6-0xy Ā· 3 years
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Okay my excitement aside, thereā€™s new characters and new dialogue to go through, even though itā€™s just a 17 minute video new lore is always a welcome sight to see. Even though Josiah appears for like a few minutes those few lines he has still have a direct hit in my heart. BUT WAIT
Honestly Iā€™d rather deduct this video in headcanons but watch the video for more lore content! Itā€™s worth it.
And Josiah appearing in the elevator was so hot omg.
Edit : oops I accidentally added in two pictures with the same context my bad
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6-0xy Ā· 3 years
ā€¢ Soā€¦ new Overtime update am I right?
ā€¢ But seriously, there is so much to unpack here.
ā€¢ So for starters, thanks to the video that the creator released, we were introduced to a TON of new characters and info!
ā€¢ Hereā€™s a small list for ya!
ā€¢ Two Receptionist
ā€¢ Damian Stasiuk
ā€¢ Emery Byran
ā€¢ Gavin
ā€¢ So with that out of the way, letā€™s get on with the info.
ā€¢ Damian S.
ā€¢ Damian S. is one of the first people we meet at the beginning of the game. When we meet him, heā€™s cleaning up a mess of monster energy drinks, obviously left by Josiah. Through him, we learn that Josiahā€™s last name is Nguyen, which is later confirmed when we meet him later in the game. Apparently, Josiah has a tendency of taking Damianā€™s cubicle, as he says that he doesnā€™t remember his cubicle being that dirty when he left, and he also tells the player to tell Josiah to stay out of his cubicle. He also mentions that Josiah doesnā€™t even work in the same department as the player, saying he either worked as Janitorial staff or as
ā€¢ Thanks to this, we learn that these two seem to have a dislike for each other. Damian obviously doesnā€™t like Josiah because he steals his cubicle whenever heā€™s gone, and Josiah because, although this is just my theory, gets to work next to the player. I only say this though because the creator of the game (@turnip_liker) confirmed that Josiah kills the playerā€™s coworkers because he either a) deeply cares for the player or b) they have a past together. Josiah possibly takes advantage of Damianā€™s absence and uses is it to get closer to the player, which further pushes the idea that Josiah is obsessed or a yandere for the player.
ā€¢ The player also seems to know Damian, but thatā€™s obvious considering that their cubicles are right next to each other.
ā€¢ After a talk with Jackson, the player uses the elevator (which works this time) and heads down to Finance to help a lady named Sarah with her computer. In short, the player meets one Emery Byran who informs them that Sarah wasnā€™t there, that her husband had taken a fall and she had the be there for him. The player gets skeptical, but Emery ensures them, saying that heā€™d bring the player to her empty desk himself, but he and the others were very busy. Through this convo, the reader asks more questions, and we learn that Emery had been working at this company for only 2 months, and that he doesnā€™t really talk to his co-workers at all due to them all being old and not very talkative.
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ā€¢ Thatā€™s about as much we get out of him for now, but when gameplays are uploaded onto YouTube, I will update this with all the new available info.
ā€¢ We had back to IT, and we go to tell Jackson about the whole Sarah things which he knows about. Then we encounter a rather particular fellow. His name, when we talk to him, is also Damian! He apparently knows a lot of stuff about everyone, and acts as the main source of info for the player. We donā€™t get much out of this guy, but once I play the game myself, Iā€™ll update this because there is an option to ask about Josiah!
ā€¢ We get a call from Gary who says he wants to have a friendly chat with the reader! Itā€™s pretty much the same as the demon before the new update except you canā€™t just just ignore him this time! Because if you do, he sites that you have to be there in order to pick up the phone. Gary then gets mad at the player, and tells them that this what they were gonna have a little chat about. Just a little reference for to the original Overtime demo!
ā€¢ So the player heads back down to marketing Nā€™s sends up meeting Josiah, whose washing his hand at the water cooler because of a paper cut. He asks the player if heā€™s seen Jackson, says he has a gift for him coming up. Here, we have two options. One of the Allieā€™s the reader to ask what Josiah has against Jackson, and the other allows you to say that you already know itā€™s the USB drive.
ā€¢ Now THIS is very interesting! This implies that the player remembers what happened last time! But itā€™s actually out of order. The gift he is preparing for Jackson is the USB drive, but this has already happened, hasnā€™t it? Nope. Turns out that this is before then, and when you tell Josiah about he, heā€™s surprised about the fact that you know, but plays it off.
ā€¢ When you go to leave, the elevator gets stuck, and when you turn around, you see Josiah. Heā€™s leaned up against the back of the elevator fall, and then there a flash of light. Multiple scenes flash before the player, and they are all very interesting.
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ā€¢ In the first flash, and he camera slides across the scene, showing us Emery standing in the middle of a room with blood splattered everywhere. In the second flash we see Damian S. at his desk, the cubicle, floor, and wall covered in blood. Handing on the side of the cubicle is Josiahā€™s hat and a hockey stick. With this, I have a couple of new theories!
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ā€¢ My first theory is that two seem to know something about Josiah and may be associated with him in some way. Perhaps they all kill for the sake of the player, acting as love rivals, buts itā€™s unlikely based off our interactions.
ā€¢ My second theory is that Emery and Damian S. are working in association with Josh, but more importantly Emery. Itā€™s possible that heā€™s a close friend thatā€™s helping Josiah get away with murder.
ā€¢ Those are all the main things I wanted to talk about however. But hereā€™s a one more theory I have!
ā€¢ The player mentions how Josiah is good at getting away with things. This plays perfect into the role of obsessive yandere as he can easily just go talk and interact with the player with little to no repercussions. But why is that? Even Damian S. says that if he did what Josiah did, heā€™d get fired. I say itā€™s because Josiah has family members working on HR! They allow him to get away with certain things, such as slacking off or, in extreme cases, murder.
It explains how heā€™s allowed to play games, steal others cubicles, and play pranks with any serious repercussions. Itā€™s mentioned that HR doesnā€™t do much to help when it comes to misbehavior, so maybe Iā€™m overthinking, but itā€™s still interesting to think about!
Additional Facts
Josiah is confirmed Vietnamese, and Damian S. is Polish!
The time is something the player needs to focus on, as it changes during every flash.
Josiahā€™s hair is messy under the cap.
Weā€™ll learn more about Josiahā€™s family in the future!
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