9thbureau · 12 years
It took some time for Gabranth to remember the paladin's name, and he only made his approach when he was absolutely certain of it. "It is good to see you again." This was true; though it had been some time since he had seen the man, he had wondered the fate of every person to leave Moogletown and never return. He was glad that Cecil was - or seemed - unharmed.
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9thbureau · 12 years
OOC: I want to apologize.
I haven't been around much on Phoenix Down, as either a roleplayer or a mod. Things have gotten a little crazy in real life, as they are wont to do. Most of my time online has been spent attempting a speed run of Final Fantasy VIII, which I still feel as though I'm slacking on.
I'll try to make a comeback at some point in the next day or so, I promise. In the meantime, I'd love to start new threads with anyone who might be interested! Gabranth is shy, but I'm sure we can find some reason for interaction!
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9thbureau · 12 years
The Zodiac Stones and Saint Ajora Glabados
Over time, the Espers' power waned, although none are entirely sure why. The Espers went from having their own physical forms to relying on humes to achieve their ends. At some point, the Espers even became imprisoned in their own Zodiac Stones. That forced them to possess humans if they were to return to their own bodies.
Saint Ajora lived several decades after Final Fantasy XII. In his early life, Ajora was a follower of Pharism, which was the dominant religion in Bervenia at the time. It was said that moments after he was born, he walked over to a well and told people that the water inside was poisoned. Sure enough, everyone who drank the water soon died. Ajora was hailed as a blessing from the gods.
According to common belief, Saint Ajora was the first holder of the twelve Zodiac Stones. He called upon twelve warriors with fearsome magical powers and used them to challenge the evil in the land. This became known as the story of the Zodiac Braves. The Holy Ydoran Empire, fearing Ajora's power, captured him and sentenced him to death. As he was hung from the gallows, a great calamity befell Ivalice. Those who survived called it the work of the gods, and Ajora became known as the Holy Saint.
During the plot of Final Fantasy Tactics, many people begin to question the accuracy of the Zodiac Brave story. As is revealed later in the game, however, Ajora did have at least one Zodiac Stone: the Virgo Stone. This permitted him to be possessed by Ultima during his lifetime.
Because Ajora distributed the Zodiac Stones, they were eventually lost. Over a thousand years after Ajora's death, the Church of Glabados (a religion created from Ajora's teachings) sought out the Stones once more and reawoke many of the Espers, giving them human forms to inhabit.
It is unknown exactly what happens when one picks up an active Zodiac Stone. Sometimes the person is completely unaffected. If a person is "pure of heart", they can use the power of a Stone for good rather than evil. If an Esper chooses to call upon his or her human wielder, though, there are very few who can resist the temptation to permit the Esper to possess them.
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9thbureau · 12 years
The Espers and the High Seraph Ultima
Long before Final Fantasy XII, the gods who created the world also created the beings known as the Espers, also known as the Lucavi. These thirteen legendary beings have a connection with the Western zodiac, each with a relation to a certain astrological sign.
Aries - Belias
Taurus - Chaos / Duma
Gemini - Zalera
Cancer - Zeromus / Zebbeb
Leo - Hashmal
Virgo - Ultima
Libra - Exodus / Sel
Scorpio - Cúchulainn
Sagittarius - Shemhazai / Rophochehe
Capricorn - Adrammelech
Aquarius - Famfrit / Cheraub
Pisces - Mateus / Leviathan
Some of the Espers have second names; this is because although these demons never made an appearance in Final Fantasy Tactics, they were given official names at the time. Those names were later changed in Final Fantasy XII, often to give reference to other Final Fantasy antagonists.
Most of the Espers are named after demons from Judeo-Christian lore. The only exceptions are Hashmal (who is named for the Hashmalim, a rank in angel hierarchy) and Cúchulainn (who is named for a Celtic hero of legend).
There are supposedly thirteen other entities that "mirror" the powers of the Espers with holy energies instead of dark ones, but they play no part in the Ivalice timeline.
According to information from Final Fantasy XII, the first twelve Espers sought to overthrow the gods that created them. They were led by Ultima, who the others revered as their leader and queen. The war lasted a thousand years, and the Espers ultimately lost. They were punished by the gods for their disobedience, being cursed to dwell in cursed corporeal forms and sealed away in different locations throughout Ivalice.
Over time, the power of the Espers waned, though none are certain why. However, the Espers never forgot their goal to get revenge against their creators, or that Ultima is their supreme leader.
A thousand years before Final Fantasy XII, the illustrious King Raithwall defeated Belias and was able to summon him in battle; he is thought to be Ivalice's first "summoner."
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9thbureau · 12 years
An Introduction to Ivalice
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Final Fantasy Tactics (1997)
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Vagrant Story (2000) *
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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (2003) **
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Final Fantasy XII (2006)
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Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (2007)
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Final Fantasy TA2: Grimoire of the Rift (2007)
* Vagrant Story's inclusion in the Ivalice timeline is something of a retcon; during XII's production, it was decided that the region of Valendia would be situated to the north of the continent of Ordalia. (Vagrant Story does not have one giant world map, but instead dozens upon dozens of tiny little maps that are too numerous to post here.)
** For plot reasons, the map of Tactics Advance does not hold relevance to the greater Ivalice timeline.
It was in 2007 that the idea of Ivalice Alliance was set into motion by Square Enix; however, the only games that have yet been released under this banner are Revenant Wings, Grimoire of the Rift, and rereleases of Tactics and XII. But when you hear a fan talk about the "Ivalice Alliance", they're most likely referring to any of the games listed above.
Here's a chronological list of the Ivalice Alliance games:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - ???
Final Fantasy XII - 706 Old Valendian
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings - 707 Old Valendian
Final Fantasy TA2: Grimoire of the Rift - 708 Old Valendian
Final Fantasy Tactics - ~2000 Old Valendian
Vagrant Story - ~2400 Old Valendian
Although it is not depicted in any Ivalice game, there is known to be a massive cataclysm around the late 700s, several decades after Grimoire of the Rift.
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9thbureau · 12 years
> "old man"
> phrase his words carefully
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9thbureau · 12 years
Gabranth walked over to a nearby park bench and sat down, motioning for Eiko to do the same. All the while, he pondered over the many versions of the many tales he had ever heard or read, wondering which to tell her. But he had promised her a scary story, and a scary story was what she would hear.
Nothing too scary, of course. He didn't think she'd be able to handle hearing the bitter fate of The Corrupt.
"Long ago," he began, "there was a man. In his early years of adulthood, he was a warrior of Valendia." He was surprised at how smoothly the name of his former homeland had left his tongue. "Valendia was the birthplace of many valiant warriors, men and women of legendary strength and courage. The strongest of them were known as Riskbreakers. The man in this tale was a Riskbreaker for many years, though after many years, he grew embittered with the blood and conflict he had seen. He made the decision to abandon his blade and live a life of peaceful retirement.
"After his service, however, the Riskbreaker became a mere shadow of his former self. As the years passed, the gallant warrior began to lie and cheat. He became prideful, foolish, gluttonous. The people of Valendia remembered him for his noble deeds and continued to rely on him for guidance and advice, but he merely led his countrymen astray in his apathy. He had long forgotten the needs and desires of other men, you see. Soon, the people began to despise their hero for becoming the very evil he had once sought to vanquish.
"One night, a common peasant snuck into the former Riskbreaker's bedchambers. Drunk and asleep, he heard nothing. The peasant slit open the Riskbreaker's bloated stomach with his own rusted sword, straight down the middle." Gabranth traced a line down the center of his own chest, as if to demonstrate. "As he awoke, awash in his own blood, the Riskbreaker saw the error of his ways and begged to the gods for forgiveness. The gods heeded his wish and kept him alive. Alive, but not human. The gods used the Riskbreaker's corpulent body as a vessel. In a single instant, they gathered all the evil in the land and stuffed it inside the man's flesh before sewing him up as one would sew a broken doll."
He hoped he wasn't scaring Eiko too badly. This wasn't the version he had grown up hearing, but something along these lines would have given a young Basch nightmares for a week.
"The man became hideous and disformed, a creature of filth and darkness known as The Impure. Even to this day, he suffers for his sins, and for his greedy wish to cling to life." Now that the story was done, he said, "I... perhaps I ought to have warned you, it's not particularly happy."
Six years old, and so trusting in her friends. Then again, it was said that the loving faith of children was one of life’s greatest blessings. Gabranth could only hope that Eiko had placed her faith in worthy hands. But if they were “great guardians” for her, then she had nothing at all to fear. He had to admit, he was somewhat relieved. Eiko was no more than a stranger to him, but she was a mere child. He would not wish the cruelty of Ivalice’s Espers on anyone.
He was lost in thought for a moment, wondering if he should consider divulging one of the Landisian folk tales he had so often heard during his youth. And then he decided he’d best ask Eiko. “So mature for your age,” he mused. “Tell me, Eiko. Do you enjoy scary stories?”
Before he knew it, a smile was beginning to appear on his face.
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9thbureau · 12 years
Larsa's words were not, strictly speaking, accurate. Gabranth was not as thin as ever. In some places, he was thinner than he had ever been. His body still bore signs of overwork and malnutrition from the final days of the war, the days before his death. But he knew that Larsa had only intended to make a polite statement, and so he nodded in acquiescence.
"But you," he replied. "At the rate you are growing, I fear your clothing will soon fit you ill."
“Ah. I would advise against that, my lord.” Gabranth let out another short laugh. “I fear it would do more harm than good for the waistlines of… several Magisters who shall not be named.” He had Ghis in mind, but he was not so bold as to say so directly to Larsa. And then he felt obligated to admit a more… personal concern. “For all its advantages, peacetime does not provide much exercise. Ajora Glabados has taken to calling me a ‘fat old dog.’ I suppose I had best avoid sweets for the time being.”
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9thbureau · 12 years
So he had truly been forgiven. At times, he had wondered if Basch's kindness had been meant as no more than a mercy. Surely his brother would never forgive him for the wrongs that he had done... and yet Gabranth - Noah - knew the words to be true.
The name still felt strange, not only to hear but also to think. He was Noah. Often he had believed that Noah had died along with millions of other Landisians, slaughtered by the Empire. But no, he supposed not. That was why it had been so painful to think that Basch had been alive all along, had "betrayed" him for so many years. But no, he had been too blind and stupid to understand. He had been as foolish as the young swordsman that he had written off as dead and gone so many years ago.
And yet he felt old. So old, so tired.
He rested a hand on his brother's back, giving a smile so tiny that anyone but Basch would not have seen it at all. The words on his tongue required every bit of courage he possessed, but he said them... albeit with hesitation. "Come. Let me buy you a drink." "A" drink was sure to turn into many, if Gabranth correctly remembered Basch's appetite for strong beer. But it would be good to converse with his brother again, good for them both.
His eyes remained on Noah, gazing into the eyes of his twin brother’s and he felt himself whole once again. The pieces of broken memories now whole but still a bitter feeling, he was happy to have something he could hold. Basch felt his heart grow heavier at the words he spoke, the fact that they had been torn apart this way was enough to feel guilt but to have Noah not place it all behind had him feeling such sorrow for his brother.
“I have forgiven you, once on the Strahl and here again.” He had wished at that moment he could show him, just give him something that would display how he had longed for their reunion. Now he’d found himself tired, wanting for the both of them to just let go and to walk a road together. He’d protect his brother, now that his battle was over but it would be so difficult for him to protect Noah from himself.
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9thbureau · 12 years
No, it was not strange. Not at all. Her words made him remember a time long past, a time when he and Basch had sworn to defend not only their beloved country but also those living there. But that had been the dream of two children, nothing more. He was a man now - an old man, he felt at times - and he had learned long ago that Landis had been beyond saving.
That was not to say that nothing could be protected, of course. From the sounds of it, the woman had had much more success during her life.
"I see." Realizing after a few seconds that he had not actually answered her question, he continued, "No, it is not." In an attempt to curb the awkwardness from the arising silence, he turned back to the counter and sipped his drink.
Paine surrendered the gantlet somewhat reluctantly. Before returning it, she gave it a last once-over in order to try and savour any last-minute strange detail she might want to remember. The way it was crafted to fit the joints of the finger and how those joints overlapped was something she’d bear in mind. Then she handed it back.
Uh, questions again. Paine met his gaze for a brief moment, not sure what answer to give to that rather specific observation. She shrugged. “Many children dream of defending their home. My dream led to a skill, and now I may travel mostly as I please. Is it strange for a traveller to wish to defend themselves?” Paine asked, and hoped that she’d dampened his interest slightly for the meantime.
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9thbureau · 12 years
"Ah. I would advise against that, my lord." Gabranth let out another short laugh. "I fear it would do more harm than good for the waistlines of... several Magisters who shall not be named." He had Ghis in mind, but he was not so bold as to say so directly to Larsa. And then he felt obligated to admit a more... personal concern. "For all its advantages, peacetime does not provide much exercise. Ajora Glabados has taken to calling me a 'fat old dog.' I suppose I had best avoid sweets for the time being."
The younger’s nose scrunched in distaste of the Judge’s sarcasm, though he was resisting a small smile. He attempted a firm voice, “I will not stand for mockery, Gabranth!” He couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at himself, covering his mouth slightly with a gloved hand.
He considered Gabranth’s comments seriously for a moment before speaking once more, “…do you think sweets could increase productivity?”  His hand moved to his chin, thinking about this for several more moments. It certainly increased the young emperor’s work effort; so, why wouldn’t it increase the Magisters’?
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9thbureau · 12 years
OOC: This activity check sort of broke my heart a little.
Activity Check: January 27th
These characters are now available:
Yu Yevon
These characters have until February 3rd to update before they become available:
Seifer Almasy
Garnet til Alexandros XVII
Basch fon Ronsenburg
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9thbureau · 12 years
Please, guys! We need some input on this!
OOC: Mullonde, Leá Monde, Nabudis?
One of Ivalice’s many recurring concepts is that of a 死都 (shito) “death city”, often translated as “necrohol.” There are three major necrohols in Ivalice: the Necrohol of Mullonde, where Saint Ajora was thought to be executed and buried; the Necrohol of Nabudis, where a certain Judge Magister and Doctor Cid unleashed the Mist of the Midlight Shard upon Nabradia; and Leá Monde, the city in Vagrant Story that was once ruled by the dark priestess Müllenkamp.
If if if a part of our Ivalice plot were to involve one of these necrohols, which of these three would be most preferable to you guys? I can imagine the Necrohol of Nabudis would be the most familiar, but I’d be more than willing to provide in-depth information about any of the three necrohols.
I think Leá Monde has some seriously cool plot potential, but I’d want to go with what the most people would be comfortable with. It’s up to you guys! Any thoughts or suggestions or ideas?
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9thbureau · 12 years
Just Celes, hm? That confused him somewhat. What with the sword at her side and her regal posture and the expression affixed in her gaze, he could have sworn she was a soldier of some higher rank. And yet she did not introduce herself as being part of any military force. Perhaps he had misjudged her. There was that possibility. No matter the case, he would not pry. Celes was no criminal to be investigated, no matter who she was, and he was intent on showing her the respect that she was due.
"Please," he replied. "Simply 'Gabranth' will do here." Had they been anywhere in Ivalice, it would have been customary for her to refer to him as "Your Honor." He saw no such need for that title in Moogletown, however. He had been absent from most of his duties for some time, even if he was still serving as a guardian to Emperor Larsa. That was, in his eyes, his most important task.
Still, it was aggravating to wake up day after day and have so little to do. He was used to reading reports and writing statements and possibly even personally interrogating various prisoners. There was no such work to be done outside of Ivalice, and it often felt as though he were going mad from boredom. Looking kittens was one thing, and combing through stack after stack of paperwork was another entirely.
It did not surprise him that she had not heard of Archadia. "It is one of the two great empires of Ivalice," he explained, "and has been ruled by the Solidor family for five generations." And it was his duty to ensure that Emperor Larsa lived long enough to pass on his knowledge to the generations of the future.
He fully had her attention; curious eyes trailed each nook and curve of his armor, drinking in details in a fashion only presented when something truly interested her. A variety of questions cycled through her head. Where was he from that depicted such a need for heavy armor? Even in her land, most people found it troublesome to fight with such a heavy garb, though absently she wondered if that was because no armor could protect from the weapons of their world anymore. Prior to the sundering it had been magitek armor and magic that had destroyed countless people, both of which could find weakness in nearly anything, and afterwards it had been Kefka. Still, a part of her was deeply impressed, as she knew that she couldn’t fight in his attire at all.
His mention of an empire and his admittance to how long he’d served it struck a chord of familiarity, though it was certainly a bitter one. Former pride in her position, in her accomplishments, and in her status as a whole had been replaced with shame. Two years prior she would have openly extended her own status as a greeting, her shoulders pinned back with confidence, though now it was something she hid regrettably, opting to see and refer to herself as a mere citizen no matter how hard it was to dispose of something she’d been the entirety of her life. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Judge Magister. I’m Celes Chere.” She honestly had no idea how to address someone of his stature, though the polite and respectful tone she’d used towards her own superiors back when she served surfaced immediately. A polite smile stretched onto her features, a polite nod of her head accompanying it. “I must apologize, I’ve never heard of the empire you speak of… though I am certainly interested.”
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9thbureau · 12 years
"Why, then," he replied, letting a note of friendly sarcasm seep into his tone, "I must inform the other Magisters with all due haste: look forward to sweets after a day's hard work." He smiled and even gave a quiet laugh.
Larsa’s thoughts of Drace and those he had lose dispersed, bringing about a new type of sadness— his sweets? Gabranth wanted to take away his sweets? He let out a hesitant chuckle, bringing his hand lazily up to cover over it, “Too old? Why, Gabranth, you’re never too old for treats! They are what makes the day so special— something to look forward to after hard work!”
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9thbureau · 12 years
Gabranth thought he knew what Zack was trying to convey, and he nodded in understanding. It was difficult to watch one's home be invaded. Though he would never tell Zack, his own homeland had been conquered over twenty years ago. Few had ever heard of Landis since the small republic's downfall at the hands of the Empire. It was as though most of Valendia had never existed at all.
He felt some sympathy for the young man, but he knew that no condolences could bring back the dead. "War, then?" he asked simply.
At Gabranth’s response, Zack chuckled softly, nodding in understanding.  Not many had ever actually heard of his own hometown— though, that was a given, considering it was such a backwater place.  An empire, though— perhaps the moogles really weren’t pulling his leg.  ”I’m from a place called Midgar,” he replied, a hand resting at his hip.  ”Though, I think it’s called… something else now, I can’t really remember.  It’s… uh, been awhile.”  He wasn’t sure how to elaborate on this one— after all, how did someone tell a man they just met he had been dead the past couple years or so and had not been present for all the recent developments around his home?
It was an awkward problem and he felt it best to try and make it a non-issue.
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9thbureau · 12 years
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omnisscientia answered your question: OOC: Mullonde, Leá Monde, Nabudis?
ooc: This is just for Ivalician Characters right?
OOC: Not at all! The Ivalice plot is open to everyone! Ajora-mun and I will be writing up explanations for a lot of the special Ivalice terms we might be using, just so everyone has a solid understanding of things. We're going to do everything we can to accommodate people who haven't played XII, Tactics, or Vagrant Story.
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