93890045 · 10 months
her  hands  wrap  tighter  around  the  mug  between  her  palms  ,  letting  it  warm  her  fingers  after  she  had  cooled  down  some  from  her  walk  here  .  the  city  got  more  beautiful  as  they  approached  christmas  slowly  and  yet  ,  filiz  had  not  gotten  used  to  the  cold  of  the  winter  days  so  far  .  attentively  she  listens  to  her  friend  ,  commenting  with  soft  laughter  as  she  nods  along  .  “  oh  ,  i’m  happy  for  you  .  nothing  worse  than  a  fight  in  the  family  so  …  as  much  of  a  story  as  it  would  have  been  ,  i  don’t  wish  for  your  relatives  to  get  caught  in  it  .  “
a  small  sip  taken  from  the  coffee  before  she  leans  back  as  well  .  “  so  what  is  it  like  ?  you  just  …  come  together  ,  eat  ,  talk  ?  “  the  tradition  of  thanksgiving  not  one  of  her  own  ,  not  one  she  had  grown  up  with  or  experienced  herself  .  “  i’ve  seen  the  whole  turkey  thing  on  tv  …  is  it  accurate  ?  “
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Holidays were always a strange mix of comforting and stressful. Most of the time, her dad dropped not so subtle hints about his expectations for her while her mom stayed silent. It was incredibly frustrating when Veronica prided herself on being independent and always planned on going down her own path. The rest of the time was spent reminiscing and genuinely having a nice time.
Now that Thanksgiving was out of the way, she was happy to have a couple weeks of doing her own thing before she'd be forced to go through it all over again. Veronica laughed as her friend requested some holiday tea. "God, it was rough," she admitted. "My uncle was drunk before noon and my dad must've talked about business eighty percent of the time." She took a sip of her own coffee as she relaxed back into her chair. "Fortunately for me, but unfortunately for you, there wasn't any real fighting this year."
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93890045 · 10 months
msg  .  –  kismet  .  :)  
msg  .  –  on  mine  too  …  the  cold  ?  it’s  something  .  i’m  trying  to  stick  out  until  it  finally  snows  !  i’ve  never  seen  real  snow  so  i’m  definitely  excited  but  …  it  is  borderline  unbearable  ,  haha  .  
msg  .  –  next  time  you  get  to  it  ,  you  can  still  send  me  a  fish  picture  .  or  any  other  that  i  can  add  to  your  contact  info  .  and  don’t  worry  ,  i’m  between  clients  right  now  .  short  break  for  tea  before  my  next  .  what  all  are  you  going  to  get  at  the  market  ?  about  the  game  ,  i  watched  a  few  videos  on  it  on  you  tube  and  it  looked  so  fun  i  just  had  to  .  now  i  just  need  someone  to  play  it  with  .  ;)
msg  .  –  …  (  starts  typing  ,  stops  typing  ,  starts  typing  again  )
msg  .  –  i  don’t  have  plans  for  lunch  yet  but  if  you’re  cooking  then  let’s  eat  together  .  company  is  the  least  i  can  offer  to  repay  you  for  making  me  food  …  1  pm  okay  ?
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text : A universe of coincidences , you and I .
text : Thank YOU for the talk last night , and allowing it to continue through text :) truly one of the greatest nights I've had in a while , whole thing was in my mind all night . Is the cold a good change of pace thus far ? Or has it become unbearable at this point ?
text : That is me ; couldn't provide a fish pic so I had to settle with second best . Is that so ? Am I keeping you from anything important ? I will happily wait for you to be able to talk . I myself am waiting for a meeting with a costumer before I have to head out to the market . Wait , did you ? Thoughts based on what you've seen so far?
text : ... do you have plans for lunch? Or , sometime in the near future ? I would very much like to make you lunch . I will even bring it for you to your job and leave immediately after .
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93890045 · 10 months
while  it  was  nice  to  have  an  extended  weekend  ,  it  was  a  little  boring  too  .  everyone  spent  the  holiday  with  their  family  which  had  left  her  sitting  at  home  alone  .  it  wasn’t  that  filiz  didn’t  have  ideas  on  how  to  keep  herself  busy  however  ,  once  saturday  had  rolled  around  she  couldn’t  help  but  feel  relieved  .  relieved  because  finally  they  could  get  to  the  brunch  plans  they  had  made  weeks  ago  . 
“  so  !  “  brunette  leans  forward  a  little  to  pick  up  the  mug  with  cappuccino  in  it  .  “  i  won’t  lie  ,  i’m  excited  to  hear  some  thanksgiving  tea  …  “  grinning  ,  sheepishly  ,  not  usually  one  to  be  so  brazen  yet  lead  by  the  thrill  of  getting  out  of  the  house  . @corneliastarters
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93890045 · 10 months
msg   .   –   hi   ,   filiz   here   …   i   hope   you   got   home   okay   .   it   was   so   cold   on   the   way   home   …   i’m   still   not   used   to   it   .   thank   you   for   the   conversation   last   night   .   it   was   great   and   the   first   thing   on   my   mind   this   morning   .   :)   i   bet   you   get   to   sleep   in   –   crazy   work   hours   .   i   hope   not   too   crazy   today   !!
msg   .   –   oh   .   haha   .   it   seems   we   had   the   same   idea   …
msg   .   –   alexander   (   fish   emoji   )   how   could   i   not   remember   …   my   day   is   good   .   it’s   really   great   .   i’m   working   actually   .   how   is   yours   ?!   hey   ,   i   googled   the   game   we   talked   about   before   going   to   sleep   .   and   ordered   it   also   …
msg   .   –  i   hoped   you   would   .
alexander 📲 filiz
alex: Hi, it's Alexander, we last night while I was drinking questionable burbon and rambling about food and board games, really tried my best to make a long-lasting first impression as you can see. How is your day going so far? Hope this is okay, me texting you I mean.
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93890045 · 10 months
her   heart   drops   slightly   when   he   explains   never   having   felt   at   home   at   a   place   .   hurting   for   him   in   a   shy   ,   quiet   way   –   they   did   not   know   each   other   well   enough   for   her   to   have   a   fitting   answer   to   this   one   yet   ,   filiz   could   not   deny   the   brief   tug   at   her   heart   .   home   ,   the   feeling   of   it   ,   had   been   all   that   had   held   her   in   turkey   for   as   long   as   it   had   .   waking   up   to   the   sound   of   the   ocean   in   distance   ,   buying   fresh   fruit   for   lunch   on   the   market   ,   meeting   people   in   town   who   she   had   grown   up   with   ,   friday   festivities   at   the   mosque   ,   short   bus   rides   to   get   out   of   the   city   to   mountains   and   rivers   and   farmers   and   feel   the   sun   on   her   skin   …   all   the   small   details   that   made   home   home   and   that   she   thought   about   when   new   york   and   the   biting   cold   wind   here   felt   a   little   too   gray   .   but   it   did   not   feel   gray   now   –   now   when   she   looked   back   at   home   and   hoped   that   one   day   perhaps   she   could   be   able   to   share   this   feeling   with   him   .   
“   i’ve   not   played   tsuro   before   …   catan   is   definitely   my   favorite   but   you’d   need   a   few   people   to   play   it   with   .   actually   …   i   used   to   play   a   game   called   ‘   tavla   ‘   a   lot   .   it’s   a   thing   back   at   home   .   “   oh   dear   ,   mentioning   it   again   ,   hoping   he   did   not   take   it   as   insult   to   injury   .   “   you   can   play   it   at   every   café   or   at   the   beach   or   …   wherever   really   .   “   but   she   drops   the   part   of   the   conversation   when   they   get   back   to   their   phones   –   the   much   more   thrilling   part   .
it   is   entirely   embarrassing   that   her   face   lights   up   when   he   points   out   intelligence   on   her   end   .   the   past   had   taken   its   toll   on   her   regarding   this   one   .   degrading   thoughts   had   taken   over   after   they   had   been   almost   beaten   into   her   –   the   lack   of   self-worth   she   knew   to   herself   still   lingering   even   when   filiz   had   proved   that   she   fought   her   way   back   out   of   the   cruelties   the   ex   had   committed   .   “   thank   you   .   “   voice   shy   but   not   any   less   charmed   by   his   words   .   “   it   means   fate   .   maybe   us   meeting   was   just   …   meant   to   be   .   “   entirely   romanticizing   the   coincidence   when   she   takes   the   phone   from   his   hand   .   name   typed   in   .   first   and   last   .   like   it   would   make   her   more   memorable   .   then   she   takes   back   her   own   .   
blue   eyes   find   his   face   once   more   as   he   says   the   perhaps   sweetest   words   she’d   been   spoken   with   to   before   .   her   heart   drops   .   so   quickly   .   they   shouldn’t   be   there   ,   the   butterflies   ,   not   when   this   was   exactly   what   movies   and   books   told   stories   of:   woman   meets   man   at   bar   ,   falls   in   love   only   for   it   all   to   blow   up   into   their   faces   .  
“   i      uhm   …   “   corner   of   her   mouth   twitches   (   nervously   ?   maybe   …   mostly   overwhelmed   by   a   rush   of   emotions   ,   the   kind   the   thought   she’d   not   feel   again   )   –   all   of   this   going   so   fast   ,   so   quickly   and   yet   …   in   this   very   moment   filiz   found   the   courage   to   let   it   happen   .   for   now   …   “   i   will   call   …   and   you   can   …   you   can   always   ring   me   .   “   flight   kicks   in   ,   the   tickling   sensation   in   her   stomach   too   much   ,   the   redness   on   her   cheeks   turning   into   a   fever   as   nerves   dare   to   snap   and   she   would   possibly   do   something   silly   like   reaching   for   his   hand   or   saying   too   much   .   “   i   should   slowly   …   go   .   find   a   cab   .   but   if   …   “   too   much   ,   too   much   ,   too   much   .   she   still   said   it   .   “   if   you   or   i   use   these   numbers   we   exchanged   now   we   could   continue   our   conversation   sometime   .   i   hope   .   “   oh   ,   how   badly   she   hoped   for   it   –   far   past   the   point   of   rational   choices   and   already   sinking   deeply   into   the   longing   for   his   gaze   on   her   and   his   voice   in   her   ear   .
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Alexander considers her query for a minute, trying to piece together what is the meaning of home to him. Flashes of his hometown come and go, the feeling never there to begin with. California, Virginia have all been places he live in; not one time had they quite felt life home. Nothing had, until New York. "There's people I miss but a place, per se... nothing has ever felt like home" he shrugs, realizing how deeply sad it sounds. Before he can fix his own words, his attention is completely swiped again as she starts talking about how it feels like, to be new. He provides a nod in response; he understands. Not entirely, it's one thing to move from another state than to move continents but, deep in his soul, he understands. "I hope you find it. Whatever it is you're searching here— I hope you find it."
He can't help the rather smitten grin that graces his features when she speaks of her family, the dynamic such a beautiful display of love to the man who grew up not knowing what a real family looked like. "I think that's beautiful" he responds, green eyes focused on a similar pair. "I mean, it must be quite difficult not having them around as much as you wish you could, I'm genuinely sorry about that" he gives her a gentle smile. "But having people you love that love you just as much, even miles apart from eachother— and having found that in your own family, that is beautiful" he speaks from the soul, his grin as sincere as it can be.
The excitement that erupts from his chest is inexplicable. "No way, I've wanted to try Catan for the longest time" he confesses, scratching his chin. "Have you tried Tsuro? It's one of my favorite board games ever, I think you could like it" the chef suggests. He feels himself beginning to ramble about his fascination with board and card games, so instead he focused his attention on her: her smile and eyes immediately taking his mind off of said games. "Do you have a favorite one?" Her next statement regarding his working hours and his social life do manage to get a chuckle out of him. Never had he connect them together before, but looking at it through her eyes, he simply nods. "Exactly why I decided to join Bumble to begin with, I wanted to expand my horizons and meet cool people but sadly nothing came out of it— until tonight, that is."
The foreign word leaves her lips and he mimics it with his own, whispering kismet to himself as if trying to commit it to memory, engrave it somewhere safe. It¡s only when his suggestion is met with agreeable words and a phone presented at him and he feels his smile growing bigger than he can feel his cheeks starting to hurt, realizing he hasn't been able to stop since he started talking with the other. "I like the sound of that, kismet. What does it mean?" A part of him worries, if he looks insane grinning down at a phone screen that isn't his own as he dials a phone number, if the woman in front of him is actually real or a mirage. "You're a smart one, I like it" he says as he types his name on the phone with a fish emoji on the side before dialing the newly saved number.
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When he feels the phone vibrate on his pocket, he takes it out to show the other, handing it to her along with her own so she can save herself on his contact list. "You can text or call any time you want. If you ever need anything; a warm plate of homemade food, a Catan partner— an ear to hear about a particular bad day or a celebration for the good ones, I'm a call away."
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93890045 · 10 months
she   was   glad   they   had   settled   on   getting   out   of   the   house   for   a   while   .   exactly   why   filiz   had   hoped   they   could   meet   –   distraction   when   she   was   so   close   to   losing   her   mind   a   little   .   when   she   and   alex   had   chatted   at   the   club   the   other   day   she   had   not   nearly   been   this   nervous   .   now   that   some   time   had   passed   and   the   two   had   been   messaging   back   and   forth   on   their   phones   …   suspense   towards   their   next   meeting   had   build   up   .   whether   looking   for   a   new   outfit   for   said   …   date   that   definitely   wasn’t   a   date   was   helping   her   case   or   just   more   unnerving   –   filiz   was   not   yet   sure   .   “   hm   …   nothing   yet   .   these   are   cute   but   not   exactly   fitting   the   occasion   .   “   she   pulled   out   a   pair   of   oversized   trousers   that   would   sit   low   on   the   hip   .   not   really   her   style   either   …   “   what   about   you   ?   the   have   a   shoe   section   here   too   …   maybe   you   can   find   a   chapter   alternative   ?   “   
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Where: Style.
Who: Open to all!
"I don't know whether to be depressed or excited that my middle school wardrobe seems to be all the rage again," Brooklyn chirped mindlessly to the person beside her while she rifled through Style's latest selection of jeans. All they were missing were some of the doodles she used to draw on them-- which made her mother livid. And they were oddly more conservative now. Low rise that covered slightly more skin. "If only I had saved my Doc Martens. I don't know that I can allow myself to shell out money for them again," she added with a snicker. Letting go of the jeans, her bright gaze rose from the distressed denim to shoot the other a smile. "Find anything good? I feel like I have to buy something with such a good sale going on."
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93890045 · 10 months
even   though   she   had   moved   here   a   few   months   ago   and   was   doing   well   in   settling   in   ,   building   a   life   here   ,   making   a   home   ,   making   friends   –   all   that   was   part   of   it   …   regardless   of   that   a   washing   machine   was   not   on   top   of   her   list   when   the   laundromat   was   still   an   option   .   it   was   cheaper   than   buying   and   maintaining   her   own   machine   for   now   .
while   a   second   load   was   in   the   dryer   ,   filiz   neatly   folded   the   piece   that   were   clean   and   dry   already   ,   earpod   in   one   ear   as   she   listened   to   a   true   crime   podcast   .   interrupted   in   doing   so   ,   she   takes   the   pud   out   of   her   ear   and   turns   her   head   to   the   other   .   instantly   ,   soft   smile   finds   her   lips   .   “   as   long   as   we   wear   clothes   …   and   don’t   hire   someone   to   do   our   laundry   for   us   –  probably   not   anytime   soon   .   if   …   ever   .   “   chuckling   ,   hands   return   to   the   task   though   her   attention   remains   with   the   other   .   “   on   the   good   side   of   it   though   …   the   smell   of   fresh   laundry   ?   wow   .   so   good   …   “
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valentina wasn't much of a morning person due to their job as a bartender, but they did like to get errands out of the way first thing in the morning. this errand wasn't the most fun, but it needed to be done before they went to work that night.
they hated doing laundry as much as the next person, but hated it even more at 8:00 in the morning. especially at clean, instead of in the comfort of their own home.
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admittedly, valentina had never had to use the laundromat before but their washer decided to stop working while in the middle of a wash cycle.
they stood at the table folding their clothes one by one and placing them into their laundry basket. "why does laundry never end?"
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93890045 · 10 months
filiz  wasn’t  able  to  hide  all  the  irritation  on  her  face  .  “  why  …  would  you  want  to  remove  it  from  its  shell  in  the  first  place  ?  “  brunette  answered  with  a  question  back  had  the  thought  not  flashed  her  mind  before  .  turtles  were  cute  .  the  unbothered  and  relaxed  …  perhaps  all  the  things  filiz  wasn’t  and  therefore  more  fascinating  .  “  i  hope  …  that  wasn’t  a  thing  on  your  agenda  ?  “
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"so you're telling me that you can't remove a turtle from their shell?" macie asked in disbelief. a sea turtle was one of her favorite animals so she wondered if that also meant that they weren't just using the shell as a home but it's part of their body. "i don't believe it." ( @corneliastarters )
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93890045 · 11 months
filiz   wants   to   ask   why   he   felt   the   need   to   start   over   all   these   years   ago   but   refrains   from   it   .   asking   him   would   lead   to   the   question   being   turned   around   probably   and   while   the   topic   was   not   one   she   denied   had   happened   …   she   wanted   to   cling   to   the   lightheartedness   of   their   conversation   and   how   addicting   their   back   and   forth   was   .   “   and   do   you   miss   home   sometimes   ?   after   five   years   …   it’s   been   five   months   for   me   maybe   .   i   still   miss   it   sometimes   .   “   almost   as   if   to   underline   her   words   with   it   ,   his   question   follows   .   “   it   was   …   intimidating   .   it   is   ,   i   mean   .   it’s   very   different   to   what   i   know   .   i   came   here   by   myself   .   maybe   as   …   a   challenge   ?   it   was   time   for   me   to   do   something   by   myself   .   “   to   build   confidence   ,   to   find   trust   in   herself   and   maybe   …   someone   else   .   with   the   thought   lingering   her   gaze   meets   his   eyes   again   .  
“   my   family   lives   in   turkey   still   .   we   facetime   .   they   eat   breakfast   and   i   eat   dinner   .   “   the   brunette   jokes   to   mask   the   slight   feeling   of   homesickness   quickly   .   she   wouldn’t   dwell   .   this   had   been   her   choice   .   now   she   had   to   try   and   stand   behind   it   .   exactly   why   she   had   come   here   …
“   board   games   are   great   .   i   like   the   settlers   of   catan   .   puzzles   are   also   always   great   .   card   games   can   be   entertaining   but   …   i’ll   let   myself   be   talked   into   a   round   of   mario   cart   too   .   “   stopping   herself   from   diving   into   it   deeper   ,   not   wanting   him   to   be   hit   with   the   sound   of   her   voice   to   the   point   where   he   lost   interest   .   perhaps   ,   this   was   where   a   hint   of   insecurity   shone   through   .   was   she   doing   too   much   too   quickly   ?   too   eager   ,   too   hopeful   ,   too   naive   –   again   ?   but   …   it   felt   safe   with   him   .   it   felt   as   if   she   had   found   the   first   meaningful   conversation   since   settling   in   new   york   –   wanting   more   ,   hoping   he   wanted   the   same   and   mostly   wishing   she   was   not   making   herself   a   fool   by   sharing   anecdotes   of   her   life   ,   as   simple   as   they   might   be   to   someone   who   had   lived   in   a   big   city   for   the   past   five   years   .   “   those   hours   sound   …   interesting   might   be   the   right   word   .   “   moved   on   from   former   spiral   of   thoughts   .   “   that   must   make   maintaining   a   social   life   hard   sometimes   ,   does   it   …   ?   “   selfish   to   ask   .   she   was   aware   .   aware   and   guilty   for   it   .   
filiz   wants   to   shake   her   head   ,   expression   on   her   face   apologetic   and   shadowed   by   regret   .   “   no   that   wasn’t   it   ,   really   .   it’s   just   so   …   “   but   his   words   end   up   interrupting   her   .   she   does   not   mind   .   not   when   what   he   says   stops   her   breath   for   a   brief   second   and   brings   back   the   blush   that   had   been   replaced   by   paleness   after   slight   embarrassment   had   taken   over   again   .   now   though   ,   feverish   with   excitement   ,   weigh   shifting   from   left   to   right   as   if   she   dared   to   slide   off   her   chair   any   second   would   her   arm   not   steady   her   on   the   counter   still   .  
“   maybe   it   was   a   second   chance   .   or   kismet   ,   we   say   in   turkey   .   “   spoken   softer   now   as   she   searches   for   an   appropriate   answer   ,   for   a   way   to   match   the   charm   he   had   spoken   with   .   she   finds   none   of   it   ,   clearly   hit   with   the   realization   that   he   was   just   as   interested   in   her   as   she   seemed   with   him   and   from   that   resulting   tickling   nerves   .   “   i   would   really   like   that   .   “   finally   answered   as   she   finds   the   phone   in   her   purse   (   a   moment   of   not   looking   into   his   eyes   to   calm   the   violent   beating   of   her   heart   )   and   hands   it   over   to   him   .   “   you   can   call   yourself   from   mine   so   we   both   have   the   numbers   …   “   though   ,   it   was   not   yet   a   promise   that   he   would   actually   text   …   like   the   match   on   bumble   hadn’t   been   one   for   her   to   text   .
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He waits, in utter silence, for her to elaborate on what was brought her to the city, give him some context on how she feels regarding talking about her home or if she enjoys the city as much as the majority of the world seems to do, but instead he is met with another question about himself. He doesn't mind sharing himself with others, considers himself an open book with a few skeletons hidden between lines. But he can't help but feel the need to know more about her. Yet, he obliges, not wanting to impose. "No, actually. I moved here about— four, five years ago? Give or take. I wanted to start over and it had been a long dream of mine to come to the city so I just packed my bags and moved here. It was terrifying, but I've never felt more alive" he shrugs, smile still holding in place. It was easy to smile, he noticed, just with the other's presence.
"Was it scary for you? Do you have family here?" he hears himself question, despite his better judgment. Not due to curiosity or just for the sake of it or continue the conversation going without it leading anywhere, but because Alexander remembered what it was like coming to New York for the first time with no support system to fall to, how isolating it had been at the beginning. It had worked out for him at the end of the day and the city had been kind and welcoming, making him feel at home a few months in but he knew it wasn't the case with everyone who arrived to the boisterous place, all he wanted was to make sure others didn't go through the same hardships he did— especially someone as affable as the beautiful woman next to him.
Alex's smile brights up, inevitably so, upon hearing her speak of what she enjoys doing in her spare time, if anything to match her own. As she laughs at her own anecdote and the melodic sound hits his eardrums, the chef realises just how much he'd enjoy to listen to it again, as much as possible; how the simple sound makes his chest tighten. "What games are we talking about? Video games or like, boardgames?" the enthusiasm in his voice evident. "And a crafty artist, I see. New York does seem to have a special allure for artistic souls— do you have a favorite?" Once again, when faced with a fairly similar question, he smiles, if only to ponder on his answer in seriousness for a brief moment. "Work hours are interesting" he begins, taking his glass and moving it around to make the ice and orange peel move around the amber liquid. "When I work at the restaurant it's pretty much a whole day thing. On my days off I cater events, those are tricky. Sometimes I'm required to be there at 11 a.m and other times I have an event at at 8 p.m, you know?"
It takes him longer to piece the enigma together, a puzzled look on his face until he remembers the yellow icon casually forgotten on his phone yet when he does, his entire set of features lights up with both recognition and amusement. He could remember, even then, when he had swiped right on the profile picture the other had provided, how captivating her eyes had been behind a tiny screen. "Oh my god, you are right" it had been exciting, back then, knowing they had matched, both mutually interested in getting to know the other. As things go, the excitement had subsided when she had decided not to reach out and he had been unable to due to the policy of the app, and had forgotten about the existence of the app until that exact moment. "It's alright, I get it. My profile wasn't as interesting. Maybe I should try with a picture of me holding a fish" he hints with a smirk as the other apologizes, followed by a reassuring grin, tilting his head slightly to the side. "At least I got to know you tonight, maybe it was all worth it in the end. And now I don't have feel as weird about asking for your number to text you in the morning and ask if you'd want to go for lunch sometime."
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93890045 · 11 months
“   i   like   podcasts   ,   yes   .   it   helps   me   with   the   language   too   .   it’s   easier   since   i   moved   to   new   york   but   back   in   turkey   i   didn’t   need   to   speak   english   all   that   much   .   so   listening   to   someone   talk   in   my   ear   helps   actually   .   “   filiz   admits   and   smiles   back   at   him   .   the   assumption   humored   her   ,   brought   her   to   nod   slowly   as   she   let   him   guess   for   a   moment   .   “   hm   …   not   the   apple   alarm   .   that   one   is   too   harsh   for   me   .   i   used   it   for   a   while   and   it   made   waking   up   even   more   …   unpleasant   .   “   brunette   admits   .   “   i   chose   one   of   the   other   apple   ring   tones   …   and   no   snooze   for   me   or   i   will   never   get   up   .   i   have   to   do   it   on   the   first   ring   or   i   will   be   sleepy   all   day   .   “   unsurprisingly   considering   the   hours   ,   a   certain   tiredness   started   to   settle   in   slowly   now   and   filiz   checked   her   phone   for   the   time   .   “   which   reminds   me   …   bed   time   .   you   uhm   …   “   her   gaze   comes   up   to   him   again   ,   almost   a   little   shy   to   ask   now   .   “   you   wouldn’t   mind   waiting   for   a   taxi   with   me   , would   you   ?   “
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"Oh couldn't be me, I want music around me 24/7, and it makes me wake up a lot better than having to listen to people talk. I have never been a talking, or listening, type of person in the morning in all honesty. So do you-- listen to podcasts or something then? Or just straight up radio? Because sometimes they be talking about the weirdest of things first thing in the morning." he shrugged. "Classic apple alarm, I could never wake up with a favorite song, I'd sleep right through that. What about you? I imagine it's something calm that like wakes you up slowly-- that or you're the type to hit snooze a whole bunch while you actually wake up."
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93890045 · 11 months
joe   glances   over   at   the   barbies   on   the   shelf   .   his   sister   had   loved   them   when   they   were   kids   ,   had   pushed   him   to   play   them   with   her   until   one   time   he’d   cut   off   the   hair   of   her   favorite   barbie   to   stop   it   all   .   today   ,   he   was   mildly   ashamed   for   the   action   .   back   then   had   felt   proud   and   as   if   he   had   ‘   won   ‘   the   situation   between   them   .   a   hand   comes   up   to   run   over   his   mouth   and   chin   ,   smoothing   out   the   stubble   against   his   skin   .   “   it’s   my   niece   .   i’m   not   sure   she   enjoys   barbie   .   but   with   the   hype   …   you’re   probably   right   .   “   he   moves   towards   the   right   shelf   to   eye   all   the   different   options   there   .   picking   one   up   ,   joe   holds   it   out   so   the   other   could   see   it   also   .   “   this   one   looks   alright   .   …   does   it   ?   “   perhaps   ,   a   little   feminine   energy   in   his   life   would   have   made   the   choice   easier   but   joe   had   found   himself   too   wrapped   up   in   his   job   and   in   the   bad   to   even   consider   getting   out   like   that   lately   .   
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When it came to children, Jenny's experience with them was almost exclusively through her work at the library. Though during her charge of planning monthly activities for the community she strove to create an array of programs for people of all ages, her most popular programs were always the ones centered around children. But even then, she had a hard time deducing the differences in taste between two, four, and eight year olds. So, the question was not one she was well suited for. Upon first hearing it, Jenny turned to look around in question. Once realizing that she was the only other person in the aisle - and thus, the person the question must have been directed towards - she hesitantly supplied what little knowledge she had as she moved closer to him. "No...? At least, I don't think so. That one on the shelf there with all the parts is definitely not good for the tiny children. It's the year of Barbie, so you couldn't go wrong with that, right? Is your kid a Barbie-type?"
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93890045 · 11 months
“   no   ,   no   .   let’s   do   it   .   “   filiz   assures   the   other   woman   and   returns   to   standing   in   line   much   like   she   had   done   before   .   she   corrected   her   pose   slightly   since   she   had   been   leaned   forward   to   look   at   the   board   with   the   menu   ,   half   amused   by   how   something   as   simple   as   being   asked   to   act   naturally   would   make   her   act   …   not   naturally   .   “   let   me   know   when   you   need   me   to   change   something   …   “   
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the brunette could sense the other's hesitancy, always more hyperaware than her co-workers of her subject's comfort. when she had the ability to ask, she always did her best to. " it's really okay if you don't feel comfortable. " charlie reassured, brown hues warm and hopefully providing a little ease. " okay so just do what you were doing before! you were in line to buy some cider right? "
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93890045 · 11 months
there’s   a   pause   between   his   question   and   the   answer   to   it   which   leads   to   joe   lift   his   head   only   to   be   hit   with   a   wall   of   brief   embarrassment   .   who   he   had   assumed   to   be   an   employee   of   the   store   certainly   wasn’t   ,   even   though   his   words   were   of   truth   and   he   probably   should   stay   away   from   the   toys   with   the   small   pieces   .   shopping   loses   its   priority   for   a   moment   though   as   he   recognizes   the   face   .   different   setting   ,   for   both   of   them   ,   and   yet   he   recognizes   him   .   
“   if   you   continue   appearing   when   i   least   expect   it   i’m   going   to   have   to   start   thinking   there’s   a   purpose   behind   this   .   “   tall   man   tries   to   joke   as   a   silent   apology   for   having   confused   him   .   cody   jensen   was   certainly   furthest   on   his   mind   when   the   detective   considered   his   christmas   shopping   .   the   few   times   he   had   driven   the   car   while   the   guy   had   sat   in   the   back   with   his   wrists   in   cuffs   were   not   forgotten   .   yet   ,   it   was   not   in   joseph’s   nature   to   see   this   side   of   him   only   .   he’d   taken   wrong   paths   before   .   and   right   ones   .   cody   surely   had   made   good   choices   as   well   in   his   life   .   “   christmas   shopping   ?   “   brunette   tries   to   steer   small   talk      to   move   past   the   awkwardness   .
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he hated shopping this time of year.
while christmas certainly wasn't his least favorite time of year, he felt far less love for the holiday that he remembered feeling as a kid. if anything, it just made him anxious. there was always a sense of rushing among everyone and it was infectious, making him always feel like he was late for something or another. it didn't help that it wasn't even the right month. so here he was, in the wee hours of the morning of november first, barely awake as he shuffled past the decorations and toys in his haste to get new kitchen towels.
he glanced around the aisle when the other man spoke, realizing that the voice must be talking to him. it took a full ten seconds to even register the question, then another two to bite back the how the hell should i know? that nearly fell from his lips. he glanced at the wall of trinkets in front of them, considering all the options before letting out a raspy –
❝ i think it depends on whether it's a boy or a girl. and at four, you should probably stay away from things with small pieces." he let the silence hang between them for a moment, clearing his throat before adding ❝ choking hazards, my guy."
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93890045 · 11 months
“   i’ve   been   here   for   a   few   months   .   “   the   reason   for   why   she   had   chosen   to   leave   behind   her   home   remained   unspoken   about   . for now ...   as   comfortably   as   she   had   slipped   into   opening   herself   in   the   conversation   with   him   ,   this   felt   as   too   big   of   a   topic   to   discuss so early into them meeting   –   especially   when   gazes   lingered   ,   smiles   were   wider   than   their   needed   to   be   and   shy   compliments   were   exchanged   .   “   are   you   from   …   here   ?   “
as   their   conversation   carried   on   ,   the   brunette   tried   putting   her   finger   on   where   they   could   know   each   other   from   .   it   felt   silly   to   not   remember   immediately   .   stupid   almost   when   already   she   had   found   several   memorable   details   about   him   –   the   way   he   allowed   the   pauses   between   her   words   without   interrupting   her   ,   how   questions   he   asked   felt   genuine   and   how   he   did   not   make   her   feel   that   his   intention   was   to   just take   her   home   tonight   .   perhaps   ,   if   the   latter   would   have   been   the   case   ,   she   would   already   have   left   the   stool   she   sat   on   .   but   no   .   a   feeling   of   security   settled   in   his   presence   .   
“   i   like   staying   in   as   well   .   game   nights   are   fun   ,   that   is   if   my   roommates   are   willing   to   .   “   filiz   laughs   ,   honestly   and   bright   .   “   i   actually   really   enjoy   workshops   as   well   .   painting   ceramics   ,   candle   making   …   crafting   is   the   overall   word   for   it   ,   i   think   ?   last   week   i   went   to   a   pumpkin   carving   class   .   but   my   jack   o’lantern   did   not   pass   ,   i   ended   up   leaving   him   there   .   “   more   laughter   ,   amused   by   her   own   failure   rather   than   ashamed   of   it   .   “   and   you   ?   i   would   guess   you   usually   work   when   people   are   out   …   because   of   working   hours   ,   i   mean   .   “
and   then   it   clicked   .   ‘   no   other   will   appear   unannounced   tonight   ‘   .   he   did   not   have   a   girlfriend   and   neither   did   she   have   a   boyfriend   and   that   was   how   they   were   familiar   with   each   other’s   faces   .   blood   shoots   into   her   cheeks   and   turns   them   into   a   deeper   shade   of   red   .   her   stomach   jumps   .   some   of   the   original   thrill   from   wen   they   had   first   started   talking   returns   .   “   i   think   …   we   might   actually   have   matched   on   bumble   before   .   “   which   ,   in   itself   ,   felt   embarrassing   enough   to   admit   even   though   alex   was   just   as   involved   in   it   as   she   was   .   yet   ,   it   had   been   filiz   who   never   reached   out   and   now   felt   slightly   embarrassed   of   it   .   but   she   remembered   why   ,   remembered   well   ,   remembered   having   typed   and   deleted   –   typed   and   deleted   and   typed   and   deleted   until   her   own   words   had   sounded   so   stupid   that   she   gave   up   .   now   ,   that   they   hat   met   the   feeling   of   awkwardness   was   quickly   explained:   he   was   cute   .   handsome   .   humorous   .   gentle   in   the   way   he   spoke   .   all   the   things   filiz   could   like   …   “   i’m   …   sorry   i   didn’t   reach   out   before   actually   .   “   brunette   admits   with   the   same   stumble   in   her   tone   as   before   .
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His lips twitch upward once he hears what the other lists as her love languages pas the bartender approaches them with their order drinks and he gives them a grateful nod, his own fingertips twitching while he holds onto his new glass beautifully garnished with a beautifully crafted orange peel. There's something to say about the unwavering need for touch that is so painfully familiar to him, wanting to feel the heat of one's companion, an anchor of sorts. So, he fidgets with the fabric of his sweater instead to give his senses something to focus on, all whilst still looking directly at the other not wanting to miss a thing she says, both out of respect and genuine interest. "Seems like we share a language, then" he chuckles gingerly. "Sadly food-making is not a part of the official list but I think the list should be updated" If he makes an extra effort on trying to remember the new piece of information given to him— he tries to make himself believe is out of courtesy and not because he believes it will be something important for him to know at any given time.
It's not lost in him, the way he finds himself holding his breath throughout her soliloquy about nightlife in her hometown vs the big city they share for the moment up until she assures him that no , he's not keeping her from anyone, throughly glad the music that is too hip for him to recognize and the chitchat surrounding them is far louder than his own heartbeat. "I've heard sunrises in Turkey are one of the most beautiful sights a human eye will ever experience, have you been here for long?" he inquires, keeping the questions he really wants to ask for himself when he realizes talking about missing someone's hometown and what one could've left behind is not always a welcomed subject, especially when you are just meeting the other person.
Despite his best efforts, his smile grows tender when she stumbles with her own words, making him cast his gaze downwards to try and hide how endearing he finds it. So he takes the glass filled with amber liquid and brings it to his lips, taking a small sip while gathering enough courage to look at the beautiful woman's eyes once again. "I get what you mean, about not going out as much I mean. I'm not like a hermit or anything but I do enjoy staying in over all of this, most days" this particular outing was an exception to the rule, it was a rare occurrence to find a beautiful woman ready to spark up a conversation, and it was rarer for the conversation to go as well as he believed theirs was going, to spark something in him. "What do you do, then? I mean— what is something you like to do while the rest of New York is out, chasing the thrill?"
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A humorous chuckle escapes him as she provides her own conjecture regarding his personal life, making him shake his head in response, a hint of rouge spreading through his neck. "No other beautiful, intelligent women will appear unannounced tonight, that I promise you" the green-eyed man hiccups between laughs, the hand that is not occupied holding onto the cold glass reaches for his side as he tries to calm himself down whilst providing the other a gentle smile. "I don't think you could creep a single person out even if you tried if we are being fair" a pause, his trained gaze taking as much of her features in as the lightning allows him to, the sense of familiarity shared between them is more than a person you meet in queue at the bank. Most of the people he serves at the restaurant are Brooklyn bound and when he caters he normally only sees whoever is throwing the event and the kitchen, unless asked otherwise so chances of them meeting at his work at slim. "You do look familiar but I can't really put my finger on it— if we had been introduced before I'd remember" how could he not?
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93890045 · 11 months
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Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Emma Mackey play First Impressions
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93890045 · 11 months
it’s   easy   to   follow   each   word   falling   from   his   lips   .   regardless   of   the   bass   echoing   through   the   club   and   drunken   patrons   clumsily   bumping   into   them   as   they   tried   to   put   in   an   order   with   the   bartender   ,   his   voice   was   warm   and   comforting   and   …   exciting   .   their   encounter   was   sweet and exciting   –   exactly   what   filiz   craved   to   be   around   .   just   one   more   reason   to   add   to   the   list   why   she   found   herself   hoping   the   conversation   would   live   on   a   little   longer   .  
chuckling   ,   fil   leans   one   elbow   onto   the   counter   to   steady   herself   seating   as   she’d   found   herself   leaning   in   a   little   closer   towards   him   –   wanting   to   make   sure   she   heard   all   she   said   and   …   perhaps   tempted   to   find   out   what   it   would   feel   like   to   be   in   his   personal   space   ,   to   feel   the   comfort   of   his   presence   .   realizing   that   she   might   be   acting   quicker   than   she   should   ,   refrains   from   it   and   leans   back   a   little   again   .   “   that   makes   me   wonder   what   my   love   language   is   .   probably   …   something   between   acts   of   service   and   touch   .   “   nodding   to   underline   her   own   words   ,   brunette   feels   the   wide   smile   on   plump   lips   as   baby   blue   hues   don’t   look   away   from   green   ones   .
“   uhm   …   “   a   slight   redness   finds   its   way   onto   her   cheeks   and   crawls   down   her   neck   slowly   to   heat   up   the   skin   on   her   chest   too   .   it   was   still   a   sensitive   topic   .   still   ,   even   though   filiz   was   over   it   ,   over   him   ,   over   all   that   had   happened   .   but   the   heartbreak   was   not   yet   forgotten   .   the   struggle   of   wanting   to   form   a   connection   while   being   frightened   of   what   that   could   mean   ,   was   written   on   her   features   for   a   brief   moment   before   she   regained   control   of   herself   .   the   topic   would   come   up   .   and   she   wanted   to   be   able   to   speak   about   it   without   the   memories   flashing   her   mind   .   “   i’m   …   really   not   a   party   person   at   all   .   hard   to   believe   considering   i   came   here   by   myself   and   let   a   stranger   buy   me   a   drink   ...   “   the   attempt   at   a   joke   as   the   corner   of   her   mouth   curls   up   once   more   .   “   i   come   from   a   small   town   in   turkey   .   clubbing   isn’t   really   a   topic   there   .   but   it   is   nice   to   get   the   whole   new   york   experience   .   and   i’m   not   a   grande   dating   person   either   .   i   mean   i   do   go   out   ,   i   try   –   like   most   of   us   probably   .   but   no   ,   you’re   not   holding   me   up   from   anyone   .   i   mean   .   dating   …   “   falling   over   her   own   words   as   embarrassment   ties   her   tongue   enough   for   her   to   shut   herself   up   for   a   moment   .   
gaze   falls   to   her   own   hands   before   she   can   face   him   again   .   “   i   made   that   so   complicated   ,   sorry   .   no   ,   you’re   not   holding   me   back   from   anyone   .   “   small   sip   from   her   drink   as   if   that   would   erase   any   of   the   shameful   scene   she’d   just   provided   .   “   and   …   i’m   half   assuming   a   beautiful   and   intelligent   woman   will   come   around   any   second   and   introduce   herself   as   your   girlfriend   .   on   the   other   hand   …   and   i   truly   hope   this   doesn’t   come   across   creepy   now   but   you   almost   appear   a   little   familiar   to   me   .   maybe   we’ve   walked   past   each   other   before   .   no   girlfriend   involved   .   “   filiz   chuckles   ,   wishful   the   rambling   had   not   put   him   off   yet   .
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Alex does his best to notice the little things about things that matter to him, always. It's a blessing most days and a curse on the worse. It has helped in every single job he ever has had, noticing things other may not, has given him real advantages for getting jobs or building himself up in hierarchies. In personal relationships, has been a double-edged sword, at best. It's easy to detect when others are uncomfortable or to learn details about others upon meeting without even speaking one word; it has also done irreparable damage, especially when he notices others slipping away. It's not innate in him but something he works on maintaining every single day, be conscious about others and their needs. When meeting new people, it helps with the way he stirs his conversations based on their body language or learning details about them he wouldn't otherwise. When the stranger asks for no alcohol, he doesn't comment on it and brings no attention to the request, simply makes a mental note about it with the hopes that, if they shall ever cross paths again ( something he hopes for ) or their exchange lasts longer through the night, he can remember said detail.
He doesn't fail to notice when the subject about her job and life is dropped, yet again he doesn't push it but makes a mental note about it. For a while, the green-eyed wonders if he's overstaying his welcome and he should start planning to leave the young woman be, not wanting to be a hassle nor make her uncomfortable, when he's presented with more questions about his own life and encouraged to keep talking however, he does.
"No, if we're being honest. I don't really go out much, not like this anyways" the chef points around them with a sheepish smile. For one, he is glad he did. "I'm more of a 'staying-in-and-throwing-big-dinners kind of guy. I believe one of the greatest pleasures in life comes from sharing a good meal with others" he agrees with her statement wholeheartedly while the grin on his face expands, "I also happen to enjoy providing said meal. You know how they say there's like, love languages? Mine would definitely be making food for people". It was one of the many things he had learned from his mother from a very young age, a lesson he had managed to make a living from. Feeling the conversations stirring into a one-side territory, he decides to try his luck on some other matters. "But what about you? Do you enjoy going out as much as the majority of people in this city does?" a pause, "Am I keeping you from anything? Were you waiting for anyone, perhaps a date? I wouldn't want to impose".
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93890045 · 11 months
halloween  had  barely  passed  and  joe’s  mind  had  jumped  to  christmas  already  .  while  october  had  been  so  busy  ,  the  detective  had  promised  himself  to  make  more  time  to  get  in  the  holiday  spirit  this  time  .  the  store  wasn’t  busy  yet  –  the  early  birds  out  to  catch  worms  probably  all  sleeping  today  after  a  long  spooky  night  (  oh  ,  how  much  he  wished  he  was  one  of  those  but  his  body  refused  lay-ins  past  8am  )  .  yet  ,  that  didn’t  make  the  first  christmas  shopping  any  easier  .  “  what  would  a  four  year  old  like  ?  “  half  assuming  that  it  was  an  employee  in  the  aisle  with  him  ,  joe  did  not  look  over  right  away  .  “  are  all  of  these  toys  fitting  ?  “  @corneliastarters
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