70s-shifting · 3 years
Gonna finish formatting and Adding stuff to the 1957 script then try to shift! Wish me luck y'all!!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Starting a new Dr🤡🤡
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Happy Turtle and Tortoise day Shiftblr!!!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
🌙🎍? - 70s-shifting
🌙 you remind me of orion
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🎍 70s NY
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Guys it's blue!!
alright shiftblr i’ve got a very important question for everyone. what color is math?
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Oo thank you!
What's your home like?
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70s-shifting · 3 years
drself ask game(because i want to)
sorry it’s kind of short lol
🗡 who is one person you would choose to join you in a fight?
🔥 if needed, would you sacrifice yourself for others? or would they sacrifice themselves for you?
🪡 do you have a lover?
🪶 who is one person you look up to? why?
🐾 do you have any pets?
🍁 favorite season?
🌓 do you prefer to travel by darkness or by day
🪐 what do you think of the stars?
🌬 favorite weather?
🌊 sea or land?
🍋 what’s a meal that reminds you of home?
🍓 who is someone that you will remember all your life?
🦪 where are you from?
🍷 what’s one thing you’ll never forget?
🏹 preferred weapon?
🎻 what kind of music do you like?
🌌 what’s one thing you do before you go to bed at night?
🕯name one thing you couldn’t live without.
🪙 what is the currency where you’re from?
🔮 do you believe in magic?
📜 can you read? is literacy common where you’re from?
🪵 if you could ask an omnipotent being one question and they had to answer truthfully, what you would you ask them?
❄️ ice or fire?
🌲 describe yourself in three words.
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Dude I love shiftblr, like every week we have a national animal day and we ALL celebrate it's amazing
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70s-shifting · 3 years
hey hi hello u should totally check out Hollow Knight :) it's kinda hard to explain but it's a super cool game!! the characters are all inspired by bugs n stuff and it's kind of a platformer?? it's really hard to describe but it's extremely cool and i recommend checking it out :]
Oo okay!! I definitely will then report back!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Ah Okay I'm still not exactly sure what this is from but it is adorable nonetheless!!
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hey shiftblr u should make a little hollow knight friend just for fun :)
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tw for some bug-like features and spiders in the “friends” section! (also, it says this at the beginning but some features can be considered spoilers!)
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Haha what if I made a new Ramones Dr🙃🙃
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Ik I'm late buT
New Shiftblr Intro!
Hi, I’m Canni. You can also call me Rose. I’m a girl. I’ve been stalking the shiftblr community for about a month and I decided to join. I’ve known about shifting since February and I definitely wish I found out about it sooner, haha. No, I’m not from TikTok, I hate TikTok, so don’t worry lol. I have tried to shift many times since I’ve found out about it, but I’m not keeping track (I heard that’s a bad thing to do!). I’ve gotten SUPER close. I’m really good at visualization, so it helps. I have one main DR but I plan on having more in the future. My main DR is....(don’t judge me for this, lol...) Frozen! Elsa and Anna are two big comfort characters for me, and I’ve loved Frozen since I was in eighth grade (I graduated HS almost three years ago...). I also love snow and Norway, along with medieval themes, so I thought it would be perfect.
More DR ideas I have:
-Monster High
I don’t know anyone to tag, but I guess I’ll choose some people I follow on my main blog: @shifting-inspos @fuckingrealityshifting @realityshiftingandblogging
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Friendly reminder you need Nothing to shift
You don't need to drink water
You don't need to clean your room or workspace
you don't need to do all your homework
you don't need to be happy
You don't need to be patient
You don't have to have 0 doubts
You don't have to forget about shifting
You can be a complete mess whose sad and obsessed with shifting and you can still shift! So long as you believe you can shift you will! Don't listen to everyone telling you what you need to shift
The only thing that'll keep you from shifting is you Believing you can't shift!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Oo totally!!
Hi shiftblr! So I realized that I don’t really have that many friends here, more just... acquaintances? So if you see this, anyone wanna be friends?
(@shifting-lark signal boost?)
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Ahh I forgot to make a post about it- thank you everyone who welcomed me!! I appreciate you all!!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
Update on last night, I forgot and was already falling asleep when I remembered:'''') might start working more on my HP script tonight to help remember!
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70s-shifting · 3 years
PSA: you don’t need a “good” reason to shift. You can shift anywhere at anytime for any reason and it’s still valid. Don’t let people make you feel bad or less than because they think you need some sentimental or life changing reason in order to shift somewhere.
You wanna shift just cause you wanna hug a comfort character? Valid.
You wanna shift just for a relationship with a comfort character? Valid.
You wanna shift just to feel the grass/water/wind?Valid.
You wanna shift just cause? Valid.
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