82woos · 7 years
If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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82woos · 7 years
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82woos · 7 years
It was impossible to miss Thomas’s tall form towering above the crowd. His surprise appearance drew a warm smile on Kihyun’s face, and he took a few running steps to catch the man before he would disappear around the corner or slip away through the entrance. His small suitcase was rolling behind him, small and convenient enough not to slow him down. His uniform was not quite as comfortable.
“Thomas,” he gasped out and touched his shoulder lightly to catch his attention. “Wow, it’s been a while. Did you just get back? Please don’t tell me you came here just to pick me up.”
Kihyun had landed back to Incheon half an hour ago after a domestic flight to Jeju and back. They were always the easy ones, filled with wealthy Korean passengers only for an hour or two. There was not enough time to get drunk or impatient or sick, and he had never had to try to talk French on them. He had not seen Thomas’s name on the list of passenger’s. Another flight from the USA or England must have arrived - unless Thomas had somehow found out about his schedule and decided to kill time by surprising him.
“You look good,” Kihyun said warmly and fixed his tie. Somehow it had ended up crooked under the vest. “How have you been? Have you tried to call me? I got off work just now, and I haven’t checked my phone..”
It doesn’t rain as much as people think it does in London. He had this idea that it was on par with Seattle, all clouds and precipitation - he invested in some rain boots and a rain coat. Come to find out Thomas didn’t exactly need it as much as he thought he would. London was -- well, certain parts of London were on his mind often, with fondness. 
Thomas won’t ever admit it but he struggled. His father’s health weighing heavily on his mind, the conflict surrounding them on top of maintaining academic balance. He wasn’t even going to bring her up. He made friends though, faces that took the stiff line out of his broad shoulders and relaxed his face, he didn’t seem as often as he’d like but the fondness won’t fade, ever. 
It was a routine business trip, go over, show them numbers he wasn’t sure himself were real and shake hands, beg internally not to fuck everything up. He came out unscathed -- he usually does because unlike Steven or, Uncle Sanghoon, Thomas knew what battles were better to fight. He’s used to bargaining for something he’s entitled to. An oxymoron in it’s finest.
The airline made him think of Kihyun, he wasn’t sure if they were to cross paths but he made a mental note to reach out to the younger attendant. London was weird but it gave him the little brother he wanted when he was younger. They were both new to a different country at the time, and Kihyun was younger so it brought out a brotherly affection in Thomas, he kept an eye on him, they helped each other out, forged a bond. It’s a bond he actively tries to keep, he doesn’t have many friends. 
So when they’re standing there, a touch of shock flickering over his face before his face breaks out in a relieved albeit small grin in recognition. “I was just thinking about you, your airline is here correct? This wasn’t planned but I can give you a ride, yes. Would you like to get a drink? Have you eaten?” 
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82woos · 7 years
She scooted over as she listened to him talk. “Ah, so that’s where you get it from?” Her shoulder shrugged. Overachiever didn’t seem too bad to her. “Aren’t they the same? Doing the most to achieve your goals? I guess it be too much to still meet up, huh? They’re probably all busy with work and family stuff.” Again she was surprised. “A tattoo too?! Where? Is it on you butt, if it is I don’t want to see.”
“I’m sure if one of us pressed hard enough, we could meet but we’re scattered around the world. If there is a reunion for our class, I may or may not attend.” Depends on the state of the world when the time comes. “It’s not on my butt,” he laughs, pulling the sleeve of his shirt up his left forearm. “I got it on a whim, years and years ago. I believe right before I started university. 
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82woos · 7 years
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A grin creeped unto her face and nodded to him. “Galas like this can be overwhelming and exaggerated. I personally prefer private one on one meetings – it’s just better.” Events like this remind her of a masquerade ball, where people hide themselves with masks to hide who they really are and their intentions. The only difference with this gala is nobody wears masks. She was no different from the others, except she was better at lying and getting away with it, something she had learn for years. She had introduced herself Bonnie Rhee, the right hand to KS group’s CEO. It was a legitimate company and maybe the person who hired her wanted to eliminate the COO of the Nam Group but she didn’t care. She only cared for the pay she’d receive once she’s done with her job. Bonnie sighed. “All this formal acting is overrated. Charity galas are overrated. I prefer a pub down the street and a few drinks to have fun.” She laughed softly, trying to give ideas that maybe they should ditch the place. “But maybe that’s just me but if my boss hasn’t asked, I wouldn’t be here at all. I’m glad at least, I bumped to a familiar face.”
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“It’s a pissing contest.” He finally voices his thoughts aloud and laughs to himself. He can hear his mother’s disapproving hum, speaking in such manner in front of a woman. He has no manners. “They speak on good causes and networking but --” it’s a small fish bowl, everyone knows everyone already. Outsiders aren’t truly outsiders if they’re apart of a company. “It’s all about bragging, getting in trouble. The free booze, I’ll never complain about that.” It’s helping him conserve the liquor in the flask of his breast pocket. Her offer, not that he’s sure she’s even given it: it’s tempting. He’s supposed to be saving face, with his father in a coma, the entire night has been faux sympathy and weird shoulder touches. It’s growing tiresome, he’s not dead, yet. She’s one of a million familiar faces he’s seen as the night goes on but she’s the first not to annoy him. “Where is your boss?” He’s not going to steal her away to this pub down the street if it’ll get her in trouble. Perhaps, he could be polite and say hello.
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82woos · 7 years
Be patient. Good things take time.
(via motivated-mindset)
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82woos · 7 years
❝I have a lot of slutty friends you might like.❞ @82woos
Yuna often wondered what it was about her that gave the impression that she was lonely as of late? More often than she was comfortable with, people in and out of her circle had been dropping hints of who they knew was available and who they felt would be most compatible with her personality. It was moments likes these that the drummer started to regret how private she could be, but it never lasted long. Her personal life was her business and of no importance to anyone else.  Thomas was drunk. Either that or he was trying to get a rise out of her. Those were the only realistic scenarios Yuna could come up with to explain why the usually level headed man had not held his tongue. His words would have been somewhat amusing if she had not been so annoyed with their crass and blunt nature. At least she had a beautiful view of New York to provide some semblance of comfort. 
“And what about me would suggest that I would be interested in your slutty friends?” She asked, keeping her tone light to keep from drawing the attention of the other party goers wandering about the terrace as well. “Do I look like that would be my type?”
It was merely a joke. Or maybe it wasn’t. “I use the term friends loosely... they’re just means to an end.” Or a release. “Getting off and getting married are two completely different entities, two far and broad boxes.” Clearly he’s struck a nerve, he laughs impishly before raising his glass in a silent cheers. He would never convince someone marriage was in the cards for them when he avoids it like the plague. “You need to get laid,” he announces bluntly after a sip. “Badly.” 
These roof top parties are fun during the summer. Especially at night. It’s only on the roof can they actually see something in the sky to look at. Skyscrapers and smog dominate the skies during the day, but the twinkle of the stars is there if you glance hard enough. He hopes she doesn’t get mad enough to toss him over the railing. If he dies, who else will fund the parties? 
“Slutty is a subjective term, do you want me to change my words? Alright then.” He rolls his eyes, clearing his throat. “I know some people who are open to...” he can’t finish, laughing. “C’mon, you aren’t really peeved with me are you?”
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82woos · 7 years
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follow && reblog for a starter.
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82woos · 7 years
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                       she stared at her reflection in the glossed windows                                as if to make sure, moment by moment,                                       that she still continued to EXIST.
                                                ( penned by nina )
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82woos · 7 years
“You can do whatever but I am suggesting to be careful. Feds aren’t fools.” His eyes continued to examine the place. “How long have you had this place?”
“2014, I’ve opened a couple more since then.” His brother drilled into his brain how he would never be in the family business so he made his own. It was fulfilling, being his own boss, enjoying the night life internationally. No matter where he went, someone was always looking for a party and he was the man to deliver. “I should give ‘em the boot but then I would be down a man and I don’t feel like hiring someone new, if I kick him and make someone double up, then I’ll have to throw some more coins at them and just...” he shakes his head. 
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82woos · 7 years
“i just said i would have preferred a job related to what i studied so your question is slightly off topic. hmmmm” she paused for a moment. “i am not in a relationship at the moment either,  am simply enjoying the company of someone who makes me feel comfortable and takes my mind off of my broken heart. people are different, not everyone is the same. for you love might not be needed but for me, love is also something important.  ideally i would like to be with junho though. over anything else. so just any man isn’t really want i want. but because i cannot, if i can think about this less and less then i can finally be more at ease.”
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“I don’t agree with the whole notion of ‘getting over one man by getting under another’ it’s just a warm body. You can laugh and give him all the heart eyes in the world but all you’re doing is hurting yourself and him. For what? This guy is a joke so... it’s not as if he’s better than Junho in any way. He’s just a distraction.” And distractions are no good for anyone. “If work permits, maybe go on a trip? You have these feelings for these guys but what about yourself? Taking some time to really evaluate your heart. Do you really like Junho? Do you really like this guy? Drink some fruity drinks and get a tan, spend a little recklessly. Try new foods -- alone.” Doesn’t sound half bad at all.
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82woos · 7 years
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            she twirled the glass in her hand, curiosity on caramel brown eyes, fingers brushing away from her features a loose strand of hair. perfectly done nails reach out to pull the business card close to her, glancing at him for a brief moment before she read it. “ sounds important… ” sunny smiled lightly, placing it back on the table and looking up to him. “ nam taewoo-ssi ” at least now she knew his name.
             the way he slurred made it clear to her that the man was a bit drunker than she was. with him reaching out from the bottle, sunny took it for herself and away from his reach. “ sure you want to drink more? ” not that she would deny him if he insisted but she just felt the obligation to ask. “ and you know, sometimes people can’t help it. that kind of thing takes a certain amount of willpower that not everyone has ”
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She was right. She was absolutely right but he was so gutted about what happened he wasn’t sure where his mind was. He blamed himself. “I should have watched her more carefully. I’m sure if I was more attentive to her struggle maybe this wouldn’t have happened you know?” He doesn’t take to losing well, he doesn’t need to be drinking his sorrows away but it’s the easiest thing to do right now. 
“I don’t drink often,” he admitted, staring down his glass. “I mean I do drink, with my colleagues every Thursday but I don’t...” he let out a hiccup. He doesn’t go overboard with the drinking. That’s what he’s getting at. He’s never liked the way he feels the next day when he drinks heavily. “Do you want to drink more? I wouldn’t let you drink alone.”
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82woos · 7 years
Replies soon
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82woos · 7 years
PLOT: your muse had met her a few times in a few places bcs your muse is her mission
ABOUT BONNIE: a survivor, not a good person. she’s a mercenary/paid assassin. usually hard to approach emotionally (cold) but for missions sometimes she tries to act sweet.
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Her eyes lit up as she saw her target’s face in the crowded room. If it wasn’t for her new job, she wouldn’t even be in here, the fancy gala. A black dress wrapped around her body like armor (plus other weapons she had place all over her body), red lipstick that matched along with her overall vibe. Confidently, she took her steps across the hall, where her next target had stood by. They had met a few occasions before and Bonnie was going to make this one an innocent coincidence. “Hey.” Her hand placed on their shoulder. “I couldn’t believe you’re here as well. Enjoying the party?”
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These things are about saving face -- also free booze. But mostly, looking past all the smoke about charity and doing good, these galas are pissing contests for the elite. Let’s give away money to foundations we have close business ties to so essentially we’re getting the money back. Donations to the hospital that didn’t leak the birth when she isn’t married or that stab wound that one kid got from his dealer. Seeming altruistic at these things is way too easy, in a nice suit, he’s bored as ever. The hand on his shoulder has him turning, swallowing down a disdained sigh, preparing himself to grin and bear it when recognition flashes over his features. “Uh -- Hey. Hi.” What a pleasant surprise. “They always send me to these things.” He’s the family representative when he did not ask for that role. “Enjoying it?” He swipes a free flute of champagne when a waiter walks past. “Something like that.” He takes a sip. “What about you? This doesn’t seem your scene.” They aren’t close by any means but the occasions they did bump into each other she seemed smart.
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82woos · 7 years
Wonbin hummed as he took a good look around the bar. “You should be careful. There could be undercover cops all over your bar.” He then snickered. “Don’t worry. It won’t happened even if I was high.”
“I haven’t seen a dime of the money so if he’s not willing to share, I should send ‘em to the wolves right?” He has contingency plans in place if something were to happen and he had the feds sniffing around: always have a plan b, that’s his motto. A plan c,d,e don’t hurt either. 
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82woos · 7 years
“An overachiever,” she grinned resting her head on the back of the couch. “That’s something I can believe,” seeing how she herself spent a lot of years competing with her older sister, until she just became tired of it. “Do you still meet them sometimes? I mean, not for surfing obviously, but for drinks or something? Ah,” she laughed softly. Honestly, she liked seeing this softer side of him. She liked it a lot more than him constantly calling her stupid. “You were rebellious too?!”
“More like... my brother he --” he finally sat down, standing while talking could awful quick. “He’s very competitive, he knows how to get under your skin, a master manipulator. He would tell me I sucked at something and all I wanted to do was prove him wrong, it turned into a habit. Overachiever sounds like an insult, I was merely determined.” He wishes he could say he still met up with his college friends but he doesn’t, they all had lives that required them more than some silly tradition. “Not in a while I haven’t but we keep up SNS. I was a teenager at one point so, yeah. I even have a tattoo.”
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82woos · 7 years
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“why did you offer?” Wonbin was amused. “you wanted me to get naked or climb a statue?”
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“One of my bar hands was whispering ‘bout it, didn’t think I heard. I’m fifty percent sure he’s dealing in my club -- psychedelics of all things.” Not that he really cares as long as the feds don’t find out. He wants a cut of the profits as well. “I don’t need to traumatize my eyes twice in my life,” he teased. “You should keep your clothes on.”
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