8resa ¡ 1 year
this trope is aonung coded tbh
chapter seventeen. a lie.
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"a bet?"
the hurt in your voice is recognizable from even across the cafe, and ao'nung turns his head at the mere mention of a bet.
his eyes meet yours and the betrayal in your eyes can't be missed. they're brimming with tears, bound to spill at any given moment. you look away with a sniffle, wiping away your running nose with the sleeve of your shirt. "how much?"
"i'm sorry?" the boy asks, taken aback.
"how much was the bet?" you demand, and ao'nung stands across the room, frozen in place.
"$50," his teammate admits. "we paid him like thirty extra bucks to take you out for the first date, though."
"i wasn't even worth $100?" you laugh humorously, responding to his teammate but holding eye contact with ao'nung nonetheless.
you walk over to your bag, confusing the few people in the cafe who witness the drama, and grab a $50 bill before wordlessly walking to ao'nung, slapping it into the palm of his hand. "sorry i ever wasted your time!" you chirp sarcastically, swiftly making your way out of the cafe.
ao'nung has at least half a mind to follow you out.
"y/n, please, hear me out!" he calls out, desperately. and it's unfair, so unfair, that he sounds just as wounded as you feel now, yet he's the cause of it.
"i don't owe you shit!" you shout back over your shoulder, your pace never faltering.
"y/n!" he pants, and you curse his athletically inclined skills as he's able to effortlessly sprint ahead of you, successfully cutting your exit way off. "please, just hear me out— listen to me, please-"
"why should i listen to you?" you sound distraught, and the sight of you is breaking his heart, more than you'd ever know. "why should i listen to you— when all you've ever done from the very start— is lie to me?"
"you shouldn't," he starts, shaking his head frantically. his hands almost reach up to grab you— to comfort you— shakily, but he quickly retracts them, wiping his palms against his side. "you have every right to walk away and never talk to me again but please, i'm begging you," he pleads. "let me explain."
you stand there, silent. part of you knows you should leave right now, and never give him the satisfaction of your attention.
but another part of you wants to believe that he can make sense of this cruel reality.
"it started off as a lie," he finally breathes out, and you shut your eyes for a long pause, trying to will yourself to not cry. "but i promise you, as time went on, i've never enjoyed anyone's presence more." ao'nung almost smiles, recalling how his fondness for you quickly grew.
"and you became the first constant in my life for some time, you know? every morning i looked forward to seeing you smiling and sweaty, just fresh out of dance practice. i swear— i'd get so lost in you sometimes i'd forget all about the bet because it felt that real to me."
"but it wasn't!" you interrupt, scoffing. "how can you stand there and tell me how real it felt when it wasn't— when everything was based off a lie! when you used me, for fucking $50?"
"i didn't use you, y/n. eywa forbid, if i could do it all over again i would," he tries to bargain. "i paid the money. i called the bet off as soon as i realized i felt anything genuine for you."
"so you would've kept using me had you not caught any feelings?"
"no! that's not it at all!" he groans, tugging at the roots of his hair. "i love you, y/n. please, you have to believe me when-"
"no. no, don't do that," you shake your head, denying it over and over again. "don't do that!" you shout, wrapping your arms around yourself in attempt of comfort. "that's not fair, ao'nung. it's cruel. don't say things you don't mean."
"but i-"
"no," you spat, and the tone of your voice is final, leaving no room for debate. "that- that's enough." you breathe shakily, and after a few quiet moments, you force yourself to turn away from him, leaving him behind.
and the tears that fall don't seem to be stopping anytime soon, clouding your vision and your head is pounding with all the thoughts of, what if?
you keep repeating to yourself how he doesn't, how he couldn't, mean the three simple words muttered in an attempt to get you to stay.
but no matter how many times you drill it into your head, you can't keep your heart from soaring at the possibility of maybe, just maybe, he had actually meant it.
it had been something you longed to hear for years, practically your whole life. it was nice to hear it, to have somebody finally declare such passion for you.
even if it's a lie.
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8resa ¡ 1 year
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summary: ever since you stepped foot onto the land of his clan he couldn't help but feel drawn to you. everything about you he craved. but he couldn't have you. not while his son called you his.
contents: 1.8k words, fem!sullyreader, swearing, cheating, ooc ao'nung, very mean ao'nung, what a bitch man, cute wari, cute sully family
authors note: part 2!!!! i've been motivated to write so im taking advantage of this. this chap isn't wari heavy but it's JUICY (laughing evilly while typing this)
(reader is 21 and tonowari is around 40. when they came to the clan she was 20 so they've only been there a year!! all characters aged up)
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The ache in your head was outstanding. It was as if your brain was pounding and bashing against your own skull. The nauseous swirling in your stomach as your eyes slowly adjusted to the light shining through the crack of your marui’s entrance.
Sitting up, your sight was foggy. Rubbing your eyes with your fingers, the surroundings slowly moving into focus.
Wait. This marui…it is different. The space is larger… the decorations are nothing like you’d seen before. A feeling of fear welled in your stomach and sunk to your toes as you tried to remember the events from before.
Though as you turned to your right and noticed a softly snoring giant next to you, you let out a blood-curdling scream. Why were you in the chief’s bed? How drunk had you become. Oh no… nothing happened … did it?
Tonowari shot up in an instance, his heart racing and eyes blown wide in alert. “Are you hurt?” He asked concerned, eyes full of anxiety, then filling with realization… Ah last night.
“Why am I here?! Why am I in your bed? Did we fuck!? Oh great mother!” You were frantic, practically shaking as you’d instinctively held the blanket to your body, almost like a child cowering behind their mother.
“No. No! Let me explain, be calm please.” Tonowari had woken up abruptly, the consequences of his actions last night hitting him in the face, much too early in the morning. Yet, in all of this chaos, he couldn’t deny how beautiful you looked when the morning sun bounced off your sapphire skin. How your hair splayed across your shoulders, delicate hands close to your heart, gripping tightly onto the weaved blanket he had made years ago. Years before his mind and thoughts were corrupted by you.
“I shouldn’t be here…” You shake your head trying to rid of the horrific scenarios of your drunken stupidity out of your head. How had you ended up in the bed of your ex-boyfriend’s father. The same man who you had shamelessly dreamt about every night. He was so much older yet, your youth was attracted to him. Like two magnets pulling each other close.
“Y/N. Listen just for a moment.” His pleading eyes stared into yours. Oh how could you deny such a man filled with sweetness. He was like sugar so sweet, so addicting.
A small nod gave Tonowari the clearance to inhale deeply and start to explain the situation. “You were drunk last night…and so was I.” This only made you panic more. Two drunken idiots, that are most definitely attracted to each other?
“Please let me finish.” Tonowari pleaded seeing your eyes filling with anxiety once again. He wanted to caress your cheek, force you to stare into his eyes as he told you it was all going to be okay. But how could he allow himself to give in to that urge? What type of man would that make him?
“I followed you towards some the rocks…I was afraid you would hurt yourself. You started to cry and wail about … my son.” He winced at the mention of the Ao’nung situation that had occurred leading you to this mess. You winced as well, the memory barely fading from your memory. It stung in your heart and scratched your insides…it hurt so much. “I comforted you and took you here to sleep for the night. I did not want you going home alone.”
You nodded still grasping the situation ahead of you. “I’m sorry you had to see that.” It was incredibly embarrassing. The thought of him seeing you in such a wreck.
Tonowari frowned, a touch on your shoulder. He told himself it was friendly, but the way his fingers lit up with the feeling of your skin he couldn’t even kid himself. “Do not dare to apologize…the stupidity of my son is not something you should have ever had to endure. Y/N…I am sorry.”
He was so earnest. So honest. His words softly caressing your heart and making it flutter. Tears fought their way to well in your eyes. You refused to cry any more in front of your chief.
“Thankyou. But I should go. My family must be getting worried.” Why was your heart aching to stay, to once again cry in those huge, muscular arms. One last look at Tonowari, giving him a respectful bow as you stood up. His hand sliding off your shoulder, grazing the skin of your arm and waist.
He didn’t want you to go. If he could indulge in his greatest desires he’d keep you in his arm right in his marui, not a single soul interrupting the two of your time together. “Yes…you should. Goodbye Y/N.”
His voice was smooth yet rocky. It made no sense, but with an innocent yet yearning wave you exited the marui. Immediately speed walking towards your family’s marui for breakfast.
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While you did have your own marui, you made it habit to go and eat your meals with your family. It was as if you made a heart-warming memory with them every time you sat on your woven mat and laughed with your family.
Walking into your marui your family was staring at you all each a different…an odd look on their faces. “What?” You said confused looking at them, mouth slightly agape as your younger brothers started to let out little chuckles.
“You look like a mess bro!” Lo’ak cackled out, slapping his knee in the process. Neytiri his flicking his shoulder.
“What?!” He pouted holding his inflicted shoulder, still chuckling every time he looked at you.
Did you look that terrible? Was it obvious you had gone too intense with the drinks? Did Tonowari think you looked terrible. Huh? Do not worry about him! You scolded yourself, refusing to let your shameful thoughts resurface in a time like this
“Sister you look slightly dishevelled that is all.” Kiri said calmly, but even she couldn’t hide the grin creeping onto her face. She tried to cover it up by eating more fruit, but her attempt was pointless.
“Hey! I do not look that bad.” A little stomp as you walked into the room, subconsciously patting down your hair.
“Yeah stop making fun of Y/N…she simply had a fun night” Neteyam giggled, even Lo’ak slapping his arm as they cracked up at the table.
Even Jake couldn’t hide his smile, the way his grown up daughter was now stomping her foot and complaining. It was just like back in the forest. Even Tuk laughed along, not like she understood of what her older siblings were referring to.
“What the- Neteyam!” A gasp left your mouth, what was this skxwang talking about. You were so going to kill him after breakfast.
“Sorry sis!” He snickered holding his hands up innocently. You simply rolled your eyes, and lightly smacked his head as you sat beside him. He gave you a tiny snarl as he continued to eat his food, and so did you. Filling your starving stomach with deliciously cooked breakfast
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It was now late afternoon, the sky slowly darkening, as the calming waves rushed up just onto the tops of your feet. The water cold, but only enough to make you want to delve into the water more.
The scurrying of feet on the sand emerged from your side. Turning to investigate the sound…it was the last person you wanted to see.
Expression morphing into one of disgust, as he walked closer to you, you started to immediately get up to race away from him.
“Hey! Don’t go. C’mon Y/N! Let’s talk!” Ao’nung dragged his feet across the sand faster as he jogged up to you.
“No. Go away.” The words were cruel and stern, enough to make him rethink his decision to find and talk to you.
“Y/N! Come here for fuck’s sake! Stop being a brat!” Ao’nung had no right to be so cruel, especially when he was so deeply in the wrong.
Seething you turned swiftly marching towards him to lay a loud slap across his face. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that!” You hissed at him. Hand stinging from the impact.
“Did you just slap me?”
“Do you need another one? You cheating scum.” Ao’nung scoffed as he rested a tight grip on your shoulder. It was nothing like his fathers. No it was harsh and tight, there to inflict pain. Such a strong contrast to the tenderness of Tonowari’s touch.
“Get over it… c’mon Y/N it was just a mistake.” Ao’nung was lying through his teeth. He’d never admit it, but he loved every minute with that girl. Shit, he’d go back for seconds if he didn’t have girlfriend. But he’s a good boyfriend, so he won’t.
“the only mistake was trusting you.” Rage was coursing through your body. How dare he come up to you and speak with you like this as if he had not, disrespected your union and broken apart your heart.
“C’mon Y/N, is this a forest thing? Being such a bitch?” Ao’nung chuckled you, he knew everything to get right and comfortable under your skin. He had his signature smirk on his face, a shit eating grin, begging for another slap.
“Is it a reef thing? To be such a disrespectful, immature, unlovable piece of filth?” Floored. You had floored him with your words.
He had never been hit with such words of disrespect. His mouth hung open, shocked at each syllable that had the nerve to exit your mouth.
“Are you seriously calling me unlovable?” The look in his eye was evil, a glint of pure rage seething through him as his tail lashed and thumped on the ground.
You nodded, trying to not be intimidated by his towering stance.
“You were lucky that I ever gave you a chance. Freak. How could you ever think you were ever worth enough to be worthy to the reef? Even the great mother abandoned you. Nature is not on your side, and nor is love. You are a freak, a demon.”
Your heart shattered. To think he would use such low insults on you. As if you hadn’t spent night crying in his arms about you feeling so out of place, so out of luck. And he had turned your vulnerabilities into daggers back to stab you in the back.
Tears welled up in your eyes. Biting your lip, sucking in the sob that desperately begged to come out.
“did you ever love me?” I ask softly, trying to keep the shakes out of my voice, blinking away the tears.
“Who cares. I don’t now.” And those words were like a slap against your face, lashing you to a harsh reality as you whimpered.
In the long run. You wondered how you ever thought you could be loveable. You weren’t in the forest, and neither were you in the reef. And now as you seethed and tried not to sob. All emotions took over, no logic whatsoever occurring in your mind.
“Your father does.” As soon as it rolled off your tongue you wanted to suck it back in. Shit, Fuck, shit. You should not of uttered a single word.
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tell me what you think!! what's going to happen next? reblogs and replies super duper appreciated
tags: @avatarkv@jakesullyfatjuicypeen@cyberfreaky@cinetrix@supercoolusernamesblog@gabrijelasworld @rebeccao03 @sakura-onesan @neteyamsluvts @reinap06 @totesnothere04
everything taglist: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby
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8resa ¡ 1 year
aonung needs to get arrested for the trauma he’s causing fr!! actually the insane asylum is better
chapter twelve. morning after.
a/n — writing portion was actually so shitty and lowk rushed pretend it's good pls
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─── ao'nung pov !
when he wakes up, he can hear your small snores and turns, realizing he isn't alone.
you look so peaceful, your chest rising up and down in sync with your breaths, and it's enough to bring a gentle smile to his face.
ao'nung's sure he could spend the whole morning like this— admiring you in your sleep. it's almost enough to distract him from what he's really doing, from what he knows is wrong.
it's horrible, and you don't deserve it. guilt washes over him once again, and like some terrible coincidence you move in your sleep, turning away from him and it makes him think you can feel what he's doing.
but he doesn't move, unable to peel his eyes from your sleeping silhouette. it's cruel, how he knows he shouldn't be doing this— making you feel like the only girl in the world only to have to tell you the truth later.
and yet, some fucked up part of him thinks he can still salvage it.
─── y/n pov !
you wake up for the second time, tangled in the familiar blue sheets.
this time, you're not alone.
and you're not the first one up, you realize, when arms softly wrap around your figure, a kiss pressed to the back of your neck.
you smile, turning around to face him. "good morning."
"you hungry?" he offers, and if it weren't for the sound your stomach was making, you'd probably stay the whole day like this— in bed, cuddled up next to him.
"think that's speaks for itself." you mumble, referring to the grumbling of your stomach.
with a chuckle, he presses a kiss to the top of your forehead. "mkay, i'll go whip up some top notch pancakes for you. you stay here, i'll bring it back so you can have breakfast in bed."
"alright." you nod happily, still sleepy and slightly dazed from the night before.
you're still painfully unaware of what you've gotten yourself into.
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— y/n's roommate is on the dance team and somewhat friends with spider
— her roommate didn't know where y/n was so she asked spider if he knew
— spider flipped the fuck out when nobody knew where y/n was
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8resa ¡ 1 year
the title’s starting to make sense 🥴🥴
also i did read the headcannons and it hurts man
chapter seven. trapped.
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written portion below. —
you prepared yourself to walk outside the room, peeking through the window to see ao'nung walking up to your doorstep.
you hurriedly moved behind the door, no longer visible to whoever was standing on the other side of the door. even when he knocked you didn't move, unsure of what to do.
what were you thinking? agreeing to go on a date with a man you've known for just over a week, barely knowing anything about him besides he was your friends brother and an athlete. it makes complete sense that you could be a rebound, you have no knowledge of his dating history.
the louder pounding on the door grabs your attention, and you gulp down your fears, deciding to open the door and are met with a grinning ao'nung, and for a moment you almost push all the warning signs to the side.
"was beginning to think you were gonna stand me up." he laughs, and you give a small smile in response.
as if i would be the one to stand you up. you think to yourself, gesturing for him to come in, which he happily obliges to.
"can we talk?"
your concerned tone has him spinning on his heel to look at you, a somewhat distressed look on his face. "yeah, what's wrong?"
you fall for the faux concern, falling into a false sense of comfort with the boy. "am— am i your rebound?"
the question catches him off guard, and he makes a face at the accusation. "no... why do you ask?" he counters, with a question of his own.
"lo'ak told me about ivy."
the single sentence is enough for him to understand what you mean, and he almost slips up.
but he plays it off like a pro, shrugging her name off as if it never meant a thing to him in his whole entire life. "an old flame. it was months ago, y/n. trust me when i say, you have nothing to do with her. i asked you out because i wanted to, not because i'm trying to use you." to emphasize his point, he takes your hand in his, holding eye contact with you his whole spiel.
the string of lies fall so easily off his tongue, and they're carefully crafted into an intricate web of deception that you fall into more easily than expected. you don't know it, but you're his prey, and he has you right where he wants you.
"you really mean it?" your eyes are bright, filled with a hopeful ray of light.
a light that's shining so bright it makes you blind to how masked behind his gentle smile is a cunning smirk, knowing he has you trapped.
"of course i do, sweetheart."
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[🏷️ ; taglist. / open ] @loaksbitch @8resa @n7ytiri @yukichan67 @dearstell @netemoon @halibanana @aonungmyaddiction @teyums @lightskinloak @ipoopedmypants47 @aonungmybf @wenvierismycomfort @il0veheartz @syulangg @chittakii @jjkclub @universal-s1ut @netey6m @ilovejakesullysdick @calums-betch
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8resa ¡ 1 year
i just caught up with all of the chapters 😭
so gooddddddddddddd the smau is smauing
chapter five. dishes.
a/n — ao'nung and y/n's friends meddling agenda ✅
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written portion below. —
the two of you simultaneously set your phones down and look up, sharing a laugh at your synchronization.
"who you texting?" he's the first to speak up, and you scarf down another bite before replying.
"your sister. she just wanted to make sure i was safe."
"ah, i called lo'ak. i let him know you were with me."
"thanks," you smile, finishing your breakfast and going to clean up your plate. "should i leave this in the sink? or do you have a dishwasher?"
"just leave it." he waves you off, finishing his own food and reaching to grab your plate, his brow raising when you pull away.
"cmon, you only took me home and gave up your bed and made me breakfast. at least let me do the dishes." you argue, turning away to shield the plate.
"woman, give me your dish!" he laughs, lunging towards you and missing your hand, but successfully caging you against the counter. you're both quiet now— faces a little too close for comfort and only your hard breathing heard. "hi."
"hey." you reply, heart pounding in your chest. if you didn't know just how beautiful his eyes were before, you certainly know now, eyes tracing over his features.
he opens his mouth, as if he's about to speak, before licking his lips and hesitating. you watch as he recollects himself, not bothering to move from his current positions, "you wanna go out with me?"
"like for lunch?"
"like for a date."
"oh." you speak so softly, and in such a surprised tone it makes him laugh, his head tilting cutely to the side.
"what, you don't wanna date me?"
"nonono, not that!" you scramble, shaking your head and trying to justify your response while he stands there, clearly amused. "i was just shocked, is all. i- i'd be happy to."
"great," and with that, your plans are finalized, and he takes the opportunity to take the plate from your hands, walking over to the sink. "i'll take this, thank you very much."
"hey!" you exclaim, watching in disbelief. "you're impossible."
"just try to be faster next time, sweetheart."
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— y/n actually likes washing dishes
— ao'nung can cook pancakes, pasta, and a steak and that's where his cooking abilities end
— tsireya and rotxo came up with a ship name for ao'nung and y/n
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[🏷️ ; taglist. / open ] @loaksbitch @8resa @n7ytiri @yukichan67 @dearstell @netemoon @halibanana @aonungmyaddiction @teyums @lightskinloak @ipoopedmypants47 @aonungmybf @wenvierismycomfort @il0veheartz @syulangg @chittakii @jjkclub @universal-s1ut @netey6m
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8resa ¡ 1 year
chapter one. surprise.
a/n — the fun facts are back 🫶
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written portion below. —
"how dare you not tell us you were coming back?" kiri's voice rang throughout your apartment, followed by the scrambled footsteps of all three siblings, who were all running up to embrace you.
"oh my god, you're taller!" lo'ak exclaimed, laughing as he looked you up and down.
"she's wearing platforms, dumbass." neteyam chuckled, pulling away as the rest of his siblings did the same.
"don't trample the girl, my goodness." spider called out from your room, joining you all in the main room.
"sorry, i wanted it to be a surprise," you smiled, already feeling more at home from the sight of your old friends. "i missed you all so much."
"you missed so much," kiri emphasized, looking to neteyam and lo'ak. "these two finally got girlfriends."
"shut up," you gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth. "who would be dumb enough to date either of you?"
"you remember ivy, don't you?"
your eyes widened at the name, having been somewhat friends with the girl before you left. "no way, the girl you've been in love for like— your whole life?"
"yeah," neteyam chuckled, looking bashful at the mention of his girlfriend. "she wanted to come but she had to work today."
"no worries, i'll catch up with her another time," you waved him off, starting to unpack a box and looking to lo'ak. "you having a girlfriend really shocks me."
"you're so lame," lo'ak groaned, ruffling your hair and dramatically hissing in pain when you pinched his arm. "her names tsireya— she's on the dance team. which you should totally try out for, by the way. you'd totally make it and then you'd become friends and-"
"okay, we get it, you want me to be friends with your girlfriend," you tease. "but i have an audition tomorrow, actually."
"good luck!" kiri wished you, finally moving to one of the unopened boxes, and turning to her brothers. "okay guys, we should probably help with what we came here to do."
"great mother, how much stuff do you own, woman?"
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— y/n was childhood friends with the sully siblings and spider growing up, but she moved during grade school and just recently moved back for university
— y/n is the youngest out of the group, a few months younger than lo'ak
— y/n, spider, and lo'ak were the closest friends of the group before she moved
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[🏷️ ; taglist. / open ] @loaksbitch @8resa @n7ytiri
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8resa ¡ 1 year
gracie is actually the love of my life 😤😤
i totally just realized i accidentally was on anon, but my heart cannot handle i know it won’t work 😭 nothing but PAIN!! (but amazing recs, i also love full machine so far)
OMG HAVE YOU HEARD I KNOW IT WONT WORK LIVE??? she performed it live on jimmy kimmel and i have literally never been the same since
and full machine is so good it breaks my heart and is too relatable
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8resa ¡ 1 year
i just died dead!!
ate this one 🆙
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a/n — this is literally so short and such a filler chapter too i'm sorry it took me so long to get out </3
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
By the end of the morning, you've concluded that you have arrhythmia.
It has to be, because you're trying to deny the only other possible reason your heart would be beating this fast in your chest.
And it doesn't make sense, really. That you're getting nervous around a boy you met maybe only a few days ago, a boy who practically ran you into a wall on the first meeting.
You can't wrap your head around the countless daydreams you've gotten lost in, all involving what you've imagined to be a warm touch, a contagious smile, and just being with him.
And it's stupid, childish and unlike you, to hopelessly lose yourself in some dumb fantasy with a cute boy you really don't know at all. But in spite of your efforts, you still can't help yourself falling down the rabbit hole of what if's.
So you ignore his many texts to you, his number not saved in your phone but memorized from the amount of texts you've gotten. Lo'ak was concerned for you— that much was made clear from the amount of 'how are you's?' or 'u sure u ok?'.
But you refuse to respond to them, leaving him on delivered, despite jumping up every time you get a notification on your phone and seeing that it's from him.
You're dozing in and out of conscious when you realize your morning lecture is finally wrapping up, the people around you all starting to pack up and leave. You're close to doing the same when the professor calls your name, and you turn around, scared he's about to scold you for your lack of attention today. "Yes, professor?"
"I wanted to talk to you about an opportunity from one of our trainers here on campus."
You raised a brow, intrigued. "Really?"
"Yes," he continues. "She's looking for an apprentice for a few months, to help her during the basketball games. She was asking for one of my better students, so I recommended you. It would also count as your internship part for this class."
Shocked and now wide awake, and a little proud you were recommended for the job, you smiled, nodding your head excitedly. "I would love to! Thank you so much for the recommendation. Do you know how I can contact her?"
"Her names Coach Via, here's her card with all her information. She's really eager for you to start— if you're able to you can meet her in the gym right now, basketball's training right now."
"I'll be right on it, thank you so much again!" You called out as you exited the classroom, locating the entrance of the gym and opening the doors, stilling as soon as you walked in.
You were met with the dribbling of basketballs and the sound of shooting, when everyone seemingly paused as you walked in, clearly invading their practice time.
"Um, hi," you called out, pausing when you scanned the room of unfamiliar faces, landing on the one you were trying to avoid this whole time.
He was on the basketball team?
Your throat went dry, and you snapped out of your state of panic when you realized nobody greeted you back. "Sorry, I'm looking for your trainer? Via?"
At the sound of her name, the girl walked in with the coach, who yelled at the boys to be respectful to the newcomer, and for them to continue on with their practice.
They kept on, all ignoring your presence except for a certain three boys, which went over your head as the trainer and coach approached you.
"You must be Y/n."
At the call of your name you nod, shaking hands with the woman. "And I'm guessing you're coach Via?"
"That I am. Thanks for coming on such short notice, by the way. It's nice to have a helping hand over here."
"Thank you, really. It's a great opportunity for me." You smiled, gaze faltering to the boy just across the room, doing a 1v1 drill with another teammate.
The coach, who you forgot was standing near you both, finally spoke up. "Thanks for helping around here, Y/n. I apologize in advance for the boys though, do you know any of them?"
As you look back, really only paying attention to Lo'ak, you shake your head no. "Uh- no, can't say I do."
"Ah, I'll make sure to introduce you at the end of practice then."
You thank the head coach and follow Via into another room, looking around curiously.
"This is where we store most of our supplies— tape for the boys, any kt tape, ice and whatnot."
"Gotcha." You smiled, and before Via continued there was a knock on the door, someone's large figure taking up the space in the doorframe.
"Sorry, am I interrupting?"
You're almost sure you're having a heart attack when you recognize the voice.
"Not at all!" Via replies before you can process what's even happening. "What do you need?"
"Jammed my finger, just need it taped."
"This sounds like one for you, Y/n," The girl innocently smiles, completely unaware of the panic she's just caused. "Tapes in the drawer over there. I'll be back in the gym if you need anything else."
And then there were two.
You quickly move to the drawer before either of you get the chance to say something, grabbing the roll and moving towards Lo'ak, hesitantly reaching for his hand. His touch is warm— hot against your icy hands and somehow soothing.
"Which fingers need to be taped?" Your tone is formal, distant and cold, and Lo'ak frowns at the way you address him.
But he decides to stay silent, opting for wiggling them and letting you do your job.
You take the tape, gently closing the two fingers together and wrapping the strand of tape around them, tearing it off and sticking it closed. "Anything else?"
He's quiet for a quick moment, eyes traveling upwards to meet your own. "Why are you avoiding me?"
You freeze with your back turned to him, in the process of putting the tape back. "I don't," you stutter, unsure of how you got stuck in this situation. "I don't know what you mean."
"Look, I'm sorry if I was too forward or anything, but you stormed off that day in the cafe," he recalled, walking over to stand in front of you, trying to meet your eyes again. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, you didn't," you shake your head, coming up with an excuse. "I was in a rush. Didn't think I would make it to class on time."
"Liar," He calls you out, and you feel frozen once again, scared that he'll say out loud what you've been thinking the past week.
"You were just too scared to ride on my motorcycle again."
Or maybe not.
You almost breathe out in relief, and shake your head, laughing lightly. "Whatever."
"Don't 'whatever' me!" He laughs back, looking down at you. "I promise next time I'll take my car."
"Next time?" You inquire, raising a brow.
"Well- I mean- what I meant-" He stumbled over his words, scratching his head awkwardly. "I was kind of hoping there was gonna be a next time."
"As long as you're still paying, that's fine by me."
"It's a date," He grinned foolishly as he started to leave the room, heading back to practice. "I mean-"
"It's a date." You find yourself confirming it, your grin matching his.
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
After basketballs practice ended, you head back to the apartment, immediately crashing onto your shared couch.
What's gotten into you? You're asking yourself so many questions, unable to train your mind from thinking of Lo'ak, how it felt to have his hand against yours, or how you're all of a sudden agreeing to a date with the boy you've met just a couple weeks ago, if that.
You're interrupted from spiraling any further when the jangle of keys sound from outside, and you realize your roommates home.
She's fast to notice your state of mind as you lay on the couch.
"What's wrong, roomie?"
"I hate men." You confide, groaning into the pillow.
"There's a boy?" Tsireya asks, her tone changing from concerned to curious. "Who is it?"
"Lo'ak Sully," you admit, and with your head buried deep into the couch, you miss her shocked expression. "I guess I agreed to go on a coffee date with him."
"I know him!" Tsireya pipes up, and you raise your head.
"You do?"
"He's a sweet guy, y/n. We're friends, kinda. But what's wrong with him?"
"Nothing! That's the problem!"
She tilts her head dumbly at you. "...What?"
"I've barely known the guy for two weeks and I can't stop imagining stupid scenarios about him. I hardly know the guy, I don't even know why I'm doing this." You complain as Tsireya takes a seat next to you.
"Y/n, it's okay to go on dates with people, you know? Have some fun, and you'll get to know him along the way. Stop throwing yourself into this fit of worry, and just enjoy the moment."
"That's-" you paused, taking a moment to collect your thoughts and stare at Tsireya. "Good advice, actually."
"What can I say, it's what I'm good for." She smiles at you, leaving to her own room, and you alone with your thoughts.
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
You wake up to another text from Lo'ak, and you're sure of it, as you'd finally saved his number in your phone.
'Pick you up in 10?'
You respond with a quick 'yes' and get up, rushing to get ready on time. With no class today, you're not too worried about your books, settling for packing your laptop and your notes, then meeting Lo'ak outside, slightly shocked at the sight of a car.
"No motorcycle this time?"
"Couldn't risk bringing it, it was driving you away," He grins, unlocking the door. "Same cafe?"
"Yeah." You nod, still speaking quietly, and still somewhat reserved, despite Tsireya's advice.
"You're quiet." Lo'ak points out, not taking his eyes off the road.
"What if I'm normally quiet?"
"Something tells me that the way you kept rambling about the motorcycle that you're not as reserved as you say you are."
"Whatever," You brush him off with a roll of your eyes, leaning back in the chair. "Maybe I just don't like you."
"You agreed to go out on a date with me!"
"Maybe I felt bad."
"Literally get out." He joked, his laugh echoing loudly throughout the car.
"I'm not getting out of a moving car, Lo'ak."
"I could pull over and let you out."
"Shut up and drive me to my free coffee please."
"Starting to regret asking you out on a date." He smiles, glancing over at you before pulling into the parking lot.
"No you're not." You retorted, waiting for him to park and getting out and grabbing your bag, walking to the familiar cafe.
"Yeah," he smiles at you, and you're sure your heart skips a few beats with how he looks at you. "I'm not."
As you walk into the cafe, you realize, you're in a lot deeper than you thought you were.
And maybe you don't realize it,
But so is he.
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taglist / open. @s-surreality @il0veheartz @blueforte @etherialblackrose @syulangg @anonymousailurophile @ipoopedmypants47 @neqeyam @alwayswndr @doulcha @n7ytiri @8resa @yukichan67 @teyums @fangzyz @danyxthirstae01 (tags that don't work in comments)
74 notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 2.8k words, depression, angst, slight conflict, not very well proof read but that brings authenticity lmao
authors note: thankyou all for being so patient with my upload <33 ALSO LOOK AT WHAT MY BAE @cinetrix made omg (its the header pic) THATS GROWN UP NETEYAM THATS OUR BABY hes so handsome and bae is so talented and kind
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It had been over a month since they Sully’s had returned to the clan. While they slid back into their forest way of life, like a lost puzzle piece that was finally found you felt like you were back to being a bunch on scrambled up pieces with no way to connect yourself back together again.
Seeing him was a constant reminder of the despair that took over your life for years. The rotted you from the inside out leaving you as a shell of a woman as he took your soul with him when he left.
Those closest to you noticed your decline. Especially Mo’at. Someone you had to start seeing regularly due to your mothers pestering.
“Child…it is not hard to see the way your spirit has left you.” She spoke softly yet with so much truth it felt as is she had stabbed you with a dagger.
You were sat on the floor of her large medical tent that was set up in High camp. It was cold, the cool breeze making the fine hairs in your body stand up as you consciously avoided any gaze that Mo’at threw at you.
“He took it with him.” It felt like a deep dark secret that you had ripped out of your throat as it sliced its way up. Admitting that Neteyam had broken you so much that he had managed to start cracking you away with his return made you feel weak. Made you feel defeated.
“Maybe…he is here to give it back.” Mo’at sighed softly, a kind hand pushing your hair out of your face as she crouched in front of you. “Dear child your heart cries out. You must listen when your body talks to you.”
“I am afraid, so afraid.” Mo’at nodded letting you fall into her arms, a much needed hug that you craved for.
“Fear is never unreasonable child, but do not let cowardice infect your heart like it infected his.”
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Neteyam had desperately tried to even get you to look at him after the last time you both conversed. It ended in him running away. As soon as he walked off he wished he could have socked Va’tep. Knocked him hard enough that his grubby paws would never caress your precious skin ever again.
He would try and talk to you only to be shut down by a harsh glare or excuse to leave. However whenever he even entered the same room as you he would immediately watch you excuse yourself and leave.
And Eywa did it crush him. To see how opposed he was to your presence. To see how his face repulsed you so much. He knew it was naĂŻve to think he could return to you running into his arms so he could spin you around and hold you close. It was stupid for him to think you would ever wait for him. Not when he abandoned you.
A habit he had as a child was always to go to his grandmother for wisdom. Something he had sorely lacked the past half decade. He knew you were close with her. He knew she was the wisest woman this tribe had. But he was also terrified of a reality check that would hit him so harshly he wouldn’t know how to react. That’s why he was so resistant on approaching Mo’at.
But when he looked over to the top levels of High Camp where you and Va’tep had sat yourselves as you weaved expertly. He saw the way Va’tep’s smile was not as wide as it could be, he noticed that your eyes never met his even as you talked. He stared closely, squinting his eyes to focus on how Va’tep’s hands would crawl up your thigh and your body would stiffen and squirm instead on relaxing into the touch. As if his hands were grating your perfect skin.
When he saw how miserable you were when you looked away from Va’tep to wipe your eyes subtly. His heart sunk. He could not go on without you, he couldn’t continue without being able to get you back.
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Neteyam hesitantly opened the curtains of his grandmother’s tent as he sucked in a nervous breath.
Her ears perked up immediately to the sound. “Neteyam…I expected you sooner child.” Her eyes were always sharp, enough to slice the strongest man in half.
Neteyam let out a soft chuckle. “I assume you know why I am here.” He sat beside her, shuffling awkwardly on the mat so he could watch his grandmother mush together fine pastes that turned into her medicines .
“Is she troubling your mind?” Even the mention of your cut his soul, like a sweet melody that sudden struck the wrong chord.
“Grandmother… I know I messed up. I know I abandoned her… if I could take back everything I did, I would in a heartbeat.” His voice was pained, head hung low in shame. “I just… I just want her back.”
Mo’at nodded as she laid an empathetic hand on his back. “You must give her time…”
“But I have already been here for so long! I know I was gone for so…so long but I thought she may have at least… warmed up to me slightly. I don’t expect her to change completely. I just want to be able to talk to her, look into her eyes. I miss the warmth I felt when I saw her smile…I never see her smile anymore.”
Neteyam tried desperately not to cry, but oh how difficult it was when he felt the weight of your absence lay so heavily on his chest.
Mo’at let out a sigh, one that felt heavy, one that changed the atmosphere as she exhaled. “She is scared child. She was…she was gone once you left. Your absence was sorely missed, but it truly broke her. There was nothing left of her when you left.”
Neteyam said nothing, though his eyes begged for some sort of explanation, his pupils pleaded as his entire focus was centred on the words exiting his grandmother’s mouth.
Mo’at sucked in a sharp breath, repeating your despair was always hard, to think you experienced such depression. “The day you left she didn’t stop crying. For days she replaced the strongest waterfall in the forest. Her sobs racked through the village as she cried your name out. She screamed it in her sleep, she sobbed it as she woke. She was completely broken. But that was not the worst of it.”
Neteyam already felt his heart sinking. It floated down as he thought more about the anguish he had caused you. His ears hung low in shame as he attentively listen as Mo’at continued to speak.
“It was after the tears. The acceptance. The betrayal. She was no longer her, she was a shell, a corpse. The poor child…she didn’t move for months. No one could get her to leave her hammock, she laid there for days, she didn’t eat, didn’t sleep, didn’t speak. She was nothing.”
Neteyam let out a whimper. One that tried to cover up the sob that was aching to escape him. Guilt racked through him as he could barely look in Mo’at’s eyes as she continued to speak.
“Some days I look back and remember the state she was in, the way her body was so frail, so weak. She was so sick, riddled with the disease of heartbreak. My child I know you left her here because it was safe. Child I know you thought were saving your lover. But Neteyam…she does not want to remember her anguish, but every time she looks at you she is remembered of those times.”
“What could I possibly do” His voice is raspy and quiet. Barely able to let out a noise as his throat betrays him.
“Create new memories, let her remember new days with you, why she loved you so much. Enable her to let go of the sadness she holds in her heart that filled in the place you took from her.”
Neteyam nods. His mind swirling as a million epiphanies hit him at once. There was no way he could ever forgive himself for causing you sorrow, but he only prayed that you would be able to feel enough forgiveness to let him put back the missing puzzle piece in the jigsaw of your heart.
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Va’tep was Tarsem’s brother, the Olo’eyktan. So Va’tep was his right hand man, right beside him through every decision and every battle. Which meant as Va’tep’s promised mate, had a large amount of expected participation in war party meeting such as this.
“If we attack from the east we will get a clear shot towards the demons.” Va’tep said as he drew out a map with a stick onto the large plot of dirt that everyone was circled around.
You couldn’t help but notice the flaws in his plan. East was directly in front of the base the demons had there. While we would have clear a view…there would be significantly more danger.
“Va’tep…I think we should maybe approach it from the south.” You hated speaking up in these meetings, as all the warriors’ beady eyes locked onto you. It made you queasy, as if you were going to spew instead of saying the words you were thinking.
Va’tep’s eyes sharpen as he looks as if you had slapped him across the face with your suggestion. “The south has many sight obstacles…it will be harder to navigate” His voice was deep, and husky. It was obvious he was starting to fume.
“But the base is right there. It would be dangerous to approach that direction!” You raise your voice slightly, only in a way to show how desperate you were to get your point across.
Neteyam watched this interaction closely. Studying every single inch of your body language. He always knew how wise you were when it came to stuff like this. You were always calculating the best solution for anything that may spring up in the battlefield. When Jake was Olo’eyktan, you were one of his greatest assets because of your knowledge.
The back and forth goes on for a while as no other warrior dared to speak up. Until he did. Neteyam of course.
“She’s right…there would be much more danger if we were to take the East route.” As soon as you heard his voice it felt like a spotlight of hope was shun onto your heart.
Va’tep grunted at the unwanted input. “The South route is a cowardice route. Something I guess you can sympathize with.” His words were like venom, scorching Neteyam as he stared daggers into him.
“The East route is brazen, unsafe and uncalculated. Something you definitely can understand. Isn’t that right Va’tep?” Neteyam rarely stooped to a level this low, but with the overhanging threat of you being shut down by your ‘mate’ was enough to make Neteyam seethe.
“I’ll show you something you’ll understand-”
Va’tep fumed as Tarsem decided it was his time to step in, changing the subject and postponing the decision for further analysis. But you didn’t forget the way your heart-beat as Neteyam supported you. Something you hadn’t felt in a long time. Supported.
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The day turned to dusk as you sat by the river, kicking your feet in the cool water as you listened to the world around you. Each sound was perfectly tuned together, a perfect song of the world.
You heart-beat is slow, resting on your hands as the dirt meets your soft palms. Your eyes closed to protect themselves from the harsh rays of light that shun down onto your body. It was peaceful, it was calm.
The unfamiliar sound of crunching leaves grew behind you. Ears perked up tail swishing in alert you turn to see Neteyam approaching.
You can’t deny the dread you feel when you see him. And you can’t deny the way your heart beats like crazy whenever you are close enough to see how much he grew. How much he changed.
You wonder if he thought about you. If he ever noticed the changes of your mature figure or if he couldn’t notice if you looked different to how he remembered you.
“Hey you.” His voice was sweet and musky, enough to send shivers down your spine as you refused to meet his golden eyes.
“Hi there.” Your voice was always quiet…but these five years made it dull. As if there was nothing much else for it to be excited  about.
“I thought I would find you here.” Your brows moved in curiosity, body facing him as he sat beside you, waving his defined legs in the water.
“Why’s that?”
“This was our river…do you remember.” Oh you remember. How could you forget. This river was the one thing you held into when he left. As you slept on the riverbed pretending the rushing water was his soft voice hushing you to sleep.
“Yes…I do.” Neteyam felt a rush of joy run through him. Maybe it was hope. Hope to get you back. Hope to show just how much you mean to him, that you are his treasure. He let out a soft chuckle, fighting the urge to let his fingers slip over your knuckles. He knew it was too soon.
“You were wise in the meeting today.” He said earnestly, looking at you with nothing but sincerity as he watched a blush form on your face, as you turned away from him. Avoiding his intense stare.
“It was just common sense.” You shrug, trying to not seem flattered. “I am at the meetings for a reason.”
“Well…it was still impressive. Was your mate as impressed?” The subject of Va’tep left a sour taste in his mouth and a sour look on your face.
“Please do not speak of him.” You say defeated. Va’tep was a sore reminder in your mind of how you were nothing but a trophy to your parents. A woman to marry off to gain rank.
You were lucky enough to be fated with Neteyam. But it all crumbled when he left. Everything did. Like an earthquake that broke the foundation of every single building in your soul.
Neteyam gave a curious hum, nodding. “Why not?”
“Neteyam. Stop.” He freezes at the tone of your voice, his mind begging that he did not mess up the harmonious moment you were both sharing together.
“Neteyam…please have mercy on my heart.” You sucked in a sharp breath as you looked into Neteyams watery eyes. “Please.”
He frowned at your plead. “Have mercy on yourself… please… please have mercy on me. And I will never hurt your heart again.” Neteyam gasps after he talked, his sentence being so vulnerable it took the breath out of him.
“I can’t do this…Neteyam you know I can’t” And oh how you wanted to run away with him. To escape your dull life with Va’tep and be able to freely be who you were. To find yourself once again. But it was all too much, his absence took your hope. But he was adamant on giving it back.
“…We can… trust me. Please we can start over… I know. I know I have hurt you, I have scarred your heart. But on the great mother’s name, I will never leave you again… you were my everything and still are. Please don’t think for second I ever stopped loving you.”
The tears started running down your cheeks, but you barely noticed as you stared into the ripples of the water. His words seeping into your skin like a tender kiss.
“Neteyam I’m afraid.” It was barely a whisper. A soft confession that made your lips quivered. “I’m afraid of losing you and myself again.” Neteyam frowned, his brows furrowed as he took his rough fingers to turn your face towards him. His thumb wiping the tears off delicately.
“you have every right to be afraid… but please let me prove to you… that its okay to let go of your fears. Let me... please.”
And in that moment it was as if a switch flipped in you. Every worry washing away as you felt his warmth once again. The years of built up wishes and cravings for him were finally met. As his gaze melted into you, a sad smile across his face as he held onto you tenderly. Every ounce of love pouring into you.
“…please show me how to let go…”
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thankyou so much for reading my lovelies!! reblogs + replies extra appreciated!!
series taglist (closed): @notsaelty @mommyneytiri @hannabanana-09 @gloryavila @peachinsominac @jaidalise @neqeyam @hello222sthings @tsuteysyawntu @neyetams @yhern05 @emjeez @adaiasafira @kiri-tuk @yaya6765 @biscuitbeater15 @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @plooloo @savvysscandles @dilucslilmeowmeow @69cocktimusprime @newjeansbonnie @chatoicboy @pinkpantheris @plzfeedmebread @afro-hispwriter @lollife1617 @goddesslilithmoriarty @cinetrix @grierpilots @melsunshine @valentineheartzz @tsveria @mikeyswifie @junnniiieee07 @wifeyofeveryone @baebinana @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @neteyamssbaby @taleiak @cheyehc @shoyos-sugarbaby @be3flow3r
everything taglist: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9 @laylasbunbunny @s-surreality
740 notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
lo’ak better regret it ❤️
this actually ate so much i’m in love with the angstyness
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summary: after finding out your first love lo'ak had cheated on you with tsireya, you are left to find yourself again. luckily the chief's son is ready to be there along with you
content: 1.2k words, fem!omatikaya reader, angst, negative self talk, depression, hurt comfort
authors note: i'm so sorry i've been so dead here on tumblr!! lifes been getting me buttt her is the awaited pt2. i have a headcanon that na'vi's love hard, so they also get heartbroken hard. so i incorporated that. hope you enjoy babies!!
pt 1
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It was like the world went grey after that night. Walking away from Lo’ak with tears falling down your face as sobs so loud even the waves couldn’t silence them echoed out into the night.
How were you meant to live here. Alone, no family, no lover. You couldn’t go back to the marui you shared with the Sully’s. You couldn’t go back to the forest. You were alone.
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This feeling didn’t go away. It had been weeks and you were still barely being seen in the open. You moved your stuff into a small marui on the edge of the village, the Sully’s especially Tuk asked why you were moving but you didn’t have the energy to explain it to them. You decided it was Lo’ak’s responsibility.
But the days and nights merged into one. The soft breeze of the wind, you never felt as you stayed hidden away. Your hair was starting to get messy, your eyes having large eyebags below them, your figure frail and weak as you had not attended any communal dinners in weeks.
Concern grew for you immensely in the Sully home, as Lo’ak felt himself be eaten up with guilt. It crawled in and gnawed at his heart every time he looked at the closed curtains of your secluded home.
“Lo’ak…you must talk with her.” Neytiri says, brushing her hands through her son’s hair. She missed your presence dearly. You were another daughter of hers.
“and say what? She does not want apologies.” Lo’ak complained twitching away from Neytiri’s loving touches.
“She has not been out of the house in a very long time…Lo’ak you have to own up to your choices and fix this.” Lo’ak shook his head fiercely.
“I can’t fix this…I can’t fix this at all.”
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However, there was someone who was making their way to your marui. Ready to fix this, ready to see you thrive. Sick and tired of your decline.
You heard the shuffle of your closed curtains and groaned at the sudden brightness. “go away.”
“Get up.” You shot up in an instant at the familiar voice.
“Ao’nung?...What are you doing here?” Ao’nung assessed your features. Your sickliness made him feel queasy, you were so pale, so thin. His heart broke just seeing you like this.
“I am the chief’s son, I have a duty to make sure everyone in my clan is doing alright….and I’m worried about you.” The last part of his sentence was said with tenderness, his usually cocky face showing an uttermost care and sincerity.
“…well I’m fine. You can go.” Your voice was as harsh as it could be, it was raspy, raw from all the hysterical cries you had let out.
“We both know you’re not…” Ao’nung stepped closer to you, his rough fingers reaching out to touch your cold shoulder. Both literally and figuratively.
“I don’t want you pity.”
“I don’t pity you…I’m worried about you.” Ao’nung said, crouching down so he could be eye-level with you as you laid in your bed.
“I know you pity me. The brother of the woman my first love cheated on me with. You are probably being tasked to do this. Please just go…I don’t need help.”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“I’ve had that said to me before.”
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Lo’ak was making his way towards your secluded marui. His palms were sweaty, shaking as he walked. His heart-beated louder in his chest the closer he got to your home. His mind swirled with what to say to you. How he could ever reconcile the bond between you. How you could ever forgive him.
As he reached the entrance of your marui he felt paralysed with fright. He stood at the slighty shut curtain, as he peeked inside.
You were sobbing, lips quivering as your chest heaved up and down. He saw your broken figure the way you were shaking, your incoherent mumbles followed by the aggressive hiccups of your loud cries.
“I just don’t understand why I wasn’t good enough…” You cried out loud, he thought you were crying to yourself, breaking yourself down with your thoughts. But he was wrong.
A soft shush came from inside the tent. As Lo’ak peered closer he noticed a familiar figure, soothing your worked up cries as he patted the back of your head, letting you cry into his chest. Ao’nung
He didn’t know why he felt so sick seeing you cry in another man’s arms. He had no right to feel possessive over you when he had done you so wrong. But maybe it was the fact that he couldn’t fix this. That he had completely lost you, but not only as a lover, but as a friend. Someone who followed him to the ends of the earth.
“You are good enough…don’t talk about yourself like that.” Ao’nung hugged you tightly. It was the first touch, the first sense of comfort you had felt in weeks. Maybe that’s why your walls broke down so first. Crumbling into his outstretched hands. “He was just selfish…it was not you, not you at all.” He comforted, letting your cries deafen him as you continued to shake and shiver in his arms.
Lo’ak felt as if he was going to puke. The reality of his selfishness occurring right in front of him. He had to go. He couldn’t do this. He was too selfish to face his own choices, too scared to realise the truth of what he had done to you.
Ripped you away from the forest, your family, your clan. Only to desert you the moment he found his heart buzzing. He was immature and he would live his life loving in guilt, knowing that he sacrificed your happiness for his own.
So he walked away. His head hung low in shame. As the calls of the happy villagers around him seemed to taunt him. How could anyone rejoice in a time like this? But he did what led him to this problem in the first place. He headed straight to Tsireya for comfort.
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Your crying subsided eventually, throat feeling raw as Ao’nung quietly hushed you as he rocked you in his arms.
If you weren’t in a completely vulnerable state you would have already crawled out of his arms and washed off his stench. But right now as you both sat in your bed, as he cradled you in his arms, rocking you back and forth. You felt cared for, for the first time in a long time.
His arms were strong, as he moved the hair out of your face softly, letting you grow sleepy in his embrace.
“you know it’s not your fault. Right?” You frowned, lips tucked into each other as you looked into his deep stare,.
“one day I will…” ao’nung nodded and rocked you both back and forward until your sad whimpers turned into soft snores as he watched you sleep peacefully.
Ao’nung was sure he would beat Lo’ak harder than he had ever been beaten before. No mercy would be given. But right now he focused on the broken girl in his arms, that he was determined to make sure was whole again.
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tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby @lixiesbrowniess
thankyou sm for reading!! reblogs + replies so totally appreciated thankyou lovelies &lt;333
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8resa ¡ 1 year
lo’ak better hurry up and take me before he loses me 🤬🤬🤬🤬
〘 somebody i used to know 〙 ── 〝i know you're hiding something from me that's been close to your heart〞
series masterlist ⇆ is there somebody else? (previous. next.)
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[ current perspective 𓇼 (name). ]
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what happened between you both had remained unspoken, not once exhaled into the opening of truth, it left your thoughts to collapse in possibilities of delusion. had it been a blessing or a curse? a part of you was accepting towards the apparition of being greedy, taking much more than what you were given originally.
yet another part fizzled in denial, struggling to cope that it was better this way, to hide amongst the shadows of abandonment.
perhaps you were reading in between the lines wrong, taking the simple gestures performed way out of context... but do friends gaze at you as if you were the one to hang the stars in the canvas of night? do friends need each other to consume a lingering void?
it was confusing, he was confusing. it's what made lo'ak.. him.
the tip of your pen taps lightly against the surface of the desk as boredom fogs your mind, straying you from full concentration. though, you could not find it within to care. a flaw too powerful to overcome, consuming every waking notion like a feasting akula.
the professors voice ripples with coverage along your eardrums, flowing along the tissue of the canal and intricate pattern that stems into your nervous system before travelling out the other.
it was such a dangerous game you were playing, digging the sharp claws of romance along the canvas of velvety flesh as liquified hope tickles down your throat. how utterly reckless, stripped of chance and submerged into the waters of unrequited admiration.
were you two just friends? or was there always something else?
a quiet chime echoed through your brain, you needed to remain focused. this was the path to your future, not relationship therapy.
you had succeeded with increasing your knowledge with studying and high grades, you couldn't possibly just throw it all away.
biology was a branch of sciences that covered living organisms and their vital processes. the field was truly beautiful in your eyes, in awe to the sprawled out roots of knowledge that would link to multiple levels of biomolecules, cells, organisms and population.
you were unable to knock away all the building blocks that were placed beneath your feet, not for anyone and definitely not for him. oh, how you couldn't help but find yourself to love and hate it.
your eyes travel along the interior of the lecture hall, picking at how the browns contrasted amongst the worn out blues.
it lacked excitement, or rather creativity, for such a department.
the people scattered amongst the rows of seats hadn't shifted that factor, they had only seemed to contribute to the decreasing levels of enthusiasm to your environment during a class period.
everybody was familiar, you were more than capable of picking them out. all except for the one seated near the eldest sully child.
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a quiet scoff spills from your lips at the accusation, you were only but a curious soul. yeah, that excuse will get you nowhere.
rumours were quick to spread, friendships shattered with a click of a finger. ao'nung was egotistical, as far as one could tell, he needn't care for the consequences of his actions. he was a bully, picking on those inferior by any means. inclusive to your friends.
yet, why had his gaze shifted to you. sapphire hues glossed with mere curiosity, as if you were capable of falling apart like the petals of a lotus blossom. your lips subliminally tug into a soft grin to the boy seated only rows ahead, unable to scratch at the good will of your heart to pluck out any sort of hatred that brewed.
"please pay attention, (name)," the professor called out in your direction, cheeks flushing with a dull tint from embarrassment.
that surely just had to be one of the most humiliating moments of your life, like EVER. eyes were quick to fall on what was currently being displayed up on the projector. if only you had appeared to be more unobtrusive with your distraction, then maybe it would've been easier to pick up on how his lips cracked into a lopsided grin.
brrrrriiiinng. the clapper knocks loudly against the cage of metal it was screwed into, signalling the end of the lecture. ugh, finally.
for once did you find yourself thankful for that stupid bell. nimble digits gather up the stationary scattered amongst the desk, lifting the material to bring in the confinements of your temporary bag before shifting your weight into your feet to stand up completely.
"hey, wait up," a voice calls out, halting graceful strides as a palm encloses around your forearm. the grip was firm, more than enough to solidify the confidence radiating within the perpetrator.
speaking of the devil, luck didn't seem to be on your side today. ao'nung stood at about six foot and five inches tall, thick obsidian curls danced around the base of his neck, ivory pearls peak from the protection of a long sleeved black undershirt paired with a nirvana t-shirt on top that hung over loosely fitted, baggy jeans.
of course, you were weary of him. the sully's have informed you of his achievements, especially all the taunting and the fighting.
"hm?" a hum vibrates from the back of your throat, what could he possibly want. "you're (name), right?" oh. you couldn't have feasibly expected his voice to sound so.. gravelly? it was different.
had he picked up on how you gazed eagerly at him, absorbing the foreign features into memory? oh eywa, was he about to call you a creep? "err.. yes i am.." it sounded more of a question than an answer, the flesh between your eyebrows furrow with confusion.
"you don't sound so sure of yourself, sweetheart" ao'nung quips back, lips forming a cheshire grin at the stand-offish front. his grip on your forearm lowering to the exposed skin of your wrist.
this had to be some form of joke, assumably in his nature. "are you always this touchy with people you just met?" you quizzed, head tilting to create eye contact. now, he wasn't exactly.. bad looking?
"only the cute ones," a flirt, another startling personality trait. a quiet scoff bubbles at your lips, gaze hardening as he mocks an act of surrender. ao'nung surely was a character, you finally understood why people chose to keep their distance from him.
a fight was the last thing you needed, neteyam was surely waiting for you by the door. "you barely know me," you were quick to retort to his words, pulling back from the feverish grasp ao'nung held.
"then why don't you let me get to know you.. instead of staring?"
[ change of perspective 𓇼 neteyam. ]
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mentions. @urdeadpoet @lightskinloak @grierpilots @sullybby @liyahsocorro @fleursbending @eitaababe @kiris-wife @syulangg @gloryy-vs @loaksky @eywas-heir @boooogieman
★⌗ vesp's thoughts . . . i've been caught up in so much work that i completely forgot about this, i'm so sorry. </3
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© 2023 dilfverz. ─ please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without permission.
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8resa ¡ 1 year
i'm actually in love with this DIJFELFJ:S
i bet my tattoos look hot asf 🥰🥰
⌗🌬️ TATTOO ᩡ𖧧
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⋆ pairing :: Neteyam x Navi! Reader
⋆ summary :: Neteyam spent his days telling his new metkayina friends about the special girl that took his heart back in his old clan. What was the one thing he kept mentioning though? Your tattoo.
⋆ word count :: 1.2k words
⋆ author's note :: this fic was based on the song "girl with the tattoo" by Miguel. Reader uses she/her pronouns. It's pretty short but ugh I loved writing this 🤭
If they only knew
The girl with the tattoo
"Teyam look!" You said while showing the new tribal tattoo swirling up your upper right arm. Neteyam looked in awe at how pretty it turned out to be.
You came from a more spiritual clan but soon moved to the forest, where Neteyam lived after the sky people destroyed your home. 
You didn't know much about your clan because you moved when you were still young but one thing you did know and wished to do was to get a tattoo once you turned 15. Amongst your clan the woman would get this as a sign of them entering adulthood just like a coming of age ceremony. 
"My girl, you look so pretty " Neteyam cupped your cheek, earning a grin from you. It was night and the people of the Omatikaya clan were still feasting at the bonfire.
You and Neteyam decided to leave early and ride your ikrans to a secluded mountain where you guys would spend your free time, or as some liked to call it, a “date”
Your bioluminescence freckles glowed in the dark, as well as Neteyam's. 
He pulled you into a hug, inhaling the cool night air, enjoying his time with his beloved.
"Even under the night sky she always seemed to shine brighter." Neteyam reminisces on his days back in the forest where he had you always by his side. 
"Forest boy is in love." Aonung gagged seeing how lovestruck Neteyam was, making Lo'ak and rotxo laugh. 
"Be quiet Aonung! I think it's cute." Tsireya tried to defend Neteyam but got drowned in by louder laughter coming from the boys once again.
She rolled her eyes and put her attention back to Neteyam. "She seems sweet, Neteyam."
 Neteyam nodded agreeing with the Metkayina girl. You were the kindest person he had ever met. 
You always did your own thing, not following anyone's expectations or caring if anyone was staring. Some older Navi would tell him that you were way too “independent” for a girl as most Navi women follow their parents' rules until they get a mate, which then they would follow their mate's rules. But that's why he loved you, he would always tease you and call you ‘miss independent’
With your unbeatable beauty and sweet fruity scent, your glowing and silky skin, as beautiful as the jewelry you wore which were gifts made from him. Your golden like eyes which glowed as bright as a star. You enchanted everyone you met, but Neteyam always thought you hit him the hardest.
Aonung stopped laughing and leaned forward from the tree trunk. “So where is she?"
"You know, your beloved tattoo girl, did she not come with you guys?" Aonung asked nonchalantly as Tsireya leaned closer, also curious.
Neteyam's mouth shut, forming into a straight line, thinking about what to say. 
Lo'ak and Kiri looked at their brother in a sympathetic way, as Tuk sat beside him, leaning on Neteyam's side, listening into the conversation.
Yeah, I see you baby
Just don't lose yourself along the way
"Neteyam I am coming with you." You walked behind you, demanding that he brought you with him and his family. Neteyam was walking around his tent, packing his stuff up as they would depart soon after the ceremony. 
Neteyam huffed and looked behind him, where you stood. "No, you stay here and be the clan's Tsahik, without your talent the people will have no one when my grandmother's passes." 
You furrowed your brows, of course you knew that you had to give up the role as future Tsahik, but what food would a broken hearted Tsahik be? If she couldn't heal her own heart, how will she heal others? 
Neteyam was gonna be your mate as soon as you two turned 18. He was next in line for the role of Olo'eyktan.
"I'm coming with you and that's final." You turned around and started walking out of the tent, heading towards yours so you could pack your own stuff. Before you could even exit Neteyam grabbed your hand. 
He took a hold of them, holding your hands in his own. "Please, I can't have the sky people hunting you down too."
You looked down, staying silent. It was true and you couldn't deny it, the clan was bound to get attacked at least once more. The current Tsahik, Neteyam's grandmother, also known as Mo'at would not be able to heal everyone even if there were other healers in the clan.
Mo'at taught you more advanced stuff as you were more skilled, which is why she had picked you as the next Tsahik.
You hissed in frustration and yanked your hand back from him.
 "I will come with you, maybe not at the same time but I will be there. Of course there's consequences but I'm willing to take them." 
And with that you ran out as fast as you can, leaving Neteyam in the dust.
Cause you're doing what you're doing
Just to get to where you're going
"If we took her she'd be in danger too." Lo'ak spoke up for Neteyam after seeing how quiet his brother had gotten. The others nodded understanding the reasoning behind it, as they didn't want to push into the conversation even further.
Kiri sighed and patted Neteyam's shoulders as an attempt to comfort him. 
"Do not worry too much brother, you too will reunite someday."
As night fell in the reef, the group parted, walking in opposite directions towards their own shared Marui. The Sully siblings had a quiet walk back to their Family's home. The most noise they had was Tuk yelling at them to slow down so her tiny legs could catch up. 
As soon as they entered through the makeshift flap they all went to their hammocks after greeting their parents. 
Neteyam laid silently, swaying side to side as his family were conversing with each other about their day. 
The uncommon silence from Jake and Neytir's oldest child set an unsettling feeling in them.
Neytiri turned to the other kids looking for some explanation.
With a sigh Lo'ak spoke up when he heard his brother's breathing slowing down signaling that he was finally asleep. 
"He was talking about y/n again."
But I knew
The girl with the tattoo
The young warrior looked up from sharpening his fishing spear only to find his youngest sister running towards him with a bright grin on her face. He suddenly noticed the loud noise coming out of a shell, signaling the clan that someone new arrived on shore. Neteyam peered down at Tuk in curiosity. "What is it Tuk?"
"Please Teyam you need to see this."
The young girl grabbed her brother's hand and dragged him towards the crowd of people forming a circle around someone. It reminded him of the first time his family arrived. 
Neteyam heard a familiar loud roar. It was an ikran
He hurriedly walked closer to the crowd, pushing some people aside to get a better look. 
His eyes traveled to the darker blue skinned female with long braided hair. He noticed the unique clothes she wore that complimented her other features. He noticed how crystals decorated her hair and how a single colorful feature was nearly placed in one strand.
His heart skipped a beat as his eyes landed on the black ink swirling around her upper right arm.
He watched you squint your eyes, scanning through the crowd to get a closer look at people, finally stopping once your eyes landed on him.
Oh how he loved hearing you say his name again.
Oh yeah, I knew
The girl with the tattoo
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8resa ¡ 1 year
i’m also listening to the blue at the same time.. perfection!
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╰┈➤ THE BLUE !
series masterlist. | previous / next ➛
a/n — i finally posted hallelujah
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
Transferring to a new university went smoother than you expected.
You'd just settled into your new place, waiting for your new roommate to arrive. Majority of the cardboard boxes have already been unpacked, the empty ones folded neatly and stacked in the corner.
You turned your head, meeting a bright smile of a curly haired girl. You couldn't help but smile just as bright back— captivated by the girls dimples and shining eyes.
"You must be y/n! I'm Tsireya, it's so nice to finally meet you!"
"It's nice to meet you– oh," you paused, chuckling to yourself when she pulled you into an embrace, hesitantly hugging her back. After pulling away, you smiled shyly, "Thank you so much for taking my roommate request on such short notice, I didn't think I'd get an apartment room this close to campus this late in the year."
"Oh no worries, my old roomie transferred out a few months ago and rent is a bitch to pay. Plus it's nice to finally have another face around here after so long," she admitted, eyes traveling to the rest of your unpacked boxes. "You need any help with those?"
You nodded, politely accepting her offer, and as you both put away the boxes, you released a breath you didn't know you were holding.
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
A group of basketball boys walked out the gym and into a hallway, all panting and wiping sweat from their forehead.
"Coach Tonowari really takes hell week serious," Lo'ak panted, leaning against the wall in exhaustion. "If I have to run another five laps around the court I might puke."
"Have fun cleaning that up on your own." Ao'nung called back, joining Lo'ak on the wall. "But yeah, my dad's no joke when it comes to conditioning."
"That smile's deceiving." Rotxo groaned, pulling a hoodie over his head.
The conversation came to a halt when a group of cheerleaders passed the boys, giggles erupting from the girls as they checked them out.
"Hey," Ao'nung poked Lo'ak's side, smirking sideways at him. "I think blondie over there has her eye on you."
"Nah man," Lo'ak laughed it off, not sparing a glance towards the passerby's. "I think I'll pass."
"For someone who says they're over their ex, you really aren't acting like it," Rotxo quietly piped up, earning a stink eye from Lo'ak. "I'm just saying!"
"Have you guys ever thought that maybe I just like being single? Me and Tsireya ended things on good terms, you guys know that."
"Doesn't mean you're over her."
"I am!"
"Prove it," Ao'nung challenged. His attention wandered over to you, walking out of your class. "Go talk to her."
Before Lo'ak could respond, both boys shoved him into your direction.
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
If you had to choose a con from transferring, this would be it.
An 8am class was definitely not what you had in mind when you chose sports medicine as a major.
So when you finally trudged out of what seemed like the longest class ever, and still half awake, the last thing you were expecting was to get pummeled against the wall, and a large weight still on top of you the cause of it.
"Look where you're going!" You snapped, shoving the unidentified man off of you. "Eywa, is it so hard to–"
"I'm so sorry!" A voice cut you off, and you'd be lying if you didn't feel like you didn't get the wind knocked out of you once again, meeting the eyes of the mysterious boy. "Me and my friends were messing around, and I kinda lost my balance and ran into you."
Keeping a hard face, you nodded, hoping he couldn't see the pink rising in your cheeks. As you drank his features in, you came to notice he was attractive— more attractive than you'd like to admit. Whatever he was rambling on about fell deaf on your ears as you observed the rest of him, just hearing the end of his rant.
"Anyways, I'm Lo'ak." He introduced himself, bringing you back to reality. He had expectant eyes, and you realized he was awaiting a response from you.
"Oh, I'm y/n." You introduced yourself, not saying much more.
"Well, y/n," he emphasized your name, probably to prove that he would remember it, "sorry again. Maybe I could pay for a cup of coffee? To make up for practically tackling you against the wall."
You gaped, shocked at the audacity of this Lo'ak boy. He just knocked the living daylights out of you and was asking you out on a date?
"Are you serious?"
"Not like that! I promise!" He waved you off, trying not to come off too strong. "I just- noticed your eyebags.." He trailed off, avoiding your glare. "Anyways, thought you could use the caffeine."
While he wasn't the most polite, you weren't one to decline a free offer for coffee. "Fine."
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow?"
"Wait what?"
"How else do you expect for me to bring it to you?"
Rolling your eyes in annoyance, you held out your hand, gesturing for his phone. "Here, I'll give you my address."
"How about your number?" Lo'ak grinned, handing his phone over to you.
Scoffing, you had no choice but to agree. "Alright, but you better pick me up at 7:15. No later."
"Yes ma'am," he grinned, eyes glancing down to his phone, sending a text from his number. He started off, catching up to his group of friends, but not before hollering towards your way, catching the eye of a few on goers. "I'll see you tomorrow, y/n!"
You stood still, appalled at the boys antics.
"Take that, you fuckers!"
Lo'ak shouted as he caught up to the rest of the group, Ao'nung still looking unimpressed. "Congratulations, you talked to a woman. Turns out you're not completely hopeless."
"Shut up, dude," Lo'ak groaned. "And for the record, I got her number. I'm taking her out tomorrow morning for coffee."
"You're lying," Rotxo intervened, laughing lightly. "There's no way a girl that pretty would agree to go on a date with you that fast."
"Hey! I have game!"
"No you don't," Ao'nung disagreed, shaking his head with a chuckle. "Twenty bucks this is the only date you'll go on with her."
"You're on."
─── ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ───
You wake up to the sound of your phone ringing.
Without any thought, you swipe and answer it, only to be met with a certain someone's voice.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty!"
You groaned, burying your face back into your pillow. "Go away."
"Would love to, but I owe you a coffee and you wouldn't respond to my texts about your apartment building."
"That was your number?"
An offended scoff was heard from across the phone, "You were ignoring me?"
"I didn't recognize the number."
"I texted saying it was me!"
"Oh," you paused, laughing at your own antics. "Okay, maybe I was sort of ignoring you."
"Careful, I'm gonna take away my offer."
"It's an apology, you can't take away an apology!" You huffed, not realizing how much you were looking forward to the free coffee.
"Whatever, still waiting on an answer."
"My apartments on the east side of campus, the blue one. Just pull into the parking lot and text me when you're here and I'll meet you outside."
Once Lo'ak hung up, he signed into his hands. He knew which building you were talking about, he'd spent countless nights over at the very same one. He grabbed a helmet, mounting his bike and driving off.
Checking your phone and seeing a text from what you assumed to be Lo'ak's number (you still refused to save it), you threw on a sweater and quickly made your way to the parking lot, stopping in your tracks when you took in the sight in front of you.
"You have a fucking motorcycle?"
"No, I own a cargo van," Lo'ak deadpanned, chuckling at your unamused expression. "Yes sweetheart, I own a motorcycle."
"I thought you said you had a car!"
"No, you said I had a car."
"I can't get on that!" You whined, running a hand through your hair in a stressed manner. "It's not even safe! I'm wearing my backpack, what if papers fly out and I lose my books? Plus, I don't even have a helmet."
"Well then, isn't it lucky I brought one for you?" He teased condescendingly, and you wanted to punch the smug grin that you knew was underneath the helmet right off his face. "And I ride this bike to school everyday, with a backpack. You won't lose anything. Promise." He held out the helmet towards you, waiting for you to grab it from him.
With furrowed brows, and a look that Lo'ak swore made you resemble a toddler in a way they were having a tantrum, you took the helmet, putting it on and hesitantly making your way towards the bike. "What if I fall?"
"Just hold onto me." He stated, as if it were so easy.
"The things I do for free stuff." You mumbled underneath your breath, seating yourself behind the boy and wrapping your arms around his waist, trying to ignore the close proximity between you two.
"You ready?"
Before you could even answer Lo'ak took off, making your grip tighten. "I'm never getting coffee with you again!" You shouted, although the both of you knowing you didn't really mean that.
"Sure, sweetheart."
The place Lo'ak took you to was nice, a cafe that was walking distance from your morning class (which you thanked eywa for, since you didn't have to go in another death ride again).
When you walk in with him, you don't fail to notice the confused looks of two baristas in particular, staring at you behind the counter. You can't help but feel slightly self conscious at their eyes, until Lo'ak rests a hand lightly on your arm. "Don't worry, that's just my brother and sister."
"Oh," you stared at his siblings, slightly tilting your head in confusion. "..Not to be-" you paused, trying to find the right words to say. "I just- uhm, they don't look like..you know?"
Lo'ak broke into laughter once he realized the point you were trying to get across, and couldn't ignore the pulsing of his heart at the adorable look of confusion on your face. "They're adopted."
"Oh!" You breathed out in relief, chuckling awkwardly. "Gotcha." and to avoid anymore awkward situations you made your way to the cashier, Lo'ak following in suit.
"Hey Kir," He smiled, looking over at the other boy. "Spider," Without expecting him to, he pulled you beside him, making you smack his hand off of you. "This is Y/n."
"Hi." You smiled politely, earning a couple smiles back.
As Lo'ak ordered and paid for the both of you, you looked down towards the floor, trying to ignore the gazes that were seemingly locked onto you the whole entire time.
"You good?"
His voice snapped your head upwards, meeting his warm eyes of honey. You opened your mouth, only to find your throat dry, and opted for a silent nod instead. You noticed the drinks in each of his hands and took the one closest to you, thanking him quietly before quickly walking out of the cafe, grabbing your bag from the bike and walking out, leaving a very confused Lo'ak, and his siblings even more so.
But you really could've cared less, as you tried to calm the constant pounding in your chest.
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taglist / open. @s-surreality @il0veheartz @blueforte @etherialblackrose @syulangg @anonymousailurophile @ipoopedmypants47 @neqeyam @alwayswndr @doulcha @n7ytiri @8resa (tags that don't work in comments)
185 notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
neteyammmm trusttt i’m just in denial rn i still want u 🤫🤫🤞🤞
but fr this is amazing!!! the only words i could use to describe it is wjdhejekdnejso!
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: fighting, panic attack, anxiety, crying, angst angst angst, aged up neteyam, fem!reader, conflict, 1.8k words
authors note: WOOOO pt2!! ik the stories a lil slow rn BUT the juice is juicing is it not
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As soon as you uttered those words to him, you span on your heels. Rushing out of the crowd trying to find some escape from the man longingly gazing at your running figure.
Why was he back? He left you along with his family years ago. So why when your mind was starting to calm down from the storm he decides to come back like a bolt of lightning, lighting up the entire sky.
You could hear his calls from behind you, maybe he was chasing after you. You weren’t entirely sure. You were too afraid to look back and see that he wasn’t. That he would let you slip away from him when you were so easy to grasp onto again.
All the feelings, all the sorrow that you supressed for five years were bubbling in your chest again. Suffocating you, as your vision blurred from the unwanted tears welling your eyes. Feelings so intense it was like they had wrapped their hands around your neck, not letting even the tiniest gasp out.
Though you kept rushing away from the scene, even if your body was begging you to slow your pace, to try and take a deep breath. You didn’t. Your feet just kept moving.
His voice rung in your head. Swirling around you as if it was taunting your state. ‘Y/N…let go’ rung inside of you. Over and over again. His sweet voice tingling everything inside of you. His sweet ,sweet voice destroying you, everything that you ever were. Making you into a shell of a woman for five years. Let go.
It kept talking and talking. He kept talking and talking. His voice growing louder. The words jumbling into incoherent noises as you gripped onto your chest gasping for air. The aura around you was muggy, creating a sheen of sweat on the entirety of your body, your baby hairs sticking to your forehead.
“Y/N?” It was too clear, not jumbled enough, as if he was right behind you. Whispering your name so softly off his tongue.
You turned hesitantly, seeing Neteyam hovering over you, reaching his hand out to touch the soft skin of your shoulder.
His hand was cool, a stark contrast to the heat radiating off of your body. His brows were knotted with concern, eyes staring so deeply into you, it felt as if he was trying to have a staring contest with your soul.
The more you looked at him, still trying to regulate your harsh breathing you realised just how much he had changed. He was maybe an entire foot taller then when you had last seen him. His muscles were larger, his entire body broader as his chest heaved. His chest had a large scar, a cavity like scar that was closer to a pinkish colour.
It stood out like stars showing in daytime. His face was tougher, the soft look he once had, changing into a harder one. Matched with long braids that went down to his pecs.
“Y/N? Please.” Your eyes snapped back to his, the grip on your shoulder becoming mind-consuming. Anger filling your core again, rising through your entire body as the air you were gasping for before, was taken in to exhale your agitated sigh.
“Let go.” Your voice was harsh. Nothing like he remembered, you were so different to how he remembered.
Neteyam tried desperately to not remember you by your last encounter. He tried to forget the way you choked on your sobs. He tried to forget the way you begged and begged him. He tried to forget the way you gripped onto him so hard, your nails left bleeding crescents in his legs.
He rather tried to remember the parts of you that he fell in love with. Your soft smile, your sweet voice, your kindness. Your patience, your skill, you. He loved you.
But now as he touched your skin for the first time in what felt like forever, it felt as if he had lost that woman. “Please, I need to talk to you.”
“About what.” You spat at him, shaking his grip off your shoulder.
“There is nothing to talk about.”
“Yes there is! Y/N there is so much to talk about!” You shook your head, sucking on your bottom lip for a moment to stop a small cry escape from your mouth. “Please.”
“What should we talk about then? Hm?” Your tone was cruel, but you felt no remorse. Right now as you stared at him, you were nothing but angry.
“I don’t want your apologies Neteyam. All I wanted was to come with you. Our journey ended a long time ago.” Your words shattered his heart, it hurt you as well. You loved Neteyam. He was all you ever wanted, but you were hurt, you were broken without him, and were put back together with missing pieces.
“No- No it’s not. I’m back. We can be back together-” A mean chuckle escaped your lips.
“What makes you think that you can keep walking in and out of my life?!”
“I had to leave Y/N!”
“And I could’ve come!” You pushed him slightly, hands crazing the scar on his chest. He stumbled back, shaking his head as he looked down at you.
“It wasn’t safe for you Y/N…”
“Oh…I never thought of that! I never thought that escaping war WOULD BE UNSAFE! You got to leave! You got to escape! I was stuck here Neteyam! I was stuck with the sky-people! Do you think they stopped just because your oh so wanted daddy left? NO! So many of us have perished to their weapons. So many.” You didn’t realise that you were punching his chest with every sentence, wrath racking through you as Neteyam stared down at you with teary eyes, taking your punches with pursed lips.
“Beautiful you know I didn’t want to leave you. But it was for the better, I had to.”
“Stop lying to me Neteyam.”
“I’m not lying to you. Please baby.”
“I’m not your baby! Fuck! You left me! You can’t- You can’t just come back and demand me. Do you know how hard it was to let you go?” Neteyam shook his head, pained at the way your voice kept cracking. “I didn’t move for months. I cried non-stop. I didn’t eat, I didn’t hunt. I didn’t do anything. You left me and you took everything that I was with you.”
“I-I’m back…I didn’t want to hurt you, I just needed you to be safe, I couldn’t take you from the forest. Please baby- Y/N, I’m here to fix this. I would’ve never left if I had a choice.” Neteyam was in tears, sticky water dripping down his hollow cheeks as he gripped tightly onto your knuckles. He tried to stare into your eyes, but you avoided his gaze.
“This can’t be fixed Neteyam.”
“No. No it can- Please just fuck. Please. Give me another chance-”
“We can’t do this Neteyam. We can’t just keep begging each other for love.”
“We can do this. We can.”
“Y/N!” Looking behind Neteyams wide shoulders was a stomping Va’tep. His braids swinging aggressively along his back as his gaze sent daggers into the both of you.
You ripped your hands out of Neteyam’s grasp, wiping the tears off your face, straightening your posture as you waltzed towards Va’tep.
“Where the fuck did you go?!” He was racing towards you, feet crushing into the dirt as his rough hands ran down your body looking for any injuries.
“A walk.”
“Are you kidding me? A walk?”
“Yes…I went for a walk.”
“Sure.” Va’tep rolled his eyes, getting the loose hairs out of your face and tucking them behind your ears.
Neteyam stared at you with another man’s hands on you. His heart grew sour, a low growl escaping him as he tried to supress the urge to slit the man’s throat. Neteyam inched closer to the pair, analysing every single thing about them.
The way you leant out of his touch, the way his hands dragged down your body instead of caressing it, the way Va’tep’s eyes wouldn’t linger on you for long enough. He was inferior, what ever he was to you. He was shameful at it.
Even if Neteyam’s face was still stained in tears, he was intimidating to the man in front of you. “Actually…Y/N and I were talking.”
You winced at the way Va’tep’s grip on your arm got extremely tight, as he looked at the man challenging him. He hated challenges.
“Oh! It’s the mighty warrior! Neteyam Sully.” Va’tep let go of you harshly to give Neteyam a rough pat to the back. “He has come running back as fast as he ran away!” Neteyam hissed at him, pushing Va’tep harshly making sure he stumbled on his feet.
“Watch your words.” Neteyam had a finger pointed at Va’tep, if he inched any closer it would be planted right on the middle of his chest.
“Why should I?”
“Or else I’ll make you.” You tried to let out a shout, warning them to stop fighting but it was useless. They were too caught up with their own ego’s they would never listen to you.
“Just like you made Y/N stay?” Neteyam’s face dropped, horrified that his actions were brought up by Va’tep. “Yeah…I was left to clean up your mess, you’re a dick y’know that? Eywa looks down on those who do nothing to respect the sacred bonds.” Va’tep’s teeth were bared as he uttered his arguments.
“You know nothing. Know your place.” Neteyam hissed at him, hand gripped onto the handle of his knife.
“Know your place mighty warrior. Y/N is my mate.”
Neteyam’s head snapped towards you looking for you to deny his words. But all you could do was look down, head hung in shame.
His heart felt heavy. His entire body aching as he stared at you hopelessly. Had he completely lost you? Was his hopes to get you back too naĂŻve?
“You mated with him?”
“No!” Va’tep hissed at your fast reply.
“We are promised…Neteyam. Letting you know because your family has a history of disrespecting bonds.” Va’tep chuckled as he referred to Neteyam’s parents, earning a hearty growl out of Neteyams chest, his tail lashing through the air.
Neteyam looked over to your slanted posture, the way you picked anxiously at your nails watching the two men in front of you interact. He had to leave. Before he did something stupid. He’d be back for you, he was sure of it.
Neteyam turned in a huff, walking back to his family. His shoulders swinging as he stomped away like a hurt child.
Va’tep chuckled walking back over to you, letting his strong arm rest across your shoulders. “I guess the sea always brings in trash.”
But the light always reflects the treasures. And Neteyam was shining.
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series taglist: @notsaelty @mommyneytiri @hannabanana-09 @gloryavila @peachinsominac @jaidalise @neqeyam @hello222sthings @tsuteysyawntu @neyetams @yhern05 @emjeez @adaiasafira @kiri-tuk @yaya6765 @biscuitbeater15 @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @plooloo @savvysscandles @dilucslilmeowmeow @69cocktimusprime @newjeansbonnie @chatoicboy @pinkpantheris @plzfeedmebread @afro-hispwriter @lollife1617 @goddesslilithmoriarty @cinetrix @grierpilots @melsunshine @valentineheartzz @tsveria
normal taglist: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @neteyamyawne @neteyamssbaby @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9
987 notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
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love realization #10 with “you’re so pretty...” “and you are drunk.” for Neteyam I just know you’ll EAT
stoppp you’re gonna make me blush omg!! i was so excited for someone to request this one eeee 🤭 first commission for the party! wc: 873
Neteyam x fem!navi reader
prompt: drunk flirty prompts #4
warnings: none!
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Neteyam knew better. Honesty, he did. What kind of idiot challenges Lo’ak, of all people, to a drinking contest?
“Loser does the other’s chores for two weeks.”
“Oh, you’re on baby bro.”
It was lighthearted, at first. Realization quickly setting in that a celebration within the village like this was something that didn’t come around often; a chance for them to kick their feet up with zero worries of responsibility even rarer. And the large bonfire roaring in the middle of the common grounds, embers crackling amidst the steady hum of cheerfully sparked conversations, solidified that fact.
Couples, brothers, sisters, all sat around, enjoying each other’s company while the children had long ran off with their peers, eagerly urged by their parents to wear themselves out for the night with repetitive games of tag.
It was clear this was a time to relax, something that was usually unknown to the eldest sully. But a quick glance over at his parents, giggling and huddled up, served as ample reassurance. And with each swig from the leather bota bag Lo’ak had shoved into his hands just moments prior, he felt himself relaxing more and more.
You’re seated on a fallen log beside the swaying figures of the two sully boys, a little ways in the distance from the lively dancing bodies of fellow na’vi. It’s probably been going on for fifteen minutes now, the repetitive shoving and roughhousing between the brothers as they place their bets higher and higher on who can drink the most of the strong liquid. Your forehead almost aches from the amount of times your palm has smacked it.
Neteyam holds a weary hand up, nodding deeply and laggardly waving the limb in his brother’s direction as he urges himself to continue. “Alright, *hiccup* I… I got this. Just *hiccup* give me a second.” The statement comes out slurred and choppy, his free hand balanced on his knee to keep himself from falling over as he reaches out with the other to take the flask from Lo’ak’s hands— or struggles to, rather.
“Alright, that’s enough.” You quickly chime in at the sight of Neteyam’s dizzied state, leisurely leaning forward to snatch the bottle of fermented fruit from the hands of his challenger. Your movements were far from rushed, but Neteyam couldn’t have caught up with you even if he wanted to. “Congratulations, Lo’ak. You win.”
It’s painfully delayed, Neteyam’s reaction, that is.
“Wait, wait-“
But it’s too late, you’ve already dumped the remains of the liquid out in the bush behind you, and Neteyam tosses his hands up in the air in regards to you waving his white flag before he could even agree to it.
“Fuck yeah!” Lo’ak is quick to shoot up on his feet, a little too quickly, seeing as he stumbles a bit before catching himself. “Have fun scooping ikran shit, big bro.” His words are spoken at a teylu’s pace, a heavy hand lifting to his forehead as he signs a mock salute to his tipsy sibling.
You watch Lo’ak wobble away with a shake of your head, knowing he’s probably off to go challenge yet another victim to a game he’s never lost. A laugh was set to leave your lips, until you heard Neteyam groan and felt his body slump over into your lap.
His unfiltered weight is heavy in your hold, but you let him, nonetheless. He lazily shifts from his side to lay on his back, his head cradled in your open palm as you stare down at him with a quirked brow.
“God, why is everything spinning?” His eyes pinch shut and he drags his hands down his face before they move to rest over the steady rise and fall of his stomach.
“Maybe because you’re an idiot and tried to out drink your brother. Do you not remember how badly you lost to him last time? You couldn’t get out of bed for two days.” You tease.
His lids peel open and they narrow to glare at you for as long as he can keep up the offended act.
But with the way your hair cascades over your shoulders and frames your face, your eyes twinkling with amusement as you look down at him, he can’t pretend for long. His resolve crumbles in seconds, the slightly fuzzy image of you causing a goofy smile to spread along his flushed lips.
Your head tilts quizzically at his sudden change in expression and you go to tuck a strand behind your ear. “What are you smiling at?”
His lashes flutter and he gives you a sluggish shrug of his shoulders, pearly canines peeking through his boyish grin as his fingers reach to twirl a lock of your hair. And when he speaks, his words drag on much longer than they’re supposed to.
“You’re so pretty… Have I ever told you that?”
The sound of a hiccup cutting through his confession has your eyes rolling towards the stars, possibly to distract you from the fact that your face is heating up.
“And you’re drunk. Very, very drunk.” You giggle, gently brushing your fingers over the wispy baby hairs that peek from his hairline.
He hums, though it’s clear he’s not listening with the way his heavy eyelids fall closed in response to your touch. With a turn of his cheek, his head nuzzles against your thighs and closer to you, the soft graze of the tip of his nose below your navel nearly ticklish.
“I want you… want you, to be my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” He drawls with a smack of his lips.
His arms wind around your waist, letting you know that he’s definitely about to pass out and trap you where you’re sat until he stirs from the drunken coma.
You sigh at that, and your forehead thanks you for showing mercy when you restrain yourself from smacking your palm to it again as you respond to the dozing man in your lap.
“We’ve been mated for two years, Neteyam.”
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Šteyums 2023
2K notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
so excited for part 2222222222222222!!!!
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summary: five years ago he left you. left you alone with nothing but memories of your love. so how dare he come back now?
contents: 1.5k words, fem!omaticaya reader, angst, swearing
authors note: AHHHH first chapter i'm so excited to post this guys!! thankuu to all my mooties that helped me brew this series
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Nothing could ever surmount to the despair you felt that day. The day he looked into your weeping eyes, looked right into your aching soul, and told you he was leaving.
Leaving. You begged him to take you with him. Pleaded with his pained expression to let you stay with him. To take you with him. To walk every journey together.
But he didn’t. He shook his head, pursing his lips that have kissed you for the last time. Crossing his arms that embraced you for the last time. He said no. One simple word that crushed your entire self.
“It won’t be safe, I can’t take you from the forest, this is your home.” No. No he was your home! He was your everything. The last face you look at when you say goodnight to the day left behind you. The one you would run to, so you could tell him everything good and bad. The man you imagined your entire life to be with.
That same man who was running from his home, to never return back to you.
You pleaded with him, crashing onto your knees, wrapping your arms around his torso. Crying into him as you begged to accompany him. How could he leave you? How could he have the heart to tear out yours.
“Y/N…let go.” His deep voice ring deep in your ears. You knew he was talking about your physical grip on him. But it felt so much deeper. Let go. Let go of us. Let go of everything we ever were. Let go of me.
You shook your head desperately, hands still clinging to his body. The rough soil beneath you cutting into your knees but no cut would ever be as deep as the one he had laid into your soul.
It was as if the hands he took to pry your frail body off him were the daggers that were slicing up your heart. Leaving wounds so deep they would never heal. How could you ever heal from this?
You looked up at him, tears letting his cheeks dampen, his face showing nothing but grief as he met your hurt eyes.
“I have to go…Y/N you know I have to.” You did. You knew you had no say in this. Your words were insignificant to begin with.
His figure crouched down in front of you. Wiping the salty tears that stained your cheeks. He saw the way your chin quivered as he caressed your beautiful face.
A salty, sweet kiss was the last one you ever shared with him. A kiss you both cried into, gripping onto each other knowing it was the last time. It was bittersweet. To share a moment so close together only to be ripped apart.
All that connected you both was memories. Memories that now serve you nothing but hurt.
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Five years had passed. Five dreadful years.
You were now a 20 year old woman. Adorned with your Hometree bow and the physique of a fit warrior. Though no amount of time could ever heal the cuts he left so deep in you.
For the first year, you were nothing but a shell. Never eating, never sleeping. You simply existed. Which was a chore to do without him.
You wished nothing but to stop existing. To stop experiencing every bit of sadness, every bit of grief. To stop mourning the loss of the only man you could ever love.
Tears were your most worn accessory, no one ever daring to tell you they looked bad. Too scared to send you spiralling even more than you already had.
Though, those times you spent rocking in your hammock. Looking at the stars that lit up the night sky, those cuts that ran deep within you, the cuts that caused so pain. They started to seep.
Started to seep blood red rage.
How could he ever have left you? Was he so selfish to not think of the effect this would have on you? Did he simply not care?
How was the one time he decided to act selfishly be the time wounded the one who loved him most? To be so selfish, to claim he would be keeping you safe.
Safe to what? The sky-people that reigned free through your planet. Constantly on the verge of war to aliens that had no consideration for your people. Just like he had no consideration for your heart.
You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate him so bad, that every memory of him would fade into a blood red image of evil. That every memory would turn into a disgusting thought of a disgusting man.
You wanted to hate him with every fibre in your body. But you couldn’t.
Maybe that’s when everything stopped looking so blood red. When everything dulled out. Nothing mattered, he would never come back.
So with a tainted heart and an aching soul, you accepted that you would never experience the love of your mate every again. Never feel his touch, hear his voice, smell his scent, taste his kisses. You would never be with him.
That’s were Va’tep entered into your life. Barging into your knocked down walls and building a crappy foundation.
Va’tep, Tarsem’s younger brother. One year your elder. A fierce warrior, a man who refused to lose, a man who claimed what was his. And to him, you were his.
Your parents always longed for status. To be high up in the clan. You were their golden ticket, finding your way into the heart of Toruk Makto’s eldest son. They rejoiced in your heart’s residence, rejoiced in the fact that you fulfilled their one wish. They were your number one advocate. Pushing you to train for your rite of passage ever since you became closer with the boy. They worked every inch of their being towards the union between the pair of you.
But the hard work washed away as fast as the waterfall plunged.
Washing away all your dreams, your happiness, your meaning. It washed away your parent’s status, Va’tep being the life guard that pulls them out of the strong currents.
Nothing could ever amount to him though. Your heart resided with someone else as your body laid with his. You felt yourself fill with shame every time you shared a touch. A shiver of disgust running down your entire body. Breaking the vow of your love towards the boy who broke you.
“Where’s your head at beautiful?” That was what he called you. Beautiful. His voice would never be as sweet as his. Never send the right shivers through you.
Va’tep’s calloused hands caressed your cheek, so rough it felt as if he was dragging you with his touch. Everything he did was rough. Rough like the soil you pleaded on.
Maybe this was Eywa laughing in your face. Giving you a man so opposite to the man you craved so desperately. Even after 5 years, Eywa would never let you forget those memories.
Shrugging his hands off your body, he let out a low hiss. One that showed his offence towards your actions. A hiss so quiet, it would only be heard if you cared. But you didn’t. Something else was clouding your mind, taking your attention away from him. And it wasn’t just your past lover.
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You made your way towards the growing crowd of people that formed around the entrance of Hometree. Va’tep’s calls after you were silenced by the gasps and whispers of your people that were creating confusion that bubbled in your stomach.
Pushing yourself to the front of the crowd, definitely stepping on the feet of others. You looked for the source of the commotion. Ears perking up and eyes squinting to find the one thing people were gawking at.
Though now as you look towards the source, you wish you minded your business. Everything was coming back. Every emotion, every curse, every thought, every tear. They all fell on top of you, crushing your soul as you let out a small whimper in fear.
The source was making its way towards you. No. No. NO. This can’t happen. This cannot be happening. Feet stumbling as you paced backwards, avoiding looking straight ahead.
Dread filled your entire being. Filling it from your toes until it felt as if it would spill out of you, gurgling in the pits of your stomach. No. No. NO.
Crashing into the back of a person, you were forced to halt your escape. Frozen in shock as you looked at the man who had broken your heart and given it back to you.
Lips quivering, tears pooling in your eyes. He reached his hands towards you. How could he come back? Why was he back? This is all some sort of sick dream. A nightmare.
“My beautiful girl.” His voice was deeper, still so sweet it would cause a cavity. It enticed you. You had been without his voice for so long.
So long…because he left you. Because he was cruel and selfish.
Shaking your head profusely, just like you did that dreaded day. Your hands shook as you pointed at him, an accusatory finger aimed at him as your mind swirled.
“I’m here now.” He should have never left, he should have NEVER left. What a sick fuck. To come back expecting open arms when all you wanted was to never have your arms leave him. “Beautiful? What is it?”
“I am not your beautiful, Neteyam.”
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tags: @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9
thankyou sm for reading lovelies!! reblogs + replies sososososo appreciated ilysm ily ily
1K notes ¡ View notes
8resa ¡ 1 year
AONUNG ANGST ON TOP! this was so good!!!!
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Twin Flames
pairing: adult!Ao’nung x fem!metkayina na’vi reader
contains: angst with underlying bittersweet fluff, slight infidelity, no smut but a very brief, vague rehashing of events wc: 3,124
“Honestly I’m better as your boy, I’d be kinda shitty as ya man, let’s go back to only being friends. I’m sorry girl I hope you understand it’s just, I don’t wanna fall in love.” - KYLE
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You and Ao’nung were written in the stars. Twin flames. A love so fierce among two souls that it’d be impractical to think you could come out unscathed. Like night and day, never one without the other, but never meant to be together.
He never intended to hurt you, really, he didn’t. But somewhere in all the gold that glittered and the feeling of something fresh and exciting, he simply lost sight and forgot what he really wanted.
Love and Ao’nung were two words that never should have been in the same sentence. You wished you had listened to those around you, to those who noticed the two of you growing far too close for the relationship to remain platonic.
You wished you had listened to those who recognized the familiar gleam he’d get in his eyes when he wanted something he knew he wasn’t supposed to have; to those who warned that he would break you into a million pieces like he did with the others. But what you felt in your heart and saw with your own two eyes, you couldn’t deny. He was different with you, you swear he was.
A friend was what you called each other. Bestfriends. Growing up in Awa’atlu, you were stuck to his side like glue as a child, always begging to go hunting with him and his friends. You wanted to go everywhere he went, do everything he did. Disgruntled and annoyed at first, a little Ao’nung had eventually taken a liking to you, much to his own surprise. And from then on, your presence in each other’s lives was as normal as breathing.
And somewhere along the line, Ao’nung had become gentle with you, contrary to his usual irreverent personality. He stopped treating you like you were just another one of his knuckle-headed friends, but instead something more than that. He found himself staring at you longer than he used to; captivated by the details about your features or personality that he never cared to relish on in the past.
The way your face would light up every time you heard his voice call for you. How you’d beam when you sat with him on the beach and raved about your day. He’d simply watch you, humming in response every now and then to let you know he was listening, on his face a smile so love-sickeningly drenched in admiration while you gesticulated animatedly.
He would have puked had someone held a mirror up to him to see his own besotted expression, but he loved how excited you were to talk to him about the smallest of things. How even while he’s studied the distinct map your starred freckles project along your body over and over again, for some reason, he still finds himself getting lost in them.
He doesn’t want to fall in love.
It’s what he tells himself every time a mention of your name has his ears perking attentively, listening in on the conversation regarding his newfound fascination. Every time a waft of your scent in the salt-laced breeze sends his mind reeling with thoughts he can’t seem to mute. But it’s too late.
Hell, how couldn’t he have fallen for you? You’re always perched on the dock outside his mauri before eclipse, swinging your legs as you patiently await his return from training so the two of you can spend some time alone before dinner.
Genuinely happy to see him regardless of how grumpy he can be, because you like him for him. And you’re completely unaware of how his mind battles with his heart as he admires you from afar, wondering how he’d let himself tumble face first into an irreversible fondness for you.
He doesn’t want to fall in love, but one can’t stop the inevitable.
Snarky teasing turned into transient observations that scarily resembled compliments. Chummy roughhousing morphed to playful touches to the most ticklish parts of you, just so he could hear your pretty laugh cascade through his ears like his own songcord. He had half the mind to add a bead, just for you.
And for a while, he felt it too, honestly he did. But Ao’nung wasn’t familiar with love, had pushed the thought of it away for so long that now he had no idea how it was supposed to happen. The things you were and weren’t supposed to do. He never knew that the fluttering feeling of butterflies swarming in his stomach were good, that he shouldn’t run from them, but embrace them.
Sure he’d grown up watching his parents display their affection to one another; grown up hearing the stories of an adamant, smitten Tonowari pining after a hard-to-get Ronal, despite her apparent aloofness. How he fell first and she fell even harder. But he never actually thought he would end up head over heels for a girl. It was usually the other way around, girls pining over him while he let the attention boost his ego.
He was a no strings kind of guy— utterly terrified by the thought of being responsible for breaking a girl’s heart. Breaking your heart, like he knew he would because he fucks everything up and he wanted no parts of it.
But he’s conflicted. Deep down he does want what his parents have. Someone to call his own, someone to come home to. Someone who means more than a stupid hookup that would leave him regretting his decision afterwards and wondering why the hell he went through with it. But like always with the metkayina boy, pride trumps what his heart already knows.
He’s well aware that it’s too good to be true. The thought that he could ever experience what it truly means to be happy, by letting himself be loved by you, is all that it will ever be. A thought. An unattainable aspiration. He knows you’re too good for him. Compassionate, thoughtful, kind. Everything he’ll never be, coupled with a heart much too pure to be polluted by his indecision.
But maybe, just maybe he could enjoy the reverie while it lingered, and pretend like he could really have you all to himself. Just for one night. Selfishly disregarding his issues with commitment, all he could think about while he laid in bed was how badly he wanted to see you, how badly he wanted to be with you.
Leading you on was the last thing on his mind that late night he’d snuck out from his Mauri and to yours, determinedly pitching small shells he’d collected on the way there between the flowing tulle curtains of your open window to get your attention.
And for some reason you couldn’t sleep, as if that was fate’s way of setting the two of you up for failure from the beginning. You’d already spent an hour staring up at the intricate weaving of your Mauri’s roof, wishing your eyelids would hurry up and become weighted, when the small disruption of something clattering against the floorboards had you sitting up almost instantly.
You smiled keenly, already having an idea of who it was. He told you he’d come for you later, sometime after eclipse, and he always kept his promises. At least, you thought he did.
The both of you waded by the shore beneath the light of the moon, legs brushing against the other from the effort of treading once you swam further out. Childishly splashing the other with small waves of cool, salty water and trying your best to keep your laughter quiet; the village long asleep but your hearts awake.
It was when he bundled you closer, when strong arms lagged through the calm waters to wind around your waist and pull you into him. That, was when you knew nothing would be the same.
You should have pulled away, should have called it a night before things could progress, like the voice in the back of your head was telling you to do. But just like always, those ocean eyes held you in a trance, a smug grin on his face in response to how deeply you blushed and it only made matters worse.
You wonder now if he knew what he was doing when he brought a hand up to caress your dampened cheek, his gaze undeniably tender when he told you he’d always thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
You see now that you were stupid to fall for it. But in that fleeting moment, with your arms around his neck and your hearts beating as one, his lips moving against yours felt so right. It felt like that was where you were always meant to be, in his arms, pressed against the warmth of his skin as he set your soul ablaze.
You’d spent the rest of the night on the sand, the comfort of your bed long forgotten. He was all you needed. Entangled underneath the moonlight as you let him see so much farther into you than you had with anyone. He kissed broken promises upon your skin, lust-drunken words slurred from his mouth swaddled in the crook of your neck and you can’t believe you trusted him.
Your ability to see the good in everyone ultimately played the role in your downfall. You took pride in being someone who went off actions, and not words. Because it had never failed you before, but since then you’ve learned to never say never.
Curse your aching heart. You really should have listened when everyone told you to run, that behind all the kind gestures and longing glances and saccharine kisses to the forehead— it was all a game to him.
Things weren’t official with the two of you but you had planned to change that. Flung so deep into the intensity of your own feelings, everything about the way he treated you let you know that he must have felt the same.
Surely it’d be impossible to do all that the two of you had done with someone and not catch feelings. It’d be unimaginable to let someone peer so extensively into what makes you you, and somehow not fall in love with them.
“Meet me by the mangroves at noon, our spot.” You’d murmured between a parting kiss, just the day before, and he can’t believe he forgot.
He was enjoying his time with you too much to notice that he let things go on for too long, too busy reveling in the feeling of what it felt like to truly be loved. To be cared for.
He never intended for it to go this far, constantly having to remind himself to break the news to you that he wanted to remain friends, so he wouldn’t lose you all together. To let you go before he could do something to hurt you.
Ao’nung knew he was in too deep the moment he realized you were the last image playing behind his eyelids when he fell asleep, and the first thing he thought about when he woke up.
The idea of him loving someone so profoundly shocked him to his core, scared him into submitting back into his old habits. He needed to be with someone who couldn’t see him, someone who if he were to mess things up, the sight of them in fragments due to his actions wouldn’t cause him to endure that same agony. So subconsciously, he did what he always does when he has a good thing going for him. Fuck it up.
The sound of his laughter in the distance carried your feet along the buoyant netting that served as walkway between the homes of your village. A hopeful grin plastered on your face and a freshly woven armband clutched between your hands. A gift from him to you, and though not very traditional for you to give the first courting gift, nothing about your situation was, so you found it more than fitting.
The sight in front of you halted your movements, leaving your mind to try and make sense of the scene before your eyes could confirm what you feared to be true. What everyone had tried to warn you of.
The man who succeeded in making you feel a way no other had, stood a little ways in front of you, with a girl. Her back leaned against the rocks while she batted her lashes and gazed at him as if he’d hung the stars in the sky himself. The same way you’d found yourself doing every time he so much as looked in your direction.
A mere conversation between the two of them would never have been enough to upset you, you liked to think you were more secure than that. But you’d be lying to yourself if you claimed you didn’t see the way his hand cradled her cheek, and how his eyes flitted over her features, as if she were the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
Your insecurities didn’t have much work to do, as it was the words that left his own mouth that confirmed your fears. The same thing he had confessed to you— all those nights ago when you laid intwined under the stars— he swore to her. With that same glint in his eye, that same longing look that you were foolish to ever believe would be reserved for you.
A fire surged up the column of your throat and a dreadful weight settled in the pit of your stomach that almost had your knees buckling. Your lips parted to speak, to ask him what the hell he was doing with her when he was supposed to have met you here.
But the words never came, they remained lodged between the confines of your heart-wrenched vocal cords. Your fist tightened around what would’ve been a lovely moment between the two of you, and the sound of it thumping against the ground, paired with the cloud of sand it brought up in its wake was enough to peel his attention from your giggling contender.
His startled, turned guilt-ridden expression would’ve rendered comical to you, but the rush of hot tears that bubbled over your waterline and stained your seafoam cheeks were far too impatient to wait for you to get a laugh in.
You staggered back with a denying shake of your head, a string of curses inaudible as you threw your hands up once he made a move to get to you. The girl he had been so enamored with just moments ago conveniently forgotten the second he witnessed your heart fall through your chest.
He called out for you in a panic, hurriedly sifted his hands through pale golden and swiftly scooped the disheveled accessory from the sand before his feet took off.
Ao’nung chased you through the village until he was nearly winded. Ignoring your hisses for him to leave you alone and brushing off the harsh shoves you sent to his chest as if they weren’t actually starting to hurt.
“Please, wait!” Another plea for you that went ignored, your ears only filled with the painful ringing of betrayal.
Blinded by the moisture in your eyes, you realized he’d cornered you. Chased you all the way to a secluded clearing behind the palm trees so you would stop running and just talk to him.
A strong hand gripped your forearm, turning you around rougher than intended to meet the frantic look in his eyes. “Please,” He implored breathlessly and his chest heaved from his efforts just moments earlier. “I never meant for it to go like this.”
You twirled from his grasp and swatted his hand away in the process, your face screwed up with hurt and he watched every conflicted emotion pass through your eyes at once. You didn’t even know how you were still standing.
“I gave myself to you!” Your voice wavered as you thrusted an accusatory finger to his chest. His lips moved, but no words left them as he clutched the forgotten gift in his hands. “I can’t believe I was so stupid.” You whisked your head away, shielding your face as another round of tears threatened to make themselves known, as if you weren’t embarrassed enough.
“I’m- I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. I-“ His head dipped to the side to match his drooping shoulders, and you felt the rough pad of his thumb graze your cheekbone in an attempt to fix what was already broken. “Tahni, please, I was going to tell you. I swear-“
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you? Was this all some kind of sick game to you?” You choked out and backed away from his touch with your arms crossed over your chest, suddenly feeling exposed in front of the man who had already seen you so much barer than you stood now.
But with your feelings worn on your sleeves and so obviously unreciprocated, you felt more naked than you’d ever been regardless of the coverings you were wearing. Completely vulnerable in front of him, so naively gullible to think he’d ever put aside his immature desires and feel the same way you did.
“What- No! I’d- I’d never-“ He sputtered an answer vehemently, his expression almost wounded as he immediately denied your claim. “I just, I can’t give you what you need. You deserve better than me.” His hands found yours despite your efforts to avoid them, and he quickly realized why you didn’t want to be touched.
A stark contrast from your pained stature, the affliction he had caused, your body relaxed the second he touched you and your composure crumbled before him.
Sobs racked through your body and you weakly tugged your hands from his grasp to no avail, your words shaky as you begged for him to let you go. And without another thought he pulled you into his embrace, firmly caging you between the arms that once comforted you.
But they failed to replicate that same feeling, the image of what once was completely tarnished by his own actions. The words that left your lips were enough to make his eyes well with a wetness foreign to him. A deep-seated feeling he’d never forget. Remorse.
“You’re cruel, Ao’nung.”
The sound of your heart shattering drowned out his incessant, anguished apologies and your body slumped in his arms. You let him hold you, allowed your forehead to fall into the dip of his chest as large hands caressed into the curve between your trembly shoulders.
You mindlessly permitted his attempts to console you as you knew you would never let him close to you again. The two of you stood like that for a few minutes, until your weeping reduced to jagged inhales while you struggled to catch your breath.
“Did it mean anything to you at all? Any of it?” You squeaked hopelessly, and the sound of your broken voice sent daggers to the heart you were almost certain he didn’t have.
With his chin rested atop your head, his eyes squeezed shut and he exhaled unsteadily before he spoke.
“More than you know.”
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