5h-epilogue · 6 months
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“ . . . and as you’ve grown up, I continued with running my companies, starring in movies, making music, and I produced my play. Everyone else eventually found happiness in one way or another, thank goodness.”
Nia had wondered how her parents were so rich, how she was able to enjoy such comfortable seating out on the patio she glanced around at now that overlooked an enormous pool — the big, outdoor flower and vegetable garden to the right of it — and the patio also had two flat-screen televisions, a gourmet outdoor cooking area with a grill, and, appropriately, ceiling fans and a fire pit.
“Wow, mom. That’s . . . wow.” The young girl was in a bit of shock. She understood why a filmmaker wanted to make a movie about you. A countless amount of questions ran through her mind about you, her mother, who was considered to be a living legend.
Your beloved chef came outdoors and served you and your daughter a bowl of strawberry chicken salad, your favorite summer meal, which she now knew reminded you of your old, deceased lover, Armin Arlert.
“Thank you,” you said to the chef. “Would you mind bringing me my photo album?”
The photo album.
You mentioned it in your story.
Several minutes later, your chef returned with a brown, hardcover book that Nia had seen a countless amount of times in a reserved spot in the library, but never had she touched it. She couldn’t anyway, as it was on a pedestal display underneath protective glass.
Opening the pages, you showed her several photographs of your younger self.
“These were taken by Levi Ackerman,” you said softly.
“You look really pretty,” Nia mumbled, taking the photo album from you, as you were flipping through it too fast for her liking.
She glanced down at a selfie of you and a dark-haired man at the beach, the decades-old date catching her attention.
“Is that Levi?” She asked.
“Yes,” you replied.
Then, she saw the letter Levi had written to you. She only skimmed across it, having already known its contents from your story, and then, she explored the other pages: where Levi told you to continue filling the photo album with pictures from your past, present, and future.
There was a picture of you with a kind-looking, blonde-haired man, standing side by side in a bakery, hands covered in flour.
There was another picture of that same man in a selfie with her father, who seemed so young.
It was clearly Armin. Not only could she gather that from the details your story provided, but he was one of three people in every photo she stared at who she hadn’t seen in her entire life.
There was a photo of you and Jean in a studio together, you writing something down on a notepad as he studiously adjusted something on the soundboard mixer.
“Wait, was this CS Records or Arlert Records?”
You leaned over, looking at the photo.
“CS Records. See the date? Jean and I were more than likely working on my first few songs during the Eldian Devils tour. I can’t remember who took the picture, though.”
Nia hummed in response.
Next, there was a picture of you and Eren getting married for the first time as young artists in Las Vegas. Underneath it, there was a picture of you and Eren getting remarried in Europe.
The other photos consisted of you, Reiner, and his family the night he proposed, you and Mikasa having lunch near a bridge, a group of friends playing cards around a table, a few pictures of you on stage, on film sets, and at awards shows, Eren’s family, and other pictures of you and your friends who she lovingly recognized.
It was odd to know that, as she looked at all of the photographs of people who she had just seen last week, there were two people in some pictures who would never, ever age. The photos of Levi and Armin existed as a permanent reminder of how they will always be known.
Towards the back of the photo album, there was a picture of you with another man she didn’t recognize, but it wasn’t Levi. It wasn’t Armin.
“Is that Connie Springer?” Your daughter leaned over to show you a photograph of you and Connie dressed in suits and gowns for some sort of event.
“Yes,” you said. “That was my album release party. It was the first night Connie let me out of my bedroom after locking me away.”
“Uh,” Nia frowned. “That’s really-”
Nia interrupted her own sentence, distracted by the very last photo in the photo album.
It was a picture that was much older than the other ones. Not only did the date give it away, but the horrible camera quality as well.
It was a photo that couldn’t be found online. A photograph that was worth more than diamonds and gold.
Four young teenagers, standing in front of beautiful trees and bushes, smiling brightly, were photographed by her grandmother, Carla Yeager.
Nia read the little description below the childhood photo of Eren, Jean, Connie, and Marco: The original Eldian Devils. So long & farewell.
Below that, there was a photo of two young children trying to catch fireflies in a patch of high grass underneath a streetlight, photographed by her other grandmother, whom she had never known.
The little description below that childhood photo read: First loves. So long & farewell.
Nia closed the photo album.
“I think I’m gonna cry, Mom,” Nia started to bury her head in her hands. But then, she suddenly perked up and pushed herself out of her seat. “I gotta go see Dad!”
The young girl speed-walked through the enormous home. At this hour, she was certain where to find him.
Opening the door to the family room, there he was, strumming his guitar.
“Hi angel,” Eren smiled, soft wrinkles by his emerald eyes appeared as he greeted his beloved daughter with her favorite nickname, but upon seeing her eyes glistening with sadness, he immediately put down his guitar. “What’s wrong?”
He motioned the girl over, who quickly ran to him and sat down, wrapping her arms around him.
While he didn’t know why she was so upset, he had years of experience soothing her cries.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here,” he repeated.
Nia was a touch more sensitive and incredibly empathetic compared to the average person, that much was true, and right now, she could only think about all the pain her father experienced. The abuse. Almost dying. Losing friends.
And it hurt terribly, especially because she had only known him as the kind-hearted man who was a phenomenal father.
“I’m glad mom picked you,” Nia mumbled. “Thank you for always watching The Parent Trap with me . . . showing up to all of my shows and stuff . . . reading my papers . . . and just . . . you’re a great dad. I love you.”
“Aw, I love you too.” Eren hugged his girl even tighter. “Of course, sweetheart. Always.”
When you stepped into the room, smiling softly, Eren gave you a confused look that silently asked: What’s going on?
You held up the photo album, and he immediately understood.
Eren then motioned you over. Once you sat beside him, he kissed your forehead and wrapped his arm around you as well, holding on to the two people he cherished more than anyone or anything else in the world.
“I love you, mom. You’re so strong, and pretty amazing, too.” Nia reached out, touching your arm. “I hope I can be like you when I’m your age. Older you. Not younger you. You used to be a mess.”
For a while, the three of you sat there, hugging one another, experiencing nothing but pure love and joy.
A few months later, it was Thanksgiving.
The heartwarming event was hosted at your house, as it was every year, and familiar faces were gathered around the enormous dining room table covered with warm plates of food.
This year, Nia approached everyone and asked them more specific questions about their lives, wanting more details about the story she heard.
Aunt Hange was more than happy to answer just about everything after having too much wine.
Everyone was lovingly questioned by the teenager, and she shared what you had told her with their children as well.
After having dinner, Jean and his wife were sitting in the living room, playing cards with Erwin and Hange.
Reiner and his wife, who had flown in from Tennessee, were socializing with Annie, her girlfriend, and Sasha — who brought her husband, Niccolo, and their son.
Nia hung out in the recreation room with Reiner’s three children, who both had hair as blonde as his and were slightly younger than she was.
Mikasa, who had settled down in Washington after seeing the world, wanting to be closer to her friends and family, was telling you and Eren about one Thanksgiving year that she had spent lost in the middle of a forest.
A little while afterward, once dinner, laughter, and board games came to an end, Eren found you outside on the patio, staring at the glowing fireplace.
“Hi, baby. Everyone’s gone,” Eren sat down beside you. “Nia’s asleep, or she’s pretending to be, I’m not sure.”
“She’s probably tired, so I’m guessing she's actually asleep,” you said with a grin. “Today was fun. I miss everyone already.”
“Me too,” Eren smiled softly. “I’m glad everyone’s doing well. I hope it stays that way.”
“It will,” you suddenly yawned.
“Come on,” Eren stood up and reached his hand out, and you took it. “Let’s get ready for bed.”
“Someone’s excited to cuddle, huh?” You teased, expecting him to deny it, but proudly, he grinned wider and said, “Of course I am, so hurry up.”
After having a shower together, you and Eren both cuddled up in bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms.
That night, you dreamt of your past — making cinnamon rolls in a bakery and staring at stars from a rooftop.
It was a dream that you often had, but not out of regret. Not out of pain. But out of reflection of just how much you healed. How much your life had changed.
There were some people you wished you could bring back — Armin and Levi.
Some questions went unanswered — who your stalker was all those years ago, and whether it was a stranger or a lover.
But, even so, after having five husbands, and after every beautiful experience and painful memory, you could finally say that you had found contentment, and your one true love was the happiness you experienced as you grew old with your friends and family by your side.
Five years.
That’s how long Eren had been trying his hardest to visit Connie in prison.
And a month after having Thanksgiving dinner with his family and friends, Connie allowed him to come.
What a stubborn man Connie was, but Eren’s persistence had won.
Eren couldn’t lie. He was nervous. The last time he laid eyes on the CS Records owner, he was testifying against him in court, both of them as young men. Both of them wishing that the other person would simply fall over and die.
But now, as the man in his forties sat in an uncomfortable chair in a private room, waiting for Connie to arrive on the other side of the thick glass, he couldn’t help but wonder what made Connie finally allow him to visit.
But he wouldn’t have to wonder much longer.
His leg, which shook with anticipation, halted its movement when a door opened and a prisoner was escorted out in chains, two correctional officers standing at his side.
It was him. Connie Springer.
Eren’s brows unintentionally furrowed, his face twitching as he fought the urge to both smile and frown.
It was Connie — the same man that tried to take his life. A murderer. Torturer. And yet, it was Connie, his old childhood friend who had aged just as he did, and despite being behind bars, he looked rather well.
If Connie was as shocked to see Eren after years upon years, Eren couldn’t tell, as the prisoner simply blinked at him as he was escorted to his seat on the other side of the glass, his face expressionless. Intimidating.
And he just stared at Eren.
The former musician was the first one to pick up the phone hanging on the wall to communicate. Connie did so as well a few moments later.
Pressing the phone to his ear, Eren’s emotional, shiny eyes darted away from Connie’s, down at the new tattoo on Connie’s left arm, and back up at him.
“Hey,” Eren spoke first.
Connie didn’t respond.
He just stared at Eren.
“I’m here because I wanted to see how you were doing,” Eren spoke yet again.
Connie’s chains rattled as he shifted in his seat.
He just stared at Eren.
With a frown, Eren questioned, “Why did you let me come visit you if you weren’t going to talk to me?”
“You didn’t give me a choice. I thought you’d give up . . . after five fucking years.”
Eren couldn’t help but smile a bit. Hearing his voice again after forgetting what it sounded like was rather startling.
“You only said yes so I’d leave you alone?” Eren asked.
“Alright. I’ll take what I can get,” Eren softly sighed. “I never thought that I’d ever want to see you again, but here I am.”
“You really did all this to check on me?” Connie’s question was fired rather abruptly, nearly cutting off Eren’s sentence. “I put a bullet through your chest. I’m the reason you only have eight fingers left. I killed your friends, and I could keep naming shit I’ve done. Why are you here?”
Eren glanced away, adjusting the dark green phone in his hand.
“Time heals all wounds.”
“That something your therapist came up with?”
The corner of Connie’s mouth twitched as, this time, he was the one fighting the urge to smile.
“What I’m trying to say is that I can’t forgive you for what you did to Armin and Levi, and it’s not my place to or not to. But I forgive you for what you did to me.” Eren’s eyes glistened with subtle sadness. “I guess I’m just hoping that after all this time . . . after all we’ve been through . . . I can talk to my friend again. Not CS Records owner, Connie Springer, but my friend. I haven’t spoken to him since I was fifteen, and I woke up with two new gray hairs today.”
It was a soft noise, one that was very brief and vanished as soon as it had arrived, but Connie chuckled.
“You’re saying some corny stuff, man.”
Eren’s smile brightened. “That’s what happens when you have a kid. All I do now is think of dad jokes, and try to-”
“You have a kid?”
Eren’s face faltered in utter confusion, but as he stared at Connie’s slightly shocked face, he could tell that the man wasn’t messing around.
Nia’s birth was worldwide news. It was a steady hot topic for an entire year — one would have thought that a new member of the royal family had been born.
But then, Eren realized that for the most part, behind bars, the outside world ceased to exist. Especially in maximum security facilities.
“Yeah,” Eren said. “I have a daughter. She turned fourteen a month ago.”
“Is her mom around? Who’s she?”
“Her mom is Y/N. And, yeah, she’s around. We’ve been married for years.”
“Seriously?” Connie couldn’t hide the shock and surprise. A look of amusement appeared upon his face as he raised his eyebrows. “Well, uh . . . congratulations. How’s Y/N?”
Eren couldn’t help but smile as he thought about you, his beautiful wife. “She’s good. She’s great. Her companies are still going strong, and she’s finally happy.”
“Didn’t wanna come see me?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Yeah, I get that,” Connie nodded.
Then, his face fell into a small frown, hazel eyes darting down to the corner of the glass, staring at nothing in particular.
“How’s Jean doing?”
“Jean’s fine. He’s retired from music. He married a pianist.” Eren paused. “Everyone else is doing fine too. Reiner has kids and a wife, and they all have Southern accents — it’s funny to hear. Mikasa finally . . .”
For a while, Connie listened to Eren ramble on about the progressive lives of the people he once knew.
As his old friend spoke, he couldn’t help but wonder how his life would have turned out if he had made different choices.
Sadness pricked at his heart, sending a small ache throughout his body.
If only he wasn’t such an idiot back then.
No. He was worse than an idiot.
He was a monster.
“What about you, Connie? I know you’re locked up, but how are they treating you here? Knowing you, you probably run this place, huh?”
Truth be told, Connie was rather surprised to know Eren cared. It was just as touching as it was shocking.
“Damn right,” Connie said.
And it was true, but not in the way one would imagine.
He intimated who he needed to. Ruined lives when he needed to. But, over the nearly two decades he had been behind bars, he had done it solely to stick up for the defenseless prisoners, both young and old, who didn’t deserve to be treated as he once was when he was locked up the first time.
It wasn’t some change of heart that had occurred over the last several years, either.
From the very first day he entered as a younger man, he was both starting fights and finishing them to protect others.
He couldn’t explain why he did such things. It was no secret that he didn’t mind letting other people get hurt, considering he excelled at harming others, but this was different.
Somehow, it just was.
“Can I ask you something? And be honest with me,” Eren paused, carefully thinking over his words before he dared to utter them. “Do you regret it? Any of it?”
Connie ran his hand down his lower face.
It was a difficult question, and not because he didn’t know the answer, because he did, but rather, he wasn’t sure if the truth was an acceptable response.
Telling the truth meant showing weakness. Losing power.
Letting go of that mentality was rather difficult, especially behind bars where weakness was preyed on.
But he didn’t care about those former beliefs anymore. He was getting too old for such stupidity.
“Telling you I regret it will give you closure, right?”
“Surely you want closure too.”
“I regret everything.” The prisoner looked into his old friend’s eyes as he spoke. “I wish I . . .” He clenched his jaw. He couldn’t speak anymore — but there were, perhaps, no words in the English language that could properly express what he felt in his heart.
“Well, uh, how about this,” The other man sniffled softly as spoke. “You’ll have to be under constant supervision, but, in a few years, how about we work on getting you out of here . . . letting you see the sun again? What do you say?”
Fighting the urge to cry was an incredibly difficult battle. The prisoner nodded, his teary eyes shining with guilt and hope, and the other man nodded along with him.
“Okay, well,” the former musician smiled sadly, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
The visit ended with goodbyes and promises that they both intended to keep. Your dear husband couldn’t be certain what the future held, but as he did the day he first met you all those years ago, approaching you backstage with great curiosity, he’d trust his gut.
For it had led him to his one true love, and he’d listen to it — always.
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