a-blu-jay · 2 years
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Strength, from the Tarot of the Imagination by Ferenc Pinter.
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
hot girl summer is over it’s officially time for haunted whore halloween
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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mob murdering serizawa with autism
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
Okay Walter White was actually pretty funny as a character bc he was so toxic that seasoned drug lords were like I cannot work w this man I have to put my mental health first
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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I try to call u every day I'm rehearsing what to say
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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hole in the sky
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
I been talking (crying) about this all day on Twitter but reading too much scifi, specifically cosmic horror, got me thinking about how paranoid our species is and frames its view of intelligent life according to that. We have instincts that result in violent history (which is also the story of species on earth in general - introduction to violence as a method of survival framed the stories of everything living here, in one way or another). So we of course frame the stories of our fictional aliens that way too, without considering maybe on other planets, intelligence developed completely different due to different environmental conditions. Maybe they don't conceptualize fear or respond to the unknown with it, maybe there's no violence on their planet because species don't develop that at all as a method of surviving, maybe they look at life thru a lens incomprehensible to humans. Maybe humans aren't alone in the universe but maybe we're alone in believing there's a limit in the ways to solve life's problems, so we keep repeating cyclic patterns in our history that the rest of the universe didn't, doesn't, and wouldn't. And maybe the idea of a language barrier like that is the real sad and scary part.
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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california just shot down legislation to ban slavery
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
I'm sorry but Sausage confirmed that Empires season 2 is in the same universe as season 1 I'm crying so much, we might get little Easter eggs about their first kingdoms
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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based off dreams i had a long time ago !!
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
hey if you play multiplayer minecraft 1.19.1 i would highly recommend installing this mod because mojang has decided that players can report you now and they can literally permanently ban you from using ANY multiplayer functions. if you get multiplayer banned you can’t play even on a private friend server.
and if you play public multiplayer servers you know false reporting is going to be a huge problem -_-
this mod removes the cryptographic signature from your chat messages, meaning they won’t be tied to your account. if running as client only the mod will simply refuse to send your account’s public key to the server and will strip signatures
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
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i can’t believe it’s skink swednesday
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
all the “weird” content on tiktok feels so fabricated and performative. whereas on tumblr you’ll meet someone who will casually admit they eat paint
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
I think that we as a society should get more comfortable with the idea that sometimes our friends will be attracted to us and sometimes we will be attracted to our friends and nothing needs to come of that.
You don't have to date. You don't have to stop being friends. You can just keep hanging out. Self control and respect exists.
And sometimes you will date your friend and figure out that your dynamic worked better when you were friends. And then you can go back to being friends. It's really quite simple. Mature and cool, even.
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a-blu-jay · 2 years
Before you post your pithy "sterilize men" comment, please know that there is a well-documented history, which continues to this day, of marginalized men being forcibly sterilized.
Disabled men, queer men, trans men, men of color, any man deemed "bad" by white supremacy and patriarchy? Plenty of them are already being forcibly sterilized.
It's not funny to make jokes about stripping bodily autonomy. From anyone.
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