5sosimagines22 ¡ 7 years
Night Gone Wrong
It was your last concert of the tour. You were exhausted but excited to finally go back home and have a few months off. You were in the dressing room finishing off some self reflective time when your manager stepped in. 
“20 minutes until you’re on dear” she said. 
 You sighed and looked at your phone. You decided to go on and see some of the tweets. Some saying they loved you, some saying they wanted to meet you… This is what you worked hard for. To please them and make them happy. 
You played your show, letting some tears slide. You finally did it. After the show you decided to go to a bar and have a drink with a friend. Security was always near by, keeping look at what you were all doing 
"Hey Callum!" Luke shouted at you as he motioned for you to come and see him at the bar. You rolled your eyes, knowing he just wanted you there to talk to some girls. 
You walked on over and smiled. "Hey ladies" you said with your devilish grin. Luke, Michael, Ashton and you stood talking to fans and others at the bar, signing autographs and taking pictures with them. You could feel your phone blowing up with notifications. It's all worth it in the end you thought. 
As the night wrapped up, you said goodbye to everyone and got in an uber to your hotel. Luke had a girl with him, Michael was too drunk to know what was going on and Ashton was passed out. You laughed, god we are a bunch you thought. As you arrived at the hotel, you woke Ashton up and carried Michael in on one arm. You all went your seperate ways and said goodnight. 
Your hotel room was amazing. Huge king size bed with the best sheets in town. A view of the city, the nightlife still going strong. It was 4am, but you could still see clubs with their lights on and people stumbling home. You had a flat screen in front of your bed which you switched on with low volume, for background noise. You took off your clothes and chucked them into the wash box and got in the shower. 
You started thinking about her, the girl who you'd seen tweet thousands of messages a day to you. You always replied, but it took a few days before you could see any responses or reply. You were staying in her home town, which made you think of her more.
As you washed yourself off and hopped out the shower, something was unusual. You could smell a scent that wasn't yours and you quickly chucked a towel around you. You walked around the corner and saw the tip of a gun pointing at you. You carefully raised your eye level to theirs, meeting their gaze. You gasp'd and heard them laugh. 
"You really thought you'd get away that easy, Callum?" They said walking closer to you..
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 8 years
Calum Hood Is Your Best Friend - Part Two
End of Part One: “Calum wait!” You shouted “Leave me alone!” He shouted back before turning a corner and disappearing. Part Two: You walked back to my car and got in, Ashton running outside to the car. "What happened?" He questioned leaning into the window. "Nothing, nothing, I just need to go sorry. I'll text you" you said, knowing you wouldn't and your mind was set to find Calum. You drove off looking all night, you called and texted hundreds of times before giving up and going home. You got into bed with frustration and anger in your head - how could he do that?! You thought. Before you fell asleep you sent one last text. [Calum, I know you're ignoring me. Please be okay. It's confusing, you've confused me, but I guess... Look we need to talk, I have something to say] <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> When you woke up, your eyes were sore from the makeup and your mouth was parched for water. You ran a shower before getting dressed and going downstairs. You drove to the school and got your books from your locker, with no sign of Calum anywhere. The day dragged on and you got angrier think of how Calum could just do that and not show up. You knew he had a show that night so you prepared to speak to him then. You arrived at the door and walked in, searching eagerly for him. You walked to the sound booth where your friend Luke was standing, who is also Calum's friend. "Luke, have you seen Calum?" You questioned "Y/n, you shouldn't be here, he's upset, you broke him" "Luke, I need to see him. I need to tell him that I-" you said before going silent "That you?" He smiled, knowing full well the answer "I need to tell him I love him. I know it now, I guess I have all along, please Luke I need your help!" "Fine, mid set I'll bring you into the stage. You can say it then. Okay?" They played their set and Calum looked so good on the guitar. You saw Ashton playing drums and smiled lightly at him as he smiled back. They stopped and walked off stage, Luke coming and grabbing your arm and pushing you onto it. This was it, in front of everyone you're gonna say it... "Hello" you said softly and looked at Luke scared. He put the thumbs up and you found Calum at the bar. He looked confused and sort of amused you were there. "I need to say something!" You said louder and everyone went quiet. "There's a boy here tonight who means the world to me. He's funny, kind, silly and just one of a kind. I never knew until I almost lost him how much he meant to me, how much I... I loved him." You stopped and stared at Calum, his mouth open wide. "Calum, you're the only man I see before I sleep and the one I see when I wake. You're on my mind 24/7 and I can't imagine not being with you. I want to feel you and be yours. Will you be mine?" You said nervously. He walked forward, jumping onto the stage and staring at you. Your heart was pounding before he took your face in his hands and kissed you. "Of course, you drive me insane I can't not!" He said before kissing You again and the crowd cheering and aweing.
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 8 years
Calum Hood Is Your Best Friend
Calum was the popular boy in school. Slick, muscley, loved the attention and had that look that could make you die.
His locker was next to mine, and it made me nervous at the thought of having to open it when he was there. I’ve known him for years, we spoke and he was always so friendly but his girlfriend always came over and stood in front of me when we talked. I guess you could say I was a little invisible.
I shut my locker to see Calum’s face. “What do you want?” I rolled my eyes at him before crossing my arms with my books.
“Well, you know how much you love me? And love coming to parties with me…right??” Calum giggled. “I’ve set you up with one of my friends. So you’re coming tonight” he smiled his stupid cheeky smile at me.
“No! Calum I need to study I told you this! Plus I don’t even know your friend!” You squealed before turning to try walk away.
“Please Y/n! He’s so excited to talk to you - apparently he’s been wanting to for weeks but thought I was interested, how funny!” He laughed awkwardly, shifting in his shoes. “Anyway you have to because you’re driving me remember, no licence…”
Ah yes Calum was always the badass, running his car off the road last year after one of his small shows in the local hangout. He had a bit too much to drink.
“Whatever but I’m not looking nice” you snarled before running off to class.
“See you at 8!!” He screamed after you
There was a knock on the door and you fixed the last bit of lipstick in the mirror before swishing your hair and running down stairs. Running in tight black jeans is hard! You thought. You opened the door to see Calum leaning again the door frame. His brown hair was wavy and he had his favourite band tee on, ripped black jeans and boots. His tanned skin was glowing and his brown eyes beamed at you.
“Let’s go” he said in his husky voice before grabbing your arm and pulling you to your car. “Oh btw - I thought you weren’t going to look good!?” He giggled and you playfully hit him.
“Shut up and put some music on” you said as you both slid in.
You arrived at the party and the music was blaring. You opened the door and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing two cups. You filled one with beer for Calum and the other with soda for yourself.
“Here” you said to Calum as he smiled and took it, then took your arm.
“Let’s find Ashton!” He said dragging you around the house.
When you found him Calum introduced you two then found his girlfriend, saying sorry before running off with her. You and Ashton sat talking and before you knew it, you actually were having fun. Giggling and playfully hitting each other when insulted, telling each other funny stories on Calum. You noticed Calum walking back inside and sitting on a couch in another area, but was still in view of you. He looked over and smiled before turning away. Ashton moved closer, placing his hand on your leg. You looked up and before you knew it his lips were touching yours. One hand on your face and the other still stuck to your leg, you placed your hand up before pulling away.
“Wow I uh-” but before you could finish, Calum had slammed the front door and stormed outside, heading grunting and yelling. You were confused so excused yourself and ran outside, Calum had started walking down the street.
“Calum! Calum!” You shouted running after him. “Calum!” You said reaching him out of breath, grabbing his arm and turning him to you. “What’s your problem!?” You shouted.
He turned and grabbed your arms. “ITS YOU, it’s always been you. You’re my problem!!!” He screamed.
“What? What did I do Calum?”
“Why did you kiss him, and in front of me??” He said
“Calum I thought you wanted me t-” but before you could finish Calum had pushed you against the wall behind you and was kissing your lips, needing, angrily but warm and soft too. His hands wrapped around your cheeks and his body tight against yours, your mind was confused and running wild. He pulled away, looking at the ground. “I shouldn’t have-” he said before turning and running off.
“Calum wait!” You shouted
“Leave me alone!” He shouted back before turning a corner and disappearing.
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 8 years
Best Calum imagine/ fic youve ever read?
I can't even tell you hey, there's soooooo many!!! 😍
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 8 years
After u meet him 2please?!?!?!?!?!
Which one sorry? :)
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
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Calum kills me
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Hi! Can u do a 5sos 4/4 where he finds out you're extremely ticklish?
Hi there! By 4/4 do you mean a story for each one? :) X
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Part Two Business Trip
Last sentence of part one: “My good girl, you need to wait. You can only cum when I say” he said and the way he said it made you jolt with pleasure. He sounded so stern and sexy, knowing exactly what he wanted. Requested: Anonymous! Michael slipped off the bed and walked to the bathroom, looking back to see if you were following. You got up and followed, peaking around the corner as you saw him standing near the mirror, just in his underwear, his length sticking up through them, making you gasp. He looked up, he was HUGE! "Come" he said, and with that one word you were at his side, hands running down his chest. He pulled at your waist as he slid your underwear and bra off, doing the same with his. Your eyes watched as his huge length flew out, standing at attention, begging for your touch. He moved backwards slightly as he opened the shower door and turned it on, pulling you with him, then fully into the shower. The feeling of the water running over your body and his, the way your hands slid easier made you crave him. He looked at you and smiled, then grabbed your hair and pulled slightly "Suck it" he demanded and you were straight on your knees, playing with his length. You moved your hands up and down, taking in the size, before slowly licking the tip. He let out a soft moan and you slid your mouth down fully. You took his whole size in your mouth and when you reached the back of your throat he groaned. "Ohh y/n, yes" he said as he thrusted at your mouth, grabbing your hair from the back and forcing himself into you. You went to go faster as you felt him coming and you could feel him resisting, trying to pull away, but you insisted before he yanked your head straight off. "Good girls listen, they get rewarded. Bad girls get punished" he said before striking you softly across the face with his hand. "Now be a good girl and come here" he said as you both hopped out the shower and back to the bedroom. You went to the bed as he grabbed you and pulled you to the balcony. "I like people knowing how good my slaves are" he said as you both stood outside naked. You moved to the edge and looked over the side when you felt two hands slap your ass, grab it, and then a face slowly appear in your groove. His tongue slowly licked your entrance as he forced you to bend over more. You tried to wiggle away before you felt a hand come down hard on your ass and you knew you had to do as you were told. He licked you from behind, making you wetter and eager for him, and just as you were at your peak again he stopped. "No!" You exclaimed loudly before he turned you around and grabbed your face. "What did I say?" He said looking straight into your eyes. "Sorry" you said softly before he kissed you and turned you back around. He held himself at your entrance, long enough for you to beg for it, before he thrusted into you hard. You let out a loud moan as you moved to the pace of him. "My good girl that's it, tell everyone who's fucking you like this" He thrusted hard, picking up the pace as he could feel you getting close and himself the same. He turned you around and picked you up, putting you against the wall as he fucked and kissed you, pushing you over board. You moaned loudly as you came, which set him off hearing if, making him cum too. He lifted you down breathless, and you both looked at each other. "Such a good girl" he said before kissing you one more time and pulling you inside.
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Imagine him surprising you at work and he wears this stupid hat
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@5SOS: Wake in the mornin, feelin like…
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Imagine Luke is on the phone to important work people and you get upset at him so you try to annoy him by making him pull faces and playing with his face, hair ect and he just lays there and takes it lol
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
seeing Joe Jonas with 5sos dead ass feels like seeing my ex boyfriend hanging out with my boyfriend and I’m not sure how to feel about it
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Imagine him serenading you your favourite 5sos song 😍
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
You're on a business trip.
You and your boss were on a business trip in New York, meeting with clients and having board meeting every day. It was unusually busy today, and you agreed to have dinner with your boss, Michael. He had looked stressed and he offered to take you earlier in the day. You thought you would just go to an Italian or Mexican place... Something cheap. You were so wrong. He called you when you got home asking you to wear the dress he had previously had placed in your hotel suite. It was a nice tight black dress with a patterned see through material over the top that was just a bit longer than the actual black dress, so it was see through near your legs. He told you to meet him at one of the restaurants at 7. As you got down there someone escorted you to a table with a view of New York central. You placed your hand to your face as you peered out, taking in exactly where you were. As you turned you noticed your boss was standing, watching. "Oh hi! Sorry!" You said as you stood up to greet him. You shook hands and he quickly moved so he tucked your chair in for you. "Hello y/n, how are you this evening?" He said as he motioned for the waiter. You got talking as drinks came piling up and food was served. You saw with each time you had a sip of your drink, or are a little more food he became more relaxed, his superior exterior walls were being brought down. He smiled at you when you laughed hard at jokes, and you talked about everything but work. You didn't realise until it had happened but you had had a bit too much to drink, and your boss could realise. He motioned for the check, paid it and then grabbed your hand as you walked to the elevator. As you both stood in the elevator, you lent against him, taking comfort in his shape, feeling his muscle tone underneath the suite he was wearing. "You know, you're very gorgeous" he said as he peered down to look at you, smiling before looking back up. Your tummy was fluttering and you grabbed his hand and squeezed before stepping out the elevator towards the room. You walked into his room at the hotel, it was huge with see through glass windows, a big king size bed, spa bath with a tv above, lounges... As you were looking at everything you felt his presence behind you. His breath was on your neck, warm and thrilling, as his hands glided over your shoulders, your back and your hips. "Do you want anything to drink?" He asked before pouring himself one. "Maybe just some water please" you said as he nodded and got you a glass. He was getting ice when you noticed your bag in the room. You peeked inside and saw some clothes so you started to get changed, his eyes peeking over without realising. As you tried to get the dress off the zip got stuck, and you frustratingly, and being tipsy, tried to yank it down. Before you knew it his hands were moving yours and he was undoing the dress for you, his mouth right next to your neck, and as the zip came loose his head turned into your neck, his nose grazing it, before he walked to the bed and laid on it, flicking the TV on. You had always had a thing for him. He was so sexy, kind, caring and you had seen a whole new side to him tonight. As you slipped on your see through night gown over your bra and undies, you smiled. You looked good. You wanted to flirt. What the hell. As you walked back around the corner his eyes stared intently at you, as he patted the bed next to him. You slid onto the bed and laid next to him, before he reached around you pulling you closer. Your head landed on his chest and he started to play with your hair as you watched a movie. You looked up at him, and his eyes veered down. You places a hand on his cheek before moving up to kiss his lips. His right hand flew around to the back of your head hard as he kissed you back, pulling you in for more. You moved to be on top of him as you slowly unbuttoned his shirt and kissed harder, biting his lip and kissing his neck softly as you slide it off his body. "Are you sure?" He asked before you simply nodded towards him, kissing his lips. His hands flew to your waist before not hands lifted you off him and threw you under neath, his body on top of yours now. His smell lingered above you, sweet and musky. He kissed you harder as one hand slid to your thigh, slipping the night gown up slightly. He broke the kiss away as he looked at you hard. "I have always thought you were sexy, y/n" he said before his body was grinding softly on you. He slid your night gown over the top of you, as you laid in your underwear. "Fuck" he exclaimed as he kissed your neck, moving down your body. The way he swore got you excited, it was so hot to hear him so different. "Please" your voice begged as he reached down near your heat, his hands playing with your thighs as his eyes stared intently up at you. "Michael please" you begged again, and hearing his name made him groan as he softly rubbed you on the outside. Your body jolted at the sudden rush of pleasure, and one hand of his came down hard on your tummy to hold you in place. He slid your underwear off before kissing all the way up your thigh and onto your heat. He kissed, before licking slightly up. He watched as your body moved with pleasure, each time he licked. He slid a finger inside and heard you moan, making him groan against you, the vibrations sending you into complete euphoria. As you were on your point of cumming, he moved completely away and came up to kiss you. "Uhhhh" you let out in frustration before grabbing at his pants. "My good girl, you need to wait. You can only cum when I say" he said and the way he said it made you jolt with pleasure. He sounded so stern and sexy, knowing exactly what he wanted. (Possible part two? Let me know)
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
So today I read on the newspaper that 5sos is coming here to Hong Kong, and I tell my classmates, who just ask me "Who the heck is that?" I can NOT express my rage right now....
Haha man! One to find a new friend :p or educate as hard as you can :p I kinda just force my love for them upon my friends, they've learnt to ignore me mostly :p
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Master Post
At A Concert
Ashton First Date
Best Friend Takes A Turn Part One
Best Friend Takes A Turn Part Two
Casino/Hotel Event
Calum Is Your Boss
He Finds You At A Concert
He’s Sick (Calum)
He Tries To Help You
House Party
Luke Next Door
Luke Safe Word
Michael and Curvy Girl
Personal Trainer Part One
Personal Trainer Part Two
Sad Calum
You Meet Him After A Break Up
5SOS Concert
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
Hey love, I hope you are doing okay Xxx
Hi there. Thank you! I am getting through, I should be okay come the end of the week so I will probably start posting again then, sorry to everyone I'm letting down. Thank you for he message though it means so much knowing someone cares... xxx
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5sosimagines22 ¡ 9 years
He is your boss
You've been working in a retail store for over a year now, and you get along really well with everyone. You like your boss, he's sweet, but he's very secretive and you never know what he's going to be like when you catch him. You got asked to go into his big office in the city and as you waited outside you tapped your feet together as you looked around the room. "Calum is free now" the receptionist said as she escorted you into his office. "Ah y/n, there you are, come in, sit please" he said as he shut the door, and you could have sworn you heard a lock. "How are you?" He asked "I'm good, thanks" you replied nervously. "Now I just wanted to talk to you about a promotion coming up, it pays well and it's adventurous, I'm assuming you like that" he laughed "anyway, it's for a model for the company, and I couldn't think of anyone better" he said before staring deeply at you. He stood up from his desk and walked around, standing in front of you. His suit made him look so nice, and as you uncrossed your legs and swapped sides, you noticed his eyes gazed down, and hovered, before reaching back up to your face. "That sounds great, when do I start?" You asked, smiling politely at him. Why is he looking at me like that? With his big brown eyes gazing at me lustfully. Gah he always does this and knows exactly how it makes me feel! It's like he wants to torture me by him teasing me. He licked his lips and leaned closer to you. "Now, if you want. I have some outfits here id like you to try" he said, looking down your body, hovering over your bits that stick out nicely before coming back up to your face. "Okay" you said and as you both stood up he grabbed the clothes. "I'll just change here" you said and smiled "but you gotta turn around" you laughed and he nodded and turned. You slowly took your dress off and pushed it down your body, hoping he would be looking. It had been over a year of torture and lusting after him and you just quite frankly wanted to touch him. You looked back and he was still turned, so disappointedly you slid your bra straps down slowly, inch by inch, and then unhooked it and threw it on the your dress. You went to slide the dress back on before you felt a pair of hands touch yours. "You know exactly what to do to make me want you, every time" he whispered in your ear before you turned and faced him. "I don't know what you're talking about" you said back before he kissed you, grabbing your hair to pull you in harder. "Don't lie to me y/n, you do that thing where you bite your lip, swap your legs over slowly, play with your hair... It drives me crazy" he said again before kissing you. As you broke away from the kiss his hands wandered down your body, taking in all the curves. "God you're perfect" he said before slowly kissing your neck. "You're the one who is perfect, have you seen yourself?" You questioned before feeling up his arms to his face. You went to reach in for a kiss before there was a knock on the door. He gave you a look of shock before turning and walking to the door. You quickly slid on the dress and he opened the door.
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