94nari-blog · 8 years
Hesitating on saying anything further, the eldest remained still. She looked away, surveying who is nearby. They were supposed to act close. Despite their disagreement, if it could be called as such so lightly, Nari didn’t want it to affect Peachy. “Huh, that’s going to be interesting.” Her tone is restrained, attempting to keep up a facade for the company’s benefit, even ignoring the younger’s statement. “Don’t forget we have practice later.”
With a crack of her knuckles, Claire’s rage was visibly building up. Knowing the setting, she couldn’t get too rowdy lest she ruin her image with the staff. “Why do you insist on testing me?” She asked with a tight expression, though she relaxed her fists. “I’m waiting for someone. I’d rather you not embarrass me in front of them.”
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94nari-blog · 8 years
You’re right. { ` Releasing a sigh, she attempted to calm down. } It’s good you’re optimistic -- I would’ve ran around aimlessly, panicking. What would we do without you? 
*nods* I’ll ask some of the staff if they’ve seen it too! Don’t worry eunnie, I’m sure it’ll turn up soon!
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94nari-blog · 8 years
Yes, I’ve always been a fan. Of course, I’m sure it will! { ` Holding her hands up, she crossed her fingers, showing support to her sunbae. After a few seconds, she released the gesture, dropping her hands to her sides. } Did you write the songs for the album? 
No need to apologize! Oh? You have? I’m happy to hear that and yes I’m very happy to have a new stage too. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for smooth promotions hm?
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94nari-blog · 8 years
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                                                         oc. lit. 18+.   I. II.  
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94nari-blog · 8 years
Yes! I’ll cherish it. { ` She grinned, her brows raised slightly. Then, she sighed at her own excitement.} Sorry, I’ve always admired your vocal color, so I’m happy to see a new upcoming stage.
I’ll autograph it for you afterwards too okay?
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94nari-blog · 8 years
{ ` Her eyes widen, shaking her head. } Yah, I need to be more careful. I don’t want anything bad to happen. { ` Information leaking out would be terrible, and already she panicked about the worst outcomes. }  Thanks for keeping a look out, just in case. 
I hope so! Hopefully no one stole it!
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94nari-blog · 8 years
Is there anything I can do to help out?~ ( Welcome to YM! )
Ah, well, I was just finishing up~ { ’ Prior the question, she had completed a dance practice, going over steps she found difficult. } Unless you saw any mistakes, I’m open to criticism. { ’ She added quickly. }
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94nari-blog · 8 years
Oh yeah, what are you studying again? I’m messing with Jihyun.
It’s for theatre, a study guide. Ooh, being mischievous are we? That sounds like fun.
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94nari-blog · 8 years
She snorted. Honestly, with Claire’s innocent appearance, it was always surprising what the other could say, harsh or otherwise. “It must be fun to be alone, then.” She said without much thought, digging herself further into the situation. It was her problem - the stubbornness preventing her from leaving so suddenly. 
Claire rolled her eyes and exhaled sharply. “Have you still not gotten the hint?” She folded her arms and flashed a fake smile. “I’m on a can’t-be-seen-with-losers diet, Lim-ssi. It’s strict.” With a flick of her wrist, Claire shooed the woman away.
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94nari-blog · 8 years
Whatsup Nari! { Welcome to YM! }
Well, I’m looking over sheet music for school. { ‘ She gave a small shrug, giving a polite smile at the other. } Other than that, taking a break from practice. And you?
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94nari-blog · 8 years
"But I'm really not about that.. kind of thing. Find someone else." //Welcome to YM Ent~ Claire's mean but I'm not!)
“What – you don’t want to get something to drink...” Taken aback, she blinked twice. It was a harmless question. At least, she believed it to be.“Are you sure?” Okay, maybe it was annoying to ask again, but she had to make sure she heard correctly.
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94nari-blog · 8 years
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