8footelmo · 5 years
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The Mermaid of Lily Lake by Andy Ivanov
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8footelmo · 5 years
Well, yeah... like love
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8footelmo · 6 years
Never been more proud to be Polish <3
I need to share this
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This is the polish cover of the second Captive Prince book. I’m in love 😍
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8footelmo · 6 years
Someone for tonight
If anyone is interested I wrote a lil CP fanfic, modern setting, meeting at a bar ;)
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8footelmo · 7 years
I`m not sure if you understand this - having children IS the greatest joy exactly because you watch them grow up, can provide for them and nurture them to have life of their own. You are part of that life but you cannot control it, you give that child the best things you are capable to give and it`s their decision to use it and have a wondeful life of their own. Yes, they do not owe you anything or should not excpect anything because parents care and love is unconditional. So yes, children are the joy of life, even if it is not easy.
I agree though, if you are not ready to be completely selfless don`t have kids.
The only acceptable reason to have kids is that you want to nurture and care for another being.
That’s it. That’s all of the good reasons.
Not because you want someone to take care of you in your old age, not because you want them to take on a certain career, to give you grandkids, to further your religion. None of that. To bring a child into this world with expectations makes it unethical to have one imo, it lays the foundation for emotional blackmail; as in, ‘I brought you into this world and raised you, had you for this reason so give me that happiness’. No one owes you anything for the things you do out of your own will for your own sake, not even your children
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8footelmo · 7 years
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8footelmo · 7 years
OMG that is perfect in so many ways, thank you :)
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[squidward voice] OH NO HE’S HOT
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8footelmo · 7 years
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The best manga I ever read, so sweet and pure. I looove Eungi and Jengwoo. I`m practicing drawing so I thought I draw their lovely faces :)
“Fools” http://m.comica.com/webtoon/episode/100272
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8footelmo · 7 years
OMG amazing :)
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“One night and one morning.” Prince’s Gambit
This is how I imagine Laurent would have looked in the morning after CH19, as he prepared to leave Damen.
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8footelmo · 7 years
I`ve read nothing truer lately... sad
sh cast: **breathes**
fandom: you’re wrong, apologize
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8footelmo · 7 years
Ok ok but hear me out - doesn`t it look little bit like a morning after?? Like it looks more Alec is going out but stops for a minute to look one more time ;) but I am not getting my hopes up noooo nope no no no...:D
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With this I just imagine Magnus, just lying there pretending to read a book or something and acting like he didn’t know Alec was there and getting super surprised, “oh, Alec didn’t see you there. What can I do to- I mean for you?”
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8footelmo · 7 years
Very important message to everyone it the world :)
It’s okay to be 20+ years old and never have been in a relationship. There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re just an Alec waiting for a Magnus.
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8footelmo · 7 years
Oh but what am I waiting impatiently for is for Magnus to loose control and just put his hands trough Alecs hair and kiss him first. But I have a feeling he needs to show Alec his real side first, he needs to make sure Alec knows him as he realy is before doing anything more. And I am sure Alec will say smth simmilar to the line "until you came along" (maybe "your eyes are amazing or I like you even more this way...") and Magnus will just ah fuck it... Never mind me, my mind is a mess ;-)
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8footelmo · 7 years
Buahahahahahahahah, I will reblog this forever X)
Alec went from “we’re in the middle of a war” to “fuck it, let’s bang”
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8footelmo · 7 years
I will reblog and reblog this!!!!
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astrangetypeofchemistry submitted to aleclightwoodisgay:
This is the crap she’s spreading around now, from what I see. At this point, I don’t even care about the context, I’m just done with her bullshit.
not gonna lie, my eyes almost exploded out of my head when I read this. a flood of hot rage washed over me, because even after everything this horrible rat of a woman has done, I can’t believe she would actually go this far.
I am 5000% sure she is lying. like, not for a moment do I believe anyone working on shadowhunters said any of this stuff. it doesn’t make any sense, since
a) that same channel has loads of shows with lgbt characters in them so why on earth would they say there can’t be lgbt characters on tv. yet cc wants us to believe they’re actually horrible homophobes who wouldn’t just erase alec being gay, but would go as far as to write him a relationship with a woman…? and cc is also saying that these same people did a full 180 and were like “oh yeah sure let’s make alec extra gay and give him a full storyline about coming out and finding love in another man?”
is cc seriously claiming they had planned all that, but then just before they started filming, they rewrote the entire series just because cc, the queen of gays, tearfully implored them to do so? 
b) lmao she’s the one who wrote izzy as a fashionable, “slutty” character (despite izzy being 16 in the books). and now she’s trying to pretend like none of that happened, so she can complain about the show making izzy a “slut”? when they literally didn’t… izzy has been treated with so much more respect in the show, where she and clary are actually friends, and izzy is an amazing scientist, a warrior, and so much more
like, is cc seriously so fucking evil that she’d try to slander them to make herself look better? lol why am I even asking, of course she is! this is literally a big steaming pile of crap that she made up to make herself seem good. she’s the fucking demon who has done nothing but shit on the show, including how malec has been executed (= a hundred times better than in her shit books), but now she wants to act like she actually had a huge impact on the show (even tho she’s been nothing but unhappy with it) and ~saved~ malec.
when will this abusive, manipulative, downright evil piece of shit go back to hell whence she came from and stop tormenting people. I hate her more and more every fucking time I hear something new she has pulled. and this is not new, she has been doing this for decades now, because all she cares about is herself and her ego.
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8footelmo · 8 years
“At the moment, nothing”
FUCK YES. Sorry I know it’s all angst and sad and Malec are going to have to deal with a lot. But Let me tell you how much I love cold and calculating Magnus. It brings me life. Because everyone takes Magnus’ kindness for granted, they take his compassion and his love that he pours out so devotedly for granted. And when Magnus says ‘nothing’ you can look in vacated eyes and see nothing. I live for things like this, because it’s a reminder of what Magnus has gone through his immortality. Magnus Bane can be compassionate, loving, empathetic but he can also be cold and calculating and nonchalant if people push him. I LOVE IT.  
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8footelmo · 8 years
Shadowhunters season 2
Oh man, if the sneek peaks and trailer are any indication of how good second season might be I am beyond excited… it looks awesome!!!! And I am psyched about Paul Wesley directing an episode, not only bc I’m polish but also bc he is great at directing - just watch episodes of TVD directed by him. The first season was like, yeah well fun (who am I kidding I watched only for Malec). But now I can’t actualy wait for January.
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