75aichan · 3 years
There is a question was mentioned in SDB LOVE PLUS.. and I really did not understand the meaning behind Aoyama's answer, as below:"Q44: Will Haibara find true love? A: What?"Aoyama sensei answered " What ?" ..!!!What do you think the meaning behind that?? Do you think Aoyama was intentionally avoiding to answer?? Or may be he was surprised with the fan's question ?? Or may be this is his way to say "No".. which means she will never find a love at the end ??
Thanks Anon
Yeah I remember being a bit disappointed when I read that, but actually now I'm kinda neutral about Gosho's answer.
I think with his answer it's pretty clear he won't pair her with anyone in the end. The reason (to me) is that Haibara is a character on her own, she wasn't created to be someone lover, her purpose in the manga isn't to be the love interest on someone else.And I guess Gosho doesn't want to disappoint anyone if he pairs her with someone.I mean, I've seen soooo many kind of ships with Haibara.And of course there are many coai fans, and since this couple is impossible, well it's better (and easier) to let her stay single in the end, so that any fan can imagine the perfect lover for Haibara.
But that doesn't mean she won't find love at all, it's just that Gosho won't draw that in his ending scene I guess.
I personally think that's good in a way, because she isn't ready to find "true love", after the life she had. She has to start living on her own the life she always wanted to live, she still has to learn to trust herself and trust others before falling in love.
And I think she will have other ways to be happy in the end of the manga, with the love of her friends, of her family, and most importantly she will learn to forgive and love herself...After all these steps she will be ready to really love someone else.
That's only my opinion of course. And frankly I don't like how romance is handled in DC (most of the official pairings are boring and cliché to me) so I won't be disappointed at all if she isn't in couple in the end. I ship Haibaraxhappiness :)
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75aichan · 3 years
((Q4: On the Mystery Train, he (Amuro) said to Miyano Shiho that “My comrades who are tracking us have made arrangements in order to retrieve you”, but were those comrades from PSB? If that’s the case, I’m curious about how he planned to deceive Vermouth…! A: Those were comrades from the Black Organization, so there was no need to deceive them)).This is the biggest shock from Aoyama in DC!! Now, I'm curious to find out what will happen if Amuro discovers the true identity of Sherry as Ai..🙄🙄🙄
Hi Anon,
Thanks for your question and sorry for the delay,
I have to say I was disappointed when I read Gosho's answer. I really thought he would try to help Sherry back then, because he apparently loves Elena. I mean he really insisted to bring her alive, while all of the BO probably want her dead, so I thought he had a backup plan.Since then I'm not really liking Amuro anymore (I wasn't a huge fan but I liked it because of his link with the Miyanos and the fact that he's supposedly in the good side, but now, I don't actually care about his life).
However I still have a little hope that when he'll discover that Ai=Sherry he will regret his actions.Hopefully Shiho will remind him of Elena, and how he should always do the right thing etc...he'll understand she was a victim of the BO and he will try to help her...
I also think Elena mentionned Zero in her tapes, or maybe left something for him. Because all these flashbacks with Elena have to be important in the future.Who knows, maybe he will become more cooperative to share informations (with Akai and Conan) because of Shiho, since she looks so much like Elena, it would be a good way to honor her memory.
Gosho said Amuro and Ai will get along so we'll see! this is the only hope I have to change my opinion on Amuro...
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75aichan · 3 years
Recently, the author Gosho Aoyama has claimed that the ending of Haibara will be " Surprising" for everyone ?? What does that mean ?? It is not clear if it is a bad or good ending !!! Do you think that Haibara will never come back to her adult form as Miyano Shiho and stay as a kid.. and make a relationship with Mitsu ?? And if Haibara take the permanent antidote.. do you think that she will be punished and jailed since she was a member of BO?? or she dies in the end ??
That's a good question Anon!
But sadly I don't have any answer...
In my opinion, most of the fans (or the basic fan who are not really Haibara fans) think she will stay as Haibara and she won't take the antidote. Gosho probably knows that.So if he chose this ending that wouldn't be surprising at all. Even if movie 4 she claimed that if she lost her memory she would have loved to live as Haibara and forget about her past.So nothing surprising if she chose to stay as Ai, it would be the easy way.
On the other hand if she takes the antidote it would be quite surprising because she doesn't have a family or a lover as Shiho, nobody is waiting for her. She would have a fresh start. So of course the basic fan would be surprised at this choice. I'm more convinced about this ending, because that would show she has really changed and is no longer running from her destiny, she's no longer hiding the truth about her life, her identity.And she could be free as Shiho because Shiho has never tasted freedom.That would be the best ending IMO,quite logical if we follow her character development, and at the same time surprising for the average fans.
But I personally think the other surprising part would be the Akai family link.When she will find out that she has an aunt and cousins alive, I think she will be more willing to take the antidote. That would be the missing part she was always looking for as Shiho, a real family. Don't get me wrong, Agasa and the kids are family to her.But finding someone (Mary) who really knows her parents, grand parents, and could give her all the answers to her questions, that's a miracle for Shiho, she never expected that.
So I personally don't think she will stay as Haibara and have a relationship with Mitsuhiko (and I really hope that will never happen!).That would be a total waste of her character.That would show she's too afraid of living as Shiho and she prefers living in a lie as Haibara.
Concerning her being in jail, I really don't think so, because she has helped Conan and the FBI, I think she will play a big part in the BO fall since she knows a lot about them .Plus Akai and Conan will never let her go to jail, she has always been a victim of the BO, and was forced to work with them.I guess there will be a tolerance because she cooperated.I'm not worried about that.
I have a little hope to see her joining FBI or MI6 in the end, working as a scientist for them.That would be quite surprising considering that she worked with criminals her whole life. So I personally expect that, in order to use her high IQ for a good cause.
As for Haibara dying, I really don't think so, she has two silverbullets to protect her ^^ She might be injured but I doubt she will die. Just keep in mind Gosho said in an interview that there will be bright spots in the end for Haibara, and he will make a happy ending in general.So I don't think anyone will die. But Haibara's ending is still a mystery hopefully Gosho will treat her right!
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75aichan · 3 years
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75aichan · 3 years
Why do u ship shiho and akai,if akemi came back would you be sad
Hi Anon,
I ship Shiho with Akai because I love their interactions, that’s as simple as that.
As Okiya he is doing a lot of efforts to gain her trust (he always comes with food, he’s always nice even when she can be cold to him, and he tries to protect her everytime...).He could have moved from the Kudo’s house and protect her from afar,he could have send other people watching for her safety. but no, he decided to stay close to Agasa’s house “because he needs to protect someone”.That’s the kind of loyalty and dedication I like.It may not be love I know, but at least it shows he cares a lot about her.And Shiho/Haibara always criticize him, ask questions,shows doubts about him, try to find who he is,which is something I like.She doesn’t buy his excuses or lies, she doesn’t see him as a perfect man contrary to others who always praises Okiya/Akai...I feel like she really sees his true personality.
I know he does all of this to respect Akemi’s promise. Actually if Akemi was alive I would not ship them together (just like I don’t ship Conan and Ai because there is Ran).But Akemi is dead and the only people she cared about are Akai (Dai) and Shiho.And with the promise she wanted Akai and Shiho to stay close, because they will be sad about her death, and they will need each other. Akemi is the link between Akai and Shiho.
So to anwser your question I wouldn’t be sad if Akemi came back, I love Akemi really,it’s a shame she’s dead. But Gosho himself said Akemi is really dead so she won’t come back...Anyway Akemi’s death made Shiho get out from the BO so I guess it was necessary in a way.
Akai needs Shiho to not feeling guilty anymore, to finally mourn Akemi’s death and move on.He didn’t save Akemi but he will do anything to protect Shiho and fix his mistakes.
And Shiho needs some kind of protection for the stressful life she’s living, she needs someone who can reassure her when she feels the danger. For example when he said “don’t make that kind of face” she immediately stopped being scared...so Akai was somone who used to reassure her even when she was in the BO.But I personally think she needs Akai because he’s the only one who knew and loved her sister as much as Shiho did.They can support each other if only Akai said the truth they would be able to move on and heal from the pain of losing Akemi.
Not to mention that they were probably kinda close together back then in the BO.I mean he approached Akemi to get close to Shiho in the first place, and use her influence.So I guess they had great interactions at that time.I’m just waiting for Gosho to draw their confrontation...
I know there aren’t many fans of this ship, but I don’t care.As long as I see them interacting together I’m happy. All the other pairings are boring and cliché to me (just my opinion sorry).So I’ll stick the Akai/Shiho for now, even if they don’t end up together because they entertain me and they move me,this is what I’m looking for when I read a manga ^^
Hopefully you will understand my point of view.Sorry for writing too much XDXD
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75aichan · 3 years
yeah no problem ^^ there are many theories on internet so it’s easy to get lost or confused...so I try to get a good source of informations concerning DC (like the DCTP forum, or the discord Detective conan EN community).
So about the interviews the one I’ve read is from DCW (translated by the DCTP forum members and they usually do good translation),the angry thing was never mentionned, (https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Super_Digest_Books#SDB90.2B_questions) .
I wish I knew japanese so I could have my opinion, so right now I don’t know which translation is better.But a women who don’t get angry is impossible to find, I don’t think that exist XDXDXD so I’ll stick to the quiet thing because it was already mentionned on the SDB 80+ (https://www.detectiveconanworld.com/wiki/Super_Digest_Books#SDB90.2B_questions)
Anyway there used to be a lot of Shuichi/Shiho active fans on tumblr, I guess they all left this social media(or they don’t want to talk about them XDXD).I don’t even come here myself anymore.
I personally continue reading DC because of Shiho and Akai, even if they don’t end up together I’m sure they will have great moments/interactions together.I’m just waiting for him to tell the truth about Akemi’s death.And in the meantime we can hopefully enjoy more cute/funny moments between Subaru and Ai ^^
How far you are in DC (in which chapter are you currently)? I’m asking just in case so you don’t get spoiled by me...
I'm pretty sure that Shiho and Akai won't end up together.. even though there's possibility! ^_^ But I have no idea how they are going to be together :-(
There are hints of Gosho's answers in Q&A... such as Akai's type of women. He loves a quiet women who don't get angry.. Well, Shiho is a quiet woman but she's easily mad.
And the other one that I found is that Shiho's favorite chemical element is Ag which is silver. And people call Akai ”Silver Bullet”, right? 😆
And the last one that I've been thinking of is his conversation with James. He said that he has broken up with his girlfriend again. And looks like she won't come back to Akai this time. So, he said ”I swear she'll regret it deeply. You not just broke up with me. She should cry tears of blood.”
First of all.. I don't think he mentioned Akemi because she is already dead..
Second, I also don't think it's Jodie too. Well, as we see Jodie pretty much wants to be back with Akai. So, that's surely not Jodie.
So, who's that?
I guess that it's Shiho. Because we don't see other women that involve Akai but Shiho. Also, if that woman is not Shiho as I think. I believe that she should have been in the shows since then.
Yeah, these are a few theories that I've been thinking because I'm obsessed about them..
I hope you enjoy them :)
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75aichan · 3 years
I personally like them and I wish they would end up together, but I thi,l that won’t happen...
Anyway there are some precisions I would like to add.
If I remember correctly, in the SDB+90 Gosho said Shuichi’s type of women are quiet woman (I don’t see anything about not being angry).Here’s the translation that I’ve found on dctp:
Q38: Which type of women do Akai-san and Amuro-san like? Cute, womanly beautiful, cool, natural? A: I think Amuro-san likes intelligent and cheerful women. Akai-san likes quiet women.
Akai and Amuro have opposite tastes in women apparently.
Moreover in SDB80+ Gosho stated something quite similar:
Q77: What types of women do Shuichi Akai and Tooru Amuro like? A: Let's see... Akai would like someone who can have a controlling aura without saying a word. And Amuro would like someone who doesn't mind him talking all the time.
So Ai/Shiho fits that description perfectly, because she’s often portrayed as quiet, calm, and doesn’t need to talk much to be respected by other.And many times we saw Haibara staying near Okiya quietly,she does’t even need to talk much unless she has something interesting to say. She’s the opposite of Akemi who is described as cheerful and popular, who likes chatting with people.
these details kinda gives me hope about some nice Shuichi/Shiho interactions in the future.Because they probably get along very well when he was in the BO as Moroboshi Dai.And even as Okiya he does everything to be appreciated by Haibara and gain her trust :)
Concerning the favorite chemical element of Ai, well your theory is interesting^^
About the conversation with James, well Akai was talking about Gin.Akai used the word “koibito” which means lover but also enemy.this is just a pun...at that time we all thought he was talking about Sherry because we thought he was a bad guy.But the clash between FBI and BO(when Shuichi shot Gin in his face) confirmed in a way that Shuichi was talking about Gin.
Don’t hesitate if you wanna talk more about Shuichi/Shiho !
I'm pretty sure that Shiho and Akai won't end up together.. even though there's possibility! ^_^ But I have no idea how they are going to be together :-(
There are hints of Gosho's answers in Q&A... such as Akai's type of women. He loves a quiet women who don't get angry.. Well, Shiho is a quiet woman but she's easily mad.
And the other one that I found is that Shiho's favorite chemical element is Ag which is silver. And people call Akai ”Silver Bullet”, right? 😆
And the last one that I've been thinking of is his conversation with James. He said that he has broken up with his girlfriend again. And looks like she won't come back to Akai this time. So, he said ”I swear she'll regret it deeply. You not just broke up with me. She should cry tears of blood.”
First of all.. I don't think he mentioned Akemi because she is already dead..
Second, I also don't think it's Jodie too. Well, as we see Jodie pretty much wants to be back with Akai. So, that's surely not Jodie.
So, who's that?
I guess that it's Shiho. Because we don't see other women that involve Akai but Shiho. Also, if that woman is not Shiho as I think. I believe that she should have been in the shows since then.
Yeah, these are a few theories that I've been thinking because I'm obsessed about them..
I hope you enjoy them :)
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75aichan · 4 years
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Christmas card present -Conan (Shonen Sunday)
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75aichan · 4 years
Hmm I don’t think it’s only due to his relationship with Shinichi.
I would say he changed as soon as he became Subaru.It’s like a second chance for him to repair his errors by fulfilling Akemi’s promise (protect Shiho)
So becoming Subaru changed him in a good way, he’s around good people (Agasa, the Kudos, the DB...)and he has to change in order to gain Haibara’s trust in a way.
I feel like Shuichi has managed to accept and move on from Akemi's death. If you look at when we first met him and now, his behavor changed a lot. He's more relaxed and less angry. And I think that is because of Shinichi.
I agree, I think he has come a long way since we first met him and I think a large part of that has to do with his relationship with Shinichi. But losing Akemi was a hard blow and he still feels majorly responsible for that, so it won’t be something he’ll get over that quickly. He still has a long, long way to go, I think.
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75aichan · 4 years
I’m so sad and shocked about this sad news...She was a great author even if I‘m not a Redstarling shipper she was really talented... I’m really sad for her family, and I hope she will rest in peace.
Sad News, 07/06/2020
Guys, one of our fellow Red Starling shippers @satansbratn died on Thursday. Her family tried to reach me Friday, but only found a way to contact me today (Sunday). I’m shocked. I’m at a loss of words and can’t quite process it.
We have known each other for 8 years now and it all started with Red Starling fanfictions. We’ve been one of the first, if not the first, I guess, who started writing fanfics about them in the German fandom. It was always fun!
We also met sometimes, so we knew each other in person, and met some other friends together.
She was a really fun person. Sometimes we got out of touch for a while, but then found together again as if this period of not talking never existed at all. Only in February we got back in touch after about a year of not talking, because she had a lot going on in her life, and so had I.
It’s hard to think, that my latest messages will stay unanswered forever now. I even feel a little bit stupid for sending her a stupid picture I thought she would laugh about (or shake her head in disapproval) by the time she’d already been dead, but I didn’t know.
Her family asked me, if I could reach out to the internet friends she had - or the friends in the DCMK fandom, she talked a lot about. Her parents knew that she was a writer as well and also asked me to give them access to her stories if I could provide them anything. They don’t have access to her mobile phone or her computer.
I’m going to attend her funeral (either 07/22 or 07/23), so we (@sternguckerin, @placebogirl7, and I) will create a photo book with pictures of her, and a collection of pictures of us (or alternatively drawings - anything you like) and a letter to her parents or your thoughts and prayers of Julia/Bratn. You can get creative here and for more information you can contact us (or best me, because I’m in contact with her family).
If you would like to donate some money and help us pay for the books and some extra money to add to the condolence card, you can do this here.
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75aichan · 4 years
I just love them both, I can’t wait to see Okiya revealing his true identity to Ai
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“I did promise her, after all…” 
Detective Conan Episode 685
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75aichan · 6 years
Congrats! ⚽️🥇🇫🇷
Thank you!!! I’m so proud of France wining the world cup ^^  People are so happy in the streets,this is insane!
Anyway thank you again for thinking about me!
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75aichan · 6 years
I agree this is really a bad move from Gosho...
((Okay, dude, pacing. Seriously…))
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75aichan · 6 years
I’m so sad that he died,he was an amazing person!
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Reposez en paix, Pierre Bellemare.
The french tv journalist, radio anchor, author and actor died today at 88 years old. He revolutionized french TV and inspired at least two generations of viewers and journalists.
He will be sorely missed
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75aichan · 6 years
Wishing a happy and peaceful Ramadan to all the Muslims here tonight. I hope Ramadan is generous to you and brings many blessings your way. 🌙💛
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75aichan · 7 years
yeah that was good memories after all
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Things from my childhood kids today might know nothing about.
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75aichan · 7 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile. 💕 I'm sending this to you because I think you and your blog are wonderful. Smile!
Thank you so much!!!!!
I’m sending it back to you!
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