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Dua Lipa and Paul Klein via Instagram Stories (18/08)
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Oh that really describes that bitch
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isn’t it true though.
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My favorite person on Earth
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Halsey on the red carpet at the Songwriters Hall of Fame Induction.
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I will forever love simple, domestic things let’s bake together, go grocery shopping, drive around, just spend time together
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My morning routine for increased productivity
This is what I do in the mornings to start my day off on a good note which helps me be more productive overall. This is what I do and it may not work for you, but I’d love to hear what you guys do! This is not what I do daily, but I do most days. Some days I have to be up at 6 and leave by 7 to go to work. I don’t do this on those days. I would probably die if I tried.
Wake up 6:30-7 whenever my brain decides it’s time. I don’t use alarms because I just can’t ever sleep in past 7:30 at the latest. Never really been able to.
Scroll through social media for a bit, go on Pinterest, you know just kind of chill out and fully wake up.
Crack my joints and stretch while in bed. I love stretching so much.
Do my bed excercises. 2 sets of 50 situps (I combine normal and reversed so my knees meet my chest in a boat position and I hold for a second or two), 50 leg lifts, 25 side leg lifts on each side (50 in total), plank for as long as I can (at one point I could plank for almost the whole GoT opening and I think that’s an accomplishment), plank pushups (idk what it’s really called but like you’re on your elbows then you go up on your hands and then back down), glut bridge things (25).
Floor excercises: pushups (as many as I can which is only like 5), burpees (for someone who hates pushups I love burpees idk why. Again I can only do like 5-10)
Shower and get dressed
Eat something that’s not total junk food
Feed my ferret and tell him goodmorning
Brush my teeth
Grab my ferret and come back upstairs to my bed and let him run around while I work on what I need to do for the day and try to get some reading and cleaning done.
Put some leave in conditioner in my hair (my hair is thin but it’s dry af and this humidity is killing me)
Comb my hair
Put on lotion, perfume, jewelry, etc that I want for the day
Put Ragnar back in his cage
Put on makeup and check my hair (hair is a big thing in my family ok)
Go upstairs, grab my phone, charger, earbuds, keys, backpack, computer, charger, and anything else I need for the day
Drive away
I don’t always do all these. Sometimes I skip the makeup and I can only shower every other day at the most due to skin issues that would be made a lot worse by showering and washing daily. Overall it takes me like 2-3 hours to do all of this, sometimes more so i only do it on days where I can take my time in the mornings. But overall it really sets me up for a great day and it helps a lot.
Share some of your daily routines so I can get some more ideas for my quick mornings please!
⚓Have a great day!!🦈
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You could be my poison, my cross, my razor blade..
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thoughts on being gay?
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*Women don't owe you shit*
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I’m The Boyfriend
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“Sing me to sleep And then leave me alone Don’t try to wake me in the morning ‘Cause I will be gone Don’t feel bad for me I want you to know Deep in the cell of my heart I will feel so glad to go”
— Asleep, The Smiths
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