Entry 6
<It’s a video!>
The video begins with Jules packing up her things, talking to the camera.
“ guess I’m going to meet this starlit savior, as freaky as they sound-“
She packs in a baseball bat alongside her snacks into the duffle bag.
“ … I’m bringing some stuff in case things go wrong. “
She quietly puts a pocket knife into her pocket, not commenting on it.
“ Best case scenario, I get this thing cured. Worse case scenario I get cut open.”
She gets up, picking up the camera as she leaves, throwing the two duffle bags over her shoulder.
“ either way. I’m as ready I can possibly be, I just hope this goes well. “
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All will be explained in time. We extend you an invitation, friend. Simply for a meal, and to talk. Do not worry about dates, times, or locations. When you’re ready, we’ll know.
>Its a text post<
Okay, I hope I see you soon, strange people. This sounds sketchy as hell, but I’ll try to get ready. As ready as someone like me can be-
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Of course you do. There are always other options. There’s a way to cleanse you, friend. Seek out the Starlit Savior.
> It’s a text post!<
Starlit savior? What are you even talking about?
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there are always other options
you might not like what the Institute has in store for you
you might, though
you never know
>Its a text post<
Do I have any other options?
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Entry 5;
>it’s a simple textpost<
I think I might try to contact the institute.
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>it’s a text post! It’s less of a response and more of an unhinged rambling.<
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
What am I supposed to do- I can’t just not teleport- I wish I couldn’t- this is going to be inevitable- oh god I’m going to die- fuck fuck oh gods why? I don’t want to die! I’m not supposed to die I’m to young to die-
What am I even supposed to do?? I can’t reasonably rely on anyone I meet because I always end up leaving- half of the time people want to kill me- and you guys can’t really help- and now I have a group stalking me and it’s just- I hate everything right now I don’t know what to do what am I going to do I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know-
I don’t want to go through that but do I have any other choice- I’m so far away from everyone so lost I’m utterly terrified right now and now I’m set up for death??? Was I doomed from the start??? It’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair—
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Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya. We call it the Riftblood Infection, and it’s…it’s what happens when someone travels between AUs too much. Your body begins to passively absorb energies that it shouldn’t be exposed to, and those energies wake up something inside you. I suppose ‘infection’ is a misnomer, seeing as it’s always there, but…we don’t really have a better name for it. The thing it wakes up…it changes you. Mutates you, hollows you out and integrates you into a hivemind of sorts. You’re only in the first phase, and normally, you could get it to go dormant again by simply staying in a singular universe for a while, but…your ‘condition’ obviously prevents you from doing that.
- 🦡
>It’s a text post. The reply is simple, to the point.<
So what you’re saying is I’m going to die?!
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Well…are ya sure you want to know? It’s…it’s bad.
>it’s a text post!<
Please- you all are implying it’s bad-
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>it’s a text post<
It’s not good, isn’t it?
Oh god what is it cmon tell me-
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Oh fuck-
That…that looks like it could be bad-
>Its a text post<
Things just can’t go my way- can they? First I’m being stalked by a ‘institute’- next I’m having my eyes turn purple- maybe this is an anon I don’t know about-?
It’s gonna be okay- maybe this is just some weird side affect of my multiverse jumping-
But I feel so sick?? It’s not getting better??
Is it bad? Can someone tell me if it’s bad???
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Entry 4.
>It is a video, displaying Julie in another tent. She seems exhausted, and a bit out of it. She sits on her knees, hands brushing the hair out of her face. She looks at the camera.<
“ hey guys- sorry for no content- I haven’t been feeling good, so content may slow down. . . “
>She continues after a breath, leaning closer to the camera, before picking it up and zooming it on her eye. It’s mostly black, but there is an offset purple color in some spots.<
“ tell me im not going crazy- but there’s some purple in my eyes- is that normal? Anyone? “
>the camera lets out a quiet, ‘battery dead, shutting down’ sound.<
“ shit- “
>the camera cuts off<
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hello there, neighbor. You're hair is a pretty color. @:3
>It’s a text post<
‘ thank you! I dyed it myself! Not the best at it but I’m quite proud of it! “
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A traveler of worlds, a walker of planes. An explorer, a survivor, through fire and rain. Your tale, your story, is far from done. Look up at the skies, and smile at the sun.
- Sparkbird anon
>Its a text post<
… thank you for the reassurance, sparkbird. It’s hard to find things to smile at- and this made me smile a bit! :]
It sure is nice under the sun.
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They call themselves the Institute. As for what they want…we aren’t sure.
>it’s a text post!<
… the Institute?
Huh. Sounds bizzare. I’ll be on the lookout. Thank you all for the information-
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It’s a Frank :)
>its a text post!<
…. A frank. Huh. Makes sense- metal butterflies and all. Wish he’d stop- my life is as chaotic enough- I don’t want a stalker!
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I…think that I may know who it is.
>Its a text post<
You do? I’d love to know any hints- I’m honestly getting a little freaked out from all the stalking.
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Entry 3
>It’s a text post, which is strange since Julie usually has recorded videos up until this point. The text reads as follows;<
Hey guys! Sorry for no video or updates, things have been crazy lately! My conditions been flaring up and I’ve been jumping across the multiverse near constantly! It seems like things have calmed down though-! Thank gods!
Anyways, I’ve been noticing something strange lately… I think something is following me. These little strange butterflies, made of metal. I wouldn’t have really payed them no mind if they didn’t, follow me across the multiverse- to places they are out of place in!
They fly away if I look at them to long. I think they’re recording and taking pictures of me.
The issue is
Who is doing this?
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