7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Final pitch video
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Case study, Pitch video, Prototype tasks
Case study process
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Completed case study
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Pitch video storyline
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Pitch video draft
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Completed prototype & tasks
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Final Three tasks
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+) Reflection
: I worked with Jane throughout the research and design process, and we used collaborative tools like miro and Figma to always give feedback and carry out projects. We both feel like we've reached a new level of knowledge while working on this project. And thank you Keryn for always providing sufficient teaching materials and examples.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Week. 11-13
Design processes
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: The completed version of the homepage. We placed the search window at the top of the top to emphasize enhanced search capabilities and induce users to use it. In addition, unlike the existing My Schedule, the academic schedule and personal schedule were integrated so that users could simply check all schedules on this section. In the existing MySchedule, these schedules were separated, and users should have checked them on different tabs. We have solved one of the biggest pain points and reduced the steps of the process so that users can get information as quickly as possible when they find the information they need.
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Despite the many changes we have made in the past few weeks, we have found our way. We reached a design agreement, and we completed the design by discussing a new user flow.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Usertesting, Design process, Case study structure
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: We made a change in previous designs that were monotonous by actively using the colours we analyzed last week on the menu. In addition, we removed the news located on the main screen and considered various alternatives to effectively use this position.
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: We also changed the way we showed the shortcut function. Users were asked to select one of the pages including the shortcut function and the standard page. When the user selects a page with a shortcut, the above screen appears.
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: Again, User Test We developed the design by continuously conducting a large number of user tests together. At this point, we tried many things, but none of them seemed to be well organized. As we continued to conduct user testing, we received sincere feedback, organized it, shared it, had meetings, and slowly began to take hold.
One day, a user who chose a customised version in user feedback received an opinion that it would be inconvenient to not be provided with basic menus. After dividing the two, many problems arose, and it became clear that the design in this direction should be reconsidered.
We've been organizing the feedback again and continuing our endless meetings, and we've come to the conclusion that it's better not to divide the two, but to unify the design in a standard way, and to allow the widget function to be placed on the mobile main page. This will not only respond appropriately to our HMW questions but also increase user accessibility and usability!
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: We also started planning for a case study at this point.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Wireframe, Design process, User testing
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: We completed the first design draft based on the information architecture we outlined earlier. The focus point of this design is the shortcut function. We made it possible for users to place frequently used menus directly on the main page through the shortcut function. Users can also choose the color and shape of the content to suit their taste.
Also, the news on the main page has been changed so that the user can select and view it by swiping. This includes only the latest 3 news and clicking the more button opens a page where you can check other news as well.
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: We conducted user testing based on this first draft. In this first user testing, we mainly received feedback that the application does not feel like the AUT app. After receiving this feedback and looking at our design again, I thought that it was because we did not use the main colour of the original application that we were originally going to use. Therefore, we made a plan to analyze what colours our school uses and how to use these colours on the AUT homepage and apply them to future designs.
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: In addition, we conducted a few more user testing with other student applicants. As the user testing went on, we had to re-consider the user flow of the shortcut function. Users did not feel the advantage of setting a custom icon, and the way to add it was also not simple, so if this was an option, they probably wouldn't use this as much. Additionally, there was a feeling that the news in the functions located at the bottom and the news on the home screen overlapped more than necessary. We will revise the design direction in the future based on the feedback above.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Prototype personality, Information architecture, Card sorting
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: In class this week, we did a prototype personality activity. In this activity, we assumed that this prototype has a certain character, and we describe its value, the direction we are pursuing, and the image we want to visualise, on a single board. Constructing this helped us to think again about the direction we are pursuing and to find an agreement.
We mainly try to take the feeling that it can feel friendly without being too lighthearted as much as making an official school app. And as a visual element to support this, we will primarily use a single colour, but we will do so by combining it with various colour auxiliary colours that are unique to our school.
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: In order to reorganize the homepage, we constructed an information architecture based on the functions that users feel most needed based on past user researches.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
User journey map & Concept testing planning and Lo-fi wireframes
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: We modified the HMW question not only by referring to past feedback but also by considering the direction of the design. The previous question felt broader, so we revised it to be more specific, which could be expressed in two directions. We set up a concept test to see which of these two ideas is the right direction for our future design decisions. (Pictured right below User Journey)
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: We created the user journey above in our classtime activity. Since the specific design direction has not been decided yet, we decided to analyse the three flows that we felt needed the most development. This gave us an at-a-glance understanding of user processes and greatly aided in problem analysis.
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: We decided to do some concept testing with Concept A. This is because we thought that Concept A was appropriate to come up with a design solution according to the data analysis results we collected based on the interviews and surveys we conducted. Then, we made a questionnaire for testing and the goals we want to achieve through this concept.
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: Before starting design work, we looked at the official apps of other universities. Through this work (competitive analysis), we were able to look at what they were trying to show most importantly in other university apps, especially the elements that they emphasised. We also got some ideas by contrasting these with the direction we were going to design.
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: We made a lo-fi wireframe for the concept test and briefly confirmed the design concept. We devised a customizable main page as one of the ways to increase the usability of the app for users. Then, concept test interviews were conducted with four student applicants. As a result of the interviews, we found that the students highly liked the customization idea. In addition, they said that they expect the activation and development of the search bar, although it is not certain because they have not seen the final design yet.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Formative feedback
We got valuable feedback from our classmates on the mural board.
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That feedback above helped us to think out of the box. Sometimes I think it's necessary to look at problems from the other person's point of view. This feedback encourages us to reconsider the direction we need to go.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Preparing the formative
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10minutes presentation plan
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Final infographic poster
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
Week.6 (2)
Survey results
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Interview responses
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
* Have a range of ideas to choose from
* Have learnt some ideation techniques
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: The answers we provided in response to the HMW question pointed us in the right direction for the next step. We conducted an ideation based on this question, and we got a lot of ideas from this process.
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7012022jihyechoi · 2 years
* Have identified themes in research
* Craft insights from themes
* Have a good understanding of HMW questions and how to create them from research insights
Final survey questions
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: Based on last week's exercise, we could complete our survey questions and post the survey link on SNS pages to obtain responses from our users.
HMW questions
: We created HMW questions based on the problems of the AUT app we analyzed, the pain points of users investigated through interviews and surveys, and ideas presented by users.
We re-examined the insights gained from our research and extracted keywords when developing the HMW questions.
We proceeded with this activity after determining whether the question adequately covered the scope of our project, whether it contained the problem we wanted to solve, and whether our question could elicit a range of responses.
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Interview results
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7012022jihyechoi · 3 years
* Have a draft interview script
* Have a benchmarking user testing script
* Have planned any surveys you want to conduct
A lens, explore the edges
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Identify extremes
1. A lens
a. Behaviour b. Motivation c. Demographic
2. Explore the edges and get specific about the extremes, people and their behaviours.
: Through this exercise, we were able to examine the behavior of expected users, their motives, and demographics of users, which was a great help in creating our interview script.
Writing interview & user testing scripts
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Final interview script
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Interview & user testing practice w/ classmates
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: After we finished writing the script, we had some time to practise our interview with our classmates. This practise allowed us to identify some flaws in our script and areas where we could improve it in the future. Furthermore, we received some feedback from them, which assisted us in viewing our script from a different perspective and editing it.
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7012022jihyechoi · 3 years
This weeks goal
1. Finishing up ethics form
2. Work on research plan - making questions (interview, survey)
3. User journey map
Edit after feedback
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: After we got feedbacks from last week's session, we edited some parts of our pain points. This time, we focused on only pain points and factoids.
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: The research purpose and design challenge were redefined, reviewed, and revised in response to feedback.
Rather than defining the AUT app's problems and solutions first, we re-planned what the user's pain points were and what design challenges we could ultimately derive from this process through research.
Working on interview and survey questions
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+ We will continue to review our research questions and work on them in the future.
User journey map
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7012022jihyechoi · 3 years
This weeks goal
1. Know assumptions from facts
2. Preparing a research plan
3. Complete ethics form
Explore possible candidates
* These questions will help you pick what might be the best candidate out of your three for your project.
- Can the problem be solved with design?
- How can I find out more about my chosen experiences users?
- Is the experience solving the problem or dealing with a symptom?
- What's the competition like? Has someone else already solved this?
- To what extent is this a problem? E.g how many people does it effect and what's the severity?
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:We decided to continue improving the AUT app for the project because it is the most relevant to our uni life. We expect that the redesigned AUT app will be more useful and easier to access for students in need of information.
Research Plan
- Based on your earlier assumptions and factoids mapping what do you need to test/learn? - What would be the best method of testing those through research? - What user group are you going to target? Do you need to interview a range e.g. extremes and averages? Or are your users vey defined? - What are your goals?
- Whatʼs realistic to achieve vs out of your control? E.g. app store rating.
What methods are available to you? ● Problem framing (interviews, *surveys) ● User testing sessions. *Note, surveys, card sorts and tree tests can all be done either as online activities or part of interviews or user testing but they are qualitative methods and you should be cautious with results from a small number of participants. NO: Covert observations or field testing.
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We looked up those three websites to learn how to set up a research plan, and it guided us through each step. We discovered a research plan is essential for the research project through these articles. While working on the project, it assists us in defining our goals, expectations, process, and method.
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7012022jihyechoi · 3 years
Where am I at?
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: We had time to check again how much we know about terms related to UX and UI. Through this time, it was an opportunity to recheck which parts I know well and which parts I do not know well and to make a future study plan for them. It was a good start to the new semester.
UX/UI Superheros
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: Through this activity, it gave me an opportunity to think about where I have strengths in the UX and UI fields. In addition, other friends were able to see what areas they had strengths in, and they were also able to receive feedback from friends who had worked on a project together.
Principle of human centred design
Heuristic evaluation: Interaction principles
: For early detection of usability problems when designing UI.
#1: Visibility of system status
: Users know whatʼs going on and get appropriate feedback
#2: Match between system and the real world
: The system uses concepts and language that is familiar to the user
#3: User control and freedom
: Support undo and redo. Provide an emergency exit
#4: Consistency and standards
: Make sure your UI is predictable, learnable and consistent both externally and internally
#5: Error prevention
: The design should help the user avoid errors especially when the stakes are high
#6: Recognition rather than recall
: Make elements visible so users donʼt need to rely on memory to achieve their task
#7: Flexibility and efficiency of use
: Offer multiple ways to do a task and excellorators such as keyboard shortcuts to increase speed
#8: Aesthetic and minimalist design
: For both written content and design make sure the relevant information (signal) isnʼt overwhelmed by the irrelevant (noise). Aim for a high signal to noise ratio.
#9: Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
: Error messages are written in plain language and offer a solution
#10: Help and documentation
: Brief, context appropriate and easy to find help and documentation should always be available
UX principles
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Useful: Your content should be original and fulfill a need
Usable: Site must be easy to use
Desirable: Image, identity, brand, and other design elements are used to evoke emotion and appreciation
Findable: Content needs to be navigable and locatable onsite and offsite
Accessible: Content needs to be accessible to people with disabilities
Credible: Users must trust and believe what you tell them
Lightning demos
: The lightning demo is a structured “show and tell” group session to gather ideas and inspiration. Participants will share visual inspiration and big ideas in a timed exercise, usually done on the second day of a design sprint.
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We ran the Lightning Demo, a stealing and adapting exercise.
Among the apps we use, we thought about and analyzed experiences that we liked or felt uncomfortable, and then shared them. Our team analyzed Apple's basic app, the memo app. Me and my teammate had a positive experience with the app and were inspired by the app's existing features. Also, we thought we could make a pretty good solution if we later adjust these features to suit the circumstances and needs of our project. Also, I gained a new insight while sharing this idea that users of the travel agency where the professor works are using this memo app very often and usefully while they are traveling.
+) Reliable sources
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