777mak · 4 months
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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777mak · 4 months
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If you feel this way, here are some Gofundmes you can donate to
Abu Shammalah Family (€953/100,000)
Moment Alostaz family (€7,539/70,000)
Youssef family (€9,395/50,000)
Renad & Her Family (£9,696/25,000)
Alia's Family (€7,870/30,000)
Mohamed Hamad and his family (£3,872/50,000)
Safaa and her family (€9,757/20,000)
Maliha Family (€23,446/32,000)
Mahmoud Abu Hamam (CAD $5,348/10,000)
Eman Abuhayya Family (AUD $40,455/85,684)
Ezzideen & his Family (€26,314/75,000)
Ahmed's family (€4,658/70,000)
Let's do our part to help the people of Gaza!!!!
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777mak · 4 months
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If you're feeling helpless, boost/share these links. Donate if you can
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777mak · 4 months
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Please purchase eSims for Gazans
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777mak · 4 months
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777mak · 5 months
⠀⠀ ˒ ⊹ ݁ ִ   THE 3D MANIFESTS FOR YOU 🎁
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ the real reason why you haven’t seen any progress.
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ༺♡༻
let’s get these things out of the way before we start:
you can’t manifest.
you can’t control reality.
you can’t change the 3d.
and there’s literally nothing you can do about it.
but! don’t get discouraged, it’s not what you think.
ever since i’ve internalized that i can’t do anything to change the 3d, i started to wonder “well, what can i do then.”
the answer is so simple, that it is couldn’t even fathom why i didn’t realize this earlier.
the only thing i can do is be aware of what i decided to have and be in imagination.
i’m just pure consciousness, that’s all i can do: be aware. the only way i can really experience what i want is if i return my awareness to the fact that i already have what i want in imagination. and just experience that. all i can do is assume. which is honestly the BEST thing i can realize to day. literally everything i do as the outer man means NOTHING. it’s pointless, it’s useless, and it doesn’t affect who i’m conscious of being AT ALL.
🎀 when people hear the word “assume”, they get pretty intimidated. first thing that comes to mind is going through this total rebirth, when that’s not necessarily the case. it’s just a decision. you make a decision and bring your awareness back to the decision being who you are right now.
here’s the harsh truth: you can’t manifest.
why? because your 3d manifests for you.
let me explain: we as consciousness can assume (be aware of) whatever we have/are in imagination. we can’t do anything in the 3d to change it, and we can’t do anything as consciousness to change the 3d either. because we’re not supposed to manifest anything. this is the literal definition of manifest:
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you can’t control the 3D, it controls itself. you can’t change the 3D, it changes itself. you can’t manifest your state into the 3D, it manifests your state on its own.
just because you’re aware of the 3D it doesn’t mean it you have to do its job.
you know how we’re aware of mirrors, and aware of what we can change what’s in it depending on how we look? are you shaking the mirror to show you a new outfit. are you trying to make it explode with your mind because you want to see yourself in a different shirt? no! the mirror reflects on its own. it doesn’t need permission to reflect, it just does. what you wear is what you will see.
same thing with the 3D, it’s just a dead mirror. it doesn’t have any power. it doesn’t have any meaning, unless you assign it meaning. it can only show you who you’re being, so it manifests your state to match YOU. what you are is what you’re going to see. life just reflects YOU and who YOU’RE being, and it can only mold to you. what you are is what you get.
and when your results comes, it seems normal. it’s just your 3D reflecting what you’ve normalized placing your awareness on in imagination!
earlier today, i was imagining that i was talking to my best friends. and i went back to that, cause i haven’t talked to them in ages! i wanted to hang out with them, but wasn’t expecting anything to happen. only to run into one of them at the store! ironically, the one who hasn’t responded to the group chat where i told them that we,should hand out soon! funniest part? she even told me “i knew i was going to bump into someone i know, i just didn’t know who.” isn’t that crazy?? we’re all going to hang out at my house next week!!
the thing is, it happened to naturally, that i couldn’t even think of it possibly happening so fast. nonetheless, so soon.
to wrap this up: you can only control & change imagination. so focus on what you allow yourself to experience in there.
the 3D itself IS a part of imagination. cause you’re aware of it. but, just like you know you need to change what you’re wearing to see a new reflection, change what you’re seeing in imagination, so life can mirror that state on its own.
stop seeing yourself as someone who is manifesting. see yourself as someone who’s aware that they have what they want right now. it’s just a conscious decision that you return to.
it’s as a simple as:
-> have a desire.
-> decide that you have it right now.
-> let it be & allow yourself to rest in this new state.
god said “let there be light” and the world manifested light. sure, you can’t manifest. because that’s not your job. it’s your *3d’s*. that’s why there’s always movement. that’s why the bridge of incidents are a thing. thats why you can’t see everything behind the scenes. stop inferring. stop trying to change. stop trying to look for validation in a neutral mirror when you’re starving within. stop worrying if you’re “manifesting” correctly. YOUR 3D is manifesting FOR YOU.
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ sincerely, piercedblunt. ✒ ֗ ִ  ּ ۪ 
⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ༺♡༻
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777mak · 6 months
hi bunny, sorry for sending this, but I really am sad and desperate. I've been trying to save myself for years, I don't want to go into details about my situation because it's really painful to talk about, but in summary: I've been isolated at home for four years with depression and no friends, with a really bad and bad life. I can take care of myself. I entered ND dualism looking for freedom and not just desires, but I ended up finding myself in a huge mess. After reading so many posts about the loa and the ND everything is confusing and I'm in a state of “I can't do anything other than keep myself safe” and it's so painful, I know it's the ego and I'm typing as the ego, because I I can not take it anymore. I know that I can live something better and that it already exists, I really want to live a good life and not take it away from me like I tried in the past, I want to have a loving family, friends and live in peace without stressing about concepts, teachers, enlightenment and religion, without the weight of guilt for thinking on my own and having a simpler view, completely validating myself without mentally justifying myself by apologizing for being “wrong” to other bloggers. Bunny, I really want to do something good and I really want help organizing it. I'm sorry again for saying all this
I had already had an experience of being conscious when I was younger without knowing any of this and I was just a child existing, it actually happened frequently and became less and less over the years due to difficult situations. I really wanted peace and freedom to feel sure of myself and not follow any concept but my set of beliefs, but everything is so confusing, it's sad that it's difficult
Não sou uma pessoa religiosa ou espirituosa (não acredito e para mim isso não existe), simplesmente tenho um ponto de vista simples e direto sobre as coisas.
bunny, if you could help me I would be very grateful, but just saying this makes me happy and relieved, because I spent months avoiding out of paranoia that I would disappoint the non-dualist bloggers I liked because I was being inferior to them
My sweet anon, you have absolutely no reason to apologize at all and I am so happy that you messaged me. I am so grateful that you reached out; it takes a huge amount of courage to ask questions when you are afraid that the person answering is going to make you feel inferior, and I want to commend you on that and also reassure you that you are wise, intelligent, and in no way inferior to me. I am also happy that you felt a little relieved after typing your feelings out - the worst thing that we can do when we are filled with intense feelings is to bottle them up, because they have to get out somehow; I am so happy that you are talking about them, please never stop sharing how you feel and talking to others when you are frightened or sad!
I apologize for answering your ask so late, this was sent a month ago and I wanted to make sure I was in the proper headspace to give you the best response I could. I actually kept overcomplicating my answer to you and rewrote it like three times haha, so I am hoping that this response is as effective as possible. This will be broken down into three sections:
You are not inferior to anyone
Choose your own adventure - it's all okay!
Steps to regain your internal compass
Final thoughts
Let's go!
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1.) You are not inferior to anyone.
First of all, I want to acknowledge the pain that you’re in. I am so sorry that you are going through such painful and difficult circumstances, you absolutely do not deserve to be going through whatever it is that you’re going through and I hope that you know this. I also very importantly want you to know that you are not inferior to anyone in any way. Not to me, not to ND bloggers, not to your neighbour, celebrities, your best friend, ANYONE. No one on planet earth is more worthy, important, or special than any other person on planet earth; all of us have an extremely important role to play simply because we exist! From the ND perspective, all of us (our egos/characters/etc.) are an extension of Self/pure consciousness, expressing itself in an infinite number of ways; if you are here as your ego, full of their quirks and preferences and problems, then that means your true Self wanted to experience your ego and love everything about them! All of us as egos are infinitely loved and chosen, because all of us were created, period. Additionally, the entire reason that we learn about spiritual practices and manifesting in the first place is to give us a deep sense of peace, love of life, and to know that absolutely anything is possible to ALL of us - not just those who are more “knowledgeable” or “more advanced.” If anyone, and I truly mean anyone, ever makes you feel unworthy, stupid, unloved, or inferior, please remember that it has absolutely no baring on your true worth. You are loveable, amazing, lovely, wise, and worthy of a good, good life, and you are doing a fantastic job. Asking questions, getting curious, and not having all of the answers does not make you inferior or stupid. It actually makes you really beautiful, because you are putting in the work to understand how to love yourself and give yourself the gift of a beautiful life! There is a really beautiful quote by Eleanor Roosevelt that says, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” This is actually a really interesting quote when we look at it through a Law of Assumption lens, but that’s a whole other post that I’ll make some day! Haha.
Like I said earlier, I spent almost a month and a half trying to figure out the best way to answer your message, and today I realized that the answer was not only staring me in the face but was also INCREDIBLY simple. In fact, you’ve already answered it yourself! "I really wanted peace and freedom to feel sure of myself and not follow any concept but my (own) set of beliefs." The answer to your confusion, sweet anon, is to go within yourself, look at the beliefs that bring you peace, and abandon anything else, or in simpler words, become your own greatest teacher. Let’s explain why, and then I’ll explain how.
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2.) Choose your own adventure - it's all okay!
The main difference between LOA and ND, at least from my understanding of both concepts, is that LOA finds peace and happiness through the ego (by manifesting its desires, using the ego’s preferences as a compass, living a wonderful life through the lens of a human character, etc.), and ND finds peace and happiness through transcending the ego (through pure acceptance of all circumstances as perfect, and the beautiful bliss that comes from that). When we look at it like this, ND would be considered the “true truth” of pure inner peace because it doesn’t rely on things being “good/not bad” and instead is blissful towards all experiences, which is really beautiful and freeing and is why people refer to it as the true truth. But this does not mean that LOA is incorrect or “bad” or doesn’t bring peace, it just means that we are using a spiritual practice that helps us gain feelings of peace and control and empowerment while still being attached to our ego. Of course, true "enlightenment" cannot be achieved THROUGH the ego because it is the ego that prevents this from happening in the first place haha, but that doesn't mean that we cannot experience peace and joy and happiness and love through the ego while still experiencing limitations! In my opinion, Law of Assumption is the closet thing to true peace and freedom that one can experience through the ego, with the understanding that the ego is what creates lack and sorrow. In summary, "true peace" and abandonment of all sorrow can only be achieved through getting rid of the ego, but there is nothing wrong with experiencing love and joy and peace while the ego is still there, it's just a different and fun way of living.
Does that make sense? There is nothing wrong with choosing to apply the LOA and living as your ego. It doesn't make you inferior, it is a personal choice and it's also a really fun choice, too! Yes, when you are attached to your ego you are in a constant state of wanting more and more and will have doubts, lack, and limitation, but sometimes it’s fun to have those limitations - I mean, Self CHOSE to experience Itself as a human to PUT those limitations on Itself! Experiencing life as a human with complicated emotions is a beautiful and challenging thing to do and you don’t have to feel guilty for simply wanting to feel good. The whole point of ND is that it's alllllllll good. Everything that you chose to do is fine and beautiful and loveable.
What I’m trying to say is, both concepts exist to bring feelings of pure joy and peace, even if they come from different perspectives. Eckhart Toelle, who was one of the first teachers of non-duality that I encountered, said that the human feelings of peace, joy, and love are the natural feelings of the true Self, and that when we are feeling those feelings we are connected to that true Self essence. We now know the main difference between LOA and ND, but just for a moment let’s ignore the differences and ask ourselves some important questions; why do we learn about the Law of Assumption? To find peace, to love ourselves and our lives, and to learn the truth that we are the conscious creators of our lives. Why do we learn about Non-Dualism? To find peace, to love ourselves and our lives, and to learn the truth that we are the conscious creators of our lives.
So, if all we are doing is trying to give ourselves peace and wonderful enjoyment of life, it shouldn't matter to you if someone tells you that something is the “true truth” if it's not what you're needing right now. If something brings you wonderful peace of mind and enjoyment of life, why would we allow conflicting information to challenge that peace?
THIS is the problem with over-consuming information on spirituality and manifestation, because we begin to doubt ourselves when we add more and more onto our belief system and confuse ourselves. YES, it is very important to expand our beliefs by asking ourselves questions and YES, it is the very nature of a spiritual journey to learn and grow and challenge our beliefs; I am not saying that we should not question the information that we receive. But it is also the nature of spirituality to find peace and comfort in our difficult human lives, and it is a very, very personal and unique journey to each individual person. So, how do we break out of the overconsumption cycle? We become our own best teachers.
Anon, you asked for help in organizing your belief system and to get to a place where you feel certain in yourself, and I absolutely love that idea. I will turn this into a full post later on, but in the meantime, here are some steps you can follow to reconnect with yourself:
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3.) Steps to regain your internal compass.
To begin, think about and write down all of the beliefs that you currently have that bring you peace, excitement, self-love, happiness, and joyful feelings in general. These can be from your own mind, from LOA or ND teachers, from the back of cereal boxes, WHEREVER. What matters is that these are truths to you and that they bring you joy. Remember that you create the meaning in your life, so do not question whether or not these beliefs of yours are “correct.” These beliefs ARE correct, as long as they bring you peace.
Now, whenever you listen to a lecture from Edward Art on the Law of Assumption, or whenever you read excerpts from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj on Non-Dualism, or whenever you see a post on LOA or ND from a tumblr blogger, do not blindly accept every sentence that these people say as truth. Instead, notice the sentences and words that light you up and bring you excitement and peace and understanding. Notice the lines that make you go “YES! I Get it! I finally understand it!” Notice the lines that empower you and make you feel like God. Edward Art often talks about taking one or two sentences that really feel like the "keys" to your freedom and understanding; turn those sentences over in your head try to really comprehend and feel them. These are the “true truths” that light you up and give you the empowerment and answers that you need. And obviously, whenever you have your own insights and thoughts, write them down and feel them too! You mentioned that you had the experience of being conscious when you were younger - ask your younger self what THEY would tell you is a true truth and write it down if it resonates with you!
When someone tells you something that makes you feel confused, frustrated, or disempowered, question it: what about this belief is untrue to me? Why do I feel yucky about what they said - is it because it clashes with a belief that makes me feel peaceful? Is it possible if I look at it a different way I could make it peaceful and empowering, or is the original idea very limiting in its origin? Is this belief coming from transcendence of the ego or through the ego (both are fine, but it’s important to know which one it is coming from so that you can understand its intent)? What do I need to feel peaceful right now?
Keep this collection of notes, quotes, and beliefs nearby when you need reminders of peace and empowerment, and return to them often. As you grow and learn overtime, some beliefs will change, some will become more prominent, and some you will have an even deeper understanding of later on.
This is how you build your internal compass. This is how you become your best teacher. And this is how you remove the confusion and frustration that studying multiple concepts at once can bring. I really like learning about LOA and ND at the same time now that I have a fundamental understanding of both, but it was so difficult to weave through the two truths when they come from completely different places from one another (one you must abandon your ego, and one you must dive into your ego's personal preferences). But now that I understand them both, it is easy to apply each of the concepts to different areas of my life depending on how I want to approach them. For example, when I am feeling overwhelmed and don't want to take control of my life anymore and I am getting too caught up in the difficulties my ego experiences, I return to the feeling of true bliss that my true identity is Self and simply get to watch my ego experience itself with pure bliss. When I'm having fun being my little human self and feeling all of the emotions that comes with it, I love practicing LOA and feeling fulfilled and daydreaming specific things that only my ego cares about. Both are so, so peaceful and fun, and it is through my understanding of both that I am able to relax and feel peaceful!
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4.) Final thoughts.
I hope that this has brought you a little comfort and clarity, sweet anon. I know that it is a complicated journey, and a scary one at times, too. I had had full on meltdowns when I first started learning about ND and LOA at the same time, because it was so confusing and honestly angering to learn and unlearn and learn and unlearn. However, I came out of it with a huge sense of peace and understanding of my own internal compass that now gives me peace and direction, because I decided to listen to the best teacher I had - me! Your best teacher will be you, and I am certain that you will discover your own understanding and peace if you continue to practice showing up for yourself and listening to your own inner voice. It is strong and it is intelligent; do not doubt it, nurture it and listen to it!
Finally, I want to once again stress how important it is to not let anyone make you feel inferior, whether it is on your spiritual journey or in any other part of your life. You are on a very unique journey that is different from every other person's very unique journey; you are showing up to every new piece of information with a completely different background than anyone else. Please have patience with yourself and remember that there is no one on earth who has a better understanding of your own life than you. It is also important to remember that not everyone who has expert knowledge on a concept has expert teaching skills. There are some bloggers with a lot of incredible knowledge of ND and LOA on this website, but who do not have very compassionate teaching skills. To teach properly and effectively means to have patience and acceptance of your students; not everyone on this website has those skills. Do not blame yourself for being “dumb” when it is the teacher who is unable to explain concepts in a way that is understandable to you. If someone makes you feel dumb and reacts angrily to you not understanding what they are saying, question it - maybe they are the “dumb” one for not being able to put into words what you need to understand. (note: I don’t believe anyone is dumb and that is why it is in quotation marks. I also believe that there are a lot of people answering questions for free and being very generous with their time, and that is a very respectable thing and I am grateful to everyone who wants to share their knowledge with others. As always, this is a nuanced thing that I just want to offer perspective on <3)
Please take care of yourself, and know that you are a lovely and wonderful person who is deserving of the absolute best that life has to offer, anon. I am rooting for you! <3
Love,Bunny 💕
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777mak · 6 months
What influences you?
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Your imagination or the external world?
Do you let your creation dictate your power? You created all of this, the universe is your creation. You created it, it does not create you. Your awareness is what matters, your imagination.
Neville said anyone who refuses to accept themselves as God, is an antichrist. You are against your SELF. Your true self which is god. You are the Christ, you are the "cross" upon which Christ {you} were "nailed".
Denying to accept that you are the operant power is like to live in sin while Christ is crucified in your very flesh. You prevent your resurrection. You keep yourself in the tomb. You aren't aware of your awareness. Wake up to who you are and become aware that you are that very awareness.
Be committed to the truth.
Be committed to yourself, and your imagination. Be committed to knowing you are God. We are driven by our minds, lies, and deceptions of not truly knowing we our God and seeking external validation. I have struggled with this, hell sometimes I still struggle with this. However I keep pushing through and recognize SELF when that happens. I recognize the truth.
What is truth? The truth is you, it is awareness, it is god.
So how do we not let our creation dictate us?
It is practiced. It's being determined to change that. We do NOT give external factors a say. They are us, why would we let them say what we can not can't do when we created them?
It's okay to stumble, the ego has conditioned us to be limited, fearful, and doubters. However we must ascend from the ego and become aware of being the one and only, the operant power, the god of your reality. The more you become aware the more your conception of yourSELF change to match your true nature.
Transcend the ego, let go of your conditions and become who you truly are, become god again.
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777mak · 6 months
you fail to realize that everything is you: pure consciousness. it is you who chooses which states to embody. embody = being the one who already has it in imagination. example: i want 100k so i will imagine being the one who has it already. you always decide. consciousness = imagination so imagining something is choosing it and assuming it as true = it is true instantly. everything is now. there is no past or future. you imagine something? you experienced it instantly the second you imagined it. there is no waiting. there is only being.
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777mak · 6 months
desire: the root of all suffering
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The root of all suffering and lack is desire. The more you desire, the more lack you inflict on yourself, the more lack you experience. The very nature of desire is to lack, as you shall not desire something you already own.
When you drop the desire, you allow yourself to be fulfilled and complete as you are, you connect to your truest essence and realize you are awareness and already have everything you thought you desired. You never lacked anything and if you ever saw lack, you saw an illusion that separated you from who you truly are.
You're the beginning and the end, yet you're also an infinite, complete being. You don't have to do anything, you don't have to be a doer, you don't have to act towards love or abundance as you are already nothing but love and abundance. You cannot lack what you already are, you cannot lack your essence. If you're everything, how can you not have everything already?
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777mak · 6 months
How to actually manifest/reality shift, and how it works
Disclaimer: this is NOT a method, technique or a new trend. It is a way of life! And is the reason behind why manifestation and reality shifting even works in the first place
Who YOU actually are
Awareness, consciousness, the observer, imagination. That is the TRUE you. Not who you “think” you are, not your body, not your identity. All those are imaginary made up concepts, and are not who YOU truly are. If you were your mind or your body or your “identity” you would not be able to be aware of these concepts.
You can hear your thoughts, you can feel your emotions, you can feel touching a table, you observe these things, and you therefore cannot be them. If you can be aware of something, observe something, how can you BE it?
Are you a table? Or are you aware that there is a table?
Are you your thoughts? Or do you hear your thoughts?
That shows us that we are something more than this human body. But that “more” can never be explained or understood, for as long as we are in a human body, because there is nothing to understand, it just IS. YOU are everything and anything. And nothing. Nothing would exist without your awareness of it.
What was before this person?
there just was
What was before this physical world (imaginary human world)?
there just was
What was before doubts and negative thinking?
there just was
it all just IS
It CANNOT be explained!
This is the reason a thing like “manifesting” and “reality shifting” even exists. They are imaginary concepts made up to try and understand and explain being awareness, imagination, the limitless creator. They “work” because they are METHODS to become aware of something.
Awareness of something = it’s real
No awareness of something = it’s not real
Things cease to exist when we focus our awareness somewhere else, which is why things can change and feel like they have been “undone”. The imaginary concept for this is revision.
But as we covered, anything and everything is JUST imagination, it is imaginary, it is not something outside of you, it IS you. 
As a limited human, we believe that the world we live in is something outside of us, we then discover reality shifting and manifesting, and find out we can change this outside world.
But the whole point is to realise that there IS NO outside world, it is ALL within awareness/consciousness/imagination. It is IMAGINARY it exists because we are aware it exists.
We are human because we are aware that we are human.
So then is nothing real?
Not in the sense that we used to believe about the word “real”
How we used to view something as real, was something outside of us. “Imagination is just that. It's not real '' I know a lot of us have been told this growing up, and we believed it.
But the thing is there is NOTHING OUTSIDE OF US.
So yes things are real, when you become aware of them. If not, they just exist as a thing we cannot understand.
But the second we become aware of something, it becomes real, because it was given awareness, it was given attention.
So no nothing is real in the sense we used to think. But that was a made up limited idea. There is nothing but awareness/consciousness/imagination. Anything you can think of, is imaginary and made up.
We have always been aware and observing, if you were your thoughts, then wouldn’t you cease to exist when you didn’t think? What is that pause between your thoughts? Awareness. Observation. It has always been there. Sit in silence and reflect on everything i say in this post, and i promise you, you realise how limited you have always been.
How do you “manifest” and “reality shift” with this you ask?
First, There is no such thing as manifesting or reality shifting. They are made up concepts as I said. Manifesting and reality shifting implies a process to go through, when in reality you are just observing, becoming aware of something, and then it exists, and you as a human body can experience it.
But because you are truly imagination/awareness/consciousness, you are everything, because nothing would even exist without you. There is nothing to “get” or be. Because you already are / have that thing.
awareness/consciousness/imagination is everything, and there is therefore no such thing as “time” ONLY in the imaginary human world. Time is a made up thing. The past and future only exists in thoughts, and thoughts are something imaginary, that means that time is imaginary too. So anything and everything you could ever imagine or think of, exists right at this moment, and is ready to be observed / given awareness/attention to.
This makes this imaginary human life, your playground. Your video game. your dream. You can do absolutely anything and everything
And since this is the case, and what actually changes the imaginary human life, is not affirming, or states or any other method, it is awareness that changes it. That means that whatever you DECIDE is true. Is true.
Want to affirm? Do that. Want to get into a state? Do that. Want to fulfill yourself in imagination and let the “3d” reflect it? Then do that. Want to simply observe something? Do that.
It ALL WORKS, because AWARENESS is what changes your surroundings.
Something important to really understand, is that no matter what any state person says or any affirm person says. Pretty much any law of assumption person says. There is absolutely NO difference between what you see/hear/say/imagine with your eyes closed and with your eyes open.
There is no 4d or 3d. It is just IMAGINATION. The imaginary human world does not “reflect your imagination” how could it when it is only here BECAUSE IT IS imagination. THERE IS NO TIME LAG!! Whenever you become aware of something, it is INSTANTLY real.
Affirm / affirmation = becoming aware
Getting into a state = becoming aware
Deciding / observing = becoming aware
Wanting = becoming aware
You see how it all boils down to the same thing? AWARENESS.
The second you become aware of something it exists immediately like i said, the reason you may not see it show up in the human experience, is because you are aware that there is a time lag, or even aware that you cannot change anything.
Doubts = only real if you are aware of them, you can decide they do not exist.
How it really should be is:
Manifesting -> observing, becoming aware, and things will change because it is just imagination, there is no such thing as manifesting, this is how it normally works!
Reality shifting -> becoming aware of ex. Hogwarts exists, and it does, become aware you are there, then you are. You are NOT shifting to a different “place” because all is imagination.
And lastly, don’t EVER be fooled by what someone else says. YOU DECIDE what is true for you, others don’t. If you want to experience a bunch of things, it's okay to do so! If you just want to be and let things unfold, that is okay! If you want to think, that's okay to do. Never let anyone else tell you what you can and can’t do. It's your imagination after all
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777mak · 2 years
astrology observations pt 1: natal chart edition
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- i can always recognise those with a 12th house stellium or placements. there is a specific aura around them - especially venus in the 12th. the air of otherworldliness is present in everyone with this placement. there is a sense of mysteriousness, and it’s SO alluring lmao. for example: grace kelly, rihanna, alain delon
- people with mars in the 12th conjunct the ascendant may be considered very sexually attractive/desireable by those around them but they are uncomfortable about this, or uncomfortable in their own sexuality/ being considered sexy. it’s the weird dichotomy between a very outgoing placement (mars the planet of sex conjunct the ascendant which is how we present ourselves) but the 12th house being in the mix too. it adds an extra layer of complexity and a certain shyness.
- women with lilith in the first house are irresistible and extremely attractive but may feel objectified frequently. marilyn monroe had this placement
- people with saturn in the second house are probably good with money. they understand the importance of saving and are able to keep themselves under control in that department. this could have stemmed from having to deal with financial problems at an early age
- saturn in cancer may have felt restricted/neglected in their childhood or at home. they may have never felt cared for by their parents
- ceres conjunct saturn is kinda sad tbh especially if it’s at a tight orb. it’s as if saturn overpowers the nurturing nature of ceres and the person feels unworthy or uncomfortable whenever someone attempts to nurture them.
- mercury in the 12th house could find it hard to express themselves/ find the right words to vocalise what they’re thinking. this can be really frustrating.
- moon in 4th house have attachment to the home. for better or for worse. it could be unhealthy, meaning having anxiety about leaving or feeling too connected to the family and losing one’s own individuality. it could also mean simply a deep appreciation for everything the family has given to them and a healthy, sentimental love for the home.
- north node in the 12th house feel drawn to spirituality. like north node in the 8th house, the occult may be of interest too. tarot, witchcraft, astrology etc.
- mars or pluto in the 8th love horror movies lmao
- venus in the 7th tend to idealise every partner they have. everyone is ‘the one’ lol
- this is prob common knowledge but capricorns? i can literally sense you. they are the easiest sun sign to guess. if i think someone is a capricorn and it isn’t their sun, then it’s their rising. the physical appearance (usually dark, sculpted bone structure) or even the aura, it’s really obvious. like it isn’t a coincidence that timothee chalamet, alex turner and damiano david are all capricorns pffft
- saturn in 5th house can feel like their creativity is inhibited for some reason. they could also lowkey kill the vibe at parties accidentally.
- jupiter in the 5th is a lucky placement.
- mars conjunct venus are always attractive. it’s just a fact.
- all the people i know with venus in the 1st house love taking pictures of themselves
- neptune in 10th house may struggle to know what to do in life. they have many different interests
- taurus sun cancer moon is the SWEETEST combination. my best friend has this and is the most genuinely kind person i’ve ever met. (robert pattinson also has this placement which explains his chaotic good energy lmao)
- neptune opposite moon makes a person very sensitive. it’s a difficult aspect. they could feel an obligation to do too much for everyone around them, which is extremely draining.
- gemini risings are pretty easy to recognise. they are bubbly, intelligent and a lot of the time quite blunt.
- saturn square sun could face self esteem issues due to childhood criticism from the father
- mars square jupiter GET WHAT THEY WANT lmao this is an achiever. the square aspect amplifies the enthusiasm and action that comes with these two planets.
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777mak · 2 years
how to read solar return charts - a guide (planets, house cusps, asteroids and hints) 🌞🎇
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the solar return chart relates to how you’ll feeling the year and the major themes that can arise during YOUR year. it’s a personal chart for the year (starting from your birthday in each year).
the solar return chart it’s calculated for the exact moment the Sun returns to its position. it’s a great tool for predictions.
ASCENDANT: the ascendant is related to your primary energy, to the way you will deal with the year in general. it’s the way you’ll react to things. it means your approach to all matters that will arise during the year. it’s your individual energy to deal with all issues throughout the year. where you will experience beginnings. finally, it can mean the way you’ll deal with yourself until your next birthday. to understand more about it, focus on the planet that rules the ascendant sign, and on the placement of that planet (sign, house). for example: Ascendant in Virgo. the planet that rules Virgo is Mercury. so, look at Mercury’s placement to find more tips on your approach for the year.
SUN: the house will give you tips on areas where you should focus on shining during the year. it’s where your personality is ready to show itself to others most strongly. in addition, sign + house can also be seen as a direction of the energy of your sun sign.
MOON: your internal desire for the year. where you will have the internal energy to develop better, either on a level of self-knowledge, something that you will keep on the inside, or on a level of a latent will that is emerging and that may soon surface to the outside, so that you achieve everything you want. the moon can also talk about where your heart will be during the year. moreover, what your emotional reactions and your sensitivity will be like. finally, what will bring you emotional happiness.
MERCURY: the energy that will be around your mind. how will be your intellectual strengths and weaknesses during the year. what subjects will interest you most, and what will be your way of thinking about things during the year. in addition, this placement can talk about how your mind will be in the year and how you will communicate.
VENUS: how your interpersonal relationships can take place during the year, your Venus energy for love during the year. what will be your energy, in general, for money and earthly pleasures. to notice whether there will be changes or not in this area of ​​your life, i recommend making a comparison with your natal Venus and also observing the relevant aspects between one and the other.
MARS: your vital energy throughout the year. how you’ll react to things. the house can give tips on where you can live in situations of impatience or some kind of excessive intensity (fights, for example). it can also indicate where you will have more initiatives, even if the energy of the sign is not the most intense.
JUPITER: shows you where you can expand during the year. abundance in your life during your year. it can also indicate an area of ​​growth in what you will be lucky during your year. moreover, what energy is hovering over you with regard to your will to expand and grow: whether you are looking to grow more open to everything, or whether you are looking to grow in something specific, and how you will seek it. in addition, Jupiter can give tips on how you will be positive (or not) about the year.
SATURN: where you’ll have to work harder, what will be your main duties throughout the year, where you can have achievements after efforts and work. in addition, it can mean the area in what you’ll be most limited and who will be least easily satisfied. where you’ll seek stability.
URANUS: in what area of ​​your life can you feel an abrupt transformation, where you will want to evolve and innovate. it can mean what area of ​​life you will be most influenced to change unconventionally and out of nowhere. unusual changes. where you will be taken to develop.
NEPTUNE: where you can seek escapism during the year, in what area you’ll dream the most, how your dreams can be realized, what is your usual way of dreaming during the year. where you can experience more unconscious transformations, breaking down barriers, where you can have unconscious power to insert creativity. also, mental health issues.
Keep reading
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777mak · 2 years
solar return chart - moon placements (signs and houses) 🌙
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pic not mine.
Aries moon / 1st house - this may be a year with a greater focus on developing. this could be a year with a greater focus on improving your appearance in some sense. you may be more sensitive to criticism and self-esteem, and physical body may be a more prominent issue in your head (and emotional) during your year.
Taurus moon / 2nd house - during the year you may be looking to achieve even greater emotional, financial and material stability. yes, we all seek that. but for the moon in taurus, it’s essential to have stability, otherwise the humor and the sense of emotional north are impaired. that is: material goods and knowing that you have some kind of stability can make you feel better during your year.
Gemini moon / 3rd house - your need for the year will be to have more contact with people. socialization can be extremely important to you, and if your natal chart goes against that, you can live with a certain duality. knowing new things and experiencing unusual situations will bring you more inner happiness.
Cancer moon / 4th house - your emotional sensitivity will be higher during the year. it will be a year of contact with family and home affairs, and you can be more attached to your family, as well as being sensitive to what happens in that family environment.
Leo moon / 5th house - your emotional needs may be on the rise during your year. being recognized for what you do, being noticed by others and being able to express yourself and shine can be things that you will seek. and the lack of it can bring bad feelings. your emotional reactions can be dramatic.
Virgo moon / 6th house - you can be emotionally demanding during your year, but you won’t charge things in a verbal way or as expressive as a leo would do, only if other positions (natal placements or solar return) collaborate with it. you will be looking for more organization in your feelings, which can be particularly bad and can bring you an excess of rationality. your emotional need will be to feel useful and organized.
Libra moon / 7th house - your emotional needs during your year will be more sensitive and open to others. you may wish, more than ever, to be close to those you like. you can get more emotionally closer to the people you like, especially if you have a boyfriend / girlfriend.
Scorpio moon / 8th house - during your year, your emotional may be undergoing internal transformations, and you may be more psychically sensitive to things. you may have a greater desire to hide your vulnerabilities.
Sagittarius moon / 9th house - your emotional will want movement and to know something new in which you can identify, believe and defend. in your year, you tend to be more outgoing, wanting to live new situations.
Capricorn moon / 10th house - during your year, nothing will bring you more comfort than feeling aligned with your life purpose. you’ll feel a greater need to work towards your goals. on the other hand, you can be much more emotionally closed, preventing your internal sensitivity from flowing.
Aquarius moon / 11th house - during your year, your emotional will want to have even more contact with your friendships or with social groups. you will be looking for more freedom and independence from other people.
Pisces moon / 12th house - your emotional will be more sensitive, and you may be looking for solitude. this solitude won’t be useless (at least that’s what i advise): use your time alone to enjoy being alone and also to know more about yourself.
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777mak · 2 years
”The house of death, sex & other peoples money”
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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: sex, abuse.
Sun in the 8th house:
The Sun here makes you transform in a way that you might feel like you have lived different lives. You might have a hard time believing people when they tell you about something you did 5 years ago because that just doesnt sound like you. You experience deaths and rebirths. You might even like hitting rock bottom because you know how beautiful it is when you rise again. You dont only transform yourself, you transform everyone you meet too. This is also why broken people are so drawn to you because they can sense your healing energy. This placement creates a strong aura and presence. You probably noticed peoples reactions to you early in life and this might have scared you. You have been trough a lot and this can be seen only by looking at you.
Your experiences have made you extremely strong and powerful but also a human lie detector. Its hard to hide anything from you and this is also something that people pick up on. You are sensitive and feel the energies of others. 8th house suns are very good at reading peoples personality since the Sun rules Leo which rules acting, teather and personality they have a intuition when it comes to those things. You know why people act how they act and no matter how confident they appear you know if you are faking and they know what your insecurities are.
You have a lot of integrity because you know how threathened some people can be by your power and how much people want what you have. You wont let a lot of people know who you really are, only those who are completely honest with you. The Sun in this house creates such a mysterious person that its easy for you to become famous. You awake curiosity in the masses. This is one of the biggest fame placements. You love black clothes and you love layers on layers, not showing any skin at all. Your relationship to your father is probably very intense and might even be uncomfortable. Your father might have been absent in some way, either physically or just emotionally. You are down to earth and will become a even more beautiful soul after your first ”ego death”.
Moon in the 8th house:
You feel everything so intensely that it scares you. When you hate someone you hate with your whole heart. You can be very moody and can get intense moodswings. Be careful not to let your moods get so extreme that you push others away only to later regret it. Your mother might have had a hard life herself and maybe she didnt know how to comfort you and love you. There is definitely a lot of healing to do when it comes to your relationship to other women. You might get very envious and jealous of other women if you are not comfortable with your own femininity. You might have grown up around powerful and dominant women which shaped your view of women and femininity. Rob Kardashian has this placement and he grew up in a family of powerful women with a lot of scandals surrounding sex.
You have an almost unnatural understanding of human nature. You have a intuition that is out of this world. The way you see right trough people is insane. You might even get psychic attacks. A natural psychologist just like Sigmund Freud who had this aspect himself. In men this aspect can become very scary and can turn into an obsession with women. People with this aspect can be obsessed with having power over women just like their mom had power over them. People with moon in the 8th house can have very fixed opinions and can in worst case be very conservative and care too much about keeping traditions. You will probably go trough a phase in your teen years when you ”shut off” your feelings because you are ashamed of your intensity, but your feelings are your power and a part of you and you need them to completely be yourself and we need our feelings and empathy to understand those around us.
Mercury in the 8th house:
These people are curious and love to dig deep. They are probably interested in everything they shouldnt be interested in. They have the habit of saying things they know will hurt someone because they know where it hurts. When young and still immature they might enjoy getting secrets out of others without telling their own, they might feel powerful when doing stuff like that. The problem these people have is that they underestimate others, they feel nobody understands how manipulative they are completey unaware of how everyone else is just the same. This makes them victims of other peoples manipulations because they dont see it comming.They are usually horrified when they discover that they are not the only ones who thinks this way, everyone else have been manipulating them this whole time. They are usually victims of manipulation themselves without knowing it because others can sense their sensitivity. They love asking questions they already know the answer to. These people can be very intuitive when it comes to other peoples feelings and hidden needs which makes them good at comforting those around them. They might sense when you need a hug without you saying a word. This placement creates a very intense gaze, you can see how analyzing they are
Venus in the 8th house:
You have a love for everything thats dark, mysterious and forbidden. You probably liked to read taboo books and watch scary movies even as a child. Venus here makes the person so charming that it outshines any physical flaws. A raw beauty. The sexual organs are beautiful and have such a soft feeling when you touch it. If you have sex with them once you will come back for more. These people know they got something special but they might not understand it themselves. Imagine the image of Goddess Aphrodite but shes wearing a leather corset and a whip. But Venus here is not only positive, even Venus becomes wicked when shes in the 8th house. These people might have been called sexy before they even knew what sexy was. Comments from adults that felt uncomfortable ”Oh arent you a little charmer” ”Shes gon be a problem” ”Imagine her in a few years”. Comments that made them ashamed. Beauty is no longer something funny or something to be proud of. The dark side of Venus. The reactions it attracts must mean Im bad right? So Venus in this house starts to hide. Baggy clothes, cold looks, no makeup, oversized shirts to hide what everyone is begging to see. Mean comments from other women awakes a self hate that will take years to recover from. Angry looks from women in the dressing room. Every little flaw magnified by the female relatives at the family gatherings.
These people have a healing touch to them. Just by meeting them once you will change. They transform people, especially those they love. Being loved by these people is a blessing because they have the power(8th house) of love(Venus). They will do anything for those they love but only if they feel you would to the same for them. They will understand you pain like nobody else and they will heal you.
The 8th house also rules other peoples money and the money we get without our own effort so you will get a lot from others, it might not only be money it can be in the form of gifts too. For example when you move to your own first appartment people might help you move for free and you might get most of your furniture by others without having to buy it yourself.
Mars in the 8th house:
These people have intense experiences with men and might have been abused by men with toxic masculinity. Men with this aspect might feel like they arent masculine enough.They might have been abused by men early in life. Experiences with the father might have scared them in some way. A lot of trauma surrounding sex. They might have had very uncomfortable experiences when it comes to their first time. The first time was probably aggressive. All the confusion around sex can lead to an insatiable hunger for sex.
Men and masculinity might be a sensitive subject. When younger you probably experienced a lot of aggression either from others or you might have been aggressive yourself. These people might be afraid of their own anger because they know how intense they are. They have an intense energy surrounding them just like Scorpio Mars people. You can sense when they are irritaded because their energy will fill the whole room making everyone uncomfortable. They dont take rivalry lightly and can be extremely competetive especially if mars is afflicted. They will be interested in the occult and eveything thats taboo and most of them are not afraid to show it because of the confident nature of mars.
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777mak · 2 years
✧───𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝟠𝕥𝕙 𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕕𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙───✧
I debated referencing certain deceased celebrities since I looked at MANY MANY MANY of their deaths for research, but I feel like it's disrespectful to publicly dissect a complete stranger's death for an astrology post so I won't. However, if you don't believe me you can always do the research on this topic yourself, this information wasn't hard to find.
DO NOT read if you consider yourself a paranoid person. I am honest about my findings, and if you are not in a headspace where you think you can calmly read this and not be affected by its contents, then don't.
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🕊𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝓅𝑒𝑜𝓅𝓁𝑒 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶𝓃 𝑒𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓎 𝟪𝓉𝒽 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒:
Find out what sign your 8th house is, find out what planet rules that sign, and then read that description. Example: Gemini in the 8th=Mercury in the 8th
🕊𝒫𝓁𝒶𝒸𝑒𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽 𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒:
well first you must understand the 8th house rules death, both figuratively and literally, but we are focusing on the literal aspect right now. More specifically, 8th house placements can show the actual event or thing could end up causing you to die, and what the circumstances surrounding your death are like. Can also show additional body parts that fail/are injured that are involved in your death.
🖤𝒮𝓊𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
A lot of people with this placement tended to die relatively old and of natural causes, dying young is not something I saw very often for people with this placement
A good handful did die from strokes, which yes I know is a pretty common thing that kills a lot of old people but it was noticeably more popular for people with Sun in the 8th than with other 8th house placements
Cardiac issues were also very very very very common (ie: heart palpitations being involved in death, heart attacks, etc.)
Branching off of heart-related issues, dying from circulatory issues came up a fair amount as well for Sun in the 8th including (but not limited to) abdominal aortic aneurysms, cardiac circulatory collapse, and much more
People with Sun in the 8th are usually remembered in a positive light (that crappy pun was 100% unintentional I swear) after their deaths. rarely the types to die infamously or widely disliked if they didn't have any other "chaotic" 8th house placements.
su*cide wasn't very common, but out of all the 8th house placements, it looks like Sun in the 8th people die from it the most. not saying that to scare anybody, but it is what it is.
🖤𝑀𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
well if this is your only 8th house placement, then consider yourself lucky because many of the deceased celebrity profiles I saw with this placement usually died from natural causes.
for women, breast cancer and/or ovarian cancer was not uncommon
for men, prostate cancer was not uncommon
for everybody in general, colon cancer came up a lot
dying from complications related to diabetes came up several times (both type one and two)
dying from diseases that affected the air sacs of the lungs was one I saw really often. This includes emphysema, bronchial pneumonia, tuberculosis, and more
dying from blood clots was pretty popular, for most Moon in the 8th people with this issue died because they clots were in or ended up their heart or lungs
I know this list is pretty short but there wasn't much ground to cover?? I've looked at over 30+ natal charts of dead people with Moon in the 8th and there really wasn't much variety...which is probably a good thing for people with this placement, to be honest
🖤𝑀𝑒𝓇𝒸𝓊𝓇𝓎 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
A very bittersweet thing about Mercury in the 8th is they usually die very closely surrounded by their friends and family, which definitely wasn't the case for all of the 8th house placements.
word of their death usually travels very quickly too, which isn't really a good or bad thing but I thought I should mention it anyway
another placement where bronchial pneumonia was really common
lung cancer came up a lot, throat cancer was less common than lung cancer but it came up a pretty fair amount too
going off of that (sort of), even if somebody with Mercury in the 8th didn't have throat cancer or anything like that, it was still pretty common for their ability to communicate (especially verbally) to be extremely hindered before they died
okay well the truth is Mercury rules over the sign Gemini, which rules over the 3rd house, which rules over automobiles...so in rare cases dying from car crashes is a possibility, but it was still pretty rare so most of you don't need to sweat it
things rupturing in general was something I saw quite a bit. ruptured ulcers, rupturing caused by a hemorrhage, and several other types.
A small-ish percentage of people with this placement literally just collapsed onto the ground when they died?? they'd be making dinner or whatever other normal activity you can think of and then just BOOM something happened in their body and they fell right onto the floor.
🖤𝒱𝑒𝓃𝓊𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
now this is good news for my fellow people with Venus in the 8th but bad news for me specifically because the causes of death for most people with this placement were so boring?? Like the most generic diseases and issues old people have were almost always the cause of death for these guys. Of course, you'll have the odd celebrity out who got eaten by a tiger while on an electric chair next to a volcano or something dramatic, but (almost) 100% of the people I saw with Venus in the 8th died in very typical ways and at an older age.
More common ones were lymphoma and lymphedema, which makes perfect sense considering Venus rules over throat glands. To be honest, any serious lymphatic disease came up at least once for these guys.
Of course, you have good ol' heart attacks being a common cause of death for these guys, not as common as they were for Sun in the 8th people but still pretty common
Not a cause of death, but a side effect I saw a lot for people with this placement was bladder problems or issues/possible infections with their urethra before they died. I know, I know, "Mpj that's so weird of you to mention!!" I don't care
Kind of a good thing depending on how you look at it, but a handful of people with this placement died in REALLY fancy hotels or nice resorts so uhhh there's a perk of a Venus in the 8th death I guess...~dying in a really lavish place~
Major strokes were more common with these guys than with every other 8th house placement I investigated. I don't know what the correlation is but I saw it really often.
Overall, likely to have peaceful deaths. Venus is the planet of love and beauty and all that other corny stuff after all so it only makes sense.
🖤𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
relatively quick deaths, do not suffer or barely suffer before they die
A lot of people with this placement died of something that involved blood in some way. About 7 Mars in the 8th people I looked at (all from around the 1800s) died of lead poisoning which will affect your blood composition, another bunch died from tuberculosis, and one side effect of that is coughing up blood.
Of course you can translate that into a modern context though, any hematology related issue could be the cause of death for Mars in the 8th people
A lot of people with this placement also had head or brain injuries/complications that ended up being their cause of death. Seriously I saw so many of those
in ABSOLUTLEY EXTREME cases, yes, this can show dying from being murdered/assassinated, but take that with a thousand grains of salt as that (usually) only applied to political figures...so yeah if you have Mars in the 8th don't put yourself out there too much, okay?
dying from STDs was not very common, but cases like that still came up a handful of times (and I rarely saw any other deaths caused by that for any other 8th house placement) so beware
People tend to be shocked by their deaths, usually since their deaths are sort of sudden. But that DOES NOT mean you will die young or horribly or anything. There were plenty of old people who had this placement that were perfectly fine + healthy, and then just unexpectedly died of natural causes one day.
🖤𝒥𝓊𝓅𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
well, whoever is written into your will is going to be really lucky. usually, people with Jupiter in the 8th leave behind a large inheritance when they die.
I know this is really unspecific but a lot suffered from chronic diseases before they died. Half of the deceased Jupiter in the 8th profiles I looked at always had the word "disease" at the end, but as to what each disease was tended to vary a lot, and I didn't run into that for any other 8th house placement.
Okay, once ya'll DO NOT freak out on me in the comments since this one was pretty rare, but a handful of people with this placement (only a handful) died while in a car. Obviously, this includes car accidents, but I saw some people with this placement who were shot while in a car and stuff like that. Since Jupiter represents travel, I'm 99% sure that's why I saw some deaths like that.
For the ones that lived above 60+ with this placement, developing cancer was common. It usually developed in the pancreas, kidneys, liver, which makes sense since Jupiter rules those body parts.
Going off of what I just said, issues with the liver and/or kidney failure was also very popular.
Congestive heart failure was an oddly specific one that came up a lot? I would have expected something cardiac-related like that to be more popular with people who had Sun in the 8th but whatever
super random, but a lot of older people with this placement became very religious/spiritual and extremely calm/forgiving a few days before they died, almost like their body was preparing them for their death in a bittersweet way. because of this they almost always passed very peacefully.
🖤𝒮𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓇𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
Tend to leave a legacy of sorts? I know that's super unspecific since most people technically do, but they're usually very well remembered for something noble they said or did. More so than other people.
I know heart attacks are a pretty common cause of death, but they seem to be especially popular for people with this placement, heart failure too
Dying from internal bacterial infections came up a lot. This included (but isn't limited to) peritonitis, uremia, uremic poisoning, and bacterial meningitis
honestly, pretty much any cancers that form in the bone and soft tissue I saw at least once. This includes (but is NOT limited to) lymphoma, fibrosarcoma, chordoma, etc.
Parkinson's disease wasn't the cause of death for anybody with this placement (not anybody I saw at least), but a lot of people with Saturn in the 8th suffered from it when they got older
Going back to heart stuff, blocked arteries ended up being the cause of death for a lot of people with Saturn in the 8th. Many older people with this died from Ischemic strokes, once again congestive heart failure came up a lot, and any other form of Atherosclerosis I probably saw at least once or twice to be honest.
Most of you don't need to worry about this but I saw a LOT of political figures who had this placement either get assassinated or commit su*cide. So if you have Saturn in the 8th, be careful if you want to join that line of work...
Of course people will grieve if somebody dies no matter who they are (usually at least), but people seem to get especially distraught over the deaths of people with Saturn in the 8th. Their deaths seem to stick with people and upset them for a really long time.
🖤𝒩𝑒𝓅𝓉𝓊𝓃𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
dying under mysterious conditions/cause of death might be unclear or speculated on for a while. might be multiple theories or rumors about how they died
cause of death could involve medication or any sort of potentially addictive substance.
ON RARE OCCASIONS water can be involved in death, dehydration/overhydration/drinking something contaminated /drowning/dying near or in a body of water, etc.
memory problems leading up to death could be minor, but in more extreme cases full-blown Alzheimer's or Dementia could be involved
Having lung problems being the cause of death or cause of being tied to that was VERY common, surprisingly. Seriously, any lung condition you can name I found a Neptune in the 8th person who either suffered or died from it.
Intestinal issues weren't as common but a relatively large handful of people with this placement had some issue or condition with that before they died. Another odd one if you ask me, since I've never seen anybody associate Neptune with that body part...but okay I guess.
dying from cerebral hemorrhage was another weirdly common one? nowhere near as popular as lung or intestinal issues though.
for the people who died at an older age with this placement, a lot of them died in their sleep or fell into a dream-like state before they died.
🖤𝒰𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓊𝓈 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
I saw a lot of causes of death for Uranus in the 8th people being linked to complications/diseases that had to do with either the brain or nervous system
This includes (but is NOT limited to) brain hemorrhages, cerebral aneurysms, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis complications, etc.
A lot of older people with this ended up partially paralyzed. Not all of course, so don't freak out, but I still saw it a good amount nonetheless.
Since Uranus does rule rebellion, I saw a decent amount of Uranus in the 8th people who died during revolts, violent protests, etc. Which yes I know sounds stupid since generally a lot of people die during those, but I saw that specific cause of death for Uranus in the 8th more than any other 8th house placement
People with Uranus in the 8th cause of death were either REALLY clear and obvious or the cause was unknown for a while. There wasn't a middle ground, people either didn't know for ages (and may still not 100% know), or the cause could be determined seemingly 2 minutes after death.
some people with this placement became very paranoid/disturbed before they died, not all of course but I saw it several times. Since Uranus clearly has an influence on neurology, I think it makes sense
Honestly, all the people I looked at who had Uranus in the 8th either had completely normal deaths or weird ones. One profile I looked at would be something like "died of a stroke at age 98" and then the person I looked at IMMEDIATELY after that would be something like "was in a hot tub in Brazil at the age of 22 and randomly collapsed and we still don't know why" like???
overall I think it's a very neutral 8th house placement. I've seen other accounts make out Uranus in the 8th to be all "yOu DiE yOuNg AnD tRagIcAllY!!!" but honestly? I don't think it's like that...at all...for the majority of people.
🖤𝒫𝓁𝓊𝓉𝑜 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝟪𝓉𝒽🖤
To start off, dying from cardiac arrest specifically was one I saw often
An oddly specific combo I saw a lot is people with this placement developing respiratory problems, which would somehow lead them to die from cardiac problems later on?? For example, I saw one case for a Pluto in the 8th person where "The cause of death was pneumonia that in turn caused heart failure"
Can unintentionally ingest something that kills them. Taking medicine their body had a reaction to was one I saw a couple times. For some prominent historical figures with Pluto in the 8th, they were straight-up poisoned. But 99.99% of you don't have to worry about that.
Branching off of that slightly, I saw stomach cancer kill a decent amount of people with this placement
Barbiturate intoxication came up a handful of times. Honestly didn't expect that one since Neptune is usually known for issues like that.
Meningitis wasn't very common, but I saw practically ever type of it come up at least once
So many people with this placement had their causes of deaths really hard to find?? I can't tell you the amount of sketchy websites I went on to find out how these guys died. That was rarely ever a problem for other 8th house placements. It looks like people are usually pretty secretive as to how people with Pluto in the 8th die...even though their causes of death are rarely ever worthy of being a scandalous secret of some type
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777mak · 2 years
𝕯𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖘 𝖎𝖓 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖙 ❣️
Short descriptions of what the dominant planets mean in your natal chart. To find out which planets are your dominant I recommend Astroseek.com
Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karolina
Sun dominant
Sun dominants have a radiant/confident appearance and personality. They tend to make dramatic gestures. Sun dominants stand tall and have a strong sense of self-respect and are not afraid of presenting themselves in social situations.
Moon dominant
These people tend to have a softer/rounder appearance and personality. Their eyes are the windows to their souls followed by a soothing aura. They are most likely the person to notice incase anyone feels uncomfortable in social situations. Moon dominants also intellectualize themselves through emotions.
Mercury dominant
These people typically have a slender and airy appearance. Mercury dominants may either be petite like a fairy or tall like a supermodel. They think and act quickly, there is emphasis on their hands and arms - may use body language a lot when speaking. Very witty personalities.
Venus dominant
These people have a charming, proportionate and soft appearance to themselves. They may have nice curves and give off an ethereal vibe. They value aesthetics and art highly. Venus dominants are thoughtful and fair in social circumstances - appreciate honesty and sophistication.
Mars dominant
These people have a striking and dominating appearance which draws a lot of people in - may come off very determined and ready for a discussion whenever. Mars dominants are leaders rather than followers I would say and love to take initiative. Might like to stand up for those who are more receptive.
Saturn dominant
They have a classy and thoughtful appearance. They usually have amazing bone structure as well as work ethics. They may look or act more mature than their actual age. Saturn dominants are very realistic in their approach to life and value hard working individuals.
Jupiter dominant
These people have abundant and inspiring appearance and personality. These people are very lucky but they may overindulge which affects their looks or mental health. They enjoy the pleasures of life. Jupiter dominants may have darker features.
Uranus dominant
They have an eccentric and rebellious personality and appearance. The is emphasis on the forehead here, usually short to medium height. Uranus dominants tend to learn life lessons the hard way but are thus the wisest. The awakener. May be those "out of the box" thinking people or are attracted to such individuals.
Neptune dominant
They have a dreamy and soft appearance to themselves. They always look like they're daydreaming. They are extremely sensitive to their surroundings and are the intuitive type. Neptune dominants are attracted to calm and peaceful individuals.
Pluto dominant
These people have an intense and seductive appearance. Having defined eyebrows and dark traits are common followed by a deep gaze. These people may have a strong presence in the room even if they're not in the centre of attention. Pluto dominants highly value powerful individuals and move quickly and swiftly.
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