9thtail · 4 months
Send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly!
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9thtail · 4 months
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9thtail · 4 months
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Minato shyly hands Kushina a rose 🌹 —anonymous
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VIOLET EYES WIDENED AS a short intake of air passed her parted lips. Kushina felt like she had just been injected with a shot of adrenaline, her heartbeat speeding up so much one would wonder how she was not having a heart attack. A moment passed in which she stared at Minato as if not quite understanding what he expected her to do. Did he really mean to give her a rose? Kushina was a stranger to romance and kindness; since arriving at Konoha, the only ones to show they cared about her had been people from the Uzumaki clan (more especifically her mother and Mito-sama). Minato had been the first non-Uzumaki to show concern over her when he saved her from the Hidden Cloud ninjas. But giving her a rose was more than a show of concern, was it not? It was a sign of affection, a romantic one, right?
UNSURE FINGERS REACHED for the flower as if it would vanish at her mere touch. Fair digits carefully held the delicate stem and brought the red flower close to her face, which had become almost the same shade as the flower itself. Kushina looked up from the rose with a mixture of shock and excitement coursing through her veins, her heart pounding in her chest as if trying to physically escape the confinement of her flesh and soar through the sky.
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❝IS THIS REALLY FOR ME 'TTEBANE?!❞ A thought suddenly struck her and Kushina quickly scanned the area around them, almost expecting to find some of the boys that always teased her laughing at her for falling for such a dumb trick. Kushina would have killed them all —including Minato— if this was some sort of game. However, no one but the two of them seemed to be around, thus her shot of panic quickly died down, leaving only embarrassment behind.
❝MINATO... YOU... W-WHAT DO YOU mean by this?❞ Violet eyes looked into azure ones, hoping the intention behind such a gesture was the one she expected: that he felt for her what she had felt for him since the moment he appeared in that forest and gently claimed he was there to rescue her. That he loved her despite her being an outsider from another village, that he cared for her despite the monster that had been thrusted within her.
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9thtail · 4 months
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9thtail · 4 months
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9thtail · 4 months
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A CHEERFUL SMILE graced her visage at her son's enthusiastic claim, of course he would be an excellent hokage! She knew he could be the best hokage Konohagakure had ever had. ❝I have no doubt about it 'ttebane! The younger generations usually surpass the older ones, so I wouldn't be surprised if you turned out to be the best hokage this village has ever had!❞ Placing both hands on his shoulders, violet eyes looked into blue ones with determination filling them. ❝But in order to do that, you must be careful, Naruto. Don't be reckless and put yourself in danger, or else you won't become hokage 'ttebane! A hokage must be careful and thoughtful as well. Just look at your father!❞
His mothers words caused the blonde's cheeks to flush, grinning widely. "I'll make you even prouder, ya know! That's a promise!" Naruto exclaimed loudly, blue eyes shining with excitement. "Maybe I'll even be a better Hokage then Dad..." He ponders, looking determined. As Kushina explains that she would always worried, he gives her an apologetic smile. "Right, sorry Ma... but you won't have to worry as much! I swear! I'll make sure to take better care of myself."
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9thtail · 4 months
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Rebecca Ross, Divine Rivals
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9thtail · 4 months
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Artober day 7!
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9thtail · 4 months
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I missed Valentine's day, didn't I?
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9thtail · 5 months
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Lets be real, while kushina was pregnant, she totally noticed Kakashi tailing and probably totally made extra food she left out for 'whoever might want it' —anonymous
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KUSHINA CAREFULLY CLOSED the bento box in front of her, making sure the knot of the cloth enveloping it wasn't too tight, but still enough to secure its contents. A gentle, private smile graced her visage in that moment as she wobbled towards the door. It was with some difficulty that she managed to put on her sandals—balancing herself had become rather difficult with her ever growing belly, not to mention it had been some time since she last saw her feet. Had it not been for the ache and constant swelling, she would deem her feet lost somewhere.
❝WHAT A NICE DAY 'TTEBANE!❞ Her voice was purposefully loud and cheerful, despite knowing Kakashi would be able to hear her even if she spoke in her normal pitch, she also knew it might scare or annoy him if she suddenly spoke loudly. And why not annoy him a little when the opportunity to do so presented itself so beautifully before her? Besides, she was about to give him a gift! She deserved to have a little fun at his expense.
WALKING TOWARDS THE STAIRS, Kushina made an attempt to lower herself and place the bento box on the first step of the stairs, but quickly gave up on that idea when she noticed that if she kneeled down, she would not be getting up without help. Awkwardly looking around—and half hoping Kakashi had not seen that—Kushina balanced the box onto the fence, close to the handrail, and happily smiled when it seemed the box was safe. ❝Oh well, I hope someone enjoys this delicious meal I made!❞ After a quick scan of the area, Kushina reentered her house, her smile widening when she felt Kakashi's chakra approach.
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9thtail · 5 months
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Did you know that I love you?
Come and lay with me… I love you
And on this day… I love you
You make me feel alive.. and I’ll love you
Until the end of time.
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9thtail · 5 months
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Five Elements Nature Transformations  | 五大性質変化
There are five basic types into which the nature of chakra can be transformed. These five types are also called elements and are not only the origin of the names of the Five Great Shinobi Countries, but also the foundation of all elemental ninjutsu. The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle (here, the edit follow the right order), each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
↳ Animanga Poster Serie (3/?).
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9thtail · 5 months
I wanna write Kanami (kushi twin) with your Kushina so bad hdjdjdj. Kushina deserves a sister that loves her and ooooh the angst. Also fox girls! @musesofchaos
Of course!! Send her my way and let's have all the fun and love!! I'm always willing to write as much as possible with you!
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9thtail · 5 months
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❝WE ARE ALWAYS PROUD of you, Naruto, you're our son after all!❞ A loving smile graced her visage as she looked into the beautiful eyes of her beloved son. ❝And I know that if you set your mind to it, you'll become the greatest hokage of all time 'ttebane!❞ She in undoubtedly confident in her son's abilities, but most of all, she knows his heart is in the right place. Therefore, she knows that when he becomes hokage, he will be a caring one. Someone who will look after every single person of the village, no matter if they were born there or not.
❝AS IF I COULD EVER STOP worrying about you! I'm your mother, I'll always worry about you! That's kinda my job 'ya know!❞
Naruto grins at his mother’s words, cheeks flushing a soft pretty pink as he sheepishly giggles. Looking so happy and proud.
“That just means I’m as brave as we he was, doesn’t it! That’s how I know I have what it takes to become the hokage too!” The blonde confidently states, blue eyes shining with determination.
“I promise I’ll make him proud, the both of you proud! And then you don’t have to worry about me anymore, ya know?”
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9thtail · 5 months
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For one so small you seem so strong My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm This bond between us can’t be broken I will be here don’t you cry ‘Cause you’ll be in my heart (x)
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9thtail · 5 months
“Our scars make us know that our past was…real.”
— Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (via wordsnquotes)
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9thtail · 5 months
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