720tc · 6 years
Please send requests to my inbox of like little ideas ☆ whatever you want nsfw or not :))
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720tc · 6 years
Skype sex - Female!TC x reader
female TC x female!reader
this was requested!
Warnings: Skype sex, masturbation, dirty talk
Words: 1658      ———————————————————–
                              6:31 am Y/N:  I wish I could spend the morning with you, we could have so much fun ;)
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TC/N: 😏 I wish babe, just look at you.
                          2:25 pm
Y/N: I’m so bored :( I’m a little horny since I saw you in the hall hehe~
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                    3:12 pm
TC/N:  Come. Now. The halls were empty, your footsteps the only thing that could be heard, coming towards her door you lightly knocked then sheepishly entered. Her head shot up from her work, a smile crept onto her face. "Y/N!" Her voice seemed happy, you took you bag and plopped it by her work space, sitting on the closest desk to her. She closed the door you came through and then quickly stood in front of you, faces inches apart. "What do you think you were doing throughout today?" A smirk rises onto her face, "What do you mean miss?" you innocently tease pretending as if you weren't doing anything. She held your chin in her hand, the smirk even bigger then before, "You know exactly what you were trying to do..." her other hand started to rub up and down on your thigh, pushing up your skirt inch by inch. "Maybe...I did..." You bit your lip and stared deep into her eyes, her hand started to rise. BEEP BEEP BEEP'. Shit, shit, shit, the buzz was coming for your bag, TC/N moved away as you grabbed your bag. 'Mom' was the name that had appeared on your phone "Fuck, it's my mom," your eyes widened, quickly you answered "Hi mom...alright...yeah, okay...got it...okay bye." You ended the call, "Babe, I have to go..." You whined with a pout on your face. TC/N hug you tightly, the two of you lingered onto each other for as along as you could, kissing the top of your head before you left. Fixing your bag and saying your last goodbye to your hidden lover, you left. It was late, you were in your pajamas cuddled between blankets and your laptop on top of you. You were in a sleepy haze yet still watching the show that was playing on the laptop, suddenly a buzz came from the corner of your laptop, "her" was standing out from the box. Smiling, you clicked the little green circle. TC/N was on screen, "Hi beautiful," she smiled, instantly you grinned, "Hi baby," you paused the program you were watching and began to talk with her. "Why did you leave me so soon?" "My mom, she said I'm grounded for the rest of the week since I stayed out at yours for a long time haha," You felt embarrassed by telling her this for some reason, yet you knew she'd understand. "Can we continue?" You asked sheepishly, his face looked surprised. "How? If you're thinking of sneaking out-" You cut her off, "No, y'know we could..." You were to embarrassed to continue talking, "Y/N, babe, I have no idea what the fuck you're on about," She was so cute when confused, the chatter of your keyboard could be heard, pasting the link into your chat hoping she'd understand. "Oh?" A smirk crept onto his face. Next you knew you two where eager to strip, yet you both didn't. Your laptop on the end of the bed and blankets on the floor, you took your shirt off. "Still wonderful as always," TC/N smirked, you shied away from her comment "Shut up," you mumbled a bit flustered, "What was that?" She was still ginning, "You know you should never talk back to a teacher..." She teased. TC/N was now fully in shot. You slowly undid your bra, it dropped a little along with your breasts, you slipped it off your shoulders tossing it into the pile of blankets you were just snuggled in. You sat in front of your screen, your breasts squashing together between your arms, catching her eyes, "Hm?" He knew you wanted something, "I'm not doing all the work at the start miss," A small chuckle came out of her mouth, "As you wish," She started to undo her shirt buttons, you were so lucky that he was still in her work clothes, "You like that princess?" A smirk covered her face once again, "You're so naughty, peeping on a teacher like this," She joked, you bit your lips at her comments, you were already starting to get wet and he was only half way down her shirt. Now her chest was exposed, her hands moved backwards to undo her bra. Her bra trickled down her dainty arms then showing her breasts, every inch and flaw exposed to you, all yet perfect to you. You're flushed face now had to go, moving back and then onto your knees, your lower body now seen by the camera. Slowly you shook your hips, moving your ass and hips in unison, you pretended to grind, thrusting you hips lustfully in passion. You played with your panties, pulling at the sides occasionally exposing the covered parts, you rubbed your hands up and down your body from your hips to your thighs sometimes drifting over your area, "Fuck babe," A small groan came out of her mouth. You quietly giggled and dropped back onto the bed, your boobs slightly jumping at the force, "You're turn, TC/N." You smiled coming forward to the screen once again, she shot up taken back by you suddenly stopping "Babe, what do you want me to do?" She seemed surprised and clueless, like she couldn't beat you. "You're such a naughty little slut, huh? Trying to fuck your teacher, you're so weak for me it's pathetic. The way you look at me, the way you want to be bent of my desk whilst I eat your tiny cunt," A grin appears through the words she'd said "Hm, how about that you naughty slut," she continues, you couldn't say anything. You were wide eyed and a bit shocked, taken aback by her words, fuck you wanted her badly."Hm? Maybe I do want you to fuck me on your desk? It'd be a thrill," You grinned as you turned around and started to wiggle your hips again, "Maybe something like this..?" You teased as you began to pull down your panties exposing your bare ass and lifting it towards the camera. "You like that miss? You like the way I shake my ass," You knew she was biting her lip, "Y/N. Face this way. Now." She had a controlling tone in her voice, it was forceful. You did as told, the were greeted to her frantically pulling down her trousers, a few quiet grunts coming from her, you knew she was dripping because of you. She then pulled down her trousers completely "Do as your told and let miss see what's between those legs," you complied, untangling your panties between your legs and slipping them down your ankles, you were now naked.You opened your legs to show your pussy, it was dripping wet, you looked at your screen seeing TC/N drooling at the sight, you gave her a look, wanting her to reveal what was covered by her panties. TC/N pulled down her panties, her wet cunt shown, damn how you wished you could be there right now doing everything you wanted to do. TC/N grabbed something out of site, it was a dildo. "Y/N, you better start fucking yourself or someones going to have to stay behind tomorrow," your hands made their way down to your pussy, your fingers rubbed your cunt in a circular motion "Y/N...what the fuck did I just say?" She snapped "Sorry miss," you mumbled. You stuck a finger inside of your dripping pussy, thrusting slowly, "That's a good girl," TC/N moaned now teasing herself with her toy, gasps and small moans came from you and you added another finger in. "Y/N, once again, don't do anything without asking me first! You're such a naughty slut." TC/N scolded you, "Sorry miss- should I ta-" you were cut off "No. Did I say that? Hm? I want you to go faster," You did as told, you thrusted your fingers in and out faster and faster, you could hear the moans of TC/N as she pumped her dildo along side with you. "Fuck Y/N" She groaned "TC/N, I-I want you to fuck m-me so hard," you slammed into your bed and pumped even faster inside of yourself, you were a moaning mess "Y/N, another finger," TC/N demanded. You now had 3 fingers inside of you, pumping rapidly inside of you, "O-oh-OH FUCK!..T-TC/N!" A squeal came from your mouth, you felt like you were about to cum. TC/N was working hard on pleasing herself with you, her hand swiftly moving up and down, with her dildo in hand. Her groans and moans had become louder, along with yours yet still keeping quiet so no one in the household would wake up. "Fuck, ngh, Y/N-" TC/N groaned, "Y/N, do as you're told and cum for me." She demanded, to not disappoint you quickened your pace hoping you'll cum. "Miss- I-I, fuck me!" you felt tension in your body, you pumped quicker and finally an euphoric state spread throughout your body, you took your fingers out of your pussy. "That's a good girl," TC/N smirked and she still pumped her dildo faster then before, a sudden loud and harsh moan came from her mouth. You looked up to see her in the same state you were in. Euphoria. "Wow, haha, we've got to do this more often," You winked "Maybe so, but next time come round mine, so try not to get grounded alright?" She joked, cleaning up dildo that was soaked in her juices. "It's late now babe, I suggest you should sleep, don't want you to be tiered in my class, huh?" TC/N teased, "Alright mom, night then," you scoffed, "I prefer the term mommy, but alright. Night dear." She waved by and ended the call with a smile
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720tc · 6 years
Skype sex - Male!TC x reader
male TC x reader female ver is here
Warnings: Skype sex, masturbation, dirty talk 
Words: 1685
A/N - this is my first fic so please criticize me lol, if you want to request leave it in my ask or PM’s!
                               6:31 am  
Y/N:  I wish I could spend the morning with you, we could have so much fun ;)
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TC/N: 😏 I wish babe, just look at you.
                            2:25 pm
Y/N: I'm so bored :( I'm a little horny since I saw you in the hall hehe~
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                     3:12 pm
TC/N:  Come. Now.
The halls were empty, your footsteps the only thing that could be heard, coming towards his door you lightly knocked then sheepishly entered. His head shot up from his work, a smile crept onto his face. "Y/N!" His voice seemed happy, you took you bag and plopped it by his work space, sitting on the closest desk to his. He closed the door you came through and then quickly stood in front of you, faces inches apart. "What do you think you were doing throughout today?" A smirk rises onto his face, "What do you mean sir?" you innocently tease pretending as if you weren't doing anything. He held your chin in his hand, the smirk even bigger then before, "You know exactly what you were trying to do..." his other hand started to rub up and down on your thigh, pushing up your skirt inch by inch. "Maybe...I did..." You bit your lip and stared deep into his eyes, his hand started to rise.
BEEP BEEP BEEP'. Shit, shit, shit, the buzz was coming for your bag, TC/N moved away as you grabbed your bag. 'Mom' was the name that had appeared on your phone "Fuck, it's my mom," your eyes widened, quickly you answered "Hi mom...alright...yeah, okay...got it...okay bye." You ended the call, "Babe, I have to go..." You whined with a pout on your face. TC/N hug you tightly, the two of you lingered onto each other for as along as you could, kissing the top of your head before you left. Fixing your bag and saying your last goodbye to your hidden lover, you left.
It was late, you were in your pajamas cuddled between blankets and your laptop on top of you. You were in a sleepy haze yet still watching the show that was playing on the laptop, suddenly a buzz came from the corner of your laptop, "him" was standing out from the box. Smiling, you clicked the little green circle. TC/N was on screen, "Hi beautiful," he smiled, instantly you grinned, "Hi baby," you paused the program you were watching and began to talk with him. "Why did you leave me so soon?"
"My mom, she said I'm grounded for the rest of the week since I stayed out at yours for a long time haha," You felt embarrassed by telling him this for some reason, yet you knew he'd understand. "Can we continue?" You asked sheepishly, his face looked surprised. "How? If you're thinking of sneaking out-" You cut him off, "No, y'know we could..." You were to embarrassed to continue talking, "Y/N, babe, I have no idea what the fuck you're on about," He was so cute when confused, the chatter of your keyboard could be heard, pasting the link into your chat hoping he'd understand. "Oh?" A smirk crept onto his face. 
Next you knew you two where eager to strip, yet you both didn't. Your laptop on the end of the bed and blankets on the floor, you took your shirt off. "Still wonderful as always," TC/N smirked, you shied away from his comment "Shut up," you mumbled a bit flustered, "What was that?" He was still ginning, "You know you should never talk back to a teacher..." He teased. TC/N was now fully in shot. You slowly undid your bra, it dropped a little along with your breasts, you slipped it off your shoulders tossing it into the pile of blankets you were just snuggled in. You sat in front of your screen, your breasts squashing together between your arms, catching his eyes, "Hm?" He knew you wanted something, "I'm not doing all the work at the start sir," A small chuckle came out of his mouth, "As you wish," He started to undo his shirt buttons, you were so lucky that he was still in his work clothes, "You like that princess?" A smirk covered his face once again, "You're so naughty, peeping on a teacher like this," He joked, you bit your lips at his comments, you were already starting to get wet and he was only half way down his shirt. Now his bare chest was exposed, every inch and flaw exposed to you, all yet perfect to you. 
You're flushed face now had to go, moving back and then onto your knees, your lower body now seen by the camera. Slowly you shook your hips, moving your ass and hips in unison, you pretended to grind, thrusting you hips lustfully in passion. You played with your panties, pulling at the sides occasionally exposing the covered parts, you rubbed your hands up and down your body from your hips to your thighs sometimes drifting over your area, "Fuck babe," A small groan came out of his mouth. You quietly giggled and dropped back onto the bed, your boobs slightly jumping at the force, "You're turn, TC/N." You smiled coming forward to the screen once again, he shot up taken back by you suddenly stopping "Fuck babe, what do you want me to do?" He seemed surprised and clueless, like he couldn't beat you. "You're such a naughty little slut, huh? Trying to fuck your teacher, you're so weak for me it's pathetic. The way you look at me, the way you want to be bent of my desk whilst I ram my cock into you," A grin appears through the words he'd said "Hm, how about that you naughty slut," he continues, you couldn't say anything. You were wide eyed and a bit shocked, taken aback by is words, fuck you wanted him badly.
"Hm? Maybe I do want you to fuck me on your desk? It'd be a thrill," You grinned as you turned around and started to wiggle your hips again, "Maybe something like this..?" You teased as you began to pull down your panties exposing your bare ass and lifting it towards the camera. "You like that sir? You like the way I shake my ass," You knew he was biting his lip, "Y/N. Face this way. Now." He had a controlling tone in his voice, it was forceful. You did as told, the were greeted to him frantically pulling down his trousers, a few quiet grunts coming from him, a very obvious outline of his hard on was almost bursting out. He pulled down his trousers "Do as your told and let sir see what's between those legs," you complied, untangling your panties between your legs and slipping them down your ankles, you were now naked. 
You opened your legs to show your pussy, it was dripping wet, you looked at your screen seeing TC/N drooling at the sight, you gave him a look, wanting him to reveal what was covered. TC/N pulled down his boxers, his cock flung out, damn how you wished you could be there right now doing everything you wanted to do. TC/N grabbed his shaft, slowly rubbing it and the tip with his thumb, "Y/N, you better start fucking yourself or someones going to have to stay behind tomorrow," your hands made their way down to your pussy, your fingers rubbed your cunt in a circular motion "Y/N...what the fuck did I just say?" He snapped "Sorry sir," you mumbled. You stuck a finger inside of your dripping pussy,  thrusting slowly, "That's a good girl," TC/N grunted now starting to stroke his cock, gasps and small moans came from you and you added another finger in. "Y/N, once again, don't do anything without asking me first! You're such a naughty slut." TC/N scolded you, "Sorry sir- should I ta-" you were cut off "No. Did I say that? Hm? I wank you to go faster," You did as told, you thrusted your fingers in and out faster and faster, you could hear the groans of TC/N as he pumped his cock along side with you. "Fuck Y/N" He groaned "TC/N, I-I want you to fuck m-me so hard," you slammed into your bed and pumped even faster inside of yourself, you were a moaning mess "Y/N, another finger," TC/N demanded. You now had 3 fingers inside of you, pumping rapidly inside of you, "O-oh-OH FUCK!..T-TC/N!" A squeal came from your mouth, you felt like you were about to cum. 
TC/N was working hard on his own cock, his hand swiftly moving up and down his shaft, pre-cum appearing from the top. His groans and moans had become louder, along with yours yet still keeping quiet so no one in the household would wake up. "Fuck, ngh, Y/N-" TC/N groaned, "Y/N, do as you'e told and cum for me." He demanded, to not disappoint you quickened your pace hoping you'll cum. "Sir- I-I, fuck me!" you felt tension in your body, you pumped quicker and finally an euphoric state spread throughout your body, you took your fingers out of your pussy. "That's a good girl," TC/N smirked and he still pumped his cock faster then before, a sudden loud and harsh groan came from his mouth. You looked up to see cum all dripping from his tip down to the shaft of his dick.
"Wow, haha, we've got to do this more often," You winked "Maybe so, but next time come round mine, so try not to get rounded alright?" He joked, clearing the cum from his cock. "It's late now babe, I suggest you should sleep, don't want you to be tiered in my class, huh?" TC/N teased, "Alright dad, night then," you scoffed, "I prefer the term daddy, but alright. Night dear." He waved by and ended the call with a smile.
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