you even if it’s hard in the beginning!
Rule number 2 is to have a strict mental diet and to constantly flip your negative thoughts into positive thoughts/affirmations!
Rule number 3 is to to wake up every day and affirm your self concept for 30 minutes and for your desires for 15 minutes. Keep a strong mental diet and occasionally affirm throughout the day. Do the same routine at night!
Do this for thirty days, come back and tell me how it goes! That’s all! Enjoy!
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553everly · 1 year
The Everything And More Challenge
This is 30 day challenge to get everything you want and more! We’re going to revise our past create our perfect dream life glow up and manifest money and material items! Here’s how we’re doing it
-Make a list of your desires. Every single one even if you think it’s impossible write it down.
-With your list of personal desires, add these desires as well because we’re gonna be manifesting that you’re the most beautiful gorgeous and stunning you ever been + you’re rapidly becoming prettier richer healthier and happy every single day, that you constantly manifest thousands of dollars weekly, that you have perfect ten dimension well being(mentally emotional physical spiritual intellectual emotional financial occupational social and romantic)+ all your needs are met (financial safety protection spiritual mental physical emotional home food water etc), that you’re a walking success story, that every part of your life is perfect abundant and ideal, that everything works out for you and is rigged in your favor, that all your desires come better than expected and finally you are a magnet for blessing miracles and amazing opportunities every single day! This is the more part of the challenge!
-then write down a large sum of money(10k minimum) that you want to manifest! You’re going to get major cash with these desires!
-finally let’s work on revision! write down to your goals that this entire year has been amazing blessed and has improved your life 10x and that your entire life has been perfect. You can go into detail or leave it general. Regardless we’re revising that our life is perfect.
-after this begin to write your rules for manifesting. Read my posts about making your own rules here and here. My rules (for example and Inspo purposes only) are Only positive thoughts manifest, i i just need to want something to get it, everything works out in my favor, everything takes no more than a day to manifest, i’m the best manifestor, i am god, i don’t have to believe/only have to think that I have what I want to manifest, manifesting/having faith is easy, simple and natural, i’m entitled to my desires, i am limitless and can have anything, my methods are the most effective and i have the best self concept naturally.
-Create a vision board that represents your ideal life body etc or whatever you want. Look at it daily to motivate yourself
-If needed create a subliminal playlist!
-Unfollow any loa blogs YouTube’s etc. it not necessary for this challenge and the point of it is to teach you your own power. The law is yours to create so don’t rely on others! You can look at success stories but only minimally and if it makes you feel positive!
-Finally create your own affirmation list! You can have as many or as little affirmations as you’d like. You can also script visualize etc daily if you’d like. I’m going to be visualizing scripting using gratitude and affirming! I have many methods but they’re not all necessary I just love them!
-Every day get up and affirm/visualize for 45 minutes straight. Set the timer and just rampage. Get it done and have the strongest mental diet for this entire challenge. Do not go back to the older story.
-At night revise your day. Revise that you wanted to happen happened and affirm that the next day will be even better! Revise that you had the best day ever!
-Start the challenge as soon as you soon this post. I’ll be giving weekly updates.
Yes this might seem like a lot but you have to be dedicated to live your ideal life. This point of this challenge is to take back your power get everything you want and so much more! Good luck everyone!
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553everly · 1 year
The “hot girls detox” challenge
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Hello everyone! I decided to restart my manifesting journey and create a challenge where you detach detox renew and manifest health happiness balance etc + affirm ur rules all in three days. Please enjoy.
Step 1: Write down all your manifesting rules and affirm them for three days straight. Pretty straightforward!
Step 2: writ down your limiting beliefs and affirm the opposite. Affirm self concept as well
Step 3: affirm the affirmations give below!
Step 4: do not consume any information during this flush. Delete anything that’ll distract you and don’t go on loa social media for a new method affirms etc
Step 5(optional): use a flush subliminal
Repeat these affirms for like 3 days or however long you want
My manifesting journey has always been easy fun and beautiful
I’ve always been a master at manifesting
I’ve already manifested everything I wanted
I accept my power to create the life of my dreams I’m beyond powerful and in control nothing can deny my desires
I live in a state of bliss pleasure stable calmness peace and wealth
Nothing can stop me from manifesting
Limiting beliefs are not a thing for me
I’m in the best new phase of life/I’m ready to start over and start better
I’m divinely blessed in life/my life has changed for the better
I’m a magnet for miracles blessings and abundance
I have the best energy I am vibrant and feeling GOOD!
Good things keep happening to me
My life has always been perfect I am always in a good mood and state of life
I am in the flow and god state/everything is perfect and I nothing to worry about
I’m completely healed inside and out
I am LOVE I am happiness I am abundance I am God
I am (insert desired crystal. Basically use this to manifest the results and effects of using a crystal so like I am rose quarts for self love and beauty!)
I have perfect mental health/I’ve never been healthier and happier
I’m completely refreshed renewed detoxed and pure
I’m emotionally mentally physically and spiritual stable/I’m perfect stable and balanced in every aspects
I’m free from any and all attachments anxiety fears worries doubts and limitations
I am enough worthy and safe
I’m completely and utterly whole wholesome balanced and stable
I have complete faith and trust in myself and my manifestations
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553everly · 1 year
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Welcome to Wishmas! The purpose of this challenge is to get all desires before Christmas or NYE(pick your choice I’m going with Christmas) + improve your self concept/become spoiled as well as help with creating your own rules and mastering the law! This is the only holiday challenge you need!
For this challenge I highly suggest having created your own manifesting rules and sticking to them as well as logging out of any manifesting accounts and unfollowing anyone that can distract you! Once that’s done Let’s get started!
In order to participate in wishmas, create list of all the desires you want! Every single one of your desires should be on the list no exceptions! Then go in a shopping spree! Create a vision board filled with all your desires material items/gifts you want for Christmas. It can be as little or as much as you want, any price type etc! Look at that wishlist every single day!
Furthermore let’s get into the holiday aspect of this challenge! For the Thanksgiving aspect, make a gratitude list every single day for all of the things you grateful for. It can be things you currently have or are manifesting. Regardless write down at least 2-3 things each day out of gratitude and love! Share thanks with those you love and begin working on your self concept as well. A crucial part of manifesting is self concept so here are the self concept affirmations you’re going to use for this challenge. Repeat them every morning
-why do i always get treated like literal gold and royalty?
-i’m always the first choice and top priority
-i’m everyone’s first choice and top priority
-everyone is simp and obsessed with me, they crave my attention and gaze
-I’m so beyond spoiled and rich it’s insane how much I have
-I’m a money magnet I’m overwhelming with trillions of dollars
-I deserve the absolute best and most lavish in life and I’m getting it
-my life is literally perfection luxury and sophistication! It’s beyond magical
-im beyond magnetic and attractive no wonder everyone and everything I want ins attracted to me
-everyone wants to spoil me that’s why I receive the VIP treatment
-im absolutely gods favorite/im so insanely and divinely blessed and protected
-I have all my desires and more before Christmas/NYE (pick one)
For the Christmas aspect, just affirm that you have all your desires before Christmas no exceptions! That’s it! Just know that the world/universe/yourself are going to give you all your goals before Christmas!
To clarify the routine:
-set a deadline for all your goals BEFORE Christmas OR NYE
-make a list of every desire you want and create a vision board of your ideal material items/Christmas gifts
-write something you’re grateful for every single day minimum 2-3 things
-affirm your self concept and for your desires every single day for at least 10 minutes a day
-stop consuming information focus on your results and reaffirm the good in life’
Good luck!
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553everly · 1 year
Why You Can Always Create Your life
Recently I’ve realized I’ve manifested my current life as a child. When I was young I had a huge imagination, zero fear, and tons of ambition! I would always daydream of many things such as being beautiful, being ahead in school and being rich and famous. Looking back at my life now, I’ve absolutely manifested most of these goals. I became a working actress, have immense pretty privilege and will be graduating from school with a 5.0 a year early! All those years of daydreaming and persisting regardless of my circumstances manifested! I’ve gotten everything I want but here are some key takeaways to have this method really work!
Focus on Self Talk + Self Concept
Admiringly as a kid I was a bit of a know it all and budding workaholic. Regardless I was driven disciplined and ambitious. I believe no matter what I would get my goals and dreamed big! I knew I had the power intelligence and capability to do whatever I wanted! My self concept was perfect and my self talk was never negative. I just did anything I wanted without fear! This is the mindset you need to have: that anything is possible you can have it and you’re deserving of it!
Brazen impudence: even if I had a dream that was so big I believed I could do it. I never limited myself and didn’t care about the circumstances. That’s a great personal example of brazen impudence! I dropped any limiting beliefs and didn’t take no for answer!
Daydreaming/positively imagining and affirming: I always always daydreamed and affirmed positively. My mindset was peak here tbh and that’s the key. My positive thoughts created an amazing life for me. Do not indulge in negative thoughts and do not use daydreams as a way to imagine the worst or cope! Switch to the positive always!
Persistence no matter what: I did not give a single damn. I persisted in my daydreams and knew they would come true. I did this method for years and it came true literally weeks later after I first started. Persistence is key!
What I will be doing to employ these methods:
-creating a list of affirmations that represent my ideal life + persisting in them
-daydreaming/visualizing about what I want daily + using my vision board to create visuals!
-focusing on creating a positive self image, high self concept, and mental diet!
-eliminating self doubt and removing fear from my life!
I hope this helps!
Much love, Carmen
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553everly · 1 year
Inspired by THEE song + urban dictionaries. Affirms to be spoiled cherished pursued wealthy luxurious independent and put together, to be spoiled, live a luxury life and have men all over you
I literally have all my desires in a blink of an eye. I always get what I want no matter what
It’s insane how many blessings and abundance rains down on me. I’m the chosen one, the luckiest person on earth
I always have my shit together. I’m beyond polished and put together
My life is always on the right path to true success happiness abundance and love
Everyone aspires to be me and do all the things I do.
I do everything effortlessly flawlessly and iconically. People break sweats trying to do what I do
Jaws drop and hearts break when I enter the room. You just know I’m the one
Everyone can’t help but be obsessed and jealous of me. I’m just the shit naturally!
No one can compare to me. I’m the OG!
My light aura and allure is unmatched I’m like a superstar in the flesh
I live a life of immense luxury and wealth. Everything I touch turns to gold
I make millions of dollars a day and am worth billions more
I can afford anything I want a million times over
My life is blessed with riches and goals
I have the best most luxurious wellness and lifestyle routine
My hair skin nails and beauty is worth millions. I’ve had a trillion dollar glo up
Even the best plastic surgery’s can’t even compare to my natural beauty
I get pampered and spoiled every single day
Everyone can’t help but be attracted to me-I’m just that girl
I truly am the it girl everyone wants and needs
Im the type of cool you can’t buy or fake
Im naturally effortless chic and stylist
My wardrobe is beyond iconic I have my dream wardrobe
I have the hottest designer wardrobe. Even Kim k wants to wear my clothes
I have all my ideal material items I attract them effortlessly and naturally
Not even Rihanna can afford my style it’s that amazing and expensive
I always get the hottest clothes and material items for free
Every dollar I spend is multiples by a 100
I attract millions of dollars every second
I have trillions of dollars to spend
I have the best successful and wealth inducing opportunities
Everything I want and need falls into my lap. I’m the blueprint for success
I’m ambitious driven and disciplined. Nothing can stop me.
I’m the most successful and wealthy person to ever exist
I’m a true material girl everyone wants to be me
I’m the definition of a spoiled bad bitch and material girl
Every time I breathe I’m sent a miracle blessing and money
I’m a 1000x prettier smarter richer and better than before
Luxury and designer is my go to-my life is filled with them
No one can resist my charms or beauty
People are always falling head over heels for me
I have men and women all over me. I’m pursued by the hottest richest and nicest people
I’m out of everyone’s league even (insert fav celeb). I’m a 20 out of ten
I’m a natural born leader. I command attention respect and the crowd.
My voice is powerful and can influence anyone and everyone!
I’m a compliment magnet everyone including me loves every part of me
All I do is get adored loved and cherished
People always respect me
People literally worship my feet and the ground I walk on. I’m quite literally a goddess in the flesh
People would move mountains for me
I walk talk and look like a superstar. Even supermodels are jealous of me
My self concept and self esteem is sky high. Nothing can break my confidence
I’m the hottest sexiest and baddest bitch ever
My beauty is beyond words. I radiate sultryness and sex appeal
I’m prettier than supermodels and goddesses put together
I have 0 flaws from head to toe every thing about is amazing
My personality is so beyond perfect. I’m the sweetest smarted and most beautiful soul
I have the most social outgoing personality everyone gets along with me
My social is banging my phone is blowing up for all the offers
I always have something fun and boogie to do it
I’m the baddest gyal to ever step on the scene
Everyone looks up to me I’m an icon just for existing
I’m one of kind and everyone knows it
I’m literally a goddess of seduction-I have everyone wrapped around my finger
Everyone is literally whipped for me and all eyes are on me at all times
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553everly · 1 year
disciplining your mind includes
-stop over consuming and start creating your own rules
-flipping negative thoughts and preventing them
-not reacting to the 3D and old story
-revising past negative experiences
-focusing only on the positives and saturating your mind
-removing all forms of doubt and working on your self concept
-persisting through everything and ignoring circumstances
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553everly · 1 year
The Process of State Creation
We all know that manifestation is simply an editing of the story but how can we create a perfect state or story to manifest from? Today that’s what I’m going to be talking about. I’ve been doing some thinking about manifesting and whether states manifests. Truly, I don’t care whether or not states, feelings etc manifest as you can decide that on your own. Personally state creation is just a fun name for this method and really the core of is it/manifesting is that thoughts (bare minimum) create. So with the idea of thoughts creating how can we make a perfect thought/mindset to manifest from?
Step one is to pick your desires. Choose the desire you want and see it as finished. Done.
Step 2: create a self concept that relates to that desire. If you want to be rich cultivate a self concept of always having money always being provided for never having to worry about money have all the money you could want. Such affirmations could be: I have always been rich, I have more than enough money, I quite literally am a billionaire, I am worthy of being rich
Step 3: Finish the state by creating affirmations to manifest the desire (outside of self concept). Again money could be like I have 300k or I manifest money out of the blue. I’ll provide some examples below
If manifesting beauty and sexiness
Your desire: being beautiful and sexy
Your self concept*: I am so beyond sexy, I am confident and carefree, my charisma is unmatched, I have always been beautiful, opinions of others DONT affect me, I love myself, I’m the sexiest woman alive, I’m beautiful like a 90s supermodel, people adore me, I have immense pretty privilege, everyone adores and treats me right, I’m a queen, I’m a master at manifesting, I manifest beauty and appearance changes so effortlessly etc
*your self concept should also focus on what you want to feel when having this desire. So what would being beautiful and sexy make you feel? Confident, untouchable, adored, effortless? Good place to start with affirmations and self concept!
Your affirmations for your desire: I’m the most beautiful woman in the world + I have perfect bone structure + my sex appeal is unmatched and grows every day(can go into more detail about facial features how your sex appeal affects people)
If manifesting a new home
Your desire: your dream home
Your self concept: I’m worthy of everything I want, I’m stable and secure, I’m always safe and protected, I’m a master at manifesting, I can have anything I want, my life is beyond perfection, I manifest what I want effortlessly, I’ve always been rich, I can afford anything I want
Your affirmations: I live in a beautiful new home, I have my dream home etc
And there it is! That’s all there is to it. Create your own state, swell in it and persist until it becomes fact and manifests. Good luck!
ETA: more about self concept and what it should accomplish!
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553everly · 1 year
👑✨I love being on the pedestal ✨👑
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553everly · 1 year
I deserve to look good, I deserve to feel good, and I deserve any and all resources I need in order to make that happen.
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